See The World the Exact Same...

By levitatingtyler

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When Mikey Way (Aka Kobra Kid), carelessly gets caught with his gun out in the middle of the city, he is imme... More

Ch.1 ~ Caught in the Act
Ch.2 ~ A Care Unit and a Cynical Roommate
Ch.3 ~ Under a Drac Mask
Ch.4 ~ Late Night Talk Show With Pete and Mikey
Ch.5 ~ Overthinking to Pass the Time
Ch.6 ~The Best Conversations, Are Sober Ones
Ch.7 ~ Worse Than an Electric Fence
Ch.8 ~ See The World The Exact Same Way
Ch.9 ~ If Only He Knew
Ch.10 ~ Close Your Eyes, It'll Be Less Scary
Ch.11 ~ A Practically-Fatal Wound
Ch.12 ~The Short End of The Stick
Ch.13 ~ What's It Like to Be In Love?
Ch.14 ~ Back in The Zones
Ch.15 ~Their Prized Possession
Ch.16 ~ Once Again, An Outcast
Ch.17 ~ Midnight Drive
Ch.18 ~ It's Just a Nightmare
Ch.19 ~ So Sappy When You're Tired
Ch.20 ~ Grief is a Weird Emotion

Ch.21 ~ More Than Enough

125 9 22
By levitatingtyler

Mikey parked. Well, technically he slammed on the breaks and nearly flipped the car over, but parking nonetheless. He left the car, everyone else following suit. Mikey was scared out of his boots and he wasn't even wearing boots. What would everyone think when he brings a drac who is still in uniform to their secret base?

He took a deep breath. Pete slipped his hand into Mikey's, who hid it behind his back. His little girl burst through the door, giving no choice but for Mikey and Pete to follow.

"Hey!" Frank cheered, "She's found her way back!"

Everybody crowded around her, hugging up on her and making sure she was out of harm.

"You're welcome," Mikey rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"You got her?" Gerard asked, nobody looking up at him.

"Well duh," Mikey replied, insulted with how surprised he seemed.

"Who's your friend?" Ray asked, everybody's eyes landing on Mikey and Pete.

Mikey took a deep breath, "My drac friend I told you about."

Silence drew across the room. Pete rested his head on Mikey's shoulder, squeezing his hand.

"Drac?" Gerard asked, breaking the silence.

"Yup, met in the care unit," Mikey replied.

The silence turned more awkward and Mikey already knew Pete hated awkward silences. Normal comfortable silence was fine to Pete, but awkward silences were his enemy.

"I saved his life too," Pete boasted.

"A drac saved your life?" Frank asked as if he was joking. He even stifled a laugh.

"Yes," Mikey replied, "Killed the drac that... uh... That killed Lindsey."

Even more silence drew the room.

"Lindsey... Lindsey's dead?" Gerard asked.

Mikey nodded. Everyone looked around the room at eachother. Their little girl smiled as everyone stared at eachother, having no clue what death truly was yet.

Mikey's chest was heavy. He leaned against Pete. What were they exactly? Were they together or just best friends that kiss and hold hands? They never really talked about it. For all he knew that kiss might have never happened. He might've dreamt it. Afterall, it was too good to be true.

"It's - uh - it's my fault," Mikey mumbled.

"No, he froze and thinks he could've stopped it," Pete replied.

"I could've!" Mikey repeated. There is no doubt in his mind that he could've prevented this all from happening starting from the moment he agreed to head to the city and give Lynz the wheel. He should've driven them back home. She could've still been here and the rest of the gang would've gotten their little girl out.

Nobody spoke. Nobody looked at anyone. It was as if everybody was stuck in their own bubbles, away from eachother and the real world. 

After a few moments, Gerard stood up.

"I'm going for a drive," He said.

"I'll come with," Frank replied.

"No," Gerard said, stopping Frank in his tracks. "I need to be alone."

Mikey was the only person who knew about Gerard's crush on Lindsey. He had it since they met when he was seventeen, but once Frank started growing up and actually shooting dracs and breaking out of his shell, Gerard started leaning Frank's way. It would kill Mikey to ever tell Gerard about Lindsey's feelings. He knew Gerard would probably drive away and never come back if he ever found out.

Gerard stopped right in front of the door where Mikey and Pete were in the way.

"Thank you for saving my baby brother," Gerard sighed, his eyes dense. It looked hollow and cold.

"No need to thank me," Pete said, "Would've done it no matter what."

They got out of the way, Gerard running to the car and starting it up. It was silent.


"It is beautiful," Pete said in complete awe. His eyes could not tear away from the sunset in front of them.

"My favorite part is counting the stars once the night sky takes over," Mikey replied, resting his head on Pete's shoulder. They sat on the trunk of the car staring as the sun went down slowly. Inch by inch.

