IN ANOTHER LIFE // Harry Styl...

By alliewritesfiction

33.7K 1.4K 1.2K

[HIGHEST RANKING: #1 in harrystylesfanfic] Two souls have been searching for each other from one life to the... More

The Painting
The Assistant
The Girl In Black
The One He Loved
The Love Triangle
The Tour
The Curse
The Witch
The Sidekicks
The End

The Princess

2.4K 116 168
By alliewritesfiction

Harry felt guilty, very guilty.

He knew he shouldn't have submitted the song, which was intended to be one for his girlfriend, but then he ended up making it about Y/N - his assistant instead. He wondered if it counted as cheating - to write a song about another girl while you were already in a relationship. He would defend himself by saying it wasn't actually a love song. The lyrics were just describing a girl who was sweet and kind and had a radiant smile, the girl who made him feel good about himself, the girl who made him feel real, the girl whom he couldn't stop thinking about no matter how hard he'd tried...

Well, now it sounds like emotional cheating, Harry thought to himself as he buried his face into the palm of his hand. Then he heard Jeff calling out his name all the way from the hallway of the studio.

"This song is gonna be a hit! I just know it!" Jeff marched into the room with a bright smile on his face and pulled Harry into a bear hug. "I'm so proud of you!"

He pulled away, the look on his face turned serious. "Now I need you to finalize it!"

Harry was going to say he'd changed his mind and that he didn't want to put this song on the album anymore. However, he didn't even get a chance to speak.


Harry and Jeff shot their heads to the door, before either of them could figure out what was going on, Harry's girlfriend - Lillie barged into the room and literally jumped on top of Harry, securing her legs around his waist as she clung onto him like a koala bear.

"I listened to your new song about me! It's amazing!"

Harry widened his eyes at the girl in his arms, who seemed thrilled to bits. He opened his mouth to speak, but it took him a moment to get the words out.

"M-My song? How did you have my new song, love?"

"Jeff sent it to me."


The manager immediately raised both hands up in the air as he defended himself by explaining, "Lillie's also working on a new album, so I think it's good PR to let her listen to your song. You know, so she'll get inspired to write something based on the same idea, like a dialogue between two lovers? People love that shit!"

Harry was speechless, he could think of nothing to reply so he stayed quiet.

"I know you wanted to surprise me but when I received Jeff's email I just had to play the audio!" Lillie told him excitedly and pecked him on the lips. "It was soooo good! People are gonna freak! I'm so proud of us!"

"Yeah..." Harry laughed nervously. He couldn't tell her the truth now, could he? "I...I'm glad you loved the song."

Lillie jumped off of Harry then grabbed his face and kissed him hard on the mouth, mumbling against his lips how much she loved him and she couldn't wait to write a song to respond to his song for her.

Now Harry felt like he'd committed an awful crime. He had his girlfriend believe the song was about her when it was not. What was worse was him not knowing how to fix this. If he removed it from his next album she would wonder why and would go to the bottom to find out the real reason. He wasn't afraid he would get into trouble, he was worried for Y/N. She didn't sign up for this.

"I've got to go now." Lillie checked her watched and looked up, grinning at her man. "I'll call you later?"

"But love, you just got here." He hadn't seen her in two days and she would just leave after showing up for five minutes!

"I stopped by to say I love the song, but I'm very busy, H. I've got an interview and a photoshoot later!" She told him, stroking his hair then laid a kiss on his cheek. "I love you!"

"I love you too," he said, but the words sounded forced coming from his mouth.

Lillie turned to say goodbye to Jeff then headed straight out of the door without taking a second glance back.

"I've never liked her," Jeff admitted once the door was finally closed behind Lillie.

Harry looked at his friend, very confused, at the same time, annoyed. "Then why did you send her the song? It wasn't finished and I'm not even sure I want to put it on the album."

"You are putting it on your next album!" Jeff did a finger gun to his friend. "Believe me, Harold. You're gonna thank me later."

Lillie walked out of the studio and her chauffeur and assistant were waiting right outside by her red Maserati. The assistant frantically ran to open the car door for her boss and gave Lillie the hot latte she'd asked for earlier.

"What the fuck is this?" Lillie cringed after taking a sip. She had to cover her mouth so as not to spit it out.

"You told me to bu—"

"I wanted it hot! Now it's like the North Pole in my mouth! Do you want to get fired?!"

