Untouched wife(on Hold)

By Simply_Haha

416K 12.8K 1K

Minela got married to a stranger. Mr. Ariven Watson , a young, billionaire was forced to marry Minela by his... More

A Letter Before The Wedding
Meeting the Watsons
The wedding
Three years later
A new beginning
Don't go.
Unexpected happenings
Cries and Comforts
Details about characters
Yet another troublesome guest.
A letter before the wedding 2
She won't know
Let's start slow, how about we have sex every night?
Discovering perfidy
Discovering perfidy 2
Discovering perfidy 3
You're beautiful
Love making
Feeling numb
You make me happy
Pretty little arguments
Doubting you
You know nothing about love.
I promise
New thoughts
New prospects
Plans and more
Discovering perfidy 4
Everything is fine.
I'm not, you are.
News and more
Just a little pinch
When rapture turns into mishanter
Diving deeper into the incognizance
Winding off
The past never leaves


4.9K 146 2
By Simply_Haha

Ariven came home at 8:30 p.m and was surprised when he found that the house was dark. He went towards the living room on hearing some faint noises. Clomestiana was sitting on the sofa wearing sports bras and shorts. She was watching a film that Ariven didn't know of but considering the scene that was being played, (a man was peeling a little boy's skin while the latter shouted for his life) it was a horror movie.

"Is this the kind of movies that normal people are watching nowadays? " Ariven suddenly said out of blue, causing Clomestiana to flinch.

"Gosh you scared me."

"So I'm scarier than the movie? "

"Yup. You're a devil" He laughed.

"Where's your sister? "

"She's not home yet. Why? Missing her already? Why don't you come and enjoy the movie with me."

"No. Only psychopaths watch movies like this. I'm going to change."

"Want me to help you change? " She suggested jokingly , raising her right brow.

"No it's fine." He smirked.

"Oh. Come on!" She pulled him by his shirt and smiled flirtatiously as she bit her lips.

Ariven laughed nervously as he looked around, his vision only met the darkness of the night. He knew Clomestiana was just messing with him. He ruffled her hair as if she was just a kid as he asked.

"Where's Koshi?"

Clomestiana 's expression changed at the mention of her.

"She hasn't showed me her face since the morning. "

"Okay, I'll look for her then."


Minela was soaked to the skin in the middle of a motorway. Her driver had a family emergency just at the last minute and Minela didn't need to arrange for one since she knew how to drive but now, she was regretting her decision; her car had broken down and her phone was dead.  She could've patiently waited inside of her car but when it started to rain, she couldn't help but touch the rain. Thunder roared as a light pole just in front of her went off.

She looked around and felt a shiver down her spine. Why am I anxious? She thought. Maybe I could try to stop a car for some help.
She animatedly waved her hands in order to grab some attention. To no avail. It was dark and nobody would want to pick up a wretch - looking woman like her. Just when she was about to give up, a dilapidated truck stopped by.

Inside was a stern looking, old man whose face was covered with scars and whose right brow was cut. His lips were dark, a shade lighter than his eyes and hair. There was a shiny piercing in his bottom lip.

"Wha' d'you want' missie? " He asked in a deep voice. From his accent, Minela knew he was not from here. Minela couldn't get her voice out of her throat.

"N-nothing, I'm sorry. "

"Heh heh! Ya scared o' my scarred face ? Ya shouldn't judge person by face missie. Don't ya want a lift?"

Minela hesitated so he continued, "Oka' then wait until a young handsom' man comes teh giv' yeh a lift , I'm goin' "

The man started his engine. Minela quickly wondered who was going to help her if she didn't accept the ferocious looking man's help. He was right, she shouldn't judge him by his face. It's not like every scary looking man was a serial killer.

"Wait! Can you please drop me at Nor Hertem's Avenue?"

The man smiled as thunder sounded again and lightning flashed again, illuminating his ugly face, making him look even more like a beast. Minela gulped as he nodded and told her to come to sit beside him on the truck.

The engine roared ominously.



Ariven approached the door.

"Koshi, are you there?"

The door opened. Her eyes were puffy, her hair messy and some strange odours were lingering in the air.

"What happened? Why are you crying? "

Koshi cried and suddenly hugged Ariven, her tears wetting his expensive shirt.

"I don't want to stay in the same house as her. Please tell her to go!"

" Who? Clomestiana? " She nodded.

He glared at her. Koshi was shocked because Ariven had never looked at her like that.

"Don't you think that you're acting a bit childish, Koshi? Look, I don't want to know what happened between you two but whatever happened, please sort it out."

When Koshi didn't reply he continued.

"She is my wife's sister and I respect her. If you have a problem with her then you might just go and stay in a hotel. "

"Fine, tomorrow morning, I'm leaving! " Koshi said, suddenly feeling angry .

