Into something more

By mightygoat

323 9 0

We've only heard of people "catfishing" online. But have we ever really encountered one? Would feelings grow... More

Prologue - We meet again

322 9 0
By mightygoat

Mila Cassidy's POV

I woke up in another unfamiliar hotel room. Beside me, Tyrell still sleeping soundly as I moved closer to him. He smelt like a mix of tobacco, booze, sex and a faint smell of that John Varvatos cologne-- that masculine scent, with notes of sage and a base of musk. Tyrell; a friend with benefit. Though, he constantly speaks of words that could make anyone feel like they are the only special one. That, without doubt, could never happen between the both of us. I am too hurt in my own way to indulge in another romance relationship with him who never once let the heart decide to hurt. We started this relationship with the intention to help me forget about him, and to satisfy our needs. But... I sighed at the thought of how I had actually promised myself that we should never do this again two months ago. Yet here we are, in another hotel room which ended passionately throughout the night. Bloody lack of discipline. I looked around the scene - my blouse and skirt by the door, my bra just casually laid on the floor, and there... another Victoria Secret's panty torn. This always happens. Spent so much money on a lingerie I love to only get it roughly torn. Well fucking done, Ty. Next time I should just buy those granny panties that don't cost more than a dollar. Rip all you want buffet.

My phone vibrated a little too loud on the wooden bedside table, jolting my rather occupied mind. I checked my phone, a message from my colleague. "Just a friendly remember not to be late today Mil. We need to be at the SES Co. for the structural presentation by 1pm"

I led out a groan, "why does it have to be today?" I murmured to myself. I am too lazy to get up of bed right now, let alone doing a presentation that is billion dollar worth. 

A warm body pressed himself closer, "mm... you smelled like saliva, as always" he started. "being silly here aren't you Ty?" I smiled, as he twirl and curled my hair, "what's bothering you?" He asked.

"Some presentation with the other company today. Apparently, it's a big deal, something they do not want us to fuck up" I explained roughly. 

"Please tell me you did nothing to fuck it up already?" He asked. Do I really potray myself as such a disappointment before it even began? I guess pretty much, since my life's nowhere better. I chuckled. "I will, if I don't get up right now and be there in half an hour" I slapped his thigh. 

"Here" He bent down on his other side of the bed, and turned back to me with a sock. "Here's a sock for you, dobby. You're a free elf now. Master has released you" He played around. 

I laughed at his silliness, "You know it doesn't work that way"

He kissed my forehead and lift me up to the shower room. "We have to shower together, otherwise, we'd be late" He explained, in his husky voice. Sometimes, he can be too sexy. But let's not go there. I should, for start, exercise self-discipline with myself. The guilt strikes me back whenever I remembered why I even feel the guilt. Because of him, Rashawn. Something I had promised him when we were still in the get-to-know period - that I should never turn to sex for relief; even when we don't turn out well. And here I have been... for the past 10 months, with someone else doing exactly what I said I would never do. Although, I have been questioning myself for the umpteenth time, where does this promise even stand at this point of time? Since we are over. I shook my head with all the thoughts... it's no time to be thinking of these right now. I should be focusing on the one thing that I have to actually be rushing for. 


Tyrell drove and dropped me off at the SES Co. while that ass is going to continue and sleep in his own comfortable bed while I hustle. I entered the building and cooled myself down since I have about ten minutes left before the presentation starts. Thought I should just try to rehearse another time of what I should actually be presenting about later but fuck it, let's just get this done and over with. I headed towards the lift area, and chanced upon Jaden Elridge. The head of marketing department at the age of 28. Successful, direct and rumors had it that when he speaks, they felt like they are a beautiful fat piece of salmon being cut skillfully by a sharp knife. Only difference is he is the knife. Thankfully, I have nothing to say to him. We have no other common topic other than being in the same company and representing our company today. 

