Shadow's Edge (Shadows Saga b...

By Linna1029

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In the world of magic there are only two options: learn control, or risk becoming the one thing everyone fear... More

Chapter 1- Solitude
Chapter 2- Any Evidence?
Chapter 3- The Right Decision
Chapter 4- Basics
Chapter 5- Introductions
Chapter 6- Fateful Encounters
Chapter 7- First Day
Chapter 8- Night on the Town (PT 1)
Chapter 8- Night on the Town (PT 2)
Chapter 9- Magical
Chapter 10- Legends
Chapter 11- Heating up
Chapter 12- Electricity
Chapter 13- Home
Chapter 14- Blocked
Chapter 15- Elegance
Chapter 16- Breakdown
Chapter 17- Apologies
Chapter 18- Control
Chapter 19- Freak
Chapter 20- Journey
Chapter 21- Predicament
Chapter 22- The Storm
Preview of Between Shadows

Chapter 23- Decisions

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By Linna1029

Despite the hour, Headmistress Varkov had still been in her office. When she had opened the door, she looked at the five students with surprise, and anger. Six students had been truant; one had caused another large disturbance yet again before running off.

“Ma’am, could we come in?” Marx asked. Varkov stepped to the side, allowing the students to enter her office.

Cecilia Varkov walked around the students, taking her seat behind the desk while the group tried to decide who would speak first.

Zeldra stepped forward, her eyes on the ground. “Headmistress, everything that happened was my fault. Mara and the others really had nothing to do with it.”

Varkov’s eyes narrowed at Zeldra. To say she was surprised by the young witch’s words would be an understatement. “And just what do you mean by that Miss Trekon?”

“When Zander heard Mara was a descendent of Urissa Crowland, he began to get nervous. He was sure she was going to waltz in and take the very spot he believed belonged to him on the High Council. After the portal he created for Mara to go home, everything changed. He seemed darker somehow, and his anger grew. When he had been caught for the portal and put on probation he was sure there was no way the Council would consider him anymore. And it was all because of her,” she paused, giving Mara a sideways glance.

“He wanted to make her pay for that, so he made me create a potion for him. I couldn’t refuse him-” She broke off clearing her throat as tears threatened to betray her. “The potion he had me make dampened Mara’s control of her magic. Anything she would attempt to do in order to get her powers in check would just have the opposite affect on her. He had hoped that prolonged exposure would ensure a permanent loss of control, and possibly even convert Mara into a Nightshade.”

Marx’s jaw clenched tightly at her words. It took every ounce of strength he had to keep silent and not rip the witch’s throat out.

Zeldra reached into her pocket and pulled out a small vial. It was filled with a red substance that shimmered in the light. She set the vial on the desk, giving Varkov the last of the potion she had made.

“He came to me knowing my skills in potions. I thought he had come to me as a friend, but he was only using me.”

Cecilia Varkov sat silently, letting Zeldra speak. When she had finished, the Headmistress leaned forward and reached out to grab the vial. She moved it around between her long fingers. “And when was the first dose administered?”

“The night of the dance,” Zeldra said.

“The night of your first mishap,” the Headmistress said, looking at Mara.

Mara nodded and Cecilia Varkov looked between the other students.

“And where is Mr. Delcole?” She asked, noticing his absence.

This time, Emmett stepped forward looking straight into the Headmistress’ eyes. “He’s dead Ma’am. I-I killed him.”

She had been taken aback by his confession. None of the students had ceased to amaze her; it was as if she didn’t even know them at all.

“There was really no other choice, Ma’am. He was attacking me with his magic. I had no other way to protect myself. It was in self-defense.

“It’s true, Mrs. Varkov, I was there when it happened. Zander was going to kill Emmett if he hadn’t stopped him. He saved Mara and myself. Who know what he may have done if Emmett hadn’t stopped him when he did.”

Zeldra paused for a moment. “I fear he was losing himself to his thirst for power. I believe he was becoming a Nightshade himself.”

“Is that how you attained your injury?” Varkov asked, motioning toward the scratch going down Emmett’s face. It had gone through and finished the healing process, but marks left behind by Nightshades, especially vampires, never fully healed.

“No. I’m afraid this happened when we were attacked by a pack of Nightshade vampires on our way to find Mara.”

Cecilia nodded, turning her attention back to Mara. “And why was it you left in the first place, Mara Collins? Leaving the grounds is strictly against school policy, as you well know. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe your incident would be covered under that category.”

“With all due respect, Ma’am, I do believe it would be covered under that category. I left for the safety of everyone here. I had just injured Emmett, pretty severely at that, and I couldn’t handle the thought of losing control and hurting someone else, or worse.”

All eyes were on the Headmistress as they waited for her to say something, anything. They knew there was a chance they could all be expelled from the school and they had each come to terms with that on their own. But the suspense was agonizing.

