That's not how I planned it

By loveyou12575

153K 4.7K 5.1K

Bakugou Katsuki is bullying Midoriya Izuku to cover up his own feelings. Later on he can't take anymore end... More

Thats not how i planned it
Leave me alone
U turn
Great well
Ones again
I know what you want
A chance in sight
Touch and images
Say it
Under the moon
Kiss me good night
I love you

And what now

14.4K 384 402
By loveyou12575

Sleep was not something that Bakugou got blessed with the night after the first day at Yuuei. He was never more awake. He did try to fall asleep, but after some hours of turning and grunting he just forsake the whole idea completely. There were two thinks on his mind that prevented his well deserved night rest. For starters the new development of Midoriya not being quirkless anymore. That gave birth to a lot of problems. Considering that the whole bullying was based on this one sole fact, Bakugou knew that this wasn't an option anymore. He did consider to just bully him for, well anything. But the mere thought got rejected by his unconsciousness so hard that he couldn't do more than grunt and turn around some more. It was a good thing that Bakugou, short tempered and all, was still rational enough to not blow up his own home.
It was frustrating, here he was tormenting Midoriya for many years without much remorse, but as soon as his excuse vanished, the mere thought alone was hurting.
The second thing preventing him to sleep was, at the moment, by far worse than anything else. His bullying problem would get his full attention the moment he was standing before Midoriya again. so he could ignore it to some extend for now, but when he was getting sleepy and his eyes closed the image of Midoriya popped up. All smiling and being way to attractive. Bakugou wanted to connect those images with hate and anger but instead he felt at peace and somewhat fuzzy. And that on the other hand made him feel angry.
So basically he wasn't sleeping because he was thinking way to hard and because he didn't wanted to, because he was afraid of what tricks his mind would play with him.

That Bakugou wasn't in the best of moods the next day would be an understatement. It was normal that people tend to get out of his way but today was extreme. Between him and the next person were several meters in each direction. No wonder Bakugou was surprised when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yo, Bakugou what's up?", a guy his age with spiky red hair sad with a big grin. Bakugou just looked at him annoyed and ready to kill. How dense must a person be to approach him while he was in this mood? And more important, Bakugou had no idea who he was.

"Who the fuck are you?", Bakugou had no intentions of being friendly with anyone, not with the Deku problem he had going on.
Spiky red hair seemed surprised by the question but only for a second, the grin on his face returned promptly.

"Are you in a bad mood? Don't joke around like this", said red hair and gave a claps on Bakugous back. Bakugou was honestly considering to kill him right now.

How dense can one person be? "WHO the FUCK are YOU!?", his hands were balled to fists and his teeth clenched together. Bakugou really wasn't in a good mood, and every stranger in a ten meter radius could see that, so why not this one annoying person?

"Eh, you are joking right? I'm your classmate, man. The name's Kirishima Eijiro. I introduced myself yesterday", Kirishima seemed seriously bewildered this time. Bakugou took a second glance at him.

Was he really there yesterday? Bakugou couldn't remember at all, but to be fair he had way to much Midoriya on his mind the whole day. And as it seems today wasn't going to be different.

"Ah right, I remember", Bakugou lied. No need for unnecessary trouble to add to the already existing problems.

And now leave me the fuck alone. He really wasn't in the mood for idle chit chat, especially not with some classmate he didn't remember.

"I knew you were joking. Man, you were quite cool yesterday and at the entrance exam as well. Always so flashy and manly with your quirk", Kirishima babbled without noticing the bloodlust leaking from Bakugou right next to him.

Bakugou decided to just ignore him and to get back to the real problem at hand, namely Midoriya Izuku. He will see him in class and Bakugou knew that the bottomed up feelings, which were already crawling out more than he wanted to, will come shooting up. Normally he would just dish out some insults, intimidating him with some explosions and that would be it. He would get the grasp on his feelings, bottle them back up and good is. But that will not work anymore, he has no reason to insult him, no excuse.

What other options do I have? Should I just ignore him? I tried that in the past, didn't worked for shit. But maybe it's different now. Now I already shut these fucking feelings out, so ignoring should do the trick. Bakugou was sure it will work.