Pete was silent, watching as the sun slowly sank below the mountains. Mikey spent more time staring up at Pete than actually watching the sun, but Pete never seemed noticed. Both seemed to be in a complete trance. Mikey never thought someone could be so perfect. Such a sweet guy, too. What Mikey hated the most about Pete, though, is how much pain he went through. Pete was the last person who deserved to go through as much pain as he went through.

"Mikey!" Gerard shouted.

"What?" Mikey groaned, annoyed that the moment was completely ruined.

"It's time!"

Mikey frowned, looking down at his lap, "Coming."

Pete rubbed his back.

"I can't do this," Mikey mumbled. "Why can't you come?"

"Because your friends hate me," Pete said gently.

"They never said that," Mikey replied.

"I can take a hint," Pete replied, "Your friend Frank specifically said I can't come."

Mikey felt infuriated in his chest, but there was nothing he could do. So he slid off the trunk.

"I'll be here," Pete said, "Waiting."

Mikey nodded, heading behind the diner where the funeral was taking place. Nobody seemed to notice Mikey's arrival. All of them stared down at the boulder they were using for a grave. Mikey thought this funeral really showed everyone's personalities. Ray being the softy he was was crying. Gerard had tears begging to fall, but he held them. He was never one to show his feelings. And there was Frank, rubbing Gerard's back. He was never much of a crier. Still, you could see the sadness and grief in his eyes.

Mikey couldn't do it. Everybody was so sad but none of them were there. They didn't see the happy glow Lindsey had before it abruptly vanished with shock and pain. They didn't just stand there instead of trying to save her. They didn't do any of that. They weren't there.

The worst part was that nobody bothered to even talk to Mikey. Gerard and Frank were together, Ray was off on his own, it was just like how it always is. Except this time Mikey was full of guilt and sorrow and just all around pain. Maybe he was overreacting. He was never that close to her anyway. He just remembers that she saved his life and he couldn't even save hers.

He couldn't do it. He leaned against the wall of the building, darkness slowly looming above. He couldn't get himself to cry. He had cried enough. He had cried so many tears he felt like he had nothing left to give. He just stood there, watching Gerard begin to crumble and Frank finally break.

He up and left. He couldn't do it. He couldn't see the grave that didn't even have her body six feet under. He couldn't watch his own best friends cry over her makeshift grave. He couldn't watch his friends in so much pain that was his fault.

He stopped by the vending machine and bought a gun. He headed over back to Pete who didn't even notice him he was so fond of the sun that was practically gone. Mikey threw the gun at him, making him nearly fall off the trunk.

"Done so early?" Pete asked, "And what's this for?"

"Just shoot me and get it over with," Mikey said.

"Shoot you? Why would I--"

"Just do it," Mikey snapped. He felt nothing but guilt and unexplainable misery. 

Pete stared, "I can't."

"Why not?" Mikey asked. He pointed to his chest, "Right here. Not that hard."

"No," Pete said, "Why do you want me to do it?"

"Because I can't do this anymore," Mikey replied, "Everything is falling too quickly. I can't keep up with life. I killed one of my own friends, Pete."

Pete frowned, "I'm not shooting you."

"Then I'll do it," Mikey replied heading toward him to grab the gun.

"Mikey, no," Pete said. His tone startled Mikey. It wasn't his normal gentle tone. It was more demanding and stern. When he saw how frightened Mikey looked, he sighed and slid off the trunk, pulling Mikey into a tight warm hug. "I'm sorry. You're only sixteen, Mikes. You aren't even an adult."

Mikey was silent.

"We all fall into those times where everything is just toppling on us, I've been through it," Pete whispered softly into Mikey's ear, "Actually, you were there during that time."

"I was?" Mikey whispered.

Pete nodded, "I was alone. The only thing keeping me from relapsing was just thinking and believing I'd see you again. That kept me going after you left."

"But you felt something," Mikey replied, "I don't feel anything."

Pete pulled away, taking Mikey's hand and putting to his chest. Mikey could feel his heart beating steadily.

"I think sometimes you forget that you're an actual alive human being," Pete said, "Can you feel that?"

Mikey nodded, staring down at where his hand was.

"Now you can feel your heart beating."

"I'm talking about something different."

"I know," Pete said, "And I wish I could help. I want to help so badly. I just love you so much."

Mikey's eyes darted from the ground to Pete, who's eyes widened.

Mikey smirked, "Trust me, you're doing more than enough."

~The End~

And there we have it. The end! Btw I finally came up with a permanent name for the story. "Counting Stars". I'll rename it later. For now, here's the chapter :). Now, I wrote this book to get out of writers block but right now I'm back in it. 

Well, not necessarily. More of I have no fanfiction ideas. I've got ideas for my own original stories, which I've been working on lately. Like my brand new story I'm going to start writing soon is about a boy who records this video and gets a video back. I don't wanna say too much to avoid someone copying me lol. Well... Idk when I'm coming back but I'll be back :) Bye guys, see you next time!

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