Cecilia Varkov nodded slightly, mulling over Mara’s response. “Well,” she paused, looking at each of the students. “This is not the last conversation we will be having about this. For now, however, everyone will be notified about Mr. Delcole. A student death is a tragedy no matter the circumstance. We will no release specifics on the demise of Zander. I feel it best that he be remembered the way he was. They do not need to know about his- transformation.”

Cecilia turned to Zeldra. “I have made my decision for you, Miss Trekon. You will not be allowed to continue this year at Shadow’s Edge. You are to pack your things and leave first thing in the morning.” Zeldra’s eyes began to tear up as she fought to keep control of her emotions. “There will be a committee to evaluate your part in the situation, but given the information you have presented to me tonight, I have no choice but to enforce this decision in the meantime. The committee will call you in for questioning to determine if you will be allowed to return for your final year of schooling.”

She turned to the others. “As of yet, I do not have a decision for the rest of you, but don’t think you won’t be hearing from me.” She looked at each of them in turn. “I will be calling on the board in the morning to set up a meeting. We will discuss the events and call each of you in for individual questioning. At the time of completion we will reach a decision for each of you. Until then, go back to your rooms. Get some sleep. You resume classes immediately.”

They all nodded and turned to leave Varkov’s office in silence. Zeldra was hurrying off to pack her things when she was stopped.

“Zeldra,” Mara said, pausing and looking at the ground. “Thanks for doing that, really.”

Zeldra half-smiled at her. “I’m just sorry that it all came down to this. I honestly never meant for all of that to happen.” She walked away, going back to her room for the last time.

As everyone else made their way down the hall, Mara stopped once again. “Marx, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Emmett and Trixle looked back at them for a moment before continuing up to the stairs.

They stood alone in silence while Mara tried to think of what she wanted to say. She looked up into his deep brown eyes, and the only thing that came to mind was that she was sorry.

“It seems like I keep apologizing to you and everyone else, but really, I am so sorry. I’m really no good at this whole witch thing.” Her eyes lowered back to the ground.

Marx slid his hand under her chin, gently lifting her head until he could look into her blue-green eyes. “You don’t need to apologize. None of that was your fault.” He paused as his hand moved to her shoulder, gripping it firmly. “Trixle and I will always be there for you. No matter what.”

A tear escaped from the corner of Mara’s eye, rolling down her cheek. Marx lifted his hand, wiping it away with his thumb.”

There were so many things she wanted to say to him, wanted to ask him, but one thing had been nagging her since the moment she had been lying paralyzed on the rocky mountain ground.

“Marx, I heard you say we are mates,” her voice cut off by tears. “And Trixle told me what that means.”

A frown formed on Marx’s face. His brows pulled together at the sadness in her voice. He hadn’t been expecting her to be sad when she found out, although, he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d expected. Especially with the say she found out.

“I just- I don’t know if I can handle that right now. So much has happened these past couple days. I found out I’m part werewolf, I was attacked by two Nightshades, I found out my boyfriend had been giving me potions to make me spiral out of control, and he tried to have me killed!”

Mara closed her eyes and took a deep breath as more tears rolled down her cheeks. “I was betrayed by the guy I really liked. I can’t just jump into another relationship.”

Marx pulled her into him, hugging her tightly as her tears soaked into his t-shirt. “It’s okay, Mara.” His low voice soother her, calmed her down. “I’ll be here no matter what. Take as much time as you need.”

He walked her up to her room, making sure she made it safe and sound before heading off to his own. Mara walked in, seeing Trixle already in bed with Sasha curled up beside her. She had missed her cat.

She sighed and crawled into her bed. Staring at the blank ceiling, she began to cry again. Her tears flowed freely and silently until they dried up and exhaustion took over.


Mara sat down at the lunch table with Trixle, Emmett, and Marx. A week had gone by without any incidents. The school had held a gathering to mourn the loss of Zander. Faculty and students had been told of his death, but just as the Headmistress had said, the specifics were kept silent.

Mara occasionally received glances from students, but for the most part, the looks had finally ceased.

She had been adjusting to the idea that she and Marx were mates, but she still wasn’t ready to step into that territory.

Their small group was laughing and talking when the entire room became silent. They all looked around, trying to find the cause. A tall man in a suit walked toward them from the other side of the room. Everyone bowed their heads respectively as he passed them.

As the man neared, Mara thought he looked like an older version of Marx. Emmett bowed his head, and Trixle and Marx bowed briefly before rising. “Father,” Marx addressed the man.

“Makortax, I’m glad to see you are where you belong again.” He looked at Mara, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Is this the witch you went out after?”

“Yes, Sir,” Marx said, his eyes flicking to Mara.

“I see, well, she had been called on. Miss Collins, you are to come with me.”

Mara’s eyes widened in shock, she swallowed it back as she stood up and followed the man out of the lunch hall.

Trixle and Marx watched her go.

