We Are Grounders

By chloepwright

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Earth. It was the final destination for the citizens of the Ark, 100 years after the nuclear bombs that wiped... More

In The Beginning...
Earth Bound
There's So Much To Learn
Rescue Mission
Acid Fog
Rule Makers
Bellamy's Mistake
Chaos is Coming
Pushing Our Humanity
Thank You Jobi Nuts
Things Will Come Crashing Down
Return of the Cockroach
Biological Warfare
Bridge vs. Raven
I Am Become Death
The Calm Before The Storm
You Want War? You Got It
The Pain Of Those We've Lost

The Peacemaker of Unity Day

127 5 1
By chloepwright

Chapter 13 ... The Peacemaker of Unity Day


Buckle up...she's a lengthy one ;)


"You think guns are going to solve all of our problems?" A sore and tired Finn spat at both Bellamy and I.

"Yeah I do actually. Do you have a problem with that Spacewalker?" Bellamy retorted, getting riled up by Finn's insults. Both of them inched closer to one another and Bellamy being somewhat taller than Finn, held his head high as he stared him down. With too much testosterone circulating in the air I decided it was time for me to step in.

"Ok that's enough." I separated the stand-off by standing close to the two and holding my stance until they moved away and calmed down...to an extent.

"Bellamy go put the guns away." I turned to Bellamy and gestured for him to place them in the drop ship. With a small and knowingly glance towards Finn, Bellamy picked up the guns and left me with Finn.

"What was that?" I asked once Bellamy was far enough away that he couldn't hear us. Finn shuffled his stance and then looked away from my stare. As he showed that he wasn't going to give me an answer I continued.

"You don't have to agree with us using these guns, but they will protect us and keep us safe until everyone else comes down."

"I just don't think it's necessary. We should be negotiating for peace, not fighting a war." Finn replied matter of factly.

"I know that." I snapped back, remembering Ryder and the sense of hope I had that maybe there was other grounders who were like him.

"Do you Adria?" I opened my month to answer but was distracted by yelling in the background. I turned to see Bellamy's back to me and Octavia on the other side of him.

"Have you lost your mind O? The grounders will kill us all when they find out! Damn it!" Bellamy ran his hand through his hair and then over his face.

"He saved my life Bell." Her voice was surprisingly calm compared to Bellamy's growing violent one.

"For all you know he could have been keeping you locked up to use as live bait."

"No, I don't think so-"

"No you don't think, O! That's the problem. They killed three of our people, and if you had let me kill him when I had the chance, maybe we wouldn't be facing a death sentence-"

"Stop! Stop blaming me for your mistakes! What happened to Finn is not my fault, I wanted to leave so if we die, that's on you!"  Octavia screamed back at her older brother, clearly angry and hurt by his words. Bellamy didn't know what to say, he froze up. I watched as he balled his fists by his side and tensed his jaw. He was about to snap. Octavia scoffed.

"Everything that has gone wrong is because of you. You got me locked up on the Ark, you wanted me to go to that stupid dance, you got Mum killed!" Bellamy stepped back from the impact of her words. It reminded me of earlier when I had told him that I forgave him for all of his sins. For him to hear that from his sister, I knew would it would make him doubt his decision to come back with me.

"Me? Mum was floated for having you, she's dead because you're alive. That was her choice, I didn't have a choice." Bellamy maintained a steady tone but suddenly lost control and blurted out something I knew he would regret later.

"My life ended the day you were born!" Octavia held back her unshed tears before she turned to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" He grabbed onto Octavia's arm and yanked her backwards.

"You can't keep me locked up in here forever." She pulled her arm out of his grip and pushed past between Bellamy and myself as I had made my way over to the two. I watched as Octavia stormed towards the drop ship and Bellamy stood there with a weak and tired stance. I knew he already wanted to take back what he said.

