Playback Time

By SlushieMePotter

191 5 0

"What is there to life when you have no one to live for or nothing to fight for?" Going by this motto, Emily... More



67 3 0
By SlushieMePotter

 A scream.

A sharp sound in the hour of dawn awakens me. I realize that the person screaming was me. A nightmare, I recall. A blinding light that eliminated my vision, a sharp pain that burned against my skin, and rain…Enough rain to cure the drought of the Sahara Dessert.

I was so caught up in thinking about my nightmare I didn’t notice my alarm go off.

“Turn that thing off, will you?!” A loud voice roared from downstairs. Must’ve been my mom.

“Okay, okay” I yell back. Peculiar way to treat your daughter, isn’t it? But ever since my dad and mom got a divorce, and my dad moved to Virginia to start a new family, my mom was never the same. She would get drunk every night and come home really late. I’d cover my ears trying to block out all her insults and words. At other times, she’d try to hurt me. But I’ve learned to be stronger than just cry. I would lock myself in my room for protection. That’s the best I could do. But I would not cry.

I shut off my alarm clock and quickly ran to the bathroom. 30 minutes before school starts. I randomly picked out an outfit from my closet. Who cares what I’m wearing today? Nobody at school every notices me anyway. After getting ready, I hear my stomach rumble and I fail to stifle a laugh. “Alright, I’ll feed you. Hopefully the Evil Queen hasn’t raided our fridge completely last night” At that thought, I hurriedly went down the stairs.

I stare down sadly at the adjoining living room and dining room and frown. The entire place was a mess and I knew why — my mom had another one of her impractical rampages. I found her holding a bottle of beer on the dining table, drunk as hell.

“Mom” I call out. No response. “Mom!” I say a little louder.

I approached her slowly and was tempted to hit her, just to see if she was still awake, or alive, or whatever. But then she groaned silently and angrily muttered, “Is that the way you talk to your own mother, young lady? I expected more from you.”

I roll my eyes and snort. Apparently, she was too drunk to notice. “What happened to breakfast?”

She rolls her head around to face me and dramatically says, “Do I have to do everything in this house myself? For once, would you do something useful?” I look into her bloodshot eyes and sigh.

“Fine. Never mind. I’ll get my breakfast on my way to school. Bye.” I turn around and see the keys to my mom’s old pick-up truck. It might have been old but it does still work. I peered outside the window and notice how hard the rain was. “Can I borrow your car?” I asked a little too sweetly.

“You have two legs, don’t you? Use them and walk!” she growls angrily as she empties another bottle of beer.

“It’s raining. I’ll get soaked” I reply flatly.

“Then use a fucking umbrella!” she moves toward the refrigerator and greedily snatches another bottle. “Do I have to explain everything to you?!”

I roll my eyes for the second time in just one hour. “Whatever” I impatiently respond. I eye the keys one more time and a smirk crawls onto my face. In a blink of an eye, I grabbed them and say, “Alright, bye!” I say enthusiastically as I run outside the door, clutching my stomach because of too much laughter. I jump into the truck as quickly as I can and I don’t look back.

* * *

I reach the high school parking lot and guess what? No empty parking space.

The best thing I can do to avoid being late for class would be parking at the back part of the school. I check my watch: 7:22. Great. 8 minutes left. No choice.

I’ve never really liked the back part of the school. The main reason why was because it was located near a forest. It always felt so eerie. Some say that the forest led to an old road. Many cars still pass by there and it’s well-lit but a lot of people also said that when someone from our school wanted to commit suicide, they would go there. I feel a chill run down my spine and I bite my lip nervously. I shake from my head and snap back into reality. School. Right.

I quickly head towards the back area of the school and see a couple of cars lining up. Damn. Wait a minute…yes! Jackpot! An empty space! I drive quickly towards it and land in between a new Mercedes Benz and a red convertible. Add insult to injury much? Whatever. I check my watch again. 7: 25. 5 minutes. Crap. Screw the rain. I’m running.

I run inside the main door of the school into the hallways soaking wet. Immediately, I dash towards my locker. Hallelujah. I’m safe. And I’ve got 3 minutes to spare. Alright, Ems. Get your Spanish book, Physics book, and Chem book. I silently tell myself. Just then the locker suddenly closes and a hand is on my locker door. I turn around ready to go all psychotic but then I smile.

“Hey Alex” the boy smiles back and his green eyes light up with delight.

“Hi Ems” he runs his hand through his dark hair and removes his other hand from my locker.

His name was Alex Daniels. Where should I begin describing him? First of all, he was probably my oldest and only friend. He had nice green eyes and dark brunette hair, and I have to admit, he is very good looking, but I never had feelings for him. He was my best friend. Nothing more.

 “Got Spanish, huh?” he stares down my books disapprovingly. “You do realize you’re two minutes away from total oblivion unless you come on time and take the Spanish finals that could determine whether you’ll graduate or not, right?”

I stare at my watch and my eyes widen. 7:28. “Shit. Gotta go Lex! Talk to you later!” I run towards the opposite direction of the hallway I was in and hear a laugh.

“Bye Ems” I hear Alex’s shout echo along the hallway.

When I finally reach the door of Spanish class, I take a deep breath and relaxed myself. I close my eyes momentarily and open them. “Let’s do this” I whisper fiercely under my breath.


Author's Note: Hullo people of Middle Earth :) Sorry for the extremely slow updates. Been extra busy in school. I had fun writing this chappie and I hope you guys like it :3 Don't forget to FAN, VOTE, and COMMENT. And follow me on Twitter @SlushieMePotter :3 Sorry if I can't post photos, it's really sucky I know Dx Anyway, I have the cast of characters at the side so just try to read that one ;3

signing off,

♔Queen of Derp ♔

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