My Kryptonite

By AsunaRpg

2.1K 35 4

Still recovering from the devastation of Reign. Kara decides to take a small break from being Supergirl and d... More

1. The Dream
2. Another One Gone
3. Confessions
5. A New Start

4. Broken

281 4 2
By AsunaRpg

"Your glasses take them off, and your hair, let it down."

"Why? I mean I'll do it but....why?"

"Kara...please... just do it."

Grabbing her glasses Kara takes them off as she let's down her hair. Unable to look into Lena's eyes she knows what is going on.

Lena feelings overwhelmed her. Anger at the lies, hurt at the betrayal, love towards someone she thought she knew. Unable to find any other words she asks,"Why?"

"Lena it's complicated."

"No. It's not that complicated. Tell me why you didn't say anything to me. All this time. How many people know?"

"...only a handful at most."

"Do I know these handful of people?"


"Kara!!! Do I know these people?!"

"Yes, but it is not their fault. They kept the secret because I asked them to."


"Lena I, the more that people know the more danger they are exposed to..."

"Don't give me excuses Kara! Why?!.. after I trusted you! I trusted you with my life!.... with my heart!"


"Kara don't... I can't do this..."

"Lena let me explain..."

"Kara Go. Away.... please just go."

Holding back tears Lena stands her ground, crossing her arms she watches Kara leave. She sits at her desk and as if hit by a wall she feels all her emotions take over. Finally the tough exterior she portrayed brakes as she silently cries.

-At the DEO-

"Well have a goodnight everyone. Brainy since you always stay late, make sure this time the break room is actually cleaned up." Says Alex as she takes off her ear piece.

With a nod Brainy acknowledges her and goes back to watching a movie on the the tablet. As Alex heads to the elevator Kara comes out ignoring her and heads straight to the training room. Unable to hold her anger and pain she begins to hit the wall, harder and harder each time. Screaming, her eyes begin to glow red, ready to explode. Alex runs in hearing the commotion and sees her sister about to destroy the training room. She runs up to her and hugs her tight, both ending on the floor.

"...she found out.... She knows. I knew I should of told her... she hates me. Lillian was right, she will hate me." Unable to stop the crying Alex just sits there holding her sister. "How can I fix this?... I don't want to lose her... I can't..."

"Give her time Kara. Just give her time." Holding her sister they spend the next hour just sitting on the floor.

-A Week Later at Catco-

"How about Supergirl missing in action," suggests a reporter.

Shaking his head James gets up from his desk, "she has disappeared before, she will come back. Until she does we will keep up the hope. At least that is what Cat did."

"I like the headline he suggested, she has been gone since the incident last week." Says Lena walking in, the room grows quiet as she gives James a smile.

"You're all dismissed, and change that headline."

Taking a seat on the sofa she takes a deep breath, "has she shown up?"

"If you mean Kara, no she hasn't."

"I don't see why we have to keep pretending they are two different people...."

"Lena you don't understand. Kara Danvers gave her an opportunity to be just her, to be normal. If you could give up the Luthor name and just be Lena. Not being judged, not being looked at like the next Lex. Wouldn't you take that chance for a normal life?"

"This is real life, not a fairy tale." Standing up and taking her leave she says, "If she doesn't come in tomorrow she is fired."

Grabbing his phone James calls Alex and informs her of the situation. She tells him she will talk to her.

-At Kara's Apartment-

Walking in Alex sees a mess. Looking like no one has cleaned, or even lived there in ages. Moving things around she sees Kara sitting on the floor and resting her head in the bed as she looked out her window.

"Kara, have you eaten at all?"

Getting no answer Alex begins to pick up around he apartment. An hour later the apartment looks picked up and fresh.

"I'll order some potstickers from your favorite place."

"I'm not hungry..."

"Kara Danvers rejecting potstickers? Am I dreaming?"

"Why are you here? I thought I made it clear I didn't want to see anyone."

"Well Kara Danvers does have a job, which she will get fired from if she doesn't show up tomorrow."

Sitting next to her Alex wraps an arm around her and pulls her close. "I know you are hurting, but you need to face this."

"How? Everytime I find love it gets ripped away from me, as if I was a joke. First James, then Mon-El, and now Lena. You know what hurts the most is that I chose to leave them. I realized me and James didn't work out, I sent Mon-El off and then let him go again, but Lena... I had no control, for the first time there was something neither Kara or Supergirl could control..."

"Lena is probably hurting too, you need to talk to her."