"No, I—"

"Never mind. It's yours now." Lillie handed the drink back to the anxious girl, moving the sunglasses she was wearing on the top of her head back down to cover her eyes. "I've got a new task for you, Caitlyn."

"Yes, miss Xander?"

"I want you to do some 'research' on the girls my boyfriend's been associated with recently. I think he has his eyes on someone else."

"But...I thought he just wrote a song about you."

Lillie snorted. "I'm not an idiot, Caitlyn. He was clearly describing a different person in those lyrics. I want to find out who. But be subtle, the last thing I need is for those magazines to sense something wrong with our relationship."

"I'm on it." Caitlyn quickly pulled out her phone and typed down a reminder. "Anything else?"

"Call Jake and tell him I won't see him again." Lillie rolls her eyes, sighing. "I tried so hard to convince Harry to take me back. If he ever finds out about me and Jake, I don't know what he'll do. I can't have him break up with me before my world tour."

" Jake and break up with him for my boss..." Caitlyn mumbled as she typed the words down on her phone. "Anything else, miss?"

"No, you're good to go. Call me when you get some good news."

"I will. I won't let you down, boss!" Caitlyn smiled widely, watching Lillie get into the car, roll up the window on her side and tell her chauffeur to drive away.




Princess Emilié was requested by the Prince to meet him in his library. Edward had never asked to see her in private before, so she was very excited. She knew they weren't allowed to be intimate before their wedding night, but he'd been really cold towards her since they first met. If they were going to get married, that would need to change.

"You asked to see me, Your Highness?" Emilié spoke softly as the guards closed the door behind her. Edward was going through the books on the shelf as he heard her voice and turned around to greet her with a smile.

"Princess, you're here."

He put the book in his hand down on the desk and approached her. She expected him to at least give her a kiss on the cheek, but he kept his hands locked behind his back and a considerable distance between the two of them.

"I wanted to discuss my mother's birthday with you."

"Oh, the Queen's birthday is coming soon?"

"Yes, it's the end of this month. I think I'm going to organize a ball for her."

"That'd be very lovely." Emilié smiled. "I'm sure Her Majesty will be so proud of you. I can help pick out the decorations and the food to serve our guests if you'd like."

"Great! Thank you." Edward nodded once before he told her, "My mother loves the color yellow, so I would have our tailor prepare a yellow gown for you for the ball. What do you think?"

"I'm very grateful, Your Highness."

"Please, call me Edward." He smiled at her. His green eyes sparkled and it made her heart sigh. He was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.

"Do you want to tell me anything else?" She asked.

"No, that is all," he answered right away, and she'd never been more disappointed. He told her she was free to go and she had no choice but to follow his order and left him alone.

Emilié stormed out of the room, fuming with rage. Her two maids who'd been waiting outside clearly didn't expect that reaction from their lady. They hurriedly walked faster to catch up with the Princess to ask if she was alright.

"That little whore! He's probably planning on fucking her behind my back!" Emilié said between gritted teeth. She wanted to shout it out to the world but she knew she couldn't. People had been whispering about her being a glass doll on the shelf for decoration, whereas that girl, who had been seen spending a lot of time with her future husband, was the one he truly loved.

Emilié didn't care whether the Prince loved her or not. It was her name and reputation and power that she worried about. Emilié would be Queen of England once Edward had been crowned King, but she couldn't risk losing her title if he was to make that peasant girl his official mistress one day.

"I need you two to help me with one favor." Emilié turned to her maids, eyes burning with fury. "I need you to find out who this girl, Ann, really is. She's been living in the castle for a while now but all we know is her name and nothing else. I believe she's got a lot to hide. If I can prove to Edward that she's not the saint he thinks she is, he'll have to remove her from Court."

The two servants exchanged anxious looks before turning back to their Princess. One of them spoke, "if His Highness finds out about this, he'll have us both beheaded, my lady."

"Then make sure he won't find out. I don't care how, but I demand progress before the Queen's birthday celebration."

The two maids swallowed hard when they see apoplexy written on the Princess' face.

"That whore might have his heart wrapped around her dirty little fingers—" she clenched her jaw "—but I'm the one wearing the crown."




Harry had a meeting with Jeff and his producer so he wasn't home that afternoon. However, he'd texted his assistant to come over and try on the dress she'd be wearing to the movie premiere that night.