Now just realising that he was angry over Lincoln escaping, guilt started to creep up on me. But I couldn't tell him right? I looked up through my eyelashes to see Bellamy staring at his sister as she walked away from him. The pain and regret in his eyes was evident and it sent a chill throughout my body. I was going to lie to him about Lincoln. I had to.

"Adria. Jaha wants to speak to you." I heard an unfamiliar guys voice from behind me and I nodded at the boy. I then turned to Bellamy who was out of his daze and smiled sincerely before heading to the tent Raven had set up.

As I pulled back the tent flap I took in the set up. There were two chairs from the drop ship placed in front of a makeshift bench which had a screen attached along with the broadcaster. Hooked up to the rig were two headsets which I presumed was where the audio came through. I sat down in the seat to see Jaha on the screen in front of me. I put on the headset and then gave a small smile to Jaha.

"Hello Adria. It's lovely to see you." Jaha spoke in his usual professional tone, and as I stared back at the chancellor all I could see was Wells. I swallowed hard and tried to pull myself together.

"Likewise." I started.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes. As you know tomorrow is unity day. I was hoping that our ceremony could be broadcasted through to all of you so you can join in with our celebrations." He stated, rather than asked.

"Of course. I'll make sure it's done as soon as possible." I answered, hoping that Raven would be able to make something with the limitless amount of supplies we already had.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes actually. I wanted to speak with you about life on the ground before the other members of the council will be informed." Jaha spoke calmly. I nodded, remembering the feeling that I used to bare before coming to Earth. The mystery of our planet always interested me, and I supposed many others.

"Honestly, it's been tough. We've struggled with supplies and food, as well as trying to build a stable home environment. And winter is upon us. Without your help we'll freeze to death before we starve. But the hardest part has been trying to get along. People have...died, because of conflicts." I struggled to get out with my voice cracking, as I remembered all the people that had suffered. Those two boys on landing, Atom, Wells, Charlotte, Roma, John, Diggs, Dax, even Murphy.

"But there's something down here that we didn't expect." I said, trying to draw my attention away from the pain.

"There's grounders. Survivors. And we're on the near brink of war with them. We need guards, supplies, something. Otherwise we're just sitting ducks out here." He took in a deep breath and sat back in his chair considering what I had just told him.

"The council held a meeting this morning. It was decided that the first drop ship would deport in 60 hours. I'll make sure it is heavily weighted to guardsmen." After considering his proposal I quickly agreed.

"Thank you." Jaha nodded and our conversation was coming to an end. But it was then that I remembered what I had planned earlier.

"If you don't mind waiting for a little longer, I have someone who would like to talk to you."

"Of course."'Jaha extended his hand, implying that I could go and get the person. I didn't need a second offer and got up from my seat and exited the tent. I searched the camp frantically, trying to find the person's familiar figure. It was then that I locked onto his dark, mop-like hair and raced over.

"Bellamy!" He slowly turned in a frustrated manner to face me and I took in his tense stance.

"Please help me god Adria if you're here to give me some fucking therapy session on my sister then I'm not interested." Bellamy unexpectedly spat out at me while running a hand over his face.

"I was actually going to say that I have someone on the radio who I think would like to hear from you." I replied, trying to stay calm and focused on the task ahead. He looked towards the tent and then at the ground, and without saying anything nodded somewhat shamelessly at me.

I walked back into the tent, Bellamy close behind and then sat down in my seat. He did the same and once he looked up at the screen I saw his body tense up. I placed my hand onto his forearm without even thinking, almost like a reflex. Out the corner of my eye I saw Bellamy side glance to me, while his body started to relax.

"Who's this?" Jaha pulled us both from our thoughts.

"This is Bellamy Blake." The mention of his name caused Jaha to lean forward in his seat and crease his eyebrows in curiosity. They had obviously worked out that Bellamy was the one who shot Jaha.

"The man who shot me." Jaha said plainly.

"I ask that you please pardon him of his crimes." I ordered strongly, not beating around the bush.

