Where We Belong

By viktoryusprime

114K 5.1K 357

Harper Jace wants to leave NYC to find a fresh start for herself. Away from her best friend, everything that... More

Love Action
Reuben Sandwiches
Help Needed
New Homes And Old Scars
If In Doubt, Have A Cup Of Tea
To Sleep, Perchance To Dream
Becoming Friends
Unfinished Business
Bourbon Truths
Grief Is The Color Grey
It Is All In The Eyes
Willie And Indiana
Best Friends And Pancakes
Wonderful Tonight
Thank You For Being A Friend
What Happens Under The Mistletoe
Sleepless In Seattle
Wake-up Call
When The Walls Come Down
Where We Belong

When The Old Meets The New

3.8K 205 4
By viktoryusprime

Gillian is knocking on Harper's door as soon as she is dressed for work to get her straightening iron and she makes it perfectly clear that she absolutely will not be giving in to her ransom demands. "Harper, you're being so ridiculous. Just give it back to me, please."

Harper flashes her a toothy smile. "But, your hair looks really good today."

"Harper, I mean it." Gillian states but without very much anger in her tone.

"You are going to have to go into work au naturel today if you don't just pay up soon. You have about forty-five minutes." Harper says as she glances down at her phone screen for the time.

Gillian glares. "You're so infuriating." She tries to change Harper's mind for another ten minutes, but eventually lets it go. She has to convince herself that it is only because it is getting closer and closer to the time that she has to be at the bar and that she should ultimately accept that Harper will not give in. So, she reluctantly writes out an I.O.U. with exactly what Harper dictates, signing it at the bottom for authenticity. "There, are you happy?" She says as she hands Harper the piece of paper.

"Actually, I'm very happy." Harper smiles.

"Now, I need to use your bathroom so I can fix this mess." Gillian says as she pulls at a few stray curls.

Harper sighs. "Go ahead but I still think that you should leave it."

Gillian completely disregards Harper's comment and pushes past her and into the bathroom. Within minutes, she is exiting the bathroom again with her hair straight and silky just as it always is. Then she says a quick goodbye and is out the door before Harper can even manage to get in a word.

Harper is smiling as she lays down on her bed with the I.O.U in her hands. She looks at the handwritten note and beams proudly as she reads it aloud to herself. "I, Gillian Gainer, promise to spend one full day with Harper Jace without straightening my curly hair and she may use this voucher whenever she pleases." Harper is already picturing that day when she hears her phone ringing, so she puts her daydreaming on hold and reaches for it. She answers right away when she sees who it is. "Hey Sky."

"Harper? Are you still alive? Is everything alright?!" Skylar says, worried and exasperated.

"What? Yes, of course. What are you talking about?" Harper answers, confused.

"You called me! And why the hell would you leave me a voicemail telling me that you were in trouble? I was freaking out!"

Harper laughs. "Oh, shit. Sky, I'm sorry. I guess it must have sounded more urgent than I meant it to."

Skylar sighs. "Well, thank goodness, I guess. So, do you want to tell me what they hell is wrong? What's going on?"

Harper takes a deep breath. She gets up and puts her note from Gillian away in her wallet that is sitting on her dresser before falling back onto her bed. "You know, it's really just the same old stuff that always gets me in trouble."

Skylar laughs and is suddenly even more excited for her visit than she already was. "Oh my god, Harper. It's Declan isn't it? I totally called it. You better start talking, babe."

"What? Declan!? Skylar, no. This has nothing to do with Declan." Harper says.

"What? It doesn't? Wait. Now, I'm confused." Skylar replies.

"I mean, it is probably what you're thinking but Declan doesn't really have anything to do with it." Harper rephrases so that Skylar knows that she is somewhat on the right track.

"Who else could it be? You haven't talked about anyone else that you've met in Seattle. All you ever talk about is Declan and Gillian. Unless you've been holding out on me, Jace."

Harper sighs. "So, something happened last week that I probably need to tell you about first."

"Okay... That doesn't sound cryptic at all." Skylar says sarcastically.

And so Harper takes a deep breath and tells her best friend about everything. She starts with the part about Danielle and about how she came into the bar to see Gillian. She tells her about Declan's reaction and then how upset Gillian got that night because Declan lost his temper. Skylar is equally as surprised as she was when she learns that Gillian was once engaged to a woman and that Declan was once married.

