She can easily kill you.

By someoneonthisworld

649K 7.8K 1.4K

COMING BACK TO WATTPAD IN FULL- STAY TUNED (SCEKY will come back completed on wattpad with some edits to the... More

GOOD NEWS sceky is BACK here
PART 1 : the agency
She can easily kill you.
Chapter 1: The Bubbly teenage girl
Chapter 2: I know it's messed up
Chapter 3: My life and two dorks
Chapter 5: hello partners
Chapter 6: I could survive a..guy right?
Chapter 7: I'm not a 'just a girl'
Chapter 8: I can take my weapon anytime I want!
Chapter 9: Never underestimate a woman with willpower

Chapter 4: he was a lost man

26.6K 666 104
By someoneonthisworld

will be edited soon for: grammar, consistency of the story, respresenting MC character better


AGE 19

"Chloe Rivas, you're really un-be-lievable!"

I vaguely heard Tom's voice. I didn't want to wake up yet! I didn't have a lot of sleep last night, so I really wanted to sleep all day. But a mission and hormones on legs ruined it.

"Shut up Tom! I heard you the first 4 times! "

I let myself fall out of my bed , still tangled in my blankets, I took a deep breath. Okay.. another mission today. Mr. Black suddenly came to us with a short mission. A killer escaped from prison. He was a terrible person. Raped a woman, then killed her. In my opinion the worst people. He went to prison for 15 years. So, he's 45 now. But that stupid and dumb as fuck person did some stupid things again. He stalked several women in his neighbourhood. Looked through the window. Watched them. Creep.

He didn't learn a thing from being in prison. He still was the same creepy man doing the same creepy things. I really wanted to put a bullet in his head. First tell him what kind of terrible person he is and bang! Shoot him.

"Is it weird that I look forward to this one?"

I walked to the kitchen and quickly grabbed an apple.

"No way. Men may never touch a woman if she doesn't want him to."

David found that to be the most important rule. He's one of the guys who actually understands that important rule.

"Maybe I should be scared a 19 year old girl looks forward to killing a grown-up man." Tom narrowed his eyes at me as if he was suspicious of me.

"Ha-ha funny don't make me laugh. You're fucking 18 and already here as long as I am. So, who's the one to be scared of?"

"Yeah I know. I'm the best"

Oh right. Non-intended compliment, if you can call being 'scared of' a compliment.

"Are you sure you're not in high school? You sure look and talk like one of those jocks." I grinned, the one thing that gets on Tom's nerve is to compare him to his peers.

"Hell no. They're fucking idiots."

"You're an idiot, idiot"

"Love you too, Chloe"

"I'm not going to say it back today. Your ego has been fed enough this day."

"Ah Chloe. You're a mean girl"

"Ah thank you Tommie"

This is what I meant with fooling around. Tom and I could never be serious with each other. Only when we really had to be to survive. Like when we were on a mission. All three of us usually went in the deadly serious mote as soon as the mission starts, at least if it was a difficult one. But it was crucial you did.

"Now shut up, eat, get the stuff and go!" David said, rolling his eyes at our childish behaviour.


"This is the most boring city ever. Why is that man living there anyway?" Tom whined, staring at the dull looking buildings we passed.

"Because he's a creep who likes to look at women and I think in a city with flats like this it's easier. Think, Tom. think"

"Chloe you aren't that smart so stop acting."

"Who's acting?"

We drove in our car to the house of the creep. Mr M.R Walters. Innocent name. Absolutely not an innocent man. The city he lived in was rated for its low crime rate. Apparently, they didn't know a rapist and a killer was living in their 'peaceful' city.

"We're close to the house. You guys know the plan. He probably has a gun so we can't just walk in okay?"

"Yes David, we know the plan"

The plan was simple. Go to the back of the house. We studied there was stairway on the back of the house. I think that building used to be for bigger things like a place where you can learn playing instruments. Those stairs were probably the fire escape.

For us it was a beautiful opportunity to go inside without getting caught. Walters didn't expect people who knew who he was. But then he didn't know us. Of course not. Nobody knew us.

Tom would enter the room and make sure Walters didn't have a gun. David and I would sneak up on Walters and help Tom. Simple, like I said. This was one of the average missions. Not too hard. Not too simple.

"Hey guys, I'm going to shoot the target. Okay?"

"Chloe, we leave that to who's in the best position"

"But David, I'm the woman here! He killed a woman and spied on women. I have to stand up for my kind"

"Okay okay. You're right but when he does something the one in the best position shoots."

"Alright. "

When we reached the house, we went completely silent. Don't make a sound. The target can't expect you. We got out of the car and walked to the back. I had a gun in my jacket. The target doesn't get to see the weapon when you arrive. We silently walked on the stairs. Never run on the stairs you don't want the target to hear you.

Tom went first, then me and at last David. We entered the house. Pay attention to the house of the target. I looked around and saw a normal looking house. A normal house with a not so normal person. I looked to my right and saw the door of a room was wide open. I saw a tv and hundreds maybe thousands of CDs. I was sure the CDs were from women he spied on. And CD's? What's this, the 90s?

We walked to the living room. I saw a man sitting behind a desk looking through something that looked like a pile of photos. Tom went first. He walked to the front of the living room while David and I went to the back.

First, the man didn't see Tom standing there in his living room. But I saw he was kind of freaked out the moment his eyes caught something that wasn't there before, he gasped startled by the unwelcome visit.

"What are you doing here?"

I saw the man slowly grabbed something from his desk. I have to assume it's a gun. Bad Walters. Really bad.

"Can't I just visit a bastard like you?"

Walters looked confused and distraught but his guilty eyes didn't escape me. I could see it. That man knows why.

"Young man, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just here for entertainment." Tom smiled.