He was debating some more with himself, while Kirishima was rambling on about one thing or another Bakugou wasn't interested in.

"... Midoriya was awesome, too. I mean the throw wasn't his full power. The way he clobbered that robot at the entrance exam was something different. For someone looking so weak, he is actually really manly", Kirishima nodded to himself. Dekus name got Bakugous attention back to Kirishima, who apparently hasn't noticed that Bakugou wasn't listening at all. Considering that they were walking for more than ten minutes already, that in itself was quite the feed.

"You seemed to be surprised by Midoriyas quirk yesterday, don't you know him from your old school?", Kirishima asked. Of course was Bakugou surprised how could he not?

"Ah, yes", Bakugou answered reluctant. He was thinking about Deku enough on his own, no need for others to butt in.

"So, what do you think of him?", there was no hidden meaning behind this question and Kirishima didn't seemed that interested just simple curiosity for Midoriyas odd quirk. If Bakugou would has had enough sleep yesterday and if he would not has been thinking about Midoriya and his unwanted affection toward the boy, his answer would has probably been a simple 'I don't care' or 'Whatever', but since that was not the case his answer was a bit less calm.

"What? What do you mean? I think nothing of him, this fucking nerd. Go die!", with that Bakugou stomped of not admitting that his face got slightly red. Kirishima was surprised by this outburst but was following him anyway.

"No need to get so worked up about him, you make it sound like you are in love with him", Kirishima laughed. But Bakugou was not in the mood to laugh. Again, if he would has been in a rational mindset he would has realized that Kirishima was way to dense to actually notice Bakugous hidden feelings. But as before, he was not rational at all.

"Shut the fuck up, hair for brain. Not everyone need to know that", the moment Bakugou said these words, he noticed his mistake. Not only did he admit his own feelings to himself but to another person as well. And that after all the time he managed to ignored it.

No, no, no, no. I'm not in love with Deku, that is just wrong. I can't be. Fuck. Doesn't matter what circumstances, Bakugou doesn't want to be in love with his childhood friend. And the fact that these feelings were never vanishing for quite some years now, was not important either.

"Oh, I meant it as a joke, but that's cool, too. You both are hella strong you probably fit well together", Kirishima said with his ever present smile. Bakugou on the other hand was baffled. He didn't expected such a positive reaction. Even going as far as saying that they are a good match. That wasn't what was supposed to happen should he ever come out.

"Don't tell anyone or I kill you.. It's just some stupid fucking crush that will go away soon", Bakugou said in a surprisingly quiet voice. He wanted to believe that, too.

Yeah, I will make it vanish. Just because one fucking person reacted well, the rest will not, especially Deku. So my ignoring plan still stands. Bakugou had no intention of changing his lifelong conviction just because one person acted out of the norm.

He's fucking dense, he probably doesn't understand what he's saying anyway. Bakugou convinced himself.

"Ah sure. But you should just confess, that would be the manly approach", Kirishima made a fist in the air while saying that and made a serious face.

"No", was all Bakugou said to that, quickly moving forward and entering the school. There were too many students around here to talk about a topic Bakugou doesn't want others to know. Even a dense person like Kirishima should understand that. Considering his silence it seems he did understood.

Overcoming one crisis and facing the next. Bakugou stood before the classroom door and braced himself. Midoriya will probably already be here, so the moment he is opening the door he has to face him.

Just stay calm and ignore him, the fucking ...

"What are you waiting for? If you don't open it I will", Kirishima interrupted Bakugous thoughts and opened the door with no worry in the world. Bakugou just wanted to kill him. The doors in Yuuei were way too big, and given Kirishimas personally he opened it of course all the way with a loud bang.

"Good morning, everyone", he shouted into the classroom and everyone's attention felt on the two of them, including Midoriyas. For a really short moment their gazes met and Bakugou felt nauseous. Way too many emotions flared up inside of him and he had no escape route like in the past.

Just ignore him. Bakugou was just going to avert his eyes, but Midoriya beat him to the punch and looked away. Sure that actually worked out better for Bakugou but the pain he felt was still real.

