Heaven is a place on Earth

By AlexH11152XLukaX99

178 2 4

Ruby finds heaven on earth with a special someone, Belle French. I might change this fic to mature if it gets... More

They say in heaven, love comes first


58 1 0
By AlexH11152XLukaX99

    As soon as she arrived home, she programs Belle's number into her contact list. Ruby mentally scolded herself the rest of the night. That is, until she received a text from Belle whilst she was relaxing and watching television. Ruby tuned the television out as she opened Belle's text and began to read it.

From: Belle
Time recieved: 10:34pm
[Hey Ruby. Sorry I'm texting so late tonight. Today has been busy. I can't wait to see you again tomorrow! I hope it's okay that I'm texting you this late]

    Ruby blushed as she read the text. Belle couldn't have wanted to contact her? That's impossible, right? Ruby smiled a bit before she types out a responds to Belle.


    Belle smiled nervously as she looks at her phone. She fidgets nervously. Her heart raced. She hoped that the cute waitress would answer her, regardless of how late it was. She let out a small nervous sigh and placed her phone down.

    After a few moments of waiting for a response while over thinking and letting her mind race, she heard her phone ping. It was Ruby. She blushed lightly as she thought about the cute waitress. She read the text.

From: Ruby
Time revived: 10:37
[Hey Belle! Oh, no no don't fret, you're fine, really, it's okay. It's not THAT late yet. So, what did you want to talk about?]

    Belle blushed more. She honestly did want to talk about something with Ruby, but she felt it was too soon to be talking about it so instead she decided to take the route of small talk for tonight and feign innocence.


    Ruby was pacing now in her room as she eagerly anticipated receiving another text from Belle. She felt her own two cheeks burning with embarrassment. In all honesty, Belle had totally captured Ruby's heart the moment Ruby laid eyes on her.

    She felt her heart slamming in her chest. Ruby nearly jumped when she heard her phone notification and she fumbled with her phone in an attempt to check it, almost dropping it in the process. She let out a small nervous sigh.

    She began to read Belle's response, her face contorted a little as she felt a tad disappointed. She had hoped that Belle wanted to talk about something deeper that what she had written, but maybe that's just because her hopes were up.

From: Belle
Time received: 10:42pm
[Okay, I was wondering what your favorite animal was actually?]

    Ruby took a moment to think about it. But she already instantly knew what her own answer would be before she even began to type it out to Belle. Ruby took a deep breath before responding to Belle's text.


    Belle began to wait impatiently for Ruby's reply. She was pacing a bit in her room. She plops down in her chair and picks up a book. She opened it to where her bookmark had previously been enclosed within the pages of said tome. She began to read it, zoning completely into the book, not hearing her phone ping right away.

    After she had read the entirety of three chapters she had remember she was talking to Ruby. She hoped Ruby wasn't upset that she had zoned into the book. She opened her texts and read Ruby's message.

From: Ruby
Time received: 10:45pm
[I really admire wolves the most, what about you, Belle?]

    She thought to herself for a moment before responding. She knew what animal she liked a lot. She wondered to herself why both her and Ruby had both managed to have the same favorite animal.


    Ruby started getting nervous. Did Belle hate wolves? If she did, Ruby didn't think she'd ever tell Belle about being a werewolf. What if She hates werewolves? She wouldn't be able to bring herself to even look Belle in the eyes if she ended up not liking werewolves.

    Ruby started to worry a little less. What if she fell asleep? It is pretty late at night anyways, so that wouldn't be too surprising if Belle had fixed off. Ruby almost jumped when she received Belle's new text. Ruby's heart was slamming in her chest.

    Ruby read the message, her limbs felt light and shaky. She felt adrenaline pulsing through them. She almost couldn't believe her eyes as she read Belle's response.

From: Belle
Time received: 11:15pm
[Sorry for the late response, I zoned into a book. I really like wolves as well. They're my favorite animals! It's sad how misunderstood they can be.]

    Belle liked to read, of COURSE that's why she took so much longer to respond than usual. The fact that Belle also liked to read made her smile. God, so far there wasn't anything wrong with Belle. She was practically perfect!

    Ruby began to type out a response to Belle. She hoped Belle liked to read similar genres as herself. That way the two of them would have something more to bond about. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she types out a reply.


    Belle began to read some of her book again, but kept her phone's notification sound up high. She wanted to make sure she's receive Ruby's message without her worrying why she wasn't responding right away.

    Belle was a few pages into the next chapter when her phone made a sound, shaking her out of her own stupor. She placed a bookmark inbetween the pages. She closed the book and opened up her texts. She began to read the message. Her eyes lit up with excitement.

From: Ruby

Time received: 11:17pm
[I wish more people took the time to be to know about wolves. They're actually quite gentle peaceful creatures.]

    Belle smiled as she began to type a response. She hoped Ruby was having a wonderful nigh but she was starting to get tired and she wanted to finish at least one chapter before falling asleep.


  Ruby yawns and stretches. She was getting exhausted. Maybe Belle would be willing to see her tomorrow while she was at work? She sure hoped so. She soon received a text from Belle.

From: Belle
Time received: 11:23pm
[I agree. Maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow at the diner? I'm gonna hit the hay, sleep well Ruby.]

    Ruby felt her cheeks flushed as she read the message. Belle wanted to see her again tomorrow? Was this even real? It didn't feel like it was. She quickly sent Belle a small message saying good night.

    She then put her phone down and crawled into bed. She turns off the bed side lamp and cuddled into the blankets. She was excited to see Belle tomorrow.


    Belle reopened the book and continued reading the chapter of her book. She enjoyed the rest of her night just relaxing while reading the rest of the book. After finishing  her book, she checked her texts and smiled. She sent a simple "Good Night Ruby, see you tomorrow" then clambered into bed.

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