"You know I can't do that."

"With all due respect Chancellor, you have no idea how important Bellamy is to us down here. He's the one who has kept us alive this long. The 100 look up to him, he gives them hope. He's gotten them to build a wall around our home for protection, taken out hunting groups, gone on search parties to rescue people who were taken and found a bunker on the map that led to us finding guns." The things that I was saying were all true, and while in the beginning I despised Bellamy, I now understand why he did all those things. For Octavia.

"Jaha I'm begging you, please pardon Bellamy of his crimes." Jaha sat in his chair with his hands clasped on the table in front of him. I had seen that look before, the same look he gave me when I was told my father was to be floated. Bellamy must have noticed it too because he suddenly spoke up.

"If you don't mind Sir, I know who your inside man is." I snapped my head to Bellamy who was intently focused on Jaha. Inside man?


"Well by now you would've figured out my motive was my sister Octavia. And by now you also would know that I couldn't have done it alone." Bellamy controlled his voice as he spoke, remaining calm. Jaha only nodded in agreement.

"I was promised by one of your guardsmen a spot on the drop ship if I killed you." Jaha almost seemed shocked at the revelation and leant back in his chair with a sigh. Clearly contemplating what to do next Bellamy continues to try and convince the chancellor.

"Today one of the hundred tried to kill Adria and I. He told us that he made a deal with the same guard. The conditions were that his parents would be on the first ship down, but only if I was dead. I assume because I could rat him out." As Bellamy continued to share the details of the events involving this mystery guard, everything started to make sense to me. Bellamy agreed to the deal to see his sister before we plummeted to what we thought was a radiation soaked planet. He wanted to spend his lasts moments getting to know his sister after all those years. And the wristbands, to ensure to save his life in order to be with Octavia. And the radio as well. Whoever this guard was, in that moment, I wanted him dead. I wanted him to pay for using people to get what he desired out of it.

Bellamy turned and looked at me for reassurance in what he was doing as Jaha sat still with no emotion.

"Someone's out to kill you Chancellor. Bellamy was just doing the dirty work so he could see his sister. He's not to blame." Jaha sighed and put his hands over his head, questioning whether he should believe us while Bellamy glances towards me with with a somewhat surprised look, like he was shocked that I was standing up for him.

"The guard is Shumway," Bellamy blurted out. I didn't know that he knew who the guard actually was. I quickly turned back to the screen to see Jaha shocked. Shumway was a lead guard, a trusted one, especially by councilmen Kane.

Jaha sat in silence for quite some time before he readjusted his position and spoke.

"Bellamy Blake, I pardon you of your crime." I let out a sigh of relief and then began to laugh. Bellamy turned to me with a large grin on his face before bringing me into a hug. I had almost forgotten that Jaha was there as I was engulfed in his warmth and musky scent but quickly snapped out of my daze and sat back down in my seat, as did Bellamy.

"Thank you." Jaha nodded before turning his focus to me.

"Now Adria, I have a question." Before he had asked it I already knew the answer. Wells.

"My son, is he-"

"Dead." It came out so bluntly which I had not intended. The memory of his murder came rushing back to me and an ache formed in my chest.

"He's dead. I'm sorry." A tear fell down my cheek which I quickly wiped away before sniffing and coming back to reality. I knew Jaha wasn't taking the news well but was trying to keep it together.

"Your mother would like to speak to you." I shook my head immediately.

"Tell her I'm not interested." I took off the headpiece and placed it on the table before leaving the tent.


*The next day*

"My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, we will be on the ground." Jaha chorused through the screen Raven had rigged up for all of the 100 to listen to. It was now early in the morning and it was the historic unity day.

"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller yelled from the crowd as I stood nearby watching over the group that had formed.

"You shut up, Miller. No ones forcing you to watch." Raven retaliated and caused a smile to spread on my face. I loved her fiesty attitude.