"I can't go back to a normal life. I'm not human, Alex, I've tried to be many times and each time I get proven wrong. I can't go back and face her."

"Try, that's all I'm asking. The Kara Danvers I know will get back up and stop at nothing to achieve her goal."

Kara gets up nodding and gets in bed, "for today, I just want to stay in bed. Tomorrow I'll go to work."

"Fine but if I hear you missed work I'll did to you what I did back in high school."

"Okay, one time. It was important, I had to get my backpack back from that neighborhood dog that hated me." She replied, finally showing the faintest smile.

-Next Day-

Early morning Kara got up and got dressed. Dreading the day ahead of her she takes the bus to the coffee shop and grabs herself and James a cup of coffee. As she made her way up she tried to lift her spirits by thinking back at what Alex had told her the day before. Walking of the elevator she smiles and greets everyone and heads to James office. Knocking at the entrance James looks up to see her and smiles. Getting up from his seat he goes to her and hugs her making her almost drop her coffee.

"Hey be careful, this one is for you," She says handing him one.

"You know you don't work for Cat anymore and you're my secretary," he says with a smile taking the coffee and drinking some.

"Well no, it's just I missed you. I also wanted to talk to you."

"You're wondering if I was really going to fire you?"

Fixing her glasses Kara takes a seat on the sofa. "Yes."

"No, that was something Lena ordered."

For a moment Kara stays silent, then replies "I should of known..."

"Kara, she's hurting too. She plays tough, thinks she can hide her pain by ordering people around and working day and night. You two need to talk." Looking at his watch he notices the time and gets back to his desk. "You are just in time for the meeting. Welcome back Kara."

A few minutes later the room is filled with reporters and editors. Lena makes her way in standing next to James and keeping her eyes on Kara. Unable to look at her, Kara stares down the whole time.

"Well those are all the assignments, unless anyone has anything else to add you are all dismissed."

"Actually James I do," says Lena biting her lip. "Kara Danvers... I'd like for you to report on Supergirl. She's been missing for a while now."

"Lena that story was going to be written by me," says James in defense of Kara.

"No James, it's okay." Says Kara finally looking up at Lena, straight into her eyes, "I'll do it."

"Good, you're all dismissed." Says Lena as Kara and the rest of the reporters leave the office. For a couple of minutes Lena and James argue only to end on Lena walking out and leaving.

-That Evening-

"Well at least you're up and moving." Says Alex as she takes a slice of pizza.

"I don't get it. She knows I can't do the article,  maybe that's why she appointed it to me."

"It's a perfect opportunity to talk to her, go as supergirl and talk. Use an excuse like you can't do a article about yourself or something."

"Yeah... I don't know. Anyways how's the DEO?"

"Well Brainy clearly doesn't know how to be discreet. He misses you, we all miss you. I know you need time but it would do you some good to fight crime."

"Any word on Griffin?"

"Not since that day."

"You should come back," says Alex offering a slice of pizza to Kara.

Taking the slice she bites into it. "I'll think about it..."

"Its getting dark out, mind if I stay and sleep over?" Alex pulls out the brochure for a Chinese place and points out the potstickers. "They deliver."

"Fine but you are buying."

For the rest of the afternoon they watched movies and talk about how Brainy was making Alex crazy. After a while Alex decided to go to sleep and Kara stayed up by the window staring out in to the city. Deciding whether to leave or stay Kara goes into her closet and pulls out her Supergirl suit. Putting it on she heads out to see Lena.

-At L Corp-

Lena had been working all day until late in the night. She had to keep herself busy to not feel any emotions. Seeing Kara today made her feel slightly better. She had gotten worried even though she hated herself for it. Outside at her balcony Sueprgirl looks in and contemplates her for a couple of minutes. Walking in she takes Lena by surprise.

"You're here?" Trying to hold herself together Lena shows no emotion.

"I can't interview myself. I thought you could ask the hard hitting journalist questions for me."

"Why should I?"

"You want answers. I want to tell you all, no more secrets. No matter how we end up." Says Kara trying to stay strong.

"Alright, where do I begin?... Childhood?"

"Okay, if that is what you want." Taking a deep breath Kara crosses her arms. "I was sent with my cousin Kal-El to earth. I was meant to protect him but my pod got knocked off course. For years I was lost, somehow I managed to make it here, he took me to the Danvers who took me in as their own child."

"Your name is?"

"Kara Zor-El..."

"Did others know back then?"