Y/N arrived at 4 PM sharp because she was never late. Harry's house cleaner let her in and told her he'd left her dress in his closet. Y/N later found out it wasn't a regular closet. Harry's 'closet' was, in fact, twice the size of her bedroom. It was like Narnia in there.

She wanted to touch everything, but at the same time, she would get in so much trouble for even laying a finger on one of his expensive velvet blazers. So she just admired the masterpieces that he would call 'his clothes' from afar and only took what was given to her.

It was a simple black dress hung in the middle of the room. It wasn't complexly designed, but it felt expensive against her fingertips. Now she was afraid to show up at the event wearing a dress that was probably worth more than her whole bank account could afford.

After a moment struggling with the zipper, she finally put the dress on properly. Y/N stood in front of the mirror, inspecting her own reflection with a small happy smile on her face. She felt beautiful, expensive, and powerful. Then she began to wonder whether Harry felt the same way every time he put on one of his fancy suits, or he was already used to the feeling that he felt completely normal. Maybe she would ask him the next time they met.

Y/N suddenly heard someone open and close the door as they came in. She assumed it was just Harry's house cleaner. But she was wrong. She nearly freaked when she turned her head and saw Harry's girlfriend, the famous and beautiful Lillie Xander standing with her arms crossed, watching Y/N with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh...Hi!" Y/N exhaled a nervous laugh.

"Hi," said Lillie with a friendly smile.

"Wow...uh...You're Lillie Xander, Harry's girlfriend...You look even prettier in real life," Y/N blurted out. She knew she sounded dumb but she couldn't help it. She had got to get used to seeing celebrities now that she was Harry Styles' assistant.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N rubbed her palms together and walked towards Lillie, extending her arm.

"Nice to meet you I'm—"

"Y/N, Harry's assistant. I know," Lillie replied but she just stared at Y/N's hand with no intention of shaking it. The poor girl had to withdraw her arm awkwardly back to her side.

" flatmate...she's a big fan of yours." Y/N giggled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "She knows everything about you."

"Aww, that's sweet." Lillie put both hands on her left chest and sighed happily. "I love my fans so much."

"I'm...sure you do. I'm sorry. It must be weird to find me here, but I swear I'm only trying on the dress for tonight's event then I'm gone."

"That I also know. Harry told me you were coming with him."

Harry didn't tell Lillie anything. She'd learned it from her assistant who'd done a pretty good job of digging the information from the people from Harry's team.

The singer forced a smile, putting both hands on her hips and straightened her back. "I feel so bad for not attending the premiere with him as I'm so busy with my schedules. That must be why he asked you to come."

"Oh..." Y/N nodded then looked down to smooth a wrinkle on the hem of her dress, which caught Lillie's attention and made her chuckle.


"Thank you." Y/N's lips curved into a soft smile. However, Lillie replied to that with a sarcastic laugh, which made the poor girl gawk in confusion.

"I didn't mean you. I meant the dress," said the singer as she put a finger to her lip and took a slow walk around Y/N. Her intense stare began to make the assistant feel very self-conscious.

"My boyfriend really knew how to pick out a dress, didn't he?" She stopped, facing Y/N with a smirk on her face. "And he also knows how to make a poor little girl think she can be someone she's not."

"Excuse me?" Y/N had her eyebrows furrowed, yet the look on Lillie's face remained unchanged. The singer took a step forward, causing the assistant to take a step back.

"Harry inviting you to a red carpet event with him doesn't mean he cares about you," Lillie said under her breath, just loud and clear enough for the girl standing in front of her to hear. "It's like charity work for him really, because he's...Harry. He's so charming that women cannot help but fall at his feet. Unfortunately, he's in love with me. So whatever fantasies you have inside that little head of yours, they're not coming true."

"Lillie, I'm only his assista—"

"Right." Lillie stood up straight and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You're nothing but an employee. That's why you're not going to the movie premiere tonight."

"I am. He asked me to."

Lillie furrowed her eyebrows as she snorted. Y/N had no idea why she felt intimidated by Lillie. In fact, she could just call Harry right now. Y/N almost reached for her phone on the table by her side, but she immediately got rid of that thought. It would be Lillie's words against hers, and she already knew who he would believe.

"Wait until the whole world know that you're a home-wrecker then."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can just tip off some online magazines about you trying to steal my boyfriend, give them a bunch of money and they'll write anything."


