
By crazymarie_27

291 22 7

INFLICTED [in-flikt] verb. 1. to force someone to experience something very unpleasant 2.Cause (somethi... More



30 2 0
By crazymarie_27

Heey ~  

First and foremost, I would like to thank and dedicate this chapter to the one who made my cover @turdiform and for being my new friend here on wattpad land XD

And that's KRISTINA ROMANOVA as Nora Schryzelle Greene. 

okay , let's get this thing started ;D

* * *

we all have our imperfections, 

    and that's what makes us perfect.

* * *


        School was still well school I guess. It's still the place wherein other people's opinion are more important than yours, wherein you'll have to fit in, where you'll be judged by almost everyone. Where you'll experience a lot of things that might hurt you but at some point will either break you or make you strong. 

        Mrs.Summers was discussing something infront when a boy entered the room. My guess? Like any other stories it's that new student. 

"I'm sorry for being late, I got lost and--" I stopped listening. See? Way to go Miss Author. This is waaaay too original. Note the sarcasm.

"Come here. Introduce yourself to the class." and of course, the crowd went wild when he smiled showing off his perfectly white teeth and freakin' dimples. Well-- not everyone mostly it was the girls. Okay fine. It was the girls. Except me of course. I am a girl don't get me wrong but sometimes no matter how handsome or beautiful the person actually is, it's the attitude that matters. Right? Who needs some egotestical jerk when all he would do is hurt you? right? right? 

"I'm Chase Kennweigh. 18 years old." That was all he said and the girls went screaming again. 

"OMG. He's so hot. Wait how do I look?" a girl asked her friend who sat beside her.

"Hideous! You should probably just scrub off your entire face then he'll notice you. Unlike me *flips hair* I have natural beauty." 

"Natural beauty my @ss. You look like some cakefaced baboon. He's mine freaks!" some girl at the back said

"No. Mine!"


"Mine!" and all of them turned to a bird, you know the one in Nemo who keeps saying 'Mine mine mine!' yep. that's them.

"No need to fight ladies. I'm all yours." and then he winked. I rolled my eyes. Stupid playboy. Ugh. 

"Okay, enough enough. Mr. Kennweigh please take the seat behind Ms. Greene." Wait. He's joking right? Ugh. Wait why would I care it's not like its the seat beside me anyways. It was the seat behind me. Stupid me. Psh. 

He walked and walked and walked then he tripped (lol no. I was just kidding, although it would be very per say interesting if that would happen) before he smiled at me but I rolled my eyes and avoided his electric blue orbs. What? I hate boys. No I'm not into girls. I just hate how arrogant they can be and how they hink they're the top of the world and that the world revolves around them and how they can order girls around and --- I stopped my thoughts before I could think of that again. 

Mrs.Summers continued with the discussion -- well more of an orientation. 

"Okay class settle down. Since I am your literature teacher, and since I don't know all of you except for Mr. Kennweigh here . I would like you all to introduce yourselves--" he was cut off by the annoyed groans of the class/

 "Oh hush! But this introduction is a little bit of different. I want you to write. Not about yourself but write about anything you want. It can be a poem, an essay, a short story, anthing.Then afterwards you can go.Now go! Write. write. write." You must be wondering why she still don't know us. Well you see. Our literature teacher - Mrs.Winter took a leave because she was pregnant so in the mean time- Mrs. Summers would be our teacher. 

Wow. Winter and Summer. Hmm I wonder what's next Autumn? Spring? Yep then my school year would be complete .

I grabbed my pen and paper and started to drown myself in a sea of words. I always liked to write. Because most of the time this is where I could express who I really am. Where I can be myself again. I was so busy writing until..

"Pst pst. Hey girl in front of me." ugh. I rolled my eyes ignoring completely the call of 'Mr. I'm-all-yours'

"Hey. Hey" I still ignored him. Ugh. Can't he see that I'm writing here? 

*poke poke*

I turned around to face him , and horror filled my face. Why would he do that? Everytime a man touches me , I remember that . Tears starts to form in my eyes. He looked somewhat confused. 

"Don't touch me." I said coldly and passed my work to Mrs.Summers not minding that it was unfinished. 

"Ms.Greene this is not yet---" but I was already at the door "Ms.Greene! Ms.Greene"


        I stared at the door confused. Confused to why she'd cry. Probably because she was overwhelmed by my hadsomeness. Ha-ha. Laugh all you want but it's true ;) 

But kidding aside, I know that there's more story behind that look on her face, behind her sea green eyes, they seem to be missing -- sparkles . I sound so gay but really, it was like she used to be so full of life until -- what? Why would she cry? Jesus Christ. I only poked her. What's there to cry about? Hmm. You're a mystery Nora Greene. A mystery I would love to solve, on second though maybe not. But who knows right?

x x x

Hello :) 

Thank you so much for wasting your precious time reading my story and I do hope you like it and if you're a big fan of mystery or supernatural or both then please check out this story, its entitled PERCEPTIONS . And again thank you so much guys <3

126 reads. Gosh. You guys are AMAZING! Thank you very much.

And I do hope you'd stay tune for my next updates or the next happenings, again thank you! 

Sweet Caramel xx

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