"No, only the Danvers, my family. You know it wasn't easy being a kid and being so different to everyone else. I struggled for years to keep low and hide who I was."

Getting up from her seat Lena makes her way around her desk to be directly in front of Kara."why did you decide to expose yourself."

" sister was in danger. She was in that plane."

"She's not your real sister."

"No but she is, she's been there for me. We may not be blood but we are family."

"Who were the first to know?"

"I told Winn first, then James and I believe Cat figured it out at some point."

"Did mother....know?" Asked Lena as her voice was breaking.

"Yes...she had told me that the reason she hadn't told you about me, she said that the day you did find out you would hate me....she wasn't wrong"

"Why? Why hide who you really are?"

"I know I'm not human. Being Kara Danvers let's me experience that, to have a job, have friends, to find love... but I've seen that no matter how much I try I will never be human... I can't have that luxury in life."

Staying silent Lena goes back and takes a seat at her desk. "Well I believe we are done here... I should get back to work."

"Lena... I never meant to hurt you. My feelings for you are true...", says Kara as she heads to the balcony. "I promised to always be there and protect you... I will keep my promise."

By the time Lena turned back to look she had already left. She remembers the day Kara made that promise. She felt as if the world was collapsing on her, Kara was there to hold her together. It was hard for her to forgive Kara, but she felt that she couldn't keep pretending to be strong, she was falling apart just like that day. Her pride wasn't going to let her, at least not at the moment. Yet she knew that just like that day she needed Kara to hold her and help her.

-Next Day-

Slamming her report on James desk she smiles at him and takes a deep breath. Surprised he grabs it and glances over it. "You did it?"

"Yes, I stayed up most of the night."

"Well thank you, you seem happier is everything okay?"

"Yes, I have no more secret to hide from her, it's all out there in the open. I feel slight relief."

At that moment Lena walks in and stops at the sight of Kara. Turning around Kara sees her and fixes her glasses. "I'll see you later James." She says walking by Lena. Grabbing her arm she stops Kara. "Can we talk?"

"Sorry Miss. Luthor, I have work I need to get back to." Pulling her arm away Kara heads to her desk.

"Lena you can't keep doing this, she is hurting. Badly hurting."

"It wasn't about mother... She escaped.."

-At the DEO-

"Everyone to your stations, deploy a team out to the prison. Brainy I want every system up and running. Lillian Luthor is not getting away." Taking out her phone Alex calls Kara and tells her the situation. After a few minutes Kara is at the DEO.

"What happened?"

"No one knows, one moment she was there and the next poof, like magic."

"Could Griffin be involved?"

Brainy gets up from his computer and paces back and forth. "Director Danvers, there is a possibility that he is involved. So far this nanotechnology has been beyond our understanding. With the information Lena Luthor provided-"

"Wait. What does Lena have to do here?"

"Kara, Lena was the one to call us and inform us about Lillian a whole hour before the prison did. She has also been working on a dampener for the bots."

"She's working with us? Why?"

"I was just as surprised as you." Says Alex giving her a concerned look. As Kara's phone rings.


"Supergirl, I was wondering if you weren't too busy to give me a visit."

"Why would I?"

"Lena would like to speak to you, she told me what happened. I told you she would hate you."

"You're bluffing, Lena isn't with you. You wouldn't hurt your daughter."

"Try me, I'll send my location."

Kara looks at Alex who is yelling at Brainy, everything is moving so slow. Was it the shock? Is Lena really in trouble. Without hesitation she leaves and comes back as Supergirl. She gives Alex the location, and has a group of 5 of her best men meet her there, but Kara doesn't wait. She makes her way to the dock. There she heads inside the building to be greeted my Lillian.

"Where is Lena?!"

"Relax Supergirl. She will be the main attraction of the party but you. Well you are the special guest." Giving a signal beams of Kryptonite shine down on Supergirl bringing her to her knees. Visibly in pain she tries to play strong.

"W-Was this... your...plan?"

"Of course. What better way to bring down your enemies than to wait until they are broken on the inside." She signals her men to cuff her using Kryptonite embedded cuffs.

"Where did... you get... Kryptonite?"

"Lex was smart. Lena is smarter, remember how she made all that kryptonite to fight Reign? Some of my men intercepted a package of it when she so stupidly gave it to the DEO, it was easy to replicate it."

"Lena... will not... forgive you."

"I can say the same to you Supergirl, take her away. I need to see my daughter." She says as she takes out her phone watching Suprgirl being taken away.

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