The lift dings and three levels up, I could feel the awkward air around us. The lift in this SES Co. could do a better job at upgrading its speed, to be honest. I fidget quietly, as It goes up... up... and only up on the tenth floor. For God's sake, ten more levels to reach the twentieth floor. I rolled my eyes, when the lift stops at the eleventh floor. 

The lift door opens to reveal the man I still love even after a year. The one I have always been guilty with, the one I still misses and hopeful for. Rashawn Seitz - In my eyes, he's the man with brains, the strong sex appeal, the one who cared and loved me, the realest of them all. My mouth went dry, not knowing if I should even say anything or just keep my mouth shut. Since, fuck, he didn't even bother replying all or any of my messages when we were done. Besides, there are so many questions running through my mind. Why is here? He works here? Is he going for the meeting too? Is he representing another company too? But he's an architect! My mind distracted, as he stood by the door, greeted Jaden with a nod, and looked past me. But his eyes... I saw a quick flash of amusement, hurt, and disappointment. Yet he still pretends he no longer cares. Or is he being real?

The door closes as the lift continued operating up to our destination. Jaden, suddenly being talkative, decided that it was a brilliant time to speak. He broke the silence, "You skipped a button, Ms. Cassidy"

I blinked at him several times, "we are literally heading towards the same floor" I replied sarcastically. Thought I'd won. But instead, he pointed to my blouse. I looked down and realised I skipped a hole. "shit" I murmured, fixing my blouse peeking at Rashawn - who has entirely no expression and nonchalant about the whole situation.  "You might want to dress slowly next time" Jaden smirked, "Even though it was an intense night with That fuckboy of yours"

I turned embarrassed. Why did he have to say all these infront of him? I didn't want Rashawn to hear all my dirty laundry being aired out. 

"It isn't your business who I fucked around with" I scowled, "you've got no rights to speak of it in public too, you ass" 

Both Rashawn and Jaden ignored me as the lift dings on the twentieth floor. They stepped out, without looking back. "Ra-" I stopped. What could I even explain to him? I sighed.

Stepping right inside the meeting room, there were many representatives from all other companies. Ready to fight and compete for this one project. They all looked tensed, some even proud. My eyes looked for Rashawn in the crowd, and I found him already seated right beside the director of the company that everyone was here for in the first place. Since when he worked for SES Co.? It's not even an architecture company... I started to wander and my eyes met Rashawn, who completely stared right into my eyes and ignored it, again. Those few seconds that could be worthless to him, actually meant a lot to me with the fact that he even looked at me. Idiot, I call myself. Satisfied with just that?

"Can we begin?" SES Co. Director started and everyone - all the whispers, talks and murmurs died down. "Today, we are all here gathered to showcase what each company has in their own capability. SES Co, the empire I've build with all my life, as haughty as it will sound, I can only accept the best to work for us. I do not accept failures and it can only grow. Whoever works with us, will definitely receive the best treatment and a name that everyone would know of. So show me the best proposals to consider" 

What an opening statement.

"So, for start, we have -" the emcee started to announce who will be representing first. Trust them to get an emcee for an event like this. Minutes, hours, and more hours had passed while I start zoning out and letting the tiredness get over me.

Jaden sat beside me, and gave me a kick in the leg to waken me up. I honestly cannot stand this pompous little - "Next, we have the AMERA to present their proposals" The emcee started. Oh, what a good time to represent. I downed the glass of water in front of me, took a deep breathe and smoothed down my outfit; following Jaden right up the podium. I started the introduction of our idea, concepts, flow thoughts and let Jaden does his main section. Which I would honestly agree for once, that the way he speaks and how he presents, gets the attention of everyone. And it's not just because of his looks. 

When our presentation was over, the head of finance from SES Co, one which I will definitely recognize without fail with his shiny bald head that blocked my view since the first start, suddenly suggested, "The budget is too much, sir. If we do according to the ones planned, it would take us two years to recover"

Oh please, fuck recovery. What is too much? The previous years SES Co. invested in other unnecessary projects were more than suggested.