"But I really don't have to go that far, I know you don't want to drag Harry into a scandal. So why not be a good girl and walk away, hmm?" Lillie reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear, the smirk lingered on her face as she knew Y/N had nothing else to say.

This had never been a competition, but she won anyway.

"You can wear that dress and parade around for as long as you'd like, but—," Lillie said, staring Y/N down. "Sweetie, it's never gonna make you a princess."




"Going somewhere?"

The voice nearly made Ann's heart jump out of her chest. She looked up from the piles of clothes on her bed and saw Princess Emilié standing at the door.

While the girl was still speechless, the Princess slowly closed the door behind her and marched up to the middle of the room, scanning her eyes around, silently judging.

"What are you doing here?"

"That's not something you should ask the future Queen of England." Emilié snorted, yet it didn't change Ann's attitude towards her.

"I know no Queen but Edward's mother. Until you're legally married to Edward, you're just a French Princess living at England's Court."

"How dare you call him Edward?"

"I've called him Edward since the beginning." Ann rolled her eyes and carried on packing her belongings so she could leave before sunset.

That answer really made Emilié's blood boil. It took Edward more than a month to decide she could call him by his name, and this peasant girl had been doing so since the beginning? She felt disrespected!

"Are you leaving?"


This answer, however, made Emilié elated. She couldn't help the broad smile on her face as she took a step closer to where Ann was standing. "Did Edward ask you to leave?"

"No. It was my decision. If you're here to tell me to stay away from your fiancé, you've got what you wish for. Now please leave."

Emilié dropped her jaw and raised both of her eyebrows in reaction to what Ann had just said to her. "You cannot speak to me like that!"

"With all due respect, Your Highness, you haven't been kind to me either. I honestly have no idea why you hate me so much." Ann chuckled sarcastically as she inquired the girl in front of her. "What have I ever done to you?"

"Besides trying to seduce my fiancé!? Don't even think I don't know you're in love with him."

"Edward is my friend! If he doesn't love you, it's not my responsibility!"

"Oh, he loves me." Emilié snorted, trying to cover up the fact that those words couldn't even convince her.

"I'm going to be his wife. You? Do you actually believe he cares about you at all? You're only here because he's too kind to send away the person who saved his life. Our engagement is not only valid, but it also provides England with a strong alliance. So if he had to choose between you and England, Edward would not think twice to offer your life for the sakes of his people."

"You don't know him," Ann spoke calmly because she knew her composure drove the Princess insane.

"And you do?" Emilié took a step forward, causing Ann to take a step back. "I'm the one who makes love to him every night, while you're here alone in this room fantasizing about him."

Ann tightened her fists. The thought of Edward and Emilié in bed caused her very much discomfort if she must admit, yet she just took a deep breath, kept her head held high and replied with confidence, "if he loved you that much, then you wouldn't be here giving me empty threats, would you?"

Emilié opened her mouth to fight back, but she couldn't think of anything to say. She had lost, even if she wouldn't admit it.

A girl like her, brought up in a royal family, so used to being spoilt and winning every game she'd ever played, couldn't accept the fact that she had lost to a girl with no name.

"I know you have secrets."

Ann almost froze when she heard those words, and the look of terror which flashed across her face didn't get past the eyes of Emilié. So it was true, the Princess put on a smirk, Ann was indeed hiding something.

"Secrets?" Ann squinted her eyes, still, she was unable to hide the fear written on her face.

"I'm going to find out who you really are, and when the truth is out, you're going to wish you were dead."

Emilié turned her heels as soon as she finished then headed straight out of the room, leaving Ann behind utterly shocked and afraid. If her identity got out, not only would the other witches be in danger, Edward would as well.

She had to leave now, as fast as she could.


Y/N was bored.

She couldn't concentrate on the Netflix movie on her laptop because she shouldn't have been home that night. She was supposed to be at the movie premiere.

She was supposed to be with Harry.

It was a weird thing to say, but she missed him, her boss. That came out so wrong yet it was undeniable he was more than just 'a boss'. She could lie to anyone but herself that she didn't have feelings for him, when in fact she did, more than her anticipation. She knew he would never think about her that way now that he was in a relationship. However, it wouldn't hurt if she didn't tell anyone about her feelings for him. Well, now that Y/N thought about it, maybe the only person she would hurt was herself.