"For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth." Jaha continued as Finn pulled up beside me. I glanced his in his direction to see a somewhat disgusted and bored expression plastered across his face.

"Don't tell me you don't like Unity Day Spacewalker?" I mocked.

"Unity Day is a lie blondie. The Ark only came together after the thirteenth station was blown out of the sky. Just not the version of history we like to tell each other at parties." He responded with a serious tone. Immediately my mood changed and my smile disappeared. I knew he was still mad about the guns but there were some decisions that needed to be made in order for our survival.

"The Unity Day story gives people hope, though, and peace came out of that violence. Not saying I agree with it, but it did."

"Yeah, but did there need to be violence at all?" Finn replied back sharply, causing me to meet his hazel gaze. His statement left me speechless and to an extent frustrated that Finn kept trying to accuse me of being in the wrong. Before I could speak a very exited Jasper came busting out of his tent carrying his prized possession.

"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!" He screamed over Jaha, immediately catching the attention of everyone.

"Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" Monty stood close behind Jasper, taking none of the credit.

"Monty!" Jasper called out to his friend and to call him up.

"There you go." Jasper handed some to a stranger who took a large swig of the foreign substance.

"Hey. Save me some." His friend complained from the background as more and more people took a mouthful.

"Happy Unity Day! Pass it around." I stood from the sidelines admiring the companionship that had developed throughout the camp. It was something that I never thought could occur.

"To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way."


Shortly after Jaha's speech the comms cut out and we lost signal with the Ark. I was slightly paranoid that maybe something had gone wrong and decided to spend my Unity Day trying to fix the damn thing, seeing as Raven was on bullet duty. As I continued to tinker with the machine, out the corner of my eye I saw Bellamy approaching. He stood beside me causally with his hands crossed over his chest, while he watched over the celebrations, an apple in hand.

"Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." I interrupted the silence between us.

"Best Unity Day ever." I followed his line of direction and turned, stepping away from the machine to be beside him. The delinquents were chatting, laughing and playing drinking games amongst themselves. It almost looked like a family Christmas party; well what I had thought one would be like.

"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there." I said calmly, remembering Lincoln. God I hope that letting him go wasn't a mistake.

"Grounders." He corrected me.

"By now, he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob. Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one." He replied with a shockingly calm tone. The fact that Bellamy was telling me to chill out and let lose was something I never thought I would witness.

"Did you just-"

"Seriously. Go." Bellamy finally turned to look at me and he had a small smile plastered across his face. It was a look I hadn't seen before and one that I hoped I would see more of.

"Well I could use more than one drink."

"Then have more than one. Adria, the Exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it." He spoke with the utmost seriousness. I couldn't deny that Bellamy and I's relationship has changed ever since the day trip to that bunker. Our bond had gotten stronger the more time we spent together co-leading this camp. No doubt about it. But the largest change was the amount of trust we had for one another.

"Yeah. Okay. So do you by the way."

"I'll have my fun when the grounders come." Bellamy flashed that same smile and added a wink, resulting in me giving him an eye roll and a shake of my head. I laughed breathily and then walked away from Bellamy, into the crowd.

"Unity day." I heard him laugh to himself and then bite into the red apple.

Time to party.


*one too many drinks later*

"Oh ple-ase! You ain't got nothin' on me Miller!" A tipsy me retorted back at Miller who stood beside me. I was currently playing a game of 'who could get the berry into the stranger's mouth first.' In my drunken state, it was actually quite entertaining.

Holding the berry in hand I pointed it up, with my elbow bent and in front. I drew my hand back in forth in a type of swinging motion that I somehow thought would help me aim. I then flicked my wrist and watched as the berry travelled...travelled...travelled...and...landed straight in the boys mouth.

"Wooooh!" I stuck my hands up into the sky and shouted into the nights cool air, as Miller shook his head in disappointment. I then turned to Miller and flipped him the bird before we both laughed histerically. After we composed ourselves, Miller swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug.