"We have lessen the budget by up to 21.1% compared to the ERA project that was proposed years ago that made SES Co. to where it is now. The economy is constantly growing, raw materials are getting expensive each day. If you intend to stick to the status quo, then how can a company grow?" I rebutted.

"You-" the bald man pointed. "What do you know about the spending, economy and growth?" He shoot me with a grim. "The raw materials used could be lessen!"

"Mila-" Jaden started, but I shove his hands off my shoulder blade. 

"This is the graph based on the previous spending set by SES Co in the ERA project. And to answer your question, sure - we could use lesser raw materials. But will that ensure safety?" I turned to the director, "Sir, would you want an applause for a short-term benefit and pay a high price when it all fails, or, would you be willing to invest higher right now to ensure the safety of everyone; then gets an applause that would get your company known to be trustable for a long time?" I questioned, as he gave a nod.

"Stop with all these nonsense at once" Jaden tried.

"Fuck off and let me handle this. This is getting too annoying for my liking. I am tired, sleepy and I want to close this deal as soon as possible. Just back me up if all else fails. Afterall, flattery isn't my best weapon" I dismissed.

"She is right" The director pointed out, "quality must be placed as priority. Jack," He turned to the bald man, "You need to learn that one from this lady" He pointed to me, "and as for you young lady, it's a good presentation, a good fight, good ethic too. The idea that your company has given me is something fresh - something risky. But something, that could work with the public. But it is still a little flawed. Don't worry about the budget. Worry more about the idea that could further be improved. Would you... Ms Cassidy, think of an idea for it?" He smiled, "Work with my project manager - Mr. Seitz, and make it happen" He pointed to Rashawn. Again, his face unfazed. I... am... going to be working with... Rashawn?

Holy shit.

Are we really -

"Meeting dismissed" The director ordered, as he stood up and walked out of the room. Rashawn took steps towards me and Jaden, "Please be in Room L in half an hour. We have a lot to work on" He relayed the message to Jaden. 

This is real?



Rashawn Reed's POV

"Ha Ha Ha!" Mr. Patterson led out a hearty laugh on our way back to his office. "It's been so long since I had seen the passion, fire and the rashness from anyone, let alone a young lady! She has got a fighting spirit that you will be forced to reckon with Ras. Guide her well" He patted my back and entered his room.

He sure is right, she's forced to be reckon with. That aggressive, annoyed tone coming from her - it's all too familiar. My mind in a whirl - not sure if this was a good idea to be working with her. It's the first time I see her in real life too. She's.... definitely breath taking. Yet so, flawed in her own way. That girl I remembered - full of life, full of wild crazy idea, the one with the same synergy as me, someone who could continue my sentences....

Also the same person who lied to me about her own being because of her past, insecurities, and lack of self-confidence. 

That someone I've grown to adore in the three months we texted each other, and the someone who broke my heart-- yet think my heart is made out of stone. How wrong she was. It was and is my ego. I couldn't accept it.

Could you imagine being lead on with a face of another girl for three months? That I waited for like a borderline idiotic man, just texting her and found out that it was all a lie? She sent me messages after for the next few months that it was only her looks that she lied about, that everything else shared are true.

But would someone enlighten me, how could I trust that, or her?

Not to mention, shortly after we were over, she turned to this dude called Tyrell? It was all over her whatsapp story that she doesn't even realise that I could still view. Going on a trip overseas, getting fucked by him and, she had the cheek to message me after and casually asked if we could meet over a movie and talk it out - as if the whole ordeal didn't happen before?

Sometimes, she could be so foolish, stupid and insensitive. 

That girl. Will be the death me. 

I decided, The farther I stay away from her, the better it will be. This time, it's for a project. Once it's over, so is everything else that's connected to her. I have no intention of getting side-tracked by her, even though, her presence saddens me. But for a definite sure, I will not show any weakness around her. 

And just thinking about her makes my blood boil again. She's still fucking with that boy.

For Christ sake.


A/n: This will be based on a story thats personal. It will have an interesting plot though, but you never know how this is gonna start, or end. Just, keep reading!

I hope you'll enjoy it!

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