Scarred Wolf PG-13 Version

By Baodune

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This will hopefully be the first book in a series The Legend of Baowolf. Now this story will not be about an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

133 6 0
By Baodune

A/N: As always please Vote, Comment, and Enjoy.

Chapter 2

I moan as I hit the ground. What the hell happened to me? Last thing I remember I was walking to my house then bam lights out. My head is throbbing damn it we are in danger focus growls my wolf. Eventhrough her growl I can feel her wince. Damn how hard where we hit if she's feeling it to.

I open my eye's all I can see is a blurry form kneeling over me. I let my wolf come forward to help me heal and to sharpen my other sense more. I drag air it to my nose Vampire!!! she growls an we know this one I think. My head is pounding but I must defend myself.

I raise my arms they feel leaden and are slow to respond. The vampire slap's my arms away. Damn this is not good really I though we where free and clear my wolf whines sarcastically at me.

His right hand caresses the left side of my face. I moan in pain as the side of my face screams in pain. But on the plus side it help's my eyes focus an I can see my captor. An kneeling over me is the vampire Charles. His cold blue eye's bore into me and they shinning with a frightening lust. That is so not a good thing right now.

Really ya think we need to either get away from him or rip his throat out she growls. Well you got any idea's smart ass cause I got nothing I hiss at her. Damn it got nothing either. We are weak as a new born pup right now. We're healing but head wounds take time. She whimpers to me.

We just need to hold on tell we can fight back. Then we will make the blood sucker pay dearly. She growls her agree meant.

He start's leaning down towards my face. I move my right arm up to try an block him. It moves faster but has little strength in it. He slaps it away again. Then pins it down above my head. He smashes his lips to mine his tongue snake's out from between his lips and slithers across my lips probing trying to slip into my mouth. I clap my teeth shut. A growl begins to vibrate in my chest. He pulls back ever so slightly.

“Playing hard to get still my pet. I will teach you to obey me. You will be on all fours beginning like the bitch in heat you are for me to give you more.” He sighs with a wicked smile on his face.

Some detached slutty part of my brain say's he's handsome and being like over nine hundred years old he has to be a great fuck. Ya if he wasn't the worlds biggest psychotic daddy's boy prick. Focus you slut if he cage's us we are dead. She growls at my inner slut. What I like a good roll in the hay, but she's right not with this undead prick if I can help it.

I snap back to whats happening to me out side of my head, damn head wounds. His hands slide down to the collar of my t-shirt. I can feel the talon of his pointer finger of his right hand on my breast bone. I look into his eye's. They are swirling with lust. Oh shit this is going to hurt.

He slices my my shirt open. Pressing down into my flesh as he goes. I gasp in pain as my wolf whimpers. I can feel blood pool in my cleavage.

He quickly swings a leg over me to straddle my legs placing his hands on either of my head. He has no fear of me attacking him the arrogant prick. A growl vibrates in my chest making sure he knows I've not given up yet. He lowers his head to the blood pooled between my breast's his tongue slithering across his lips. I hear this rhythmic thumping sound. Charles fly's off of me curling around his stomach he hits the ground rolling a few times.

I stare up at the man standing over me as he lower's his leg. From the kick he has just driven into Charles ribs. His eye's travel from my feet to my face.

His blue eye's are framed by black metal glasses. They blaze with an inner fire. When he see the left side of my face. His face twist's with rage.

My eye's flicker to Charles who is just beginning to uncurl for his ball. What is he a rogue no he's not a wolf HUMAN!!!! What that can't be. No human can do what he just did. He caught him off guard is all focus. Right if he can keep Charles busy long enough. We can get on are feet and into this fight. Then we can hold on tell help arrives. They must know we've been taken by now.

The human step's over me growling and advance's on Charles. Who is just now getting to his feet. He throws a right in to Charles ribs. My eye's go wide with shock as Charles bow's from the shot to the ribs. He throws a left right left to the body. Charles grunts from each impact. Are you sure he's human I ask my wolf. She's just as shocked as I am yes he's just human no additive's.

Charles hisses in rage. Having had enough grabs the human by the belt an shoulder. Lift's him up over his head an throws him back over me in the direction he came from. He hit's the ground with a grunt an rolls to a stop on his stomach. I think I hear a few bones break when he hits the ground.

Brianna can you hear me?” I jerk startled by the new voice in my head.

By the Goddess answer me damn it Rain answer me.

Oh thank the goddess Alex. You have to hurry some human male is keep Charles busy but he won't last long. An I've taken a nasty shot to the head. I don't know how much I can help him.

That fucking bastard. We are on are way Rain hold on.” I can feel his wolf growl through the pack link he must be really pissed off.