Ariven sighed, " Koshi, I didn't mean that. You're my best friend and-"

"Don't give me that you're-my-best-friend shit! If you were my best friend you'd know that I never act irrationally, there has to be a great reason why I'm acting like that! But no, you're acting like some enslaved husband who cannot go against his wife or her family! Did Minela tell you to take me out of the house?"

" Why would Minela tell me to take you out of the house? She was the one who stopped you from leaving the house last time!"

"Yeah but at that time, she hadn't known anything about what happened between her sister and I. Oh my god, Ariven, I think these two sisters hate me. I always thought your wife was a good person but no she's just good at pretending! "

" You're making no sense right now, Koshi and I don't know what you did to Clo-"

" What makes you think that I was the one who did something? " She was annoyed. Great, these two sisters got Ariven under their claws! Why does he trust this bitch so much?

"Well, I know you well. Let me guess....are you two fighting because of a boy? What happened this time? Did she hook up with your ex or something? "

"You think I'm that shallow, Ariven? Yes we are fighting because of a boy but not over a boy! He was my friend-"

"I thought I was your friend? " Ariven asked making her roll her eyes, also attempting to change the subject.

"And what makes you think I'm your only friend, Ariven? "

"You're antisocial? "

"What? I'm not! I'm quite extroverted, in fact-"

"Okay, whatever my munchkin, whatever there is between you and Clo, please sort it out. I don't want to know what your problem is. Both of you hold the same importance in my life and I don't want to take sides so please, don't be mean to her!  "

Koshi blinked. If she tells Ariven about it, will he still be tolerant towards her? Will he even believe her?

"Okay." She just said quietly.

"Have you eaten?" Ariven tried to yet again change the topic. Koshi nodded.

"Have you?" Ariven shook his head.

"Oh, so you're waiting for Minela? Is she home yet? I haven't seen her since this Morning. I've been quite rude to her so I would like to apologise." Koshi said as she came out of her room. Now that she had calmed down a bit, she began to realise. What if that bitch lied to Minela? I didn't even ask Minela what Clomestiana told her.

"No she's not home yet which is weird since I think she usually doesn't stay at work this late."

"Why don't you call her?"

"Hmmm...I...yeah....I should..." Only then did Ariven realise that he didn't know Minela's number but he wasn't planning to tell Koshi that.

"Yeah, I called her, she wasn't answering." He lied.

"Oh, does she usually not answer or is it the first time? I think you should call at her office-"

"Oh don't worry, she may be at someone's house,  who knows and I don't want her to think I'm spying on her."

"Haha Ariven, really funny. Why would she think that, stupid. I really think you should call her I mean if she was at her friend's house, wouldn't she have informed you?" She asked as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

Why would she inform me? It's not like I'm her husband? Besides, I never inform her on my whereabouts. It's only fair that, she doesn't need to inform me. Why am I overthinking now? Nothing can happen to her, right? Right!?

At the same time, Clomestiana shouted from the living room.

"Hey, Ariven, I'm going at a friend's place, I'll be back later, can I have the keys since I'm not sure when I'll come!"

"Yeah, take the backdoor keys they're near the aquarium! "








It was 11:00 p.m and there was no sign of Minela. Ariven was pretending hard not to care.

She may have gone to meet some lover or friend of hers, for all I care.

Ariven tried to sleep but couldn't as he kept stirring on the bed. What if? He wondered. No! Nothing must've happened to her. She could be at someone's place for all he knew!  Who knew what she was doing? He didn't want to interrupt her in the middle of something and embarrass himself. Ariven took a deep breath as he tried to sleep again.

Fuck her. He thought as he tried to sleep again. He heard the door open. Is this a time to come home? Is this the time she comes home when I'm not here?

Ariven waited for Minela to come besides him but there was no sign of her. He went to the living room. It was dark. He switched the lights on and saw Clomestiana,  sitting on the floor.

"Hey, what are you doing on the floor." Only when Clomestiana looked at him did he realise that she was drunk.

"Ariven! Can you please take me to my room, I'm tired!"

He went to lift her and was trying to make her stand when she slumped onto the floor.

"Ouch, is this how you carry a girl, Ariven! My foot is aching! "

"Umm...yeah, but try to stand!"

"Hmmmm.....my head....carry me, Ariven! " She whined.

"Okay, I'll take you to your room." He muttered, still wondering where Minela was as he lifted her in a bridal way, to take her to her room. Clomestiana wrapped her arms around him as she started kissing his neck. He froze, almost dropping her on the floor.

"Clo!" His expression was guarded.

"Oh, oops, I'm sorry. I'm drunk!" She hiccups.

"Don't touch me like that."

She just murmured and fell asleep immediately after Ariven put her on the bed.

Ariven came out of her room, aghast.

What was that?

He shook his head as he thought about Minela.

Where the heck is she?

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