
HabeebBabatunde द्वारा

26 1 0

after wasting her time being with the wrong person she finally marry a guy she didn't like for once as she ha... अधिक


26 1 0
HabeebBabatunde द्वारा

Author:babatunde habeeb olayinka



"Wait ooh, are you trying to tell me Dara hasn't said anything about the disagreement you had last week? " Desola asked with her hands akimbo and her lips pressing against each other. She was sitting on a sofa in the well furnished sitting room of her childhood friend Olamide and suddenly charged up when Mide mentioned something about Dara, Mide's fiance of 2years.

"oh-oh-oh" Mide groaned, "Just sit down Desola, is that why you now got up like you just heard Osama Bin Laden is dead" She said sarcastically, then continued.
"Listen Desola, I've known Dara for over 2 years and our relationship is going to 2 years now and I know he's not gonna apologise 'cause he sees nothing wrong with it".
"He see's nothing wrong in going against you reading a spiritual book? Wait Mide, are you supporting him? " asked Desola with an unbelievable tone.
"of course not, that was what led to our disagreement 'cause we started arguing. He said the Bible is the only spiritual book he supports and that people who writes are online doing it for money, so he can't waste his money and time reading it. I got so angry to the extent that I asked him to shut up" Mide said, with anger written all over her face.
"Hmmm..." Desola sighed
"Well, I know he will come back to his senses after marriage though"
"Are you sure?" Desola asked with a warning tone.
"Why that tone ehn! Desola?" she asked offensively
"I thought you said he's a Christian"
"Of course he is. He's a member of the choir in his church and from a good Christian family too. You know he jokes alot, I'm sure he didn't mean all he said last week"
"and how about this issue of him not asking of you just because of the disagreement
"You know men na Desola. They respect their ego more"
"hmmm..." Desola sighed heavily "I want to ask you something Mide"
"okay, go on" replied Mide as she listened with rapt attention. She had finished the pineapple juice she was taking and had a refill inside her cup.
"Are you sure you have thought this through? Hmmm..." Desola asked with a very concerned look.
"aha! Desola how could you be asking me this? I've been with this guy for close to 2 years now. I just can't afford to throw all that away. It's not even possible ni! Arghh! I'd rather endure anything he does now with faith that he will change" Mide replied confidently.
"Hmmm... okay o, if you say so" Desola replied as she shrugged her shoulders and continued sipping her juice.

Olamide Martins is a promising, beautiful and a very attractive lady. She has a very good job, a car and an apartment of her own. To the world, she's living a very perfect life. She is a medical doctor by profession and spent all her youthful years in school. She never had a substantial time for relationships throughout her years in school. She's her Father's favourite because she's the only one among her 3 other siblings who chose to go in the medical line like her Dad. She has always been a strong-willed child, just like her Dad. Apart from the fact that her physical features are the same with her Mum's, it's so difficult to say she's the child of her Mother because character-wise, they are poles apart. This is also one of the reasons her father loved her so much because she resembles her mother to a fault. Tall, Light-skinned, Plumpy and very beautiful.

Just like nobody's perfect, Olamide is the only unmarried child of her parent. Even her kid sister is married with one child and based in the United States with her husband. This has been the major point of discussion between her and her Mum anytime she goes to visit.
This has prompted Olamide to make sure she gets married before the end of the year.

She met Dara at a church program she was invited to, organised for youths and young adults. The guest minister, a great woman of God made a joke about Church Brothers opening their eyes and seeing the sisters around. Dara, like the other brothers did the same and saw Mide, he couldn't get his eyes off her right from that moment, he only managed to when Mide started feeling uncomfortable. He went to meet her after the program and they talked for a while before they exchanged phone numbers. They later became good friends and when Dara came 6 months later, telling her he's convinced she's his wife, she couldn't afford to say No. Dara is just her type of man, focused, a child of God, tall, dark and handsome. They've been courting for almost 2 years now and Mide had never seen any reason why Dara can't be her husband. Mide actually wanted the wedding to commence as early as possible but Dara kept on giving reasons why it can't be.
"But why Dara? Why can't we go on with this wedding, we've finished the church marriage counseling. Why can't we go on?" Mide asked him one Sunday evening. They had just come back from an outing and Dara had come to drop her at her place and seeing her off to her door.
"Let's not rush things Olamide. I still need some time to prepare where we will be living after this wedding" he replied, putting his two hands on her shoulders.
"But we both have a job. I believe we should prepare together and not just you alone" Mide objected, removing his hands on her shoulder.
"Listen I'm a man okay? And I do things my way. Besides i'd soon be your head so let me be the one providing and not the other way round" Dara replied authoritatively.
"I'm not saying i'd do it alone. I just want to help y.......
"Just shut up Mide!" snapped Dara. "in fact good night" said Dara as he pecked her (just to fulfil all righteousness) and left.