Harper talks about how brave she thinks that Gillian is and how she handled everything in a way that is unlike anyone that she has ever met. She slyly leaves out the part about the sleepover they had just last night as well as when they slept together on the sofa in the bar earlier in the week, but she tells her about the furniture shopping and how Gillian helped her pick out almost all the furnishings that she has in the condo. When Harper is done, she notices that the other end of the line is silent. "Sky? Are you still there."

"Oh, yeah. I'm still here." Skylar says.

Harper notes the thoughtful tone in Skylar's voice. "Well? I mean, you haven't really said much. It's kinda scary."

Skylar takes a breath and lets it out slowly. "I guess I'm still trying to take it all in, that's all." There is a few more seconds of silence before she speaks up again. "So..."

"So?" Harper perks up when Skylar speaks again.

"You're in love... with Gillian?" Skylar ask hesitantly.

"No, I'm not in love with her. I just...I don't know. She's my boss. And anyway, she's out of my league. Right?" Harper asks Skylar hoping that she will get a truthful answer but continues to talk before Skylar can even answer her. "You should have seen that chick, Danielle. Gillian's ex? She is...wow...I mean, she is really something. I don't think that I'm really Gillian's type. She obviously--"

"Jace, seriously, stop babbling on for a second." Skylar interrupts her with a chuckle. "Back it up for just a moment. I think you're getting way ahead of me, and way ahead of yourself right now... Okay, so, you aren't in love with her--"

"I said that I don't know, Skylar!" Harper argues.

Skylar lets out a frustrated growl. "Harper, let me finish what I have to say, okay?" Harper nods to herself quietly and Skylar takes the silence as confirmation so she continues. "So, let me start again so you don't have a cow. You obviously like her, right? Can we at least put that out on the table?"

Harper thinks for a moment before answering apprehensively, "Yes. I like her."

"Alright, that's a start." Skylar chuckles. "And judging from your word vomit just a minute ago, you don't think that she shares the same sentiments. Am I getting warmer?"

"Yes..." Harper replies softly.

"Okay, so here's the thing. And Jace, I'm just gonna come out and say it. And don't you dare turn around and just brush off everything I'm saying. You have to hear me out, okay?"

"Okay, fine." Harper says, more irritated now than she is anxious.

"I don't know Gillian but she doesn't sound like she's a dumb woman. You know that I think you are a catch and I am sure that she sees that, too. But, the problem we have here is that she's probably not over her ex and until she is, she's not going to even think about dating anyone else. You said that all of this went down in March?" Skylar asks.

"Yes..." Harper says frowning.

"Well, that still seems like it wasn't very long ago. I'll bet that it's all still really fresh. It sounds like she may really just need a good friend right now." Skylar says as gently as possible.

Harper is still frowning. "I know. And you're probably right."

"But, who knows, babe. That can turn into something else later on, right?" Skylar adds so that her friend does not feel completely defeated.

"Yeah, maybe. Or maybe not." Harper mumbles more for herself than for Skylar.

Skylar shakes her head. "Man, apparently I really need to meet this lady. I can't even remember the last time you got this sappy and weird on me. She really has done a number on you."

Harper laughs for the first time during their conversation. "I did tell you that I thought I was in trouble. I really wasn't kidding."

"Well, when I see you on Friday, I'll make sure that we smack that out of you. That's one thing that I'm still good for." Skylar jokes.

Harper shakes her head and smiles. "Speaking of that, I have to work Friday night but I'm gonna pick you up from the airport and just drop you off at my place. If you want to hang out at the bar, it's literally right up the street so you can just walk over. Is that cool?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. Haven't had the chance to watch you work behind the bar in a long time. That should be fun." Skylar says playfully.

"It has been a long time, huh? And anyway, Gillian's place is really chill. I think that you'll like it."

"I'm just fucking excited to see my best friend. It's been a whole four months."

Harper smiles to herself. "I'm excited to see you, too."

"Alright, I gotta go, I have to make sure some things are taken care of around here before I leave for two weeks. And I have to start packing."

"You haven't packed? I hate that you always wait until the very last minute to do things." Harper says.

"Whatever. You know that I work very well under pressure." Skylar counters. "So, are you feeling any better? Is the crisis under wraps for now at least?"

