Youtuber Sitting

By EmbodiedInsanity

53.7K 1.9K 12.1K

** SEQUEL TO EGO DAYCARE ** Just over a year ago, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye were forced to take care of a... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20


1.7K 82 429
By EmbodiedInsanity

One month later...

* * * * *

The video chat connected and Dark looked at the screen, the lower part of his face in his hands while his elbows rested on the desk. Anti had been leaned back in his chair with his feet on the desk, but he let them drop as he leaned forward. "Hey... you alright?" Anti giggled slightly.

"Just tired. How are you?" Dark asked.

Leaning back, Anti glanced around, a few glitches tearing through his form. Sighing, he looked back to the screen. "Talk to me."

Dark let his hands drop to the desk, the red and blue of his aura flickering around him. "I gave you an answer."

Rolling his eyes, Anti hissed, "Yeah. AN answer. Now give me a fucking better one, you edgy glow stick." When Dark just closed his eyes, groaning, Anti frowned. "No comeback? Dark? What's wrong?"

"We are just having a bad day." Dark grumbled.

Anti slowly nodded, taking note that he said 'we'. "You wanna like... talk about it?"

Dark opened his eyes. "Talk about it?"

Smiling Anti nodded. "I mean... you listen to me complain about my glitching, right?" He giggled, leaning in.

"I do not talk about it." Dark muttered.

Anti shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Yeah. I fucking know."

Dark leaned back, straightening up in his chair and cracked his neck. "Especially not over the internet. Others could be listening in."

"Others?" Anti rose an eyebrow.

Dark shrugged, nodding his head. "Googleplier... mostly."

"Ah." Anti slumped back in his chair, then smirked. "You're... coming out here in a month."

A small smile crossed Dark's face before he obviously suppressed it. "I am."

Anti threw himself forward, slamming his hands on the desk. "Don't pretend you're not excited!"

Dark chuckled, letting the smile cross his face again. "Easy, Anti."

"So... will you talk to me then? There's no Googlepliers here. Promise." Anti grinned.

"Your throat is bleeding." Dark mentioned casually.

"Answer the question!" Anti screeched.

Dark tilted his head, watching the blood trailing down Anti's neck. "We... will see how it goes."

Anti settled back in his chair, grabbing a handful of tissue from off screen and covered his neck. "This is what happens when I talk to you."

"This is what happens when you slit your own throat." Dark smirked.

"It was years ago!" Anti growled. "Let it go!"

Dark slowly shook his head, then leaned towards the camera again. "What do you have planned for my visit?"

Anti shrugged. "Planning is more your thing. We're gonna fucking wing it."

"I would like this to be a contained disaster." Dark pointed out. "It is all much easier when Mark arranges the travel. If he decides that we are not to be trusted together... I have to do it myself, and I have enough on my plate."

"Fiiiiine." Anti grumbled. "We'll keep it low key. We can take the train into London, cause some minor disturbances there... and come home to talk." He winked.

"You are not going to let this go, are you?" Dark sighed, though his smile betrayed him.

Anti giggled. "Do I ever let anything go?"

Dark shook his head slightly, then shifted in his chair. "Did I tell you about this infernal video Mark is trying to make?"

"Noooo..." Anti grinned, leaning in as Dark began to explain.

* * * * *

Jackieboy Man opened his Facebook, smiling as he noted the Silver Shepherd online. He quickly opened a chat, typing in, 'Hey! Jack said 3 months. He said we can pick who goes.'. He stared intently at the window a moment, then tried to shift his focus to checking more messages, but found himself staring at the chat window again.

Finally, after about two agonizing minutes, the window indicated he was typing. 'Great! You should come here. Meet Ibis.'

Nodding his head to himself, Jackieboy quickly responded. 'Oh yeah! That would be perfect. I'll let Jack know.'

He was already sending Jack a text when Shepherd messaged again. 'Good. Hey how did that corner store robbery go?'

Sighing Jackieboy leaned forward. 'The robbers got away. But when I got there it scared them off... so they didn't get everything, and no one got hurt!'

' :( Too bad. You'll get 'em next time. You know they'll try it again. They never learn.' Came the answer.

Jackieboy smiled. 'Thanks Shep.'

'I gotta go. I have a hot lead that Ibis just told me I have. Can't wait till you visit! Bye!'

Jackieboy responded, 'Go get them! I can't wait either.'  Then he sighed, sitting back in his chair. He sent a text to Jack explaining that he wanted to go to LA, then returned to checking the rest of his Facebook messages.

* * * * *

Dr. Schneeplestein was scrolling through the news on his phone when a video call came through from Discord. Groaning, he stared at the name and accepted. The video feed came through to Dr. Iplier, sitting in his office. Raising an eyebrow, Dr. Iplier leaned in. "Doctor? Where are you? It's dark... where's your mask and cap?"

"I am in ze bed." Dr. Schneeplestein groaned. "I am sick."

Dr. Iplier narrowed his eyes. "You're a doctor."

"Yes." Dr. Schneeplestein grunted.

"You can't be sick, you're a doctor." Dr. Iplier frowned.

Dr. Schneeplstein stared at the screen, then sighed. "You never get sick?"

"No. Are you dying?" Dr. Iplier gasped.

"No." Dr. Schneeplestein closed his eyes. "Did you ask zat instead of declaring it? Are YOU okay?"

Dr. Iplier shook his head. "No! You're not supposed to be sick!" Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled, causing a coughing fit and he dropped his phone onto the bed. "Schneeplestein!" Dr. Iplier cried out, standing up, though standing didn't do anything for him.

"Schisse." Dr. Schneeplestein growled as he fumbled for the phone. Pulling it upright again he stared up at the camera sleepily. "Iplier... sit down you idiot."

Dr. Iplier sighed, sitting down again. "Maybe Mark would let me go out there early."

"Vhy vould you do zat?" Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

"To take care of you." Dr. Iplier frowned.

Dr. Schneeplestein started to laugh, causing another coughing fit. "Stop making me laugh, it makes me cough."

Dr. Iplier sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I wasn't joking. I am a doctor after all."

"I have one of zhose. Me." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "It is just a bad cold. I vorked vith it yesterday, but mine nurse refuses to vork vith me again. She zhinks I vill make her and ze patients sick." Dr. Schneeplestein rolled onto his side, propping the phone up with a pillow and closed his eyes, sighing. "I probably vould have, I am contagious, but I zink it vould have been vorth it to have me help zem vith zheir more troubling ailments."

"Well sure..." Dr. Iplier shrugged. "But I think the bed rest is good for you. Doctors orders."

"Stop trying to doctor me, Iplier." Dr. Schneeplestein grunted, opening his eyes again. "You vill come out to mine in a month, as planned. Say it."

"I will come out in a month... as planned." Dr. Iplier sighed, watching Dr. Schneeplestein a moment before he smiled. "I can't wait to see your practice."

Dr. Schneeplestein slowly nodded. "Yes. Did you get ze files I sent for the cases ve vill be working on togezether?"

Dr. Iplier grinned. "Yeah, I