Mide called Dara a day after he stomped out of her compound in a rage. She suddenly felt so bad for trying to push him into the marriage. According to her, that's been cheap so she made up with him and things went back to normal as usual.
Two weeks later, Mide was home enjoying her 2 days leave which happens to fall on a weekend. She was reading a book written by William L. Coleman titled 'Before the ring', a friend in church had given it to her a month before and she had never had time to really sit and read the book. She promised to start and finish the book during her leave.
She was just in the first chapter of the book when Dara walked into her house with a captivating smile.
"Dara??!" she exclaimed. She wasn't expecting him nor anyone. In fact, Dara didn't knock, he walked into the house like he's the sole owner. She couldn't help but wonder what the smile was all about.
"Yeah, it's me!" Dara replied, still smiling. "You are the true daughter of your father" he said, sitting down with his legs crossed.
"I don't understand"
"Well, i wanted to surprise you at your work place but i was told you are on leave when i got there, you know i was hoping to find someone with you, because i didn't understand why you wouldn't tell me if you ain't planning to be with someone else but my mind kept telling me i could count on you" he explained confidently, not taking note of the expression on Mide's face.
"So now, you are tracking me?" she asked
"Call it whatever you like. Anyway, its good you are even alone because i wouldn't have taken it lightly with you had it been i found someone here" he replied unapologetic.
"Anyway, I'm surprised to see you" she said, waving off his sense of insecurity. Mide actually love it when her man is feeling a sense of ownership but Dara is doing it to a fault. Nevertheless, it's still manageable. "He will change after i become his wife" she always say.
"So what have you come to do?" she finally asked, as she brought him a pack of pineapple juice and a glass cup. She served him and sat down on a cushion chair opposite him.
"You are asking what i, your fiance has come to do in your house? Is there someone you are hiding?" he asked frankly and trying to look around like he's looking for something.
"Dara, are you okay? How can you ask such a question?" Mide asked, looking so surprised he could ask such a question from him. She had always known him to be the jealous type.
"Well, if indeed there's nobody you are hiding. Go inside and change, i want to take you out" he ordered as he took his cup of juice to sip.
"oops! Dara, not today" Mide said, frowning. She knew she was really in it for a hot moment today. Dara never likes it when she goes against him in any issue.
"you mean?" he asked firmly, like he didn't hear her the first time.
"Listen Dara, i planned spending all of my leave at home" she said calmly. If there's one thing Dara hates, it's her screaming at him.
"At home doing what???!" he yelled. His cup was back on the small stool he took it from now.
"Reading, Cleaning, Washing and getting enough rest before i resume back next week. You know it's been a while I've been pressing for this leave" she explained, not trying to sound rude.
"Mide, you mean you'd sacrifice my happiness for all these petty things you just mentioned?" he asked with his eyes fully enlarged, like his entire life totally depends on Mide going out with him that day.
"Since when did your happiness has to do with me going out with you?" Mide asked curiously.
Dara didn't answer her a word. He paused for a while like he's trying to digest what she has just said. He noticed he was going too far. He really loved Mide and won't want to scare her off, now they are at the verge of getting married.
"You said you are gonna be reading. All the 7 yrs you spent at school wasn't enough for you to read abi" he asked rhetorically, but still with an authoritative tone.
"Listen Dara, I'm not ready for a fight this morning because it's like that's what we do lately, If you'd notice when you came in, i was reading a book" she replied, sounding as polite as possible. She's not as gentle as that and Dara knows but she knows how being submissive could be a key to win a man's heart.
"ehn ehn" he sized her up with his big inviting eyes then looked all around the room searching for the book she mentioned. He found it, opened it and scanned through the pages before finally closing, then he flung it back to the chair and hissed.
"is this the book you've been wasting your time reading" he asked mockingly
"What do you mean wasting my time"
"Well, i don't believe in all of these books people say they carry up and down in the name of reading. I believe the people writing them are only doing it for money. Bible is the only authentic spiritual book" he declared. "Thank God he even believes in the Bible" thought Mide
"i know, Dara and that's why the Bible is always their reference, their starting and ending point" argued Mide
"Oh please Ola. I don't care. Any other book called spiritual book apart from the Bible is fake to me. I don't care who the writer is"
Mide couldn't believe Dara just said that. She has always seen him as a very strong Christian who takes spiritual books seriously. She couldn't believe she had known him for over 2 years and has never known this about him. She finally replied after taking some time to overcome her shock.
"So in other words, the messages we listen to from great men of God are fake cause these people practically write what they preach" she said in defence.
"If that's the case, why are they selling them? I believe spirituality should be a free gift and not by buying books that won't even have a positive effect on me" Dara said undauntedly then he continued, "Listen Mide, i really do not feel comfortable seeing you read all this meaningless books. You know they really have a way of manipulating someone's mind, like this one you said you are reading now" he picks up the book from where he flung it to.
"before the ring: questions worth asking', what's the author's concern with all of that? I'm sure some people will read this book now and go break up with their partner simply because he or she isn't fit for them according to the book, in fact the thought of you wasting your money on this worthless book is arrrrrg" he said, demonstrating him feeling irritated.
Mide was just looking at him with contempt all the while Dara was talking. She was seeing an entirely new side of him.
"Shut up Dara! Just shut up!" she yelled at him when she couldn't take it any longer.


"How dare you yell at me Ola? How dare you? " Dara charged at her with his full self
"And again i say shut up! I'm so disappointed hearing all of these nonsense from you Darasimi. A whole child of God!" she said boldly, not minding his present state of mind. Now she is acting like the original Olamide Martins, the lady who can look any guy in the face and say anything to him.
"Nonsense? You call all i said nonsense? Ehn Olamide, okay no problem" he said angrily as he walked out of her house.
It's been a week Mide heard anything from Dara. She decided not to call nor ask for him, maybe he will come back to his senses with that.
Desola, Mide's best friend saw no reason why Mide should still be in that relationship not after she told her about their previous disagreement but as usual Mide is ready to overlook it.
"I'm getting outdated, don't you get it?" Mide replied after Desola asked if she had really thought it through concerning Dara.
"That's not the point Olamide. The point is, it he really God's plan for your life? I won't want you to get blinded by your quench for a married life that you overlook some very important things" advised Desola.
"I've heard enough Desola. Can we continue playing our ludo now?" Mide said, feeling tired of the conversation already. Her friend is a complete sanguine, she talks a lot. Mide really enjoys her company because she tells her a lot of gists and Desola being a professional journalist always has something to say all the time but this time around Mide is so tired of her trying to talk her out of her relationship with Dara
"Hurrrr, now you want to continue abi after I've beaten you twice in a roll" mocked Desola.
"Let me worry about that abeg" Mide replied as they both laughed.