"Yeah, I do feel better. Thanks for listening." Harper says.

"Always. Okay babe, call or text me tomorrow and we'll make plans for Friday."

"Yeah, I will. Text me your flight info again."

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you, too."

Harper ends the call and lays back thinking about the conversation. She hates it when Skylar is right but there really is no way to argue her way out of this one. Gillian is too important to her and she does not want to be the one to screw up what they are building.

Harper decides that she will have to suppress whatever it is that she is feeling until Gillian is ready to move on. And to be honest, when that time comes, she has little hope that Gillian would even be interested in her. That thought makes her heart tighten. As much as that hurts, she knows what she needs to do. She gets up and grabs her wallet pulling out the I.O.U that Gillian has written her. She studies it one last time, smiling as she thinks about their interaction just earlier. Then she folds it back up and tucks it down into one of her dresser drawers. Out of sight, out of mind, she hopes.


Skylar walks into the bar on Friday night to see that it is rather busy. She looks around for Harper and does not see her anywhere but when she walks up to the bar, she sees a handsome bartender who is speaking to a couple of ladies that are sitting across from him. He seems genuinely interested in what they have to say and as she gets closer, she can hear his Irish accent. He notices her and excuses himself from his current conversation.

"Hello there. What can I get you?" Declan asks.

Skylar smiles. "Hi, I'll take a beer. Um..." She leans over so that she can see all the taps. "How about a Blue Moon?"

"Absolutely. Would you like a slice of orange in that?"

"Eh, surprise me."Skylar says with a smile and a shrug of her shoulders.

"Alright, coming right up." Declan says before turning to fill a glass for Skylar.

Harper exits the bathroom and immediately spots the leggy brunette sitting at the bar. She walks over casually, making sure to take slow, quiet steps and wraps both arms around Skylar's waist before pulling her into an embrace. "HI!" The surprise causes Skylar to nearly fall out of the chair.

"HARPER! You just scared the shit out of me!" Skylar exclaims as she is flailing to stay on the barstool.

Declan is back with Skylar's beer and finds Harper laughing hysterically while the brunette woman is glaring at her. When he puts Skylar's drink down and she turns back towards him, he says, "Ah, I take it you're the infamous best friend? Welcome to the Seattle." Then he extends his hand. "I'm--"

"Declan." Skylar smiles as she finishes his introduction for him. "Harper speaks very highly of you."

He raises his eyebrow and smirks. "Likewise."

She takes his hand and shakes it. "I'm Skylar. And it's very nice to finally meet you. Thank you for keeping my friend over here out of trouble."

Declan laughs. "She's the one that keeps me out of trouble, generally."

Harper laughs. "Hey Declan, all of her drinks are on me tonight. Just keep a tab for me, will ya?" Harper says. Then she turns back to Skylar. "I've got both the dining room and the bar tonight so I'll be running around. Don't feel like you have to stay the whole time, okay? I'll give you my key when you want it."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine. Go do your job, Jace." Skylar says and she slaps Harper on the bottom.

Harper shakes her head at her friend and walks away. She makes it a few steps before she turns back. "Hey, actually before it gets too much busier, there's someone else I want you to meet." They secretly share a look and Harper smiles at her friend again. Then she runs around the bar and into the back.

Skylar sighs quietly into her glass as she casually takes a drink of her beer. This is certainly going to be interesting. Skylar is not exactly sure what she is expecting but she knows the type of people Harper usually falls for and she always seems to get herself into the most disastrous situations when it comes to anything romantic. In Skylar's opinion, Harper has always been too giving and passive in her relationships which has lead to her being taken advantage of or outright used. So, she knows for a fact that if she sees any warning signs when she meets Gillian that she will not stand for it. She made a promise to herself after everything that happened with Wes, that she will do her best to prevent Harper from having to go through any of that again.

Harper comes back and sees that Skylar is patiently waiting. She smiles at her friend nervously trying to tell Sky with her eyes to be nice, knowing very well that her best friend can come off as aggressive and overbearing.

Skylar returns the smile and winks at Harper hoping that will calm her nerves. This earns her a dramatic eye roll instead which makes her chuckle. She is about to say something to Harper when Gillian comes out from the doorway and into view. Skylar's very first thought is that the woman is extremely and unquestionably beautiful. Damn. Good job, Jace.