"Why the fuck are you still home?"

Y/N nearly threw herself off the bed when she looked up from the laptop screen and saw Lisa.

"You should've knocked!"

"Why?" Lisa gave her flatmate a confused look and sat down on the edge of the bed, tossing her handbag down on the floor. "I was at work, going through Tumblr, expecting to see photos of you and your hot boss being hot on the red carpet but no, Lillie fucking Xander was by his side and I came home to find you in your PJ looking like a disappointment?!"

"Lillie went to the movie premiere?" Y/N laughed wryly. "She told me she wasn't going."

"The bitch lied! Ugh, I can't believe you let her win after the shit she said to you this afternoon!"

"This is not about winning, this is about Harry." Y/N's eyes were shifted to her lap, watching her fingers toying with the hem of her PJ shirt. "I...I care about him."

"If you care about him, please do me a favor and steal him away from that bratty Lillie bitch."

Lisa's reaction to the news surprised Y/N but at the same time amused her a whole lot.

"Lis, I thought you were a fan of her."

"Not anymore. That bitch messed with my best friend, she's going to hell, rich people hell, if that's even a thing."

Y/N chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I almost asked for her autograph to surprise you...well...before she told me I was worthless and threatened to publicly humiliate me."

"I don't want her autograph!" Lisa cringed, but after a second thought, she changed her mind. "Okay, maybe I do, I can sell it online and take you out for dinner."

"I love you, Lis!" Y/N threw her arms around the older girl's neck and pulled her flatmate into a hug.

Lisa hugged her back just as tight, saying she loved her too, then pulled away, looking slightly puzzled. "But wait, did you tell Harry you weren't going because of what his girlfriend said to you?"

"No, I told him I was sick."

"You sure look like you are." Lisa sighed and rose from the bed then told Y/N she was going to take a bath and then make dinner for the two of them.

But Lisa didn't go for any longer than fifteen minutes. Suddenly, Y/N heard her flatmate scream out loud from the living, causing her to almost run out to check if her friend was okay. The moment Y/N set her feet down on the floor, she heard a familiar male voice speaking to Lisa outside.

"I'm here to see Y/N."

Y/N hurriedly ran to close and lock her bedroom door as Lisa told Harry that she was in her room, too sick to come out. Standing with her back against the door, Y/N prayed that Harry would just leave after he'd heard that news, even though she knew someone like him would never.

There was a knock which soon followed by Harry's raspy voice.

"Y/N, can I come in?"




"Ann, it's me, Edward! Can I come in?"

Ann started freaking out when she heard his voice outside her small cottage. She ran to the door, placing her hands on it, trying to debate with herself whether she should just let him in or send him away.

"What are you doing here? Why did they let you go into the woods this late at night?!" She asked.

The Prince laughed as he heard her. Oh, how she loved the sound of that. She missed him, and she wanted to see his face, even though she knew it would kill her to look at him knowing he would never be hers.

He shouldn't have come here.

"I snuck out like I did last time."

"And last time you ended up in a hole!" Ann laughed quietly, resting her forehead against the wooden door. "Edward, you must leave, it's not safe here."

"I'm not leaving until you come with me."

"Edward, ple—"

"Tell me the truth. Why did you leave?" His voice sounded almost desperate, it broke her heart. She wanted to believe he cared about her, that he loved her as much as she loved him. Nevertheless, she couldn't feed herself more hope for a love that would never be true. She must be insane to even think there was a way for them to be together.

"I already told you the truth."

"No, you haven't, at least not all of it."

She left, partly because of the prophecy that if she stayed she would put her own life at risk, mostly because she couldn't stand watching him marrying another woman. She'd rather be dead than have her heart broken by him.

"Just—Just go, Edward. Go home."

"I would leave everything behind for you, you know it."

"Don't say things like that!"


She stayed quiet. If she'd said another word, she would burst into tears.

"I...I love you, Ann."

Ann thought she'd misheard him. This couldn't be the truth.

Did he just really say he loved me? He must be out of his mind! Said the voice inside her head.

As if the Prince could read her mind, he immediately argued with her thought, "I'm not insane. I love you. Why don't you say something?"

She bit her bottom lip, trying to steady her breath.

After that, she finally opened the door.