It's been 2 weeks and Dara still refused to call nor come to see Mide. Finally, she couldn't take it any longer and besides she wouldn't want to be seen as a stubborn wife. Hmmmm, her Mum really taught her well.
She decided to call him one evening after she came back from work. She dialed his number and after ringing for a while, he picked it.
"Hello Dara, how are you?" she said after he picked it up.
"Hello, I'm fine thanks" he replied coldly.
"So you just decided to keep your distance because of that disagreement we had abi" Mide said, feeling offended.
"Who told you I kept my distance? I've just been busy, that's it. Had a lot to do in the office" he replied undauntedly then continued, "did you call me just to ask that?"
Mide felt so bad after hearing Dara say that. She couldn't believe she has been keeping malice with someone that didn't even have her time. What else could be as disappointing as that?
It's true Dara is very focused to a fault. He doesn't pick calls when at work, he believes it just doesn't make sense for someone to disturb someone else at work, so Mide dare not call him when he's at work, she'd rather send him a message.
"oooh Dara, I'm so sorry" she apologized almost immediately.
"For what?" he asked frankly
"For not checking up on you for 2 weeks" she replied
"That's your business, not mine" he replied and ended the call abruptly.
"He ended my call abruptly yesterday night. It shows he's still angry at me" Mide sulked the following afternoon.
"WHAT?! You called him? Mide!" Desola exclaimed.
"He didn't even know I was angry at him. What a fool I was!" She said, not minding Desola's earlier expression.
"Now I know you need prayers" Desola said with a very disgusting look. "Anyway, I bumped into Samuel at the bank yesterday" She continued after pausing for a while.
"Which Samuel?" Mide asked curiously.
"Samuel Akindele, our former choir director"
"Oooh Sammy! Oh, he's back from Australia? I heard he went there for his Masters Program"
"Yes he's back and he even asked of you. He took your number anyway" Desola said
"Ooooh okay" she replied undauntedly
"Well, maybe he will be the one to deliver you from this 'Dara Madness" Desola said jokingly
"What the hell do you mean Desola?" Asked Mide, as anger rose up within her.
"I'm just praying God hasn't given him another sister" she continued, not minding Mide's anger.
"So you think i'd go back to him if he hasn't? I've always told you Desola, Sammy is not my type"
"Just because he can become a Pastor in future?"
"That's by the way. He's too spiritual for my liking, haba! Too boring, doesn't even dress well, arrrrg!!!!!!! O my!!!! and besides I don't have any plans of becoming a Pastor's wife" Mide replied, feeling so irritated with the whole stuff.
"So you'd rather settle for a less spiritual person like Dara abi" Desola queried
"Yeah, at least he's not an unbeliever so I'm still within God's range of our choice in a life partner" Mide replied
"Hmmmmm, Olamide! I just hope for your sake you are doing the right thing"


Samuel Akindele, a fervent and true child of God used to be the choir director of the church Mide and Desola attend before he gained a scholarship to go to Australia for his Masters Program. He's from a poor background and had been left fending for himself since he gained admission into the University. Sammy, as often called by Olamide and some few others had felt a strong urge to pray about Mide. He had gone with full conviction to meet Mide but she turned him down blatantly. He didn't push him further with the mind that she's not God's perfect will for him.
"Good afternoon Mide" he greeted Mide after service the following Sunday.
"Oh Afternoon Sammy" Mide replied with a smile.
"Longtime! You are still looking as beautiful as ever" Samuel complimented.
"Oh Thanks Sammy, you ain't looking bad yourself" replied Mide graciously.
Desola met them both talking and exchanged pleasantries with Samuel.
"Talk to you later Mide" Samuel said, after joking and talking with the two ladies.
"Yea sure. Take care and bye" Mide replied
"Bye Samuel" Desola bade him bye as she and Mide walked to where the car was parked.
"Bye ladies" said Samuel as he went back into the church.
"I can see you guys are really getting along well" teased Desola in the car, on their way home. Mide smiled, then she suddenly starts laughing.
"What's funny now?" asked Desola
"You know Desola, I never knew someone can travel out for over 2 years and still come back looking the same" Mide said while still laughing.
"So that thing about him not looking bad was actually fake?"
"More than fake gan sef. It's a big lie. I just told him that so he won't say I'm heartless by not returning the compliment" Mide said, still laughing though. "Chai! Sammy no go kill person for that church"
"Aaaah!!!! Olamide, May God forgive you oh" said Desola trying to keep herself from not laughing but she burst out in laughter when she couldn't hold it any longer. The both of them laughed over Samuel for a while describing his lack of dress sense and tidiness.
Samuel called Mide just as he promised to and requested an audience with her. Mide guessed he wants to persuade her into going into a relationship with him so she hid under the umbrella of her busy schedule and kept on postponing till he forgets all about it.
"So in short, all you are saying now is that I can't see you this weekend" Samuel asked her over the phone after she had narrated and explained why and how they can't meet that weekend. She's quite a talkative with style.
"Exactly Sammy, I'm sorry. You know how things can get tied up at work and I'm on call from tomorrow evening till Saturday afternoon" She explained further.
"Hmmmm okay" Samuel replied as he sighed.
"But can't we discuss over the phone?. I can do the calling if you are thinking about the call rate." She continued. She knows Samuel is from quite a poor background and despite being a Masters holder, there's nothing much to show for it. As far as she is concerned, he can never be her type when talking of social status, dress sense, family background and spirituality. "He's too spiritual and you can see it all over him like being a Christian also includes not knowing how to carry yourself" She always say.
"Ooooh" Samuel smiled, then continued "Olamide, I can afford it if I want to discuss it over the phone" he cleared up the atmosphere of pity Mide was bringing up.
"The issue is just something I prefer talking to you one on one with" he continued
"oooh, it's okay" she replied, knowing fully well what the issue is.
"So what do you say? " he pressed further.
"I'd see what I can do about it" she replied nonchalantly.
"alright thanks, bye" he replied as he dropped the call.
"But why don't you want to see this guy" Desola queried, she had been listening to the conversation all along.
"I know what he wants to say jare. What's the point?"
"So?" said Desola, raising up an eyebrow
"So I don't want to see him. Finish!"
"So why don't you just tell him that and free the young man"
"Aha! Am I holding him in bondage before?" asked Mide proving innocent.
"You told him you'd see what you can do"
"ehn ehn. How does that amount to holding him in bondage? See Desola, I don't have his time."
"Whatever oo" Desola said as she continued watching a program on TV. Mide's phone rang afterwards and with the look of things, it's Dara.
"How are you?" he said at the other end of the phone after Mide picked.
"I'm fine dear, how about you?" Mide replied after signaling to Desola to reduce the volume of the TV.
"I'm fine, thanks" he paused after replying, then continued. "What are you doing presently?" he asked authoritatively.
"I'm at home. Just got back from the hospital like 2 hours ago. Desola is here keeping me company. She just finished from work too" she replied.
"Okay, i'd be in your house in the next 30minutes if the traffic isn't much. Get ready, we are going out" he said
"Oooooh" Mide replied. She really didn't feel like going out. She had been working since the day before and just got home. All she wanted to do is sleep but since she and Dara hasn't been on good terms of late. She needs to do everything to get back on his good book.
"Alright, I've heard you" she was about ending the call when she suddenly remembered something.
"Hello! Dara! Hello!" she said repeatedly thinking he has ended the call.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the other day"
"it's okay" he said as he ended the call
Mide looked at her friend since she had been staring at her for quite a while.
"Desola, please don't start" she said as she got up from the chair she was sitting earlier on and went to her room to get ready for Dara.