Having caught the odd looks between Harper and Skylar just a few seconds ago, Declan, who is standing just at the end of the bar, decides to listen in on their meeting. He thinks that Harper has been acting strangely the last few days and he wonders if it has anything to do with her staying the night at Gillian's earlier in the week. When Gillian told him about it in casual conversation, she did not seem fazed by it at all. However, when he brought it up to Harper the next time he saw her, she looked uneasy and anxious. It was unusually out of character and something that he thinks may be worth further scrutiny.

"Hello." Gillian says with a brilliant smile on her face. "I'm Gillian."

"Skylar." Skylar replies with an awkward wave and then extending her hand.

Gillian gladly takes it. "Welcome to Seattle. Harper has been really looking forward to your visit. How are you liking it so far?"

"Well, it's only been a few hours, but I have noticed that it is very much different from back home. I can see why Harper decided to stay here."

"You happen to be very lucky because you are visiting at a really good time. Right now it is still really nice out. I hope that it stays that way for the duration of your trip. We usually have more wind and rain by this time of year. Harper arrived here in the summer so she hasn't really seen all the rain that Seattle has to offer either." Gillian chuckles. "She may end up back in New York by Spring."

Skylar shrugs. "I don't know about that..." She trails off and looks over at Harper with a sly smile "Although, she's pretty unpredictable. I bet she'd somehow surprise both of us with what she decides to do."

Gillian looks over at Harper as well. "I don't know her as well as you do, Skylar. But I'm willing to bet that you're right. She does seem to be full of surprises."

Harper looks between the two women and flushes. "Geez, guys. Why do I feel like a fish in a bowl all of a sudden? I'm gonna go get to work. I think table 4 needs some more drinks." Harper hurries off towards the dining area.

Gillian laughs and turns back to Skylar. "I should probably get back to the kitchen as well. I have some more prep work to do before the dinner rush. If there is anything that you need or want, please just let Declan and Harper know. I'll probably see you a little bit later. And if not, I'm certain we'll see each other again during your stay here."

"Thank you." Skylar nods. "I'm gonna stick around for a little bit but I'll probably turn in early tonight. I've been up since five this morning traveling. But, it is very nice to meet you Gillian. I'm very glad to finally put a face to a name that I'm always hearing."

"I feel the same. Harper really adores you and I'm really glad that you're here to see her. We'll chat again soon, I'm sure. Have a good night." They exchange smiles and Gillian walks back into the kitchen.

Skylar smiles into her beer as she takes another drink. When she looks up, she see Declan studying her. She smiles politely. "Penny for your thoughts, Mr. Bartender?"

Declan chuckles and shakes his head. "Nothing in particular, really. But, I overheard you talking to Gillian about her name being one that you're always hearing and it just has me wondering, that's all."

Skylar raises her eyebrow inquisitively. She wonders if Declan knows about Harper's current predicament and decides that she should probably test the waters first rather than saying too much. "Well, Harper speaks about you quite a bit as well. I think that she considers herself pretty lucky to have stumbled onto this place and then not only finding work here, but being able to become friends with you and the bosslady. She doesn't get close to very many people and she's always been kind of a loner that way, so it's nice for me to see that she has people here."

"Yes. I'd agree that it did take her awhile to warm up to us. She seemed more comfortable around me than Gillian for most of her time here. Or maybe that was just the feeling that I got. But, I can't help but notice that the two of them have been getting closer as of late." Declan smiles.

Skylar thinks about her answer before replying. "I wouldn't know anything about that," she lies. "For someone who calls herself my best friend, she actually doesn't talk to me nearly as much as I would like her to. I am guessing that her multiple, random jobs keep her pretty busy."

Declan nods. "She does like to keep herself busy, that one."

Harper walks up behind Declan and reaches around him so that she can grab a glass to fill with beer. "Is she giving you trouble? Just let me know and I'll throw her out." Harper jokes.

"No, I think that I'm probably causing more trouble for her than the other way around." Declan grins at Skylar one last time and then walks away, stopping to talk to the other two women that are still sitting at the bar.

Harper squints her eyes glowering at Skylar wondering what Declan meant by his last comment.

Skylar just shrugs at her friend and finishes her beer.

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