
13.7K 190 87

Drabbles, smut , comedy , fluff , and angst All mine Еще

Bubblegum Bitch | smut

His Confessions | angst

6.3K 86 81

Warm embraces and caresses. Soft kisses and sweet everything's whispered in your ear. His nose buried in the crook of your next. The night calm, your blanket enveloping the two of you in a heated mix. Your sleeping form carefully guarded by your protector, your one and only, your lover.

Nothing stirred but him, or per se his hands. Your soft snores filling the room as well the tapping of his thumbs against the screen of his phone, his nerves a little high as we were painfully aware of your presence.

Hyerin: Tae I'm not playing anymore we need to tell her...
To Hyerin: We don't! We both will lose her are you ready for that?!
Hyerin: We asked for it the first time we fucked and every time after that we fucked Tae, I'm her best friend and you're her boyfriend...besides I need to come over
To Hyerin: I told you when I'm with her I can't be with you
Hyerin: You'll want to
To Hyerin: I can't be there to fuck right now okay
Hyerin: Tae god dammit I'm pregnant
To Hyerin: Stop lying
Hyerin: Tae as much as you'd like to think I fuck other guys I don't, it's yours.

His stomach churning, his heart sinking his arms around you loosed, his hands trembling as he carefully slid away from you while you slept. He was so used to sneaking away while you slept, it gave him such a rush. But today that rush wasn't the same, this drive was fear and guilt, instead of pleasure and adrenaline.

With rushed steps he dragged himself to the car, teeth biting his lip raw, fingers shaky he slipped the key into the ignition. He cursed himself. He loved you but he lusted after her. Both your boyfriend and best friend, partners in crime as they both would dare to sit at your table, in your home, however when you turned away their hands would twine. How it started was a blur. Their minds a haze and things escalated and soon one accident became routine. 

He had three things on his mind. The first on his mind was you. The second thing was if it was really his and if it was true. The third thing was him wishing he never did it. Wishing they never did it. His tires giving a screech as they came to a halt.

He parked outside of the house he was so used to sneaking into at odd hours of the night, jiggling her door handle it opened as it always did. "H-Hyerin?"

She didn't spare him a gaze, tossing over to his two positive tests. "I'm pregnant"

He gave a harsh swallow looking at the tests on the floor not daring to pick them up. Not daring to face reality. "I-Is it mine ?"

She cocked her head. "Who else?"

"You didn't sleep with another guy did you?" He hoped with all his might that she had, his fingers crossed his lips raw.

Hyerin sighed, "Tae it's yours okay I never slept with anyone else once we started going behind her back."

He flinched. "Don't call it that!"

She hissed, "That's What it is Tae! You cheated and I'm a liar and now I'm pregnant!"

"It's not! This is isn't happening! Get rid of it !! I can't lose her!" He yelled, kicking the tests against the wall, vainly he kicked and stomped on them as if breaking the test would erase his mistake.

Hyerin gaze hardening, "You lost her the moment you stuffed your cock in me and now your paying for it! I'm keeping it, the baby is mine! Be a deadbeat but don't think she won't find out I'm telling her if you won't. It's least I can do after fucking her boyfriend and getting pregnant with his child..." she yelled tears staining her cheeks.

"No get rid of it, I can't love it, I won't love it..." he pleaded.

"You're so fucking gone. You think that innocent child needs to bear the lashings of your own fucking mistake, of our fucking mistakes?!" She raised her hand, giving it the most she could she strikes his left cheek.

His gaze on the floor, "I-I don't love you, I can't loose her. I just can't." Fists balled he turned. Tail between his legs, he felt cornered. His resolve diminishing he drove back to your place, your sleeping form greeting him once again as he crawled into your bed.

His arms gently shaking you, "B-Babe get up we need to talk."

Trying to swat his hands off so you could borrow into the blankets,  he lifted you, lightly shaking you awake. "Seriously, we need to talk." The tension in the room getting thicker with each passing second.

"Yes?" The sleep starting to wither from your form. Eyes focused on his face, his eyes heavy and dark, his lip trembling body shaking.