A BMW C3 car manoeuvred at the front of a big duplex in one of the exclusive areas of Lagos. The driver hooted and a young man was seen peeping through a small hole in the gate. He recognized the car and quickly went to open the gate.
"Ah Oga!" he hailed in his Hausa tone.
"How are you Musa?" Dara replied with a smile as he drove into the compound. He stopped the car and looked beside him to see the confused look on Mide's face.
"Why is your face like this?" he asked like he doesn't know the reason.
"Dara, where are we? I've been asking you since we left my place where we are going. You refused to answer me" she replied with a straight face.
It's not as if she was really happy going out with him anyway.
"Just calm down Ola" he said with a smile, showing off his gap teeth. It's been a quite a while Mide saw him smile. His smile has a way of making her heart melt. "oh my god!, not that captivating smile again" she thought.
That smile alone is enough to make any anger go down.
"This is the house of the couple who brought up the man that makes your heart go kedike" he said as he smiled again proudly.
"What?! Your parents' house? I can't believe this" exclaimed Mide annoyingly.
If there's one thing Mide hates, it's dressing wrongly for an occasion and so she hates surprises that come in that way. Dara didn't mention a word about where he is taking her to and she got into the problem of knowing what to wear.
"Of course it is. Now get down and let's go inside" he said, without minding the expression on Mide's face.
"Dara, you know i hate surprises like this. How do you expect me to go before your Mum looking as casual as this, like I'm just a school girlfriend" she blotted out angrily.
She was putting on a yellow polo top on a black jean with yellow sandals with a black bag to match. She had always dreamt of the day she'd go visit Dara's family but she never hoped it'd be like this especially dressing so casually.
"What's wrong with the way you are dressed?" Dara asked, looking at her from head to toe. They were still inside the car.
"Oh, please Dara. I don't like this at all and you know it"
"Listen Mide, we are going in now, I'm tired of this your endless nagging" he said as he got down from the car and went to the other side to open for her. He has always been romantic and that's one of the things Mide loved about him. He opened for her and Mide reluctantly got down from the car.
"You don't want to go into your 'would-be-inlaw's house with that face" he said then he added, "besides, you are looking stunning and so beautiful" he complimented her as he held her hand and they both walked into the house.


Dara's family especially his dad welcomed him with open arms. Mide has never felt so much love from a family she's meeting for the first time. She got into the house feeling so uncomfortable as she kept on checking herself but she later got entangled in the conversation she started with Dara's Dad. He's also a Doctor, a surgeon to be precise, so he and Mide had a lot of things to discuss. Mide could already see herself as Mrs Olabanjo already and so also for the fact that her Dad will get along well with Dara's Dad since they are also both in the same field of work.
Dara's Mum too grew fond of Mide especially with her simple and casual way of dressing.
"You are so beautiful my dear" she said to her, smiling
"Thank you ma" Mide replied with a smile.
Mide spent the rest of her day with Dara's family. They got up to start leaving after Mide had tried all she could to send a lot of signals to Dara so they'd start going. She left Desola in her house thinking she and Dara was going for a normal date like they used to. Desola has been calling and sending her a lot of messages telling her she wants to start going home and since she can't leave with Mide's house keys, she had to wait till they come back.
Mide explained to Dara when she had the chance to and Dara assured her they will soon leave. That was 2 hours ago and with the look of things, Dara doesn't look like someone who would leave soon. Besides Dara didn't mention anything about them sleeping over.
"Or is that also part of the surprise?" she thought, then instantly waved it off. She'd never sleep in her would-be-inlaw's house for the first time she's coming to visit them. She and Dara live and work within Lagos so there's no excuse.
A part of Mide is actually happy Dara brought her to visit his parents. It's a sign that their wedding is around the corner and she wouldn't want to spoil his mood now that they are finally on good terms but she couldn't help but consider her friend. And as a journalist, she would have to be at work very early the following morning.
Dara got up when he couldn't take Mide's nagging anymore. She later subjected to sending him private messages whenever his parents or siblings are around.
"We'd love to leave now Mum" he said, getting up
"Yes ma and we promise to come visit soon" Mide added as she also got up, smiling.
"Alright my dear" his Mum replied with a smile.
The whole family saw them off to the car and Dara drove off.
Desola was already tired of waiting for Mide and so she sat down outside. It's already some minutes to 10pm when Dara drove into the compound. He and Mide didn't exactly have an exciting conversation on their way back. In fact Mide could sense something was wrong but she didn't have an idea what it could be. She apologized to Desola immediately she got out of Dara's car.
"Desola, I'm deeply sorry for keeping you waiting" apologized Mide
"Hurrrr it's okay. That's my punishment for not wanting to stand up from watching TV. I'd have gone home when you were going the other time but i didn't want to miss a part of that program" Desola replied, putting the blame on herself childishly. Mide laughed and was still laughing when Dara got out of the car.
"We are sorry Desola" he apologized
"It's okay Dara, by the way how was the outing?" she asked, smiling
"I'd give you the full gist when i see you tomorrow" Mide replied, giving her a wink.
"okay oooh. See tomorrow then" she replied as she walked towards her car.
"bye" Dara and Mide said
"Goodnight" Desola bade them as entered her car and drove out of the compound.
Dara entered the house angrily immediately Desola drove off. Mide doesn't know what's wrong and hoped to find out so she followed him.
"Dara, what's wrong with you?" she asked immediately she got inside. He was already sitting on the sofa by the time she came in. He got up in a rage..........


