Poetry From Within

By Dragort

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A collection of poems made from within More

Poetry From Within

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By Dragort

The Sky

The clouds stretched out across the blue sky.

Which looked like the ocean that we admire and stare into.

Peaceful, as the clouds flow through it.

One would think its serine, calming.

The sun is starting to set , and all the colors have come out to play.

Pink , Orange and Red all dance around the sky, looking for a partner to dance with.

Making the sky more than just the average blue but a wonderful sight , admired by all of mankind.

The Darkness Lives

The darkness resides inside me.

Always trying to get out of the prison it's been trapped in.

Deep inside of me tucked away , out of sight.

But slowly this prision comes out of it hiding spot, with the darkness leaking out.

Spreading to all corners to which it can find.

It tries to take over and shove the light to the side.

But you shove it right back to where it comes from, but then everything changed.

You indorsed into its trap , now your out of control, it's taken over throwing the light from sight.

And all goes black you can't see or hear anything , desperately trying to take back the lights reign over the darkness.

But it fails and fails , but then, it finally works.

But when the light returns , everything was wrecked, ruined .

The friendships you worked so hard to make, maintain , and keep, now lay in graves that are planted at your feet.

The floor is flooded with the tears of your loved ones and the victims of you darkness's rage and reign.

In A Snap

Everything is normal.

Just a regular day.

Full of light and humor.

But in a snap , its over.

Everything turned black.

Bubbling , Boiling rage, quickly took over.

Crashing and bashing, it tries to keep going.

But then its quite.

Slowly the light returns.

But everything's a mess.

Everything is in ruins.

And it all happened , in just a snap.


It's time for me to say goodbye.

For all my feelings that i have for you.

Even though it might ruin what we have.

I know that i will miss you, but my life can't revolve around you.

I know that i might hurt you , but i'm only trying to protect you.

To protect you from this toxic life i live.

I know that you have always been there , when my hearts been raw and bare.

But it's time to say goodbye.

I am only trying to protect you from the toxic life i lead.


The purest of things either weithers or corrupts at my touch.

The trees, the grass even the flowers that grow up on the hill top.

The water turns from clear to a nightmare black, running as thick as molasses.

The people cry for they know i'm coming their way.

Crops wilt and livestock lay down to die, kissing the world of light goodbye.

For they well know i am coming their way.

I am the cause of multiple fights among people, i laugh as i watch them throw words and fists left and right.

For i am the evil and menacing thing that many not speak my name, i am corruption.

My Confession

I wish I could tell you face to face.

How I really feel.

But that would only get in the way.

I don't want to drive us apart.

Spending time with you makes my day shine!

You have the cutest laugh and the biggest smile.

I can only tell you the sum of it all.

I don't know if you feel the same way.

But as long as I tell you it never went unsaid.

The words I never say or tell anyone.

Have fallen and crumbled away.

Not being honest and keeping my emotions tucked inside.

This is it, this is my confession.

I can't hide it... any more.

My chest is getting ripped apart.

With the feelings,words and thoughts.

My mind is wondering in the land of the never happening.

No more... no more this is me, this is what I've come to say.

Now I'm here to stay, no more covers or pretending.

This is how I feel and think but now it's all with you .

You know how I feel.

You know where I stand.

I stand for you.

I can't hide it anymore.

My chest is getting ripped apart.

With the feelings,words and thoughts.

My mind is wondering in the land of the never happening.

No more...this is me, this is what I've come to say.

I love you.

The Waters Beauty

The sunlight sparkled across the waters smooth surface.

Making the water seem magical.

As if a wizard weaved his magic into every particle.

Slowly the water moves, offering a clear image of the bed below.

The fish and the plant life below swim and sway against the waters current.

Making it look as though they are dancing , showing off just because you have arrived.

Of course this view never gets old, because it will always support life and beauty.

One beauty that will never be taken by mans hand.

Was Mine

I thought my soul was complete, that my other part had come to me.

But then it happened, slices and gashes left in my heart.

It was left wounded, ripped and shredded.

Crying , laying down and days of fasting kicks in.

Crippling you as if a limb was cut off , never to return.

Scaring was all i had to show.

For my heart would never heal from what i lost.

Forever i will never be what i used to be but instead a poor substitute.

Living life as it comes but not to the fullest, not to what it should be.

But rather a life fit for someone who wishes to have never fallen in love at all.

But to have never been born with the emotion the world calls love.

For love will always be the most dangerous weapon known to man.

The Devil's Land

The wind blew the leaves.

The leaves which had fallen from the tree.

The tree in which withered by thy touch.

The land which used to be blooming with vegetation is now without life.

The soil which was brown is now gray.

The sky is covered with black clouds and orange lightning

All light is a crimson red.

And the smell is one of death , and rotting corpses.

And demons pop around every corner, every pocket.

This is a land man would not willingly travel.

It's the path in which only the wicked are banished to.

This is the only place one can really call the devil's land.

This place is called ... hell.

A Flowers Day

The flowers petals open.

They open to the warmth of the sun.

Red,purple,blue, even yellow.

All awaken to show themselves to the outside world.

Absorbing all the sun's rays.

With the buzzing of wings a bee appears.

Quickly it does its work, then flies away to seek it's next stop.

Eventually the sun's warm rays start to disappear.

And the world all around started to darken.

Now was the time, slowly and gracefully, the petals closed.

Cutting off the flower to the outside world.


The earth shook.

The ground split in half, sputting lava from the inner chamber.

Swallowing anything that dares to venture into its path.

It spreads quickly with a deadly agenda.

All civilization flew to theirs cars, buses to escape its burning fury.

Then it settles down and all that's left is black and grey, the sign of death.