I hear a hiss of pain followed by a growl come from the human. I look at Charles his eye's have bled to black. His fangs have dropped and his talons sprout from the rest of his finger tips.

I check my waist for the long knives I carry but there gone. Shit. This is going to be old school hand to hand brawl. Growls my wolf. Wait he's not looking at me he's.

I turn my head to the human. He is on his hands and knee's an is staring right back at Charles with hate and rage in his blazing green eye's. Wait what his eye's were blue a minute ago right yes they where. What the hell is going on? I don't have a clue. My wolf answers me.

“Oh you have something extra to. Well YOU FREAKING MONSTER COME MEET THE BEAST.” He roar's as he gets to his feet and charging Charles.

We need to get into this fight now I yell at my wolf. She growls at me Your right. If we're going to survive we need to do something. We have to shift its going to hurt like hell but it will get us into the fight. Let's do it girl so we can show this bastard he messed with the wrong woman. An the shift begins with a scream that turns into a howl.

>>>>>>>>>>Will POV<<<<<<<<<<

I thunder up to them. I snap my leg forward into to the bastards gut's. He flies threw the air curling around his stomach. He hit's the ground on his side and rolls over a few times ending up on his stomach.

I look down at the girl. I scan over her quickly to see how bad she's hurt. My eye's reach her face and notice two thing's her hair is pure white an there's blood in it from a nasty cut that run's from her ear to half way down her cheek. The second thing I notice is that she has green eye's. The fire that has roar to life with in me blaze's even higher. My face twist's in a grimace of anger.

I step over her with a growl fist's clenching in rage my eye's boring into the fallen man. I stalk up to him. I reach him as he get's to his feet. I don't know how to fight. I've never really been in a school yard scuffle let alone a fist fight, but you watch enough boxing movies and some UFC fights you get a very loose and shaky idea of how to fight.

I throw a right hook in to his ribs, it feel's like I'm hitting a brick wall. He bows to the left with a grunt and a look of surprise flashes across his face. This asshole is tough can't let him get his balance. I fire my left then my right then my left again into his gut an I get a satisfying grunt of pain with each strike. His lips pulls back in a snarling hiss. Rage flaring in his eye as if how dare I hurt him.

His his hands flash out and grab me a split second later I'm up over his head I feel his muscle bunch as he throws me back over the girl. I hit the ground rolling ass over tea kettle. I feel several pops and pulls as I hit the ground.

Three things shock me after I stop rolling. One my glasses are still on my face. Two I'm still pointed in the direction of the fight. Three hissing in pain an growling in anger. I start getting to my hands and knee's as if by some primeval instinct I know this is no normal fight.

My anger is rising even higher. I didn't know that I was even capable of getting this angry. The beast is throwing it self at the bar's of it's cage begging to be released.

I lift up my head looking for the bastard. He's still standing right where through me from. He's standing there back hunch head thrust forward knee's bent hands out to his sides. What looks like claws or talons have sprouted for his finger tips.

What the hell. I look up at his face. It's as if the skin on his face has been pulled back making his face look gaunt. His lips have thinned and two fang's protrude down from under his upper lip. His eye are pools of utter darkness.

A primordial fear rise's up in me as I stare at him. I know without a doubt I will not live to see the sunrise. Despair reaches for me.

But maybe just maybe if I let go. If I let the beast out of the cage. She mite live. I open the door, the beast roars and spring's forward. My body becomes hot. With all of the suppressed emotions that the beast has been feasting on for the last two years.

I can feel my eye's color change. I feel no pain as adrenalin course's through me. A small evil smile forms on my lips.

I've never let the beast out like this before. it's freeing in a way to let go. I will use this darkness. To do at least one good thing before I die.

“Oh you have something extra to. Well YOU FREAKING MONSTER COME MEET THE BEAST.” I roar at him.

I surge to my feet an charge at him. His shock is so profound he freeze's for two seconds. Again he can't believe I would attack him. The bastard comes out of his shock and blur's fucking blur's toward me. The beast's rage control's my movements. Twenty feet from where the blur is I jump. Right arm cocked back. I fire my right forward and by some miracle I connect with his jaw. I just did a super man punch hell ya.

A scream of anguish that turns into a howl rips through the clearing. His head snaps to the left towards the scream. What in the hell was that. My right hand is throbbing in pain. From the impact with his face. His head stay's turned looking at the source of the screaming howl.

I fire off left's and right's into his body with his head still turn ignoring me. The beast roar's in rage at being ignore. My left fist shoot's out low driving into his nut's. This will get his attention back roar's the beast. My right fist is coming up in a perfect uppercut to his jaw as his head snaps back around eye's staring death and dismemberment. My throbbing right slam's in to his jaw.