"How dare you ask me such a question Mide" Dara blotted out angrily.
"Jesus Christ! Dara! What on earth have I done again? Mide asked. She knew Dara is angry over something meaningless again so she sat down. She's still carrying the stress of working over night.
"Mide, I'm talking to you and you are sitting down?" Dara asked authoritatively with a mischievous smile.
"so I should hang on the ceiling right?" replied Mide being sarcastic. She has really had enough and she's ready for Dara's ranting so she needs enough strength.
"Ehn ehn, so you now talk back at me right? Ola!"
Mide refused to reply him. Anybody sensitive would know she's talking out of her reserved strength. She's really worn out, even Dara's Mum noticed and asked her if she was okay.
"Listen Dara, if you are not ready to tell me what's wrong then we can always discuss it later. Right now, all I wanna do is sleep" she replied.
"How could you be so impatient to the extent that you forced me out of my Parents house just because you want to come meet your useless friend?" He blotted out.
The whole sentence seemed like someone poured hot water on Mide. She didn't know where the strength to talk to Dara came from. She jumped on her feet out on anger.
"Dara, how dare you refer to my friend as useless? Who are you for crying out loud?" she raged loudly
"Who am i?" he asked rhetorically. "Mide, did you just ask who am I?" he said, then smiled mischievously.
"and speaking of your parents house, how could you say I forced you out of there? Haven't they been your parent before you met me?"
"Just shut up Mide. You have just proved to me that you are not worth been called a Mrs. Cause if you worth it, you wouldn't choose a friend over your future family" he continued.
They were both standing up and blotting out angrily.
"No! You should shut up Dara. I have really had enough of your bossy attitude. I thought you were better than this. First of all, you took me to your parents house without telling me earlier and........
"Oh, was that why you couldn't even treat my sister well? Because I didn't tell you earlier? I saw the way you responded to her greetings, like you hate her" Dara said, cutting in
"Yes!, and that's because of your insensitivity. I told you I've been working all night and yet you chose today of all days to take me to them. How else do you expect me to greet your spoilt sister who couldn't even greet. Can you even remember I greeted her first?" Mide blotted out angrily
"How dare you call my sister spoilt Mide? "
"and how dare you call my friend useless too? Desola is like a sister to me if you don't know and I won't take it from you calling her useless. Even if she is useless to you, she is a very important person in my life and she cares about me, unlike you that cares for nobody except yourself" Mide replied on the top of her voice. She didn't hear Dara say a word but all she heard was a resounding slap. Dara, her all in all, her soulmate, her lover and assumed friend had just slapped her out of anger.
"Dara! You slapped me?!" she said, with her hands on her cheeks. She still couldn't believe it. She'd vouch for him anywhere that he can't touch a woman.
"Yes I did!, what can u do?.......You deserve it with what you just said? How dare you Mide? I repeat how dare you compare me to that rubbish friend of yours. Who cares if she cares about you? I said it earlier that you've proved you don't worth being called Mrs yet. You need to be sent back living under your Father's roof so you'd learn from your Mother how to talk to a man that's gonna marry you" he blotted out unapologetically
"Yes Dara, and you have just proved to me that you are not worthy to be called the husband of any woman. Get out of my house!" Mide replied angrily, still shouting.
"You are sending me out of your house? Mide! " Dara asked in a rage
"Yes, it is my house and you have no say in it yet, now get out!" she replied with her hands pointing at the door.
"You can go to hell for all I care" Dara replied and walked angrily to the door.
"One more thing" Mide said and Dara stopped, he had opened the outside door already.
"This relationship is over!" she ordered
"Whatever!" Dara replied as he walked out and slammed the door.
Mide wept herself to sleep that night. She loved Darasimi with all her heart. She was ready to do anything just to keep him to herself but he slapped her! Shuuu! That was the needle that broke the Camel's back. She could take in anything a man does but not when he's abusive. She had heard a lot of stories about women in abusive relationships, she just can't open her eyes and go into one.
She slept that night and had a dream.


In the dream, she saw herself driving a very expensive car. She was on a journey to an unknown destination to deliver a message. She had a GPS cause she didn't know where she was going to and was faithfully obeying the directions of the GPS. She needed someone to accompany her on this mission and there were a lot of people on the highway trying to wave her down to stop the car and pick them. She kept on going and when she got to a place where 2 men stood, she stopped to see if one of them can accompany her.
One of the men had a map that showed they were going in the same direction and the other man had a keg of petrol. She felt the man with the petrol would dent her car with his heavy load so she went for the second man with the map. She and the man was enjoying the journey till they got to a junction and the man told her to turn, cause that was what's written in his map. She insisted the GPS hasn't told her to turn yet and therefore she can't disobey it. The man got annoyed and got off the car and waited at the roadside for another car.
It was at this point she checked her fuel meter and realized she's short of it. She had just enough to take her back to where she left the other man with the keg of petrol but by the time she got there, the man had gone with another car. She couldn't continue her journey and regretted not going for the man with the petrol in the first place. She was still lamenting in the dream when she woke up.
Mide was confused. She didn't know how to interpret it but she knew it has a very vital meaning and there's just one person she knows will understand it. She decided to go meet that person the following day.
Mide had just finished attending to an emergency patient suffering from a heart attack. The patient was admitted and put on a life supporting machine. She was tired and later retired into her office. She decided to have a short nap and she had another dream.
In the dream, She was climbing a hill with someone she's so familiar with. They were both laughing and playing all the way till they got to the top of the hill. They were both having a good time and suddenly the person she was with, pushed her down the hill. She was going down and shouting for help when suddenly a rope from nowhere caught and started pulling her back up. She got back up and realized someone else pulled her up.
The voice of one of her colleagues woke her.
"Dr Martins! Dr Martins!"
She raised her head up suddenly and realized she had been dreaming all along. She wiped her face with her hands.
"Yes Dr Ayo!" she replied
"Your attention is needed in ward 87" he said
"Alright" she replied, getting up immediately from her chair and reaching for her lab coat and stethoscope. She staggered to the entrance of her office's door. Her colleague had to hold her to prevent her from falling.
"Are you okay Olamide?" he asked feeling concerned before leaving her on her own.
"Yes i am" she replied with a smile. "Now let's go save a life" she added jokingly as she went out of the office with her colleague.
But the truth is, she wasn't really okay. The two dreams had terrified her. Nobody need to tell her she needs to go see Pst Mrs.