"Well played Griffin, well played."

"Why thank you Miller."

"Come on let's go and chill by the fire, my ass is about to freeze off." He said in the hope that I would agree.

"Well we wouldn't want that, now would we? I mean, you do have a nice ass." I played of nonchalantly.

"Are you hitting on me?" I only shrugged. I mean give me a break, he wasn't ugly and I wasn't sober. 

"You clearly don't know then that I'm into guys." In shock I sprayed the Unity Day juice from my mouth into the air and then coughed after I choked on some. Miller began laughing at the display.

"Fuck off!" I spat out in between my fits of coughing. Finally, after regaining my composure I spoke.

"Who's the lucky man?" Miller seemed surprised that I was interested in his love life and smiled.

"His names Bryan. He'll be coming down soon." He assured me, and I think himself too. 

"Well I can't wait to meet him then." I smiled while I spoke and we continued to walk to the fire, discussing random things. It was also then that I remembered the incident with Lincoln and apologised for my wild and aggressive behaviour. Miller only laughed it off and admitted he was actually terrified of me putting him on his ass in front of Bellamy, which ended up in me laughing until I could no
longer breathe.

It had been some time, the night was still young, and Miller and I sat by the fire chatting amongst ourselves and sobering up slightly.

"Hey guys!" A girl called out from behind us and we both turned to see Taliah coming towards us. She seemed to have had a lot more to drink than Miller and I.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Just having deep and meaningful conversations." I replied back.

"Oh really? Well I can join? I have got some serious boy problems!" Taliah said and immediately I knew who she was referring to. Finn.

"Uh maybe not-"

"Ok so, there's this guy and we had sex a while back and it was fucking amazing and he felt the same way. And then, his girlfriend from the Ark showed up and he never even told me that he had a girlfriend. Who the hell does that?" I sat there with my hand in my hands, just listening to her spiel while Miller listened intently.

"What a dick! Have you talked to him?" Miller questioned.

"He's tried to talk to me but I've just been ignoring him. He even told me he loves me." She blurted out.

"He what?" I suddenly spoke up and met Taliah's eyes which now looked almost scared.

"He told you that he loves you? What else did he say?" All I could think about was Raven and how much Finn was fucking her over. It was clear that he didn't share the same feelings as Raven anymore and as a result, she was just getting hurt. And the worst part, Raven knows about Finn's feelings, but still stays.

"He-he said he loves me and that he can't stop thinking about me and that he will end things with Raven if it means we could be together." Taliah told me quietly and hesitantly.

"That prick!" I rose from my seat in anger and began running through the camp in search of Finn. But to my dismay he was nowhere to be found and no one had seen him in over an hour. So as a last resort I sat on watch at the gates, waiting for his return.


*Finn's POV*

"Making bullets on Unity Day. Fun." I said as I walked into the tent Raven was situated in, checking the gunpowder of each bullet and then using the salvaged powder for the new bullets.

"The grounders don't know its Unity Day." She replied, clearly not fazed by the fact that we could be on the near brink of war.

"How did Bellamy get you to help?"

"I volunteered. We have to be ready to fight, don't we?" Her comment began to frustrate me. It was ok for her to be mad at me, but now she's siding with Bellamy and expecting war. What was happening to everyone?

"Or we could try talking to them." I said from behind her. She continued to not face me while she worked which annoyed me more but I acted calm and kept reasoning with Raven.

"They seem to prefer stabbing. Violence is the only thing those people understand."

"You know, they could say the same thing about us. If we keep going on this way, we'll never stop digging graves." I knew my point was heard. A war means more deaths. If we declare peace there would be no more pain. No more suffering. I just wish everyone could see that.