I feel something give way in my hand. His talon-ed right hand slashes forward. The beast instinct save's me. Jumping back after the upper cut, but not fast enough. The talons score across my left shoulder. Blood start's running down my arm. His eye's flash with hunger at the sight of the blood.

In the next instance two things happen.

One: A half-man or should I say woman seeing as it has breast's. Half-wolf with white fur and green eye's rimed in gold. Pops up behind the bastard swing a thick tree limb the size of a small tree at the side of his head.

Two: His right leg snap's up into my cross arms. That have just cross over my chest. Hurling me backwards. I can't hear my left arm snap over the sound of the branch connecting with his head. Even with the beast in control I scream in pain. I feel something pull in my chest as well.

I slam into a tree. Head snapping back into the tree star explode in my eye's. The world tilts sideways for a second. I draw ragged shallow breaths. I try to take a deep breath an wheeze in pain. Fiery tendrils stab searing pain into my ribs. Blood runs down the left side of my face, scalp wound shit. Growling I focus back on the fight


The white wolf woman has scored two clean slashes across his chest. One more to the right side of his face. Four jagged wounds running from his temple to mouth. One of them just missing his right eye.

The vampire I guess that's what this thing is. Seeing as there's a damn werewolf going toe to toe with it. Has returned the favor with two slashes across the wolfs chest. Staining her fur red.

To say I'm in shock is an under statement. The beast on the other hand wants to charge right back into the fight. The head shot has put me back in the driver seat.

Where's the girl? With the vamp busy I can grab her and run. I scan the area an can't find her. Where in gods name did she go? Did she run while I was fighting the vamp?

I look back to the fight an do a double take. The wolf-woman is wearing shorts and a torn t-shirt. White fur glowing silver in the moonlight green eye's. Holy shit the wolf and the girl are one in the same. I've step into a damn monster movie. Great like my life wasn't messed up enough as it is.

The vamp swipes at her stomach. She suck's in her gut an bow's around the swipe, but it leaves her muzzle wide open. He slams a hook into the side of her head stunning her.

Everything in me roar's in anger. Now that I know that it is her. The beast slam's back in to the driver's seat an I let it without a fight. I charge forward all pain forgotten. He back hands her an as she stumbles backward I kick him in the back of his left knee with my left.

With two quick kidney shot's with my right. I felt something tear when I kicked downward on his knee. He whips around. I duck his out stretched right arm but his left hand comes in low and he drive's all five of his talons into my right side. His right comes down on my bloody left shoulder. I start diving my right in to his side right below his ribs over and over.

We hear the wolf snarl in anger. The vamp whips around taking me with using me as a shield. I slam my knee in to his ball's. Fire erupts in lines down my battered back. A panic whimper sounds form the wolf at my back. My head snaps back as I roar in pain. Growling I whip my head forward into the vamps nose. I can feel his nose break with a satisfying crunch.

He lets me go an stumbles backwards. I fall to my knee's wheezing in agony. I hold my left arm tight to my chest. Blood flows from five ragged holes in my right side.

The vamp glares daggers down at me his face covered in blood. He comes forward to finish me, but wolf girl steps up behind. They start trading blows over my head. Slashing and clawing each other. Wolf girl grabs him an they start to grapple.

Forgotten I punch him the nut's again. He hisses in pain. Wolf girls head dart's forward closing with a snap ripping the collar off his shirt. I start to hammer my right fist in to his inner thigh. The beast still rage's but not even it can bolster my failing strength. Spots dance in front of my eye's cause I can't get any air.

Howls trumpet through the forest like the horns of the Rohirrim coming to Gondor's aide. Wolf girl howls in answer. Fear and anger war across the vamp's face. The vamp throws the wolf girl away from him. He runs to the edge of the clearing.

He glares back at me as I stagger to my feet. I face the vamp daring him to come back. He lets out a hiss that comes out at me gargled from the blood running down his throat. The beast demands to answer his challenge.

I drag in a lung full of air into my searing lungs. I louse a bellowing roar that last's for long seconds. I could swear it turns in to a bit of a howl at the end. An I feel something else stir in me besides the beast. He turns and blurs off in to the forest.

I hunch over taking short wheezing breaths desperately trying to get my breath back. black spots dancing in front of my eye's the edges going gray. The danger passed I shove the beast back in to its cage an lock it tight.

Wolf girl steps up beside me blood mats her fur in over a dozen place's. Her eye's are all green now. She's panting from the fight. She is staring at me with concern in her large green wolf eye's. A half dozen huge wolf pound in to the clearing. I turn and face them.

“Please tell me they are with you.” she nods “Good.”

I can feel myself falling as my my world goes gray then black.

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