It was a beautiful Saturday morning in the Adejuyi's house. Pastor Adejuyi had traveled the previous day for a Ministers' conference held outside the country. The rest of the family, consisting of Pst Mrs and the children had just finished their morning devotion when they suddenly heard a knock on the door.
"Faith, go and check who is at the door" Pst Mrs ordered.
"Yes Mummy" replied the 9yr old baby of the house. She came back few seconds later with a lady behind her.
"Mummy, it's sister Olamide" she announced with a smile.
"Good morning Mummy" she greeted, kneeling down.
"Morning Olamide" Pst Mrs replied. The other children greeted Mide and she replied them with a faint smile.
"Are you okay? You look so down" said Pst Mrs after a thorough observation.

Mide had been given the rest of the day off after she fainted in the hospital. Her call was supposed to end by 12pm the following morning. The hospital's CMD (Chief Medical Director) had advised she should go home and rest since a sick doctor can't treat a sick patient. She didn't go home but rather came to Pst Mrs's house straight from the hospital early that morning.
"I'm not fine Mummy" she honestly confessed. Physically and Emotionally, she's stressed.
"come, let's go to my study and talk" Pst Mrs said as she stood up, held Mide's hand and took her to her study.
"Sit down and tell me all about it" she said, immediately they entered a small room in another part of the house.
Mide felt reluctant talking at first but she later threw away her garment of fear and told Pst Mrs everything starting from Dara's bossy attitude up till the two dreams she had but she didn't mention the part where he slapped her or when he came to apologize.
"Hmmmmm" Pst Mrs sighed heavily after hearing all Mide had to say, then she asked "Is that all?"
"Yes Mummy" replied Mide
"so how about the part where he slapped you and came back to apologize the next day and you hopefully took him back" she asked with a motherly smile.
Mide adjusted her seat uncomfortably.
"Listen Mide, i know everything you've just told me"
"You do?!" Mide exclaimed in disbelief
"Yes. The holy spirit told me all about it before you came"
"chai! This holy spirit sha! He doesn't even know how to keep somebody's secret" thought Mide.
"Now let me tell you the interpretation of the first dream you had. The expensive car you were driving is your pride, ego and status. The GPS is the holy spirit. Despite your pride, you were still following his directions and you never got into trouble till you got to where the two men stood. The one with the map is Dara and the other man is Samuel" Pst Mrs narrated with a gentle motherly voice. She's always like that when giving counsels.
"Samuel??? No Mummy! It can't be" Mide exclaimed. She could already guess where the interpretation is going to. Nevertheless Pst Mrs continued
"The map Dara was holding was his pride, ego, beauty and social status which you fell for thinking you are on the same page. You equally thought Samuel's keg of petrol, his humility and service in the vineyard would dent your beautiful and expensive car, that is your pride and status. And so therefore you went for Dara. I think you can guess the rest of the story now" Pst Mrs narrated, then paused for a while.

Mide was already soaked in tears by the time Pst Mrs finished.
"Now to the second dream. Just like the first one, the familiar person you went up the hill with is Dara. Listen Mide, I'm your spiritual mother and i won't lie to you, if you marry Darasimi, yes you will get to that height God has designed for you just like in the dream but Dara himself will be the one to push you down. According to the dream, the man who rescued you was Samuel"
"Noooooooo!!!!!!" Mide screamed. She's just can't accept the fact that Samuel would be her husband.
"Hmmmmm Olamide! Samuel is God's will for your life. You can choose to follow it or not but if you are going to follow it, do so before it's too late just like it is in the dream"
"But i love Dara Mummy. I love him so much" wailed Mide
"Yes we all know you do but he is not God's will for your life. Slapping you was proof enough. You have to cut off that relationship as soon as possible or else you'd put your life at risk" advised Pst Mrs as she pats Mide's back. She was already sitting on the floor crying her eyes out.
Pst Mrs continued
"I knew this was the reason why you said you wanted to see me yesterday. I couldn't help but ask the holy spirit why you wanted to see me and he revealed everything to me. God wants to use you mightily for this generation Mide and the devil will stop at nothing to terminate that plan by giving you one of his own as a husband. Mide, you are at the edge of the cliff of your life. The choice you make now will determine if you are going you fall or not" Pst Mrs said.

Mide almost cried her eyes out that morning. She was hurt, not only because she has to leave Dara no matter what but because she just can't afford to go out of God's will for her life. She doesn't have a choice, NOT ONE!
She kept on weeping and Pst Mrs kept on giving her tissue paper to wipe her tears till a whole roll finished. She went to take another one in the bathroom and started giving her again. Pst Mrs gave her all the luxury to cry well.
"It's better to cry till you get tired now than to live in regret all your life" she said.

After crying for over 30mins non-stop, she got up and sat on the chair.
"but why did God allow me to go this deep in love with Dara when he knows he's not for me Mummy" she asked softly. Her voice is gone out of crying too much. Hardly would anyone hear her.
"Because he didn't give you a go-ahead before you went ahead and said Yes to Dara. He just wanted to prove to you that you can do nothing on your own and his will will forever supercede yours. You can go miles without him but you'd still have to go back and start again just like it happened in your fits dream" explained Pst Mrs.
"Mummy, by the time i got back, Samuel had already gone with another car"
"Well, maybe that's your punishment for going against God's will"
"And what does that mean Mummy?" she asked curiously
"It means God might have given Samuel another daughter of his. If that's the case, you'd have to wait till God gives you another of his children. The more you pray, the sooner it will be" she replied.
"Aaaah" Mide put her hands on her head " I'm done for" she said and started the second round of her weeping.
Samuel looked around for Mide in church but didn't see her so he called her immediately he got home.
"Hello Mide" his voice was heard from the other end.
"Hello Sammy" Mide replied.
"How are you? I realized you weren't in church today. Hope there's no problem?" he asked
"Yes. I was so weak so i had to rest" she replied
"Eeya. Work stress right?"
" how was the service?" she asked, changing the topic.
"We thank God ooo. Powerpacked as usual" he replied, then he went ahead to gist Olamide about everything that happened in church from the choir ministrations to the message.
"Eeya, i really missed o" Mide said
"Yes ooo. Bola took the praise n worship. In fact, come and see the way everyone was dancing their heart out. I was really blessed myself" he said further.
"Eeya, that's good. Lest i forget, you said you wanted to discuss an issue with me the other time" Mide said, trying to bring him closer.
"Oh yeah but I've changed my mind. I realized it was selfish of me to ask you to create time for me despite knowing your busy schedule"
"Aaaah busy schedule ke? In front of marriage. Look at this brother o" thought Mide before she replied.
"Remember i promised i'd see about it. I can make time for you this week" she said immediately
"Huuurrrr Ola, really it's okay. You don't have to make time for me. I will make use of your free time and not you making time for me" Sammy said
"Ooooh, did i just say i'd make time for you? I meant i'd be free one day this week" She quickly said. She could sense the difference in the way Sammy speaks now and the way he speaks to her before.
"Oooh, unfortunately i'd be busy throughout this week" Sammy said apologetically
"Lobatan! This Sammy sha wan prove difficult" thought Mide
"It's okay then. I guess some other time" she said, accepting defeat
"Yeah, but i assure you it'd be soon" he replied
"Alright" Mide said
"Talk to you later then" Sammy said as he ended the call.