"You didn't see him, Finn. It didn't matter what we did to him. He was ready to let you die." Raven finally turned to me and met my eyes. Her brown ones were glossy and she was getting fired up about my constant protesting of peace. But I wouldn't stop, and she also knew that. Angling a different reason wouldn't work, she was just letting me know why she was doing what she was doing. But we weren't saints, and we don't have the right to decide who dies and who doesn't.

"He was protecting himself."

"Why are you defending him?" Raven snapped at me.

"Never mind. I hope you know what you're doing."

"I know what I'm doing." She said, almost like she was reassuring herself. And as Raven turned back to her work I knew that was my queue to leave. While I stood watching over the camp that's when I saw Octavia sneaking out. And that's when the idea hit me...


*Finn's POV*

While the camp was clueless drunk I snuck out and followed Octavia who I guessed was headed to the grounder. I needed to speak with him. Bellamy was having too much of an influence on everyone and in particular, Adria. And as a result, she was willing to let there be a war. I couldn't let that happen. There was no need for war when we could live in peace. We could offer them assistance in farming and tech so that the human race could thrive. It wasn't just about our survival, it was about theirs too. I also knew that there was something holding Adria back from letting Bellamy have full reign over the guns. I could tell she was scared to use them. I wonder why?

As I headed further into the darkness I followed Octavia's trail all the way to the same cave she was taken to. Finding an opening I took a deep breath, checked my surroundings and then lunged into the darkness before I could talk myself out of it.

Heading deeper and deeper into the unknown I could see a light up ahead and came to the edge of the darkness where there was a shadow cut off by the light of a fire. I could here Octavia talking and peeked around to see her in the grounders arms. She pulled away and then they both leant in, kissing.

I quickly turned away as I felt a pang in my chest. I was so stupid for getting myself involved with Taliah. But I was captivated by her. But then I couldn't hurt Raven. But I couldn't deny my feelings for that girl.

Shaking the thought away I composed myself and confidently stepped out from the shadows. The grounder saw me also instantly and lurched forward to punch me. I jumped back out of his reach and shortly after Octavia noticed my presence and jumped in front of the grounder.

"Finn? Lincoln wait, wait! He's my friend." Lincoln looked to Octavia and stepped back slightly. To show I wasn't there to harm him I handed him the knife he used to stab me.

"I think you lost this." Confused, the grounder hesitantly took the knife from my hand and then stuck it into his belt.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Octavia spoke up after the exchange.

"I could ask you the same thing. I could also ask how long you've known he speaks English, but I won't." It was then that I noticed the horn sitting on one of the shelves behind Lincoln and I headed over to it, grasping onto the artefact.

"You blew this when your people were hunting us. You saved our lives. I have to believe there's more like you." I said with the utmost hope.

"I stabbed you." That was the first time I heard the man speak. I knew I was gaining his trust.

"And we tortured you. If the two of us can get along, then maybe there's hope. Learn from history instead of repeating it, right?" I looked to both Octavia and Lincoln who turned to each other.

"And how's that gonna happen exactly?" She asked.

"For starters. No more killing." I looked to Lincoln who shook his head.

"I don't have the power to call a truce."

"Then bring me to someone who does. Hey, look. The rest of our people are coming down here. The first ship lands in two days." I wanted this to work. It had to work.

"It's true." Octavia backed me up and I wasn't surprised. She clearly shared some sort of affection for Lincoln so anything to keep him safe she would advocate for.

"And because of the attacks, they're sending mostly soldiers, the people that enforce our laws. The Ark is about survival at any cost, and they'll kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here if they feel threatened, they will start a war, and I don't want that. Neither do you, and I think that's why you blew that horn. Once the soldiers get here, it will be too late, and we'll have no power to stop them, but if they see that we're at peace, then maybe we have a chance to stay that way." If we didn't get this sorted now, there would be a massacre of innocent people. People who were only trying to protect their land. Land, that we trespassed on.

The room was silent for some time as Lincoln considered the proposal. He looked to Octavia for an answer and she nodded.

"All right. You bring me your leader and I'll bring you mine."