But soon from the ashes a new a new world has started to develop.

Starting with a simple sapling trying to see the light of day.

The Tornado

The sky sobbed out all it's tears.

Flooding and streets and soil below.

Its cry came loudly to the ears of those who dare to listen.

The sickening colors, of green,red, and orange glowed from above.

Then the wrath of the sky came.

Opening up the sky and ground met.

Pure destruction swept across the earth.

Nothing survived the contact.

The contact with the spinning cone of fury.

The fury known to man as the tornado.

The Kidnapping

Sneaking passed the alarms, the triggers.

Moving silently to his destination.

The single window left just ajar, simply by accident.

With a quick push the windows wide open.

Now the identification hider is put on, often called a ski mask.

Now it's time to go , its game time.

Silent like a predator sneaking up on its prey, slipped through the window.

As if he himself were the shadow.

Finding the room he was looking for layed a child.

Precious it looked so peacefully as it slept.

Quickly seeing his gap he scooped up the child.

And as fast as he was there, he was gone again.

Morning came to an empty room.

To be filled by the tears of a mother in pain.

Not by a physical injury but to an emotional injury.

The loss of her sweet baby boy right from under her nose.

The Instincts

Blood dripped from the knuckles.

The knuckles colliding with the jaw, nose, and mouth of the other man.

Leaving him helpless, unconscious, vulnerable.

Wanting to keep beating and beating even though you have already won.

It's the instincts pulling at you begging for you to listen.

But the only sole reason you don't is that for the fear that you would lose yourself.


Alone i stand on a hilltop.

Staring across the field.

Or up into the sky.

I stand sturdy, but alone.

Through hurricanes and the worst thunderstorms.

But here i remain alone.

No one dares to climb my hill top.

Even when i offer to help them up.

So here i stand alone.


Red teeth and bad scars.

Hurt feelings and drowned souls.

Drowned in the tears poured from the faces of friends and loved ones.

Words spilled against the shields of the minds protection

Doors of friendship slammed shut, closed forever.

Slowly the world begins to fall apart.

Crumble, fall away, till it's nothing but rubble.

The only thing left is a battlefield.

The battlefield of the soul.

Heart Broken

As your heart pounds in your chest, you feel the broken part inside.

Your love no longer returned as it once used to be.

Could it be the distance?

Or just the people?

Thoughts of how it used to be and how it could have been pass through your head every moment.

Knowing she could have been yours.

Driven crazy by heartache, and pain.

Your not the same as you used to be .

You don't feel, or want to feel, what you thought you once had.

The Darkness

The darkness lives inside me.

Always trying to spread, take control.

But i push it back, keep it contained in its cage.

The lock tightened and pressed shut.

With the key in my hand, i leave it there.

Thrashing and bashing, pushing the bars of its cage.

If the darkness should get out, my world would turn black.

And all trace of light except for a single flame would disappear.

That flame has the hope to fight the darkness, and my world would return.

Only to find it a mess, a tragedy, hurt feelings, grudges, and peoples tears flooding the floor.

Making it seem as if the darkness was a better place.

Then to see what has happened to the world of light.


Power within your grasp.

You take it not knowing the consequences.

Confidence quickly taken down by the doubt growing within your mind.

It's like a seed, sprouting its roots to every part of your mind.

Now it's stuck, planted deep, sucking up all common sense and confidence that comes.

Bringing the group and all that's under you down.

To a screeching halt.

As panic fills the air, nothing is left to say or do.

You fall, fall off a cliff so high, you never recover.


Sadness leaking over like a flood.

Over the mind, over the soul.

Happiness is blocked out, as if a barrier was placed over the soul.

Only allowing for what's in it to stay, remain.

Thunderstorms and hurricanes rage, as you sit there controlled, taken.

Taken by the sadness you feel inside.

You feel as if you were to never feel happy again.

But remember, there's nothing to feel happy for.

The Sunrise

The light pours out, touching everything in its path.

Waking up each and every flower, saying good morning.

Morning dew slid down each and every pedal.

Orange, and red, sometimes pink, dance across the sky looking for a partner.

With clouds slightly scattered.

The ones that make marshmallows look hard.

The sun smiles finishing its daily task.

Saying good morning.


The trees sway as the breeze blew through their branches.

Each leaf slowly turning the color it was grown to be.

Trees turn into a bouquet of leaves as beautiful as flowers.

Eventually they begin to fall, fall slowly through the air.

Coming to a soft fall, where they can sleep and rest.

After their journey from high to low.

The ground covered in a blanket of colors, and the trees now look bare.

But wait till next time, they will bloom again.


Freezing cold came, now all heat was gone.

Water falls from the sky but quickly turns into fluffy snowflakes.

The snowflakes stack, and stack, eventually making a mound.

The mound in which all the boys and girls jump into while yelling weeee!

The time christmas comes and schools give vacations and snow days.

The children jump for joy as their favorite time of the year arrives, winter!


Her smile lights up the whole world keeping it warm.

When she laughs you can't help but to go ahead and laugh along with her.

Her eyes, those blue eyes remind me of the stars.

As if they had fallen from the sky just to form them.

Whenever she hugs me, i know i'm safe and everything's gonna be ok.

I only wish she could see herself as i see her.

The Storm

Wind whipped against the buildings , the people.

The sky turned from blue to a dark gray.

Then bolts of light flew from the sky looking for its next target.

Sounds as loud as explosions rung throughout the sky creating the sound of war.

The war raging between the ground and the sky.

Drops of water fell, hitting the ground to weaken its defense against the sky.

The product? puddles formed, water levels rose.

Flooding has started, taking belongings with it down the street, down the river.

As it continue every only talks about the storm.

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