Mide didn't hear from Sammy for the rest of the week so she called him when she got back from the hospital on Saturday evening.
"I really appreciate your call Mide" Sammy said after they had talked for a while.
"You are welcome" Mide replied
"So see you in church tomorrow then" he said
"Yeah, bye" Mide replied as they both ended the call.
Mide looked her best that Sunday, maybe that will give Sammy a second thought to ask her out again. She was unusually in church early that Sunday.
"Na wa oo Olamide. You didn't even let me finish my makeup before you called to say you are outside my gate" Desola said, immediately she entered Mide's car. They both go to church together and they rotate whose car to use. If Mide's car was used this week, Desola's car will be used the following week.
"I've told you yesterday that i want to be in church before 8am. It's been quite a while we went to that church early" she replied without smiling.
"Hurrrrr" Desola laughed heartily. "is that really the reason or you want Sammy to see you before your makeup wears off" she said as she continued.
"chai, this girl is too blunt" Thought Mide, then she spanked her "You are so naughty, you this girl" she said as she couldn't help but joined her in laughing.

They got to church quite early, only the ministers were in church by the time they got there. Even Sammy wasn't around yet. They both sat in a corner in church, talking when Sammy walked into the church with Bola, a member of the choir. He was looking so different, properly dressed with shirt, trouser, suit, shoe and tie to match. FITTED!. Mide had never seen him looking so good and couldn't help but open her mouth wide. Even Desola noticed the difference.
"Wow" was all that could come out of Mide's mouth. Samuel walked towards them with Bola beside him.
"So this guy is as handsome as this. Unbelievable!" Mide said before Sammy got to them.
"Good morning sisters" he greeted with a captivating smile.
"Morning sister Desola and sister Mide" Bola greeted too
"Morning jare Samuel" Desola replied with a smile. "How are you sister Bola? "
"I'm good" Bola replied.
Mide was still lost in awe and her friend had to tap her to bring her back.
"ooh! Sorry. Morning Sammy. How you doing Bola?" she finally replied
"I'm doing okay thanks" Bola replied.
"This is the first time in 3years you guys are arriving in church before me" Sammy said
"Well, we just decided to break the record today" Desola replied, laughing.
"Uhmmm Samuel, please give me the car key. I forgot the bag that has my heels" Bola said hurriedly.
"Okay dear" he replied as he handed over the key to her.

"Dear???!!!" that word rang a bell in Mide's ears. Samuel isn't much of a social person so why would he use 'dear' for a lady if there's nothing special about her.
"could Bola be the car Sammy eventually followed in that dream? Aaaah, I've finally lost him" she thought. She immediately excused herself and went to the toilet to avoid breaking down right in front of Sammy. She wept and wept in the toilet. Desola later came to meet her and consoled her.

Mide couldn't wait for the service to finish that Sunday. She wanted to go home asap. She felt so ashamed trying to look good for someone that doesn't even have her time anymore. Immediately after the benediction, she took her bag and started walking hurriedly to the car. Her friend was still going around greeting everyone. That's the way she does every Sunday. She was almost getting out of the church when she suddenly bumped into Samuel. The person she didn't want to see.
"Oh Sammy!" she exclaimed
"Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" he asked after noticing how uncomfortable she was.
"ooh yes i am....... I mean no..... Oh yea i am actually" she stuttered, she couldn't even look him in the face.
"Are you okay?" asked Samuel curiously
"oh Yes i am"
"Alright. I wanted to ask if you'd be free tomorrow afternoon" he asked
"Yeah i think so" she replied
"Alright, can i come pick you at home, Let's say 12pm"
"Yeah sure" she'd do anything just to leave his company that moment
"i really have to go now Sammy"
"No problem, see you tomorrow"
"bye" she said as she continued walking towards the car. Her friend later came to join her and she drove home.


The next morning, Olamide found herself before her dressing mirror getting prepared for Sammy. She's been there for over one hour now checking and re-checking herself. She doesn't wanna send the wrong message to Sammy.
"na wa oh Dr Miss Mide Martins. You've been sitting by this your mirror for over an hour now" teased Desola as she came into the room.
"You've come again with your big mouth abi"
"Anyway sha, he's here waiting for you in the sitting room"
"He's here?!" Mide exclaimed, that was when she checked her watch and realized it's already 5mins past 12. She hurriedly got up and asked her friend how she's looking.
"You are looking indomielicious! You know i like indomie" she said and both of them laughed
"i hope my makeup isn't too loud" Mide asked further
"At all. It is muah" she replied, kissing her hand.
"Alright, thanks" Mide said as she got out of the room. She met Samuel already seated. Mide couldn't help but notice his sudden change in dressing. The first time she saw this was yesterday in church. Now Sammy is looking as handsome as ever with his new haircut style.
They both exchanged pleasantries and they went out of the house to Sammy's car.
"by the way Sammy, you are looking good" she complimented immediately they got out of the house.
"Well, i hope this isn't another ironic compliment like the one you gave me the last time" Sammy said, smiling
"chai! So he knew i was lying that day" thought Mide as she waved off the question with a smile.
"So is this your car?" she asked, trying to change the topic. The last time she checked, Sammy was a jobless and poor graduate.
"Yes, to the glory of God" he replied then added, "i got a job last month with Faj oil and gas company"
"Faj oil and gas company?!" Mide exclaimed, "Wow, that's huge. I heard they are the number one in Africa"
"Yes they are"
"Wow congrats" Mide said, as she started thinking
"Really it doesn't pay to completely look down on someone ooo. A whole Sammy working in that big company. He can't be earning less than N100,000 monthly with his Masters qualification. Hmmmm, this life sha