There he was, standing right in front of her, as beautiful as ever. His green eyes flickered in the moonlight when he saw her face. They held each other's gaze for a long moment, and Edward couldn't stand the silence for another second.

"Please...say something," he pleaded, needing to hear her tell him how she felt about him. He needed to know if he should stay or head back to the castle with a broken heart.

Ann felt her hands trembling and her breath heavy. Fear etched on her face as she stared at him.


Don't Ann. No, don't say it

"I love you, too."

She'd said it.

The moment those words escaped, she felt relieved instantly, like a heavy weight had been lifted from her chest and she could finally breathe again. However, she had a feeling this would be the start for a lot of troubles lying ahead.

Edward, on the other hand, had the brightest smile on his face, he was on edge of tears when he heard her say those four words. He took a step closer, reaching out to hold her face gently between the palms of his hand, treating her like glass, as if she was delicate and breakable.

"Am I allowed to kiss you?" He asked, only a breath away from tasting her lips.

She didn't hesitate before nodding her head constantly.

And they kissed, for the first time.

It was sweet, because she loved him and she'd been dreaming of this moment for the longest time, yet it was bitter, for she was doing what Madam Maggie had warned her not to.

Little did she knew, that kiss had turned her whole world upside down.




"Y/N," Harry called his assistant again, knocking on her door a few more times because she didn't answer him. "I know you're still awake, your lights are on."

Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw, thinking how stupid she was to not turning off the lights. He would've left if he'd thought she was sleeping.

"Harry, shouldn't you be at the after party right now?"

"I ditched Jeff and went to see you. Are you alright?"

Y/N ignored his concern and carried on with another question. "What about Lillie? I heard she was going too."

"Lillie was only there to walk the red carpet. She disappeared right after."

Y/N knew it! Lillie only wanted her photos on the news walking the red carpet with the love of her life. She acted like she was so besotted with him but in reality, all she cared about was his fame and her own.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Harry repeated the question, pulling Y/N out of her own thoughts.

"I'm doing better," she replied, smiling a bit at how caring he sounded.

She wondered if he'd showed up because it was the right thing to do or he really cared about her wellbeing.

"Can I come in? I brought you soup."

"Uh...No! Don't come in." Y/N backed away from the door and pretended to cough. "The doctor said I'm contagious. I don't want you to be sick as well!"

"I'm sure it's not that bad, please let me see you."

"Just leave the soup in the kitchen. I'll...I'll see you tomorrow."

Harry released a laugh when he heard her. "You're not going to work tomorrow if you're still sick, Y/N."

"I always recover very quickly, don't you worry."

"If you're still unwell tomorrow, I'm taking you to my doctor."

"You don't have to."

"That's the least I can do for my assistant, right?"

She sighed, not knowing what to say. She wished he hadn't been so kind to her, maybe then she wouldn't be feeding herself false hope for a relationship they could only have in her dreams.

"Y/N?" Harry broke the silence between the two of them after a few seconds.

She wished she could see his face, maybe then she could guess what was on his mind.

"Hmm?" Was her reply.

He didn't answer right away, so she assumed he was debating whether or not to tell her something. She felt her heart pounding inside her chest.

"I..." he began, taking a long pause, she wondered why. "What I want to say is..."

"Yeah?" She took a step forward, placing a hand flat on the door. She wished what he was about to tell her was exactly what she'd been wanting to hear.

However, this wasn't a movie.

"I wish you had gone to the premiere with me."

"Oh..." She couldn't say she wasn't disappointed, yet she felt like it was better this way. So she faked a laugh, he couldn't see her face to tell she was only pretending.

"It's okay, there would be other events for me to attend with you."

"Yes...Uhm...I guess I'm going now," he said at last.

She'd been waiting for that sentence ever since he got here, but now she didn't want him to leave.

"Okay." It was a lie. She wasn't okay, not even a little bit.

"I'll see you tomorrow? If you feel better..."

"Okay." Stop saying okay, what is wrong with you?!  The voice inside her head scolded herself as she shut her eyes and exhaled deeply.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Call me if you need anything."

"Goodnight, Harry," she replied.

Y/N heard his footsteps fading away and finally his muffled voice speaking to Lisa, saying his goodbye to her flatmate. Now that he couldn't hear her anymore, she could finally confess what she knew he wasn't allowed to know.

"Harry..." She whispered under her breath, for only herself to hear. "I'm in love with you."

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