"I'm not interested so go away or I'll call the police"

"Kinda ironic don't you think? Because I think I should call the police on you. What kind of pictures are that Mr. Philips or can I say M.R Walters?"

"Don't be making up lies, boy. Now get out!" Walters' hands were shaky.

"I can't. I haven't done my job yet. "

"If you don't leave in 5 seconds, I will shoot you." Dumbass, never reveal you've a weapon if you'd planned to use it as a surprise attack. Not that it would be surprising, Tom knew long before.

"That's not nice Walters. He was just being honest" I decided to make my grand entrance.

Walters immediately turned around, so he was facing me.

"And what is she doing here?!"

"Oh she? She is just here to kill you"

We were breaking some rules here, don't warn the target, don't be there any longer than necessary.. but this target. This one was mine.

"What are you talking about?"

I saw Walters was beginning to get scared. He slowly raised his hand. Did he really think I didn't see that? I'm a trained assassin. I see everything. I can see every movement. Walters had no chance. He was a lost man.

He quickly raised his gun. I almost chuckled but controlled myself. Idiot.

"I'm going to shoot! I'm really going to shoot!" With that small gun.. like to see him try.

Poor poor man tries to save himself. That's sweet. It's time to pay up for his crimes.

M.R Walters aimed his gun at Tom's head, who didn't seem too bothered. Before he could pull the trigger or even touch it, I shot the bullet right through his head.

He collapsed to the ground. A puddle blood growing around him. I didn't pay him any attention, hope he rots in hell.

"That was fun" I chuckled.

"Dude almost went crazy from fear, did you see his shaky hands!" Tom laughed, wiping Walters blood of his face. Yeah you shouldn't stand too close to the target.

"Hey girls, we have to go. Took you two long enough." David said as he had already collected all the stuff he had to get a while ago.

David pushed us out of the room. Always leave immediately after finishing the target. So, we left. Leaving the dead bleeding man behind. We left through the fire escape and got to the car with no problems.


"Tom, sometimes you don't have to scare the target " David said with a voice like a father.

"Yeah yeah but he's different. And you have to admit. His face was priceless. Think the fucker thought he was invincible."

David chuckled. "Yes.. I admit, dammit. And you're lucky Chloe, you got your wish. You did well."

"Thanks. I learned from the best"
I winked at David. He helped me a lot with training sessions. He's 21 so 18 when I came here. He's been in this agency since the age of 16. So, he knew a lot more than I did when I arrived.

It sounds weird but Tom was the one helping us with our nightmares. He helped us forget. Or made jokes so we were distracted from the bad dreams. Like a few minutes ago. We just shot somebody. A lot people would totally go insane. But when I see the depressive side of this I would come to the breaking point and I didn't want that. The breaking point, where you realize you actually killed someone.

I was far over that point.

I've done too many things to think or act like that. The thing I had to think was we just saved the earth from a crazy maniac. I can't think like: I shot someone, he's dead now. And it's all because of me. I killed a human being. It wasn't an accident it was me who pulled the trigger. It was me who put the bullet in his head, and it was me who killed that man. I didn't think like that anymore. But it was exactly how I thought about it all during the first missions. I saw their faces when I went to sleep, I saw their faces when I woke up.

But now, I really didn't care anymore, I couldn't anymore. I cared about Tom and David and that was the only thing that counted. But I knew I could still go crazy as I had gone in that first year. I could still have a mental breakdown as much as I wanted to just let it all out, I pushed my emotions away.

Why is it weird Tom helps us? Well, Tom is here for 3 years now. As long as me. David here for 5 years. In assassin years It's really long. One year is long. A day is long. A minute. Even a second. Because every second. Minute. Hour. counts. In that second you weren't paying attention you can be killed. Tom was here at young age, so he had to deal with this when he was only 15. That's a school kids age, an actual kid. Teens of 15 should fool around, hang out with friends, sport, do things they like and have arguments with their parents. They shouldn't have to kill people, risk their life, make every day count or suffer from nightmares.

Cause he had nightmares. He helped us with our nightmares. Tom comforted us also to comfort himself. We knew that. He said he did it for us, but David and I knew he wanted to be free from the terrible nightmares.

When I heard him scream or making sounds I often went to his room and lay next to him. When he felt the warmth of a human body beside him, he would relax. Fall to sleep and wake up. Then he would look at me with a confused face like he didn't understand why I would help him. He didn't understand. But I told him very often him: you're like my little brother and I love you. I have to protect you. I feel like I have to protect you and I really care about you.

He knew I meant it. But found it hard to accept love. Because he never had love. He didn't want to tell anything from his past but parents that give their children to Black are terrible. Don't even start about mine. I first felt anger, thinking they gave to him too.
But they didn't.
They weren't allowed to have me in the first place. So, this was the price. They didn't give me away. My destiny always lays here, with mister Black, with the agency.

Tom's didn't. The little I know about his past made me sure his parents weren't agents or anything like that. How he ended up here? I really wanted to know but I understood that he doesn't want to tell me. He knew he could trust me. That wasn't the problem. It was just too hard to talk about it. To replay the memories in his head. Talk about them would only make thing more complicated and harder than it already was. And maybe it will cause the mental break down.

After this mission we went on with our lives. That's the truth that's the reality. You can't change your whole life. You sure can make decisions that turn your life upside down. And if you don't want to be at point A you can just go to point B. I didn't have that choice. I was stuck in my reality. And my reality is bloody, scary, dangerous. But sometimes it was fun. With the guys, the clubs, Of course the hot tub.

Later in the afternoon,
The bleeper in our room went off. That meant Mr. Black wanted to speak to us. I think it was important this time cause trough the intercom he said:

"Come here immediately. I need to talk to all of you, in my office."

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