Run, don't freeze

By Sweets-simmer

296 31 2

Mingu kuro bunny has no family left. All died the day after middle school ended. She's orphaned with no help... More

Story INFO
Mingu kuro bunny
Foster system. Or not???
Training a little...
Prinicple Nezu
Dont Destroy the House!!
Ready as a Rabbit
Speed or illusoin
Nightmare room
Laughing in the face of a bomb
Pain isnt stoping me
Under pressure
Train like you want to die
Never cry
I dont care
Its your choice
So much for a nap
Back to school
Ghost Pepper Curry
Fun Date
Summer on its way
The fight
Shopping nightmares
First day at camp
The second day

The Start

24 1 0
By Sweets-simmer

I walked along with the evil. I grabbed to survive today. Heading to a cheap store, to buy some food, to fix the pain of my empty stomach. It being mid summer at the time; I still shivered, cold. I sighed. It was to late. The store was shut for the day.

With that I headed to the park to see if I can find shelter there tonight. My eyes following along the buildings tell met by the trees. I walked along a path into a park shutting my eyes walking along...

Tell I crashed into someone...

Falling down, I open my eyes and lay on my back. For a moment the pain in my butt was my only thought, tell I saw WHO I ran into.

With a panic attack, I yell trying to get up and get away. All Might standing there with a boy about my age, who reminded me of broccoli. All Might turned to me his grin, scaring me more.

I was a wanted thief.
He was a top hero.

This was bad luck.

"Hello young miss! Apologizes for knocking you over. Are you okay?" All Might said loudly.

I shake with fear nodding managing to get up.

"Yes I'm fine... excuse me I have to go.." I say nervously, luckily without a stutter. Tell I heard a yell and turned, seeing the man who I passed and stole the wallet of and left on the ground. He looked at the police who called out to All Might.

"Get them! They're a thief!" They yelled, but with that I ran my dust trail showing up from my amazing speed. Thou it was to slow with me weakened state. It didn't take a minute and I found myself lifted by my hoodie by All Might. With fear going throw me I cried and kicked around struggling.

"Let go of me!" I yelled in vain.

"Calm yourself miss and I will set you down," He said with his signature smile.

I sniffles and nodded in agreement and shake once standing on my own two feet not daring to look up at him. The police made there way over, panting from running to catch up, along with the man who growled and before the police could touch me, he lifted me off the ground.

"Give me back my money you lil piece of- OOF!" He was cut off by the police tearing him away from me, causing me to fall once again. Instead of getting up I sat there and whimpered with tears rolling down my face. My hood had called back revealing myself. The second police officer forced me to my feet and was shocked to see how little and young I am.

"Give me what you stole and then we will bring you back to the office and call your guardians." He said trying to sound nice.

"It's all in my left hoodie pocket..." I said then watch him grab the 25 dollars and a 5 dollar gift card to McDonald's handing it to the man who walked off glaring at me after being scolded by a police officer.

"Okay let's go." He started to lead me away but I didn't move.

"Please don't take me in." I begged shaking. All Might standing away talking with the now panting broccoli boy who had to find where everyone ran to so fast.


"Because when you put my name in all you'll find is my death certificate..." I said before sobbing again. Green boy glancing over hearing this looking lightly worried.

"I bed your Parton?"

"All my family died in a fire and when I came back, I found out they thought I died in it to. My name in listed under the deceased list now.." my eyes dropped tiredly, after saying this.

The police officer stood in shock. Giving me to push, what little energy, I had into disappearing and I jogged into the bushes and laid hidden tell the police ran off to try and find me. I released my power and frowned sighing looking at my cuffed hands.

"There's the fast girl!" I heard from a unfamiliar voice causing me to sit up. It was the boy and all Might, who both came over.

"Please don't hurt me!" I cried out.

All Might shock his head saying, "calm down young miss. I'm not going to hurt you."

I looked at him sniffling and said with a sad voice, "your not going to?"

He shook his head pulling out the key, he got from the officer, undoing the cuffs. While green boy went off after saying, he had to go home.

"I'm here to help you and straighten things out."

That's what I heard before fainting.

That's how I was saved.

All Might saved me by showing up.

By the time I woke up my death certificate was no longer and they where searching for a foster home for me to stay. I told them all crimes and told them things over heard to help them and gave them all I knew.

In trade, they gave me a life again.
I also was given a recommendation into a dream school, with the combination of a program to turn bad kids, thou reality it was for minor villains, into good heroes. It was anonymous. I couldn't care. I was glad.

I was alive again.

I was free from become truly evil.

(905 words)

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