"I-I love you." He looked you in the eyes, his voice broken.

"I love you too Tae.." you looked at him, confused and slightly on edge.

"And because I love you I need to come clean."

Your hands gripping the sheets.

"Hyerin and I have been sleeping together for months now... she's pregnant and she's keeping it." He spat it out, a taste of vile coating his mouth, throat closing in on him.

Your hands gripping the sheets, eyes on the ground. "I know ... Tae I love you but I'm not an idiot. I knew you were up to something. At first, I thought it was odd you left when I slept, you had strange contacts in your phone. I knew you were running off somewhere. Then I found out it was Hyerin. I noticed and watched it... I thought maybe if I ignored it I could live in my own fantasy that maybe it was just a bad dream and you weren't a cheater. That maybe, my best friend and boyfriend weren't both betraying me. That maybe, when I slept you'd still be there holding me..." you choked on your words "So she's pregnant."

He trembled, he reached out to you only to feel a knife in his heart when you pulled away from his touch. "I want her to lose it.. I want to be with you, I don't want that baby in her !"

He saw pity in your eyes, "Tae that child is innocent. "

"Then be a mother to it!" He cried out, his arms around you. "I don't want to lose you! I don't want to leave you! Be a stepmother to it, please be its stepmother and I'll be a father to it! I promise!"

Your head was thrown back, not able to look at him. Eyes on the ceiling. "That's so selfish you know, you cheat on me with my best friend and now you ask me to raise her child?"

He flinched, "I didn't mean it like that, I just don't want to lose you."

"Tae that's how it is, that's the reality... and if you didn't want to lose me. You shouldn't have done it. The two of you shouldn't have..."

"It's ended, all of it! It's over, fucking finished please give me a second chance! Please fucking give me a second chance!"

"Tae.. I-I"

"Please..just one more chance." He pleaded

Your eyes falling to the bed. Your entire being calling yourself a fool. But you gave a nod. Throwing everything in this one basket, you agreed. Hoping with your whole heart that his words had worth. 

**3 years**

Eyes facing the window looking at your backyard, hands busy holding a sponge and a plate, the hot water slightly burning as you washed the dull plate. In the backyard were your husband and your daughter. Well, his daughter. Do Ae. She was the perfect mix of Hyerin and Taehyung.  Such a beautiful, bright, and eccentric girl. Possessing her father's charm and her mothers looks. You bit your lip. You knew none of this was her fault. You were still trying to find it in your heart to trust Taeyhung again. You were finding the strength to love this child the best you could. 

At times you wondered why you do this to yourself. You could have just left, but something in your heart told you to stay. You felt like a fool at first, over time the feeling faded, however, your trust in Tae slowly rebuilt itself.  Taehyung lifting his head, Do Ae on his shoulders, both of their gummy smiles bright as they waved at you, Do Ae bringing her hand to her lips sending kisses. A warmth filling your heart. You hated yourself for questioning your love for her. For only seeing her parents in her. 

The two of them entering the house, the hot summer air making the house feel a bit dry. Small footsteps running up to you. "When is it gonna be here Mommy?!!" Do Ae chimed as she clung to your leg looking up at you. Her small hands running over the bump on your tummy. 

"Give it a few months sweetheart." You hummed, smiling down at the girl. Taehyung smiling at you, his arms crossed. "Mommy is gonna get really big soon just you wait." he joked. 

You shot him a playful glare. "No dinner for you." You eyes straying to the driveway, a car pulling into it. Hyerin's car. Your tongue swabbing your cheek, Taehyung picking Do Ae from your leg, "Time to go see your other Mommy." He walked out to meet her. Your eyes on them, a soft ache in your heart.  Hyerin's gaze meeting yours, her eyes soft as she sent you a look you couldn't quite explain. Your former friend, Do Ae's mother, and the woman your husband slept with behind your back. You didn't hate her. You didn't blame her. You wished her happiness and you hoped that look she sent you was a hopeful one. Because lord knows. You aren't happy, but you are trying. 

You are trying. 

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