They got to an exclusive restaurant, ordered for food and started talking.
"So i heard you are engaged and getting married soon" Sammy suddenly said immediately they started eating
"oooh, you heard!" Mide said shamefully. She didn't know how to break the news to him. "Well, yes i was" she finally replied.
"Was? What happened?" he asked curiously, then his phone rang and Mide could see from the screen that it's Bola.
"This Bola again!" she thought offensively
Sammy received the call after excusing himself from Mide. He and Bola talked for a while. Mide couldn't even place her finger on what they were talking about despite they communicating in English, it was just like they were speaking in parables. Finally they finished and Sammy said "OK dear, take care of yourself"

"Dear! Again!" Mide lost all hope and buried her head in her arms. It was written visibly on her face that she has given up.
"That was Bola......" Sammy said
"Like i didn't know Mide thought
" cousin" Sammy finished
"What?!" Mide exclaimed "Bola is your cousin?"
"Yes, you seem shocked"
"ooh, not really. Just surprised" , that was an understatement. Mide was happy!!!
She heaved a sigh of relief with a silent prayer of thanksgiving.
"So what happened between you and Dara?" Sammy pressed further.
"Well, i wouldn't like to talk about it now" she replied
"It's okay. Well, the main reason why i brought you here is to ask you what i asked like 2years ago but since it's like you will still go back to Dara, it's fine......we can always talk about something else" Sammy said softly
"Eeehn, what's this brother saying again bayii? Go back to Dara nibo" thought Mide. Sammy was already closing the chapter, she needs wisdom now to let him go back to it without her sounding desperate.
"So how is work?" Sammy asked
"Uhmmm Sammy, in accordance to what you asked 2years back. I'm so sorry for turning you down then but..........." she paused and closed her eyes. In a flash, she remembered all she had gone through before humbling herself before God and she started weeping.
"I'm sorry Sammy, i thought i was smart but little did i know i was the greatest fool" She said with tears, her eyes were still closed. She opened it to see Sammy down on one knee with a diamond ring case.
"Olamide Martins, will you give me the honor of becoming my wife?" he said, with a smile.
Mide couldn't believe it. She just opened her mouth filled with amazement. She knelt down with him, in tears.
" Yes, i'd marry you" she said, still crying.
The whole crowd jeered happily. A crowd had formed immediately Sammy got down on one knee with the ring. Some brought out their phones to capture and record the moment even when nobody asked them to.
Sammy smiled and removed the ring from the case and placed it on Mide's middle finger. They both got up and Sammy hugged her. The crowd jeered more and congratulated them.

Sammy and Mide, now engaged went straight to their Pastor's house. Immediately Mide got out of the car, she started screaming and shouting
"Mummy! Mummy! " she ran into the house and straight into the kitchen, she saw Pst Mrs and embraced her
"Mummy you said it! You said it! You said all will be well" she said repeatedly. Pst Mrs was just smiling. She understood her.
"I said Yes! Mummy, i said yes" Mide continued, then bursted into tears of joy. Pst Mrs cried with her, Sammy joined them and Pst Mrs prayed for them before they left.
Six months later, Mide got married to Sammy. It was the happiest day of her life, someone else was happy that day like Mide. Desola!
During their courtship period, Mide realized Sammy has just the same quality she had desired in Dara. He's romantic oooo!!! Kilode!. Even Dara can't beat him when it comes to pampering a woman. They both had a blissful courtship period solidified with fasting and prayer. They went to Paris for their honeymoon.
Lest i forget, Desola is also engaged to Tomiwa, a fervent child of God who resides in Abuja and they are getting married soon too.
Just before i drop my pen, let's quickly see what happened to Darasimi Olabanjo.

A year after Mide and Sammy got married. Mide was heavily pregnant and was home one Friday evening when her husband came in from work. Mide stood up to greet him with a peck and collected his briefcase.
"i hope you enjoyed your day dear" she asked as she offered him a cup of cold water.
"oh yes, i did" he replied as he took the cup from her. "and i saw something very interesting in the papers too. I haven't read it though, just the front page alone. Bought it on my way home" he said after drinking and requested for a refill.
"oh really, what's it about?" Mide asked curiously, as she poured him another glass of water.
Sammy handed over the newspaper to her.
Mide was taken aback at what she saw on the front page of the newspaper. It says
"Darasimi Olabanjo, a business tycoon murdered his wife of 6 months in cold blood!!! Trial to begin next week this the end of the Olabanjos???"
Mide couldn't close her mouth after reading the headline. Her phone suddenly rang, it's Desola, she's also married and based in Abuja with her husband.
"Have you heard about Dara?" she asked after they both exchanged pleasantries
"Yes, i just read the headlines now. SH bought the newspaper on his way back from work" Mide replied. She calls her husband SH (sweetheart).
"Hmmmmm, just imagine if you had gotten married to that monkey. He never stopped the business of abusing women. I heard he beat the poor lady to death. I just thank God for your life Mide" Desola said
"Me too ooo. I thank him for delivering me"
"Yes oo. Anyway, extend my greetings to Sammy" Desola said
"I will. Greet Tomiwa for me too"
"Alright bye"
"Bye" Mide said as she dropped the call. She looked at the paper again and sighed.
"These are the oranges you told me to buy for you MMR (my missing rib)" Sammy said immediately Mide dropped the call.
"Oh, thanks olowo ori mi" Mide said, smiling as she went and give,z him a hug.


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