“What do you think he wants with her? Do you think he found out about you two?” Emmett asked, whispering to Marx.

“I really hope not. Not yet.”

The man, Marx’s father, walked her down the hall in silence. The pace he kept, and the lack of conversation made Mara nervous. She thought of all the possibilities that could possibly lead to this man coming in to get her.

Maybe they’ve decided I’m a horrible witch and they’re going to take my powers. Can they even take powers? She wondered.

It seemed the most logical explanation to her, especially after what had happened the week before.

Mara observed the man as they walked down the hall. The way he walked, which was identical to Marx, the way he held himself. He wasn’t someone who was important but tried to shrink away, nor was he the type to make himself bigger, to draw attention to himself. He just stood tall and walked with purpose, letting you know he was there.

They turned down another hall, going into a part of the school she had never seen before. He stopped abruptly, opening a door to a small room where she was met with many unfamiliar faces.

She blinked, looking at all of the people in business suits, sitting at the table staring at her. She felt very underdressed. She saw a man who was obviously fae, and going by the magenta color of his skin, she guessed him to be Trixle’s father.

Mara began to connect the dots, realizing that she must be standing in front of the High Council, the kings and queens of the five races in the Magical Realm.

Never having been told what to do in a situation like this, Mara froze. What are you supposed to do when face to face with all the royalty of the Magical Realm? She wondered to her self.

She nervously clasped her hands together in front of her, gripping them tightly.

“Miss Mara Collins, you have been called forth by the High Council on this day with one purpose,” Marx’s father turned around, facing her. His deep voice filled the room.

She gulped, unsure if she wanted to know what that reason was.

“We know of the adventures you’ve had,” he paused, eyeing her. “We know of your setbacks, and we know of your accomplishments.”

The man whom she assumed was Trixle’s father stood, moving beside the werewolf king. “With all of our knowledge, we come to you for one thing.”

The fae king paused, and Mara grew impatient. It seemed like he would never finish his thought, and Mara’s knees were about to give out from shaking. They’re going to throw me in jail. They’re going to send me back to the Nightshades. They’re going to ki-

“We ask that you fill the vacant spot on the High Council,” Trixle’s father said firmly.

Mara’s jar dropped. She never dreamed the High Council would ever come to her, especially after everything that had happened. She stood in her place, silently staring at the Council Members, sure that she must be dreaming.

All eyes were on her expectantly; she realized that they were still waiting for an answer. Mara cleared her throat and gathered her composure, looking right at the fae and werewolf kings. “Before I answer, I have one question for you. Why do you want me?”

Marx’s father smiled at Mara. “There are a select few still on the Council who had the honor of serving with Urissa, however briefly, and they have seen in you the same spirit she possessed. They believe you will be a wise, kind, and skillful asset to the council.

Wise, that was one trait she never would have used to define herself, not when the magical world was involved.

“But how do you know the extent of my powers?”

“We’ve heard bout the amount of power displayed in your- accidents,” Trixle’s father trailed off.

“But that was a potion, it wasn’t me.”

“We have analyzed the potion used on you and it has been determined that the potion merely hindered the control of your magic. It did not enhance it in any way. What you did came solely from within you.”

Marx’s father nodded, agreeing with the fae king.

“It is unusual that we off this position to a student. It is typically given to one who has mastered their teachings, however, we see you as a special case. Should you choose to accept you would still be able to continue your schooling here. But you will also have someone assigned to you for the teaching of your role as Council Member,” a woman said, speaking from behind the two kings.

Mara took in their words. They were entrusting her with a position of importance, one they seemed to believe she could handle. These people, these kings and queens were putting their faith in a seventeen-year-old girl. One that had just learned about her abilities not long ago. Who, ever since then had done nothing but cause trouble with them.

Somehow these people saw something in Mara that she herself couldn’t yet see. They saw someone who could bring good to this world, someone who could help protect and serve the people of the Magical Realm.

Surely they wouldn’t have come to her if they didn’t think she was the best witch for the job. But even with that thought, still she was hesitant. She didn’t know the first thing about these people, let alone the people she was supposed to represent. How could they choose someone with such lack of knowledge?

Would she be able to fulfill her duties the way they believed she could?

The tension in the room rose as all eyes were on her. They knew everything would come down to the next words Mara would say.

She looked into the eyes of each Council Member and took a deep breath having finally making her decision.

“I, Mara Crowland, accept the position on High Council.”


And so here we are at the end of Shadow's Edge. What do you think with this little development? Zeldra's been expelled, Mara's now on the High Council, and it appears that Marx doesn't want his father to know about him and Mara yet. Hmmmmm

Next up is BETWEEN SHADOWS the second in the series. You can read the story in full on my page. It will be getting its own round of edits here at some point as well. 

Thank you everyone for reading SHADOW'S EDGE. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the rest of the Shadows Saga.

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