No, ignore it. Ignore him. With that Bakugou went to his place which was fortunately not somewhere behind Midoriya, so that he can't get tempted to watch him during class. Well is desk was actually right in front of him, and that was equally bad. He had to go over to him without looking at him, and when he was seated he didn't knew what Midoriya was doing. Was he looking at him, was he noticing a strange behavior in Bakugou and find all out about him? Class was going to be hell.

"Ah Midoriya, I wish you a very good morning today. I hope your finger is all better than yesterday", someone said to Midoriya.

"Thank you Iida, a good morning to you too. And yes Recovery Girl saw to my injury, so it's all good now", Midoriya sounded really happy.

FUCK, sitting here I will hear him talking to his shitty friends. Bakugou cringed, the ignoring plan was going to be harder than he hoped. He couldn't see him, but hearing was no problem unfortunately. If that was the case he would have preferred sitting farther behind. If he was going to hear him the whole time it was going to be unbearable to not steal glances at him, but he couldn't just turn around to look at him.

"Izuku, good morning. To you too Iida", a way too happy Uraraka approached the two talking behind Bakugou.

"Good morning, Uraraka", Iida answered calmly as always.

"Good morning to you too, Ochako", well wasn't Midoriya chipper today. Bakugou couldn't stand it. He was going to go crazy at this rate.

"You seem troubled", a monotone voice suddenly said and a shadow appeared in front of Bakugou. As he was looking up there stood a girl with long black hair and the mimic of a frog.

"My name is Asui Tsuyu, but call me Tsuyu", the frog girl said. Her face was unreadable, but she seemed to be waiting for some sort of reply. Bakugou didn't wanted to answer, considering the last time he talked with someone about his feelings he blurted out his love for the clueless boy sitting behind him chatting away with his friends. Call it luck or bad luck, but Kirishima appeared and answered in his stat.

"Ah Tsuyu isn't Bakugou a blast? All manly and wild", he said with his typical happy grin. Asui didn't appeared impressed, but it was hard to tell.

"I don't know he hasn't said anything yet", she simply answered.

"Ah, yes he is kind of troubled at the moment. Hahaha", Kirishima laughed and didn't stopped grinning.

Ah, could he just fuck the shut up. And if he isn't stopping this assface grin, I'm going to kill him. Couldn't they just leave him alone? Okay they do distract him from the dangerous presence that is Midoriya Izuku from behind, but they're getting on his nerves.

"I was just talking about that", Asui answered to Kirishimas careless statement.

"Oh, so you know? Don't you think he should just confess his love to Midoriya and everything would be fine?", Kirishima whispered to Asui who looked at him with the still unreadable expression and then turned to Bakugou who was dying inside.

What is that shithole saying. Doesn't he understand what "don't tell anyone" means? Bakugou couldn't believe he just told her without blinking and not even one meter away from Midoriya.

Bakugou suddenly stood up and turned around to look at Deku. He seemed startled.

" you want something Kacchan?", Midoriya asked unsure and covering a bit back in his chair.

It doesn't appeared that he had heard them.

"No", Bakugou answered back louder than necessary. He turned around again sat down and looked at Kirishima with the intend to kill him. Asui wasn't showing any sign of being disturbed but Kirishima took one step back.

"So it's true", Asui stated the fact, after a short while of silence. "Don't worry he hasn't heard anything", she added and took a quick glance over his had to Midoriya who was already back to his conversation with Iida and Uraraka.

Bakugou exhaled a breath he was unknowingly holding.

"No word to anyone. Neither of you", Bakugou said as quiet as he could. He looked at Kirishima again, gaze hardening.

"Especially you, shitrag" Kirishima gulped. Bakugou hoped he got it this time or he has to get it in his dense brain with force if necessary. Asui just nodded and went back to her desk. Kirishima seemed like he wanted to say something more, but one look at Bakugou and he decided otherwise and left as well.

This will all end soon, my ignoring plan will work. Bakugou thought while his heart rate accelerated due to a warm and wholehearted laugh from the boy behind him.

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