Candy Pop X Reader Lemon

By zyberwolf69

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Okay I am going a warning now anyone who is under age and don't now what a lemon is is a porn fiction and for... More

candy pop x reader lemon
lemon warning (very violent)
the truth
the pairings
(a/u) notes
I am back
happier days
a different life
lemon warnings a new life (last chapter)
my characters bio(outdated)
a bound life (morivin)
a bound life part 2
a/n notes
oh my god
In love with a jester
in love with a jester part 2
in love with a jester final part
i have a new account
wow thanks
original charactors and there creators
sorry guys
I am sorry for my absence
the feud
feud final part
thanks everyone
sorry for the few years hiatus

feud part 2

95 0 3
By zyberwolf69

okay so i will try to crank out sooner so here in joy


i look down at the six people down there they do not notice i am in this tree i was in i sat up there i had my unicorns in my book bag that i had on i unzip the bag and the first one i see is the purple on it seams to be glowing huh why is it glowing is it a indicator that i am being follow or going to be killed the rainbow one is so bright when i pull out the rainbow one i was noticed (you would run now) i heard a voice in my head okay now i am hearing voice but i think this unicorn right i should run i pull it back in my bag and i pull out a rope and whip i then use the whip to get throw the canopy of the trees and i lost them again i hope so okay i heard static but this time it hurt more i start to cough up blood i felt numb and drowsy i fought past it and i keep swinging throw the trees i then found a open lake i jump down to the ground i look around to find no one i then walked over the lake i really need to get a hold of myself i should not fall asleep or i will die i fall to my knees and caught up blood i looked around i sall on the other side a tall and slender looking man i knew now i had to run and don't stop i got up to run but i hit into someone solid i found myself up against a young men with green eyes i feared the worst but a flash of light came out of my bag and i was in a cabin huh this cabin feel like i have been here before what that carving god no i not here am i what just happen how did i get here and why am i here i sat down trying to understand why i am back here in California i then headed back to my old house it was boarded up there were tap all over it i the found a way in i found and a black light coming from the dining room i sall the black unicorn was fix and and was looking at me

i then walk over to it you were broken what happen here your fix did you fix yourself and have been waiting for me the black unicorn nodded it head it wanted the others i pull out the rest of them and place them around on the table i then sall a bright light come off them showing my dad my dear y/n i am sorry i left you a long time ago i want to come back but the other would not let me go slenderman want me to kill you when you were born but i till him to shove off and i ran i put are family in danger please go to my work shop and get the unicorn heart medallion it will keep you safe from other people like him go run these unicorn will keep you safe there i walked to dads old shop i then went inside i notice the heart was on the tray it was covered in dust i grab if dusting it off i then put it on i heard static in my ears again you go to be kidding me ugh i climb to the rafters and stayed there i then notice a young me with a blackish grey beanie on he was looking for me i stayed quiet i looked around the room the jester and clown were arguing about being in the same area as each other then i heard a shut the fuck up i from a young woman i found myself being a lot quiet when i heard them talk about me she really did that right i heard from Jeff she must of some of his powers maybe she was like us but the boss told us to kill her before they awaking only time will till look at the unicorn banner they said if you can make them all it would grant a wish but i never believed it like i said you have not dreams night you are a selfless fuck unlike you clown fucker at least i give my prey a chance to tick me off unlike jason who morally said you clown fucker i hearing that made me smile there morally just understood people why are they talking about this when they new i am in here unless they think i left 

welp she must be gone or hiding in plane sight i heard from jeff i then pop open a hatch and want throw it i then heard static in my ears then time it what to painful  to ignore i then black out i then heard horse hoofs and then i felt light i wake up in the cabin again i then heard horse near bye i then sall a black unicorn fight off the others i sat up i heard shh be quiet it looked like a older women when i sall her face it looked like my birth mother mommy shhh be quiet there still out there huh what do you mean there out there the others that want you died um okay are they gone no wait okay there retreating for now who are you y/n i am sorry me and your dad left you i want you to be safe but yes i am your mother i fake my death and so did your father your father was an angel who save me from slenderman a long time ago when you were born you had fairy powers and angel wings when i mite your father head had a magical affinity for unicorns so he made a pact with the local ones here so  they would protect us from that day until you were born so this why you can use white magic and can talk to unicorn the black one is your protector so i other words i am not normal no your not i am sorry my dear when i had you your father said we should try to protector from the truth and if she does not find out that go even better than what will happen but if we leave her should would not now so that other woman who was she was a succubus and that is why she hated both of you because you were a threat in her eyes when she died your powers started growing but it did not go unoticed bye the puppeteer when he sall you he had to have us the puppeteer is he a poltergeist i now i have seen him to much i heard a staticed voice your hear i backed up against the wall back away from my child demon she not yours i would not say that your tilling the trust my dear vamera she and i are tied what i sall i thread of gold around my wrist what did you do to her she does not now but i remember the night after the death of that thing that i found her asleep on a bed far way from home so i had a job to do but she was so lovely she had a unicorn with her it was the rainbow one it protector from me getting at her so i did something to get back at you and your loving husband i set a curse on hear and what is this curse the lover kind my mouth at this time was down to far to shut it up i closed my mouth with my hand and try to

understand what was just said i heard shouting and then felt the ground shake i then notice a group of fairys fight candy pop grr annoying pest i sall a black aura came out and all the fairys in the general area around him died your think fairys can stop me i have a half fairy here and he a waste of time most of the times but you think fairy magic can stop me vamera i felt a surge of energy go throw me and mom and then i heard horse hoofs and flapping of wings will then fight me then with that everyone but puppeteer left i sat up to see a horde of unicorns of all colors around the cabin i get up and want outside dad is that really you yes i am sorry y/n i should have protected you better i was a fool why is he still here wait i can't harm me why is that i raised my wrist a golden string was around it pup why did you do this i fell in love with her will i would never imagine that happening but if you stay to your wood i think we would be okay i guess that person out there candy pop or night terror yes your lucky he did not time to get back here i am sorry my dear your friends are died it okay they said they would protect her so they did will Jonathan why do you want me then you remembered my name that touching were zero she is gone she and i are enemys i have betrayed slenderman nights left him to but jason and laughing jack are still here nights right now will be gone until he can get control of his emotions so your have the four pack trust me will keep you safe from them ugh look jack there no time for candy okay that what you say oh so 

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