"What, Bellamy? He'll never go for this." Octavia was right. He would never agree to something like this, but I already knew who Lincoln meant.

"No. Not your brother." Lincoln said, looking to me.



*Adria's POV*

I continued to sit by the gate, waiting for Finn's return when I suddenly saw some movement in the trees. Finn and Octavia came into view as they ran towards the gate. I stepped out from my position and the two came running for me.

"Adria, I've got us a meeting with the grounders." Finn said in between puffing while I just stood there with a stern look on my face.

"Did you hear me?"

"I heard you just fine Finn. I also heard Taliah's spiel on how you love her." I folded my arms across my chest and stood strong, staring down at Finn who now held a guilty expression.


"No Finn, just don't. I can't believe you! How could you do that to Raven?" I snapped.

"I didn't plan it!" He quickly answered back while Octavia stood there awkwardly. I turned to her and she gave away her feelings of desperation in wanting to disappear into thin air, which pulled me back to what Finn had said.

"What's this about a meeting?" I said while sighing.

"There's a meeting at dawn, at a bridge not far from here. We need to leave now if we are going to make it in time."

"A meeting with who?"

"With the grounders leader. You need to negotiate for peace."

"There is no way they will accept peace Finn. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that we should be the bigger people and do everything we can to stop a war. You used to understand that, but ever since you've declared yourself leader with Bellamy you can't even seem to do the right thing! Every choice you make, someone ends up dead Alina! Can't you see that?" Finn yelled back at me, finally losing it. I'd never seen him so angry before but it was fuelled by passion and concern; like he was trying to protect or save me.

Tears stung my eyes and before they fell I wiped them away and looked out past Finn and Octavia. Octavia stood there stunned while Finn was shocked that he had let himself lose control like that. But he wasn't wrong. Every decision I had made had gotten people killed. Those two boys; I should've tried harder to stop them. Atom; I killed him. Wells; I let Charlotte think she should slay her demons. Charlotte; I dobbed in Murphy, an innocent man. Dax; I killed him too before he killed Bellamy and I. When did I become God? When was I given the role of deciding who lives and dies? I wasn't.

"Adria I didn't mean-"

"I'll go get my pack. We'll leave in five." I said with no emotion and walked away from Finn and Octavia.

"Adria." Finn called out sincerely. I only turned my head slightly, not meeting his gaze.

"The terms are no guns so don't tell Bellamy. This has to work." Nodding yes I walked into the camp, heading straight for Bellamy.


I ran over to the man who was discussing something private to one of his men and he quickly noticed me.

"Hey Princess, having fun yet?" Without saying anything I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him aside, into the shadows.

"Adria, what the fuck?" Bellamy grumbled as he pulled out of my grip.

"Shut up and listen to me." He was immediately quiet and shuffled his stance while crossing his arms, like he was mocking me in that what I was about to say wasn't that important.

"Finn has ordered a peace summit at a bridge not far from here. I'm meant to be meeting the grounders leader and negotiating for a cease fire." Bellamy's body language changed the more and more I told him. Frustrated, he ran a hand over his face and then placed his hands on his hips.

"And you're going?" I could only nod.

"Do you think that impaling people on spears is code for 'let's be friends?' Have you lost your damn mind?" Bellamy was starting to get riled up so I remained calm.

"I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people." Although I wasn't completely convinced I did have hope that there were others like Ryder.

"They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning."

"Well, that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our backup." There was a long pause as Bellamy tried to grasp what I was getting at.

"Does Finn know about this?"

"Finn doesn't need to know, and, Bellamy, bring the guns."


I know it's taken me a while to get this up but in Australia we are on holidays right now so I'm currently not home and typing this on my phone...with crappy service.

Anywayyy I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I'm actually really proud of it!!

Let me know if there are any mistakes.

I have a question...who are you shipping with you and what ship name are you giving them??

Also did you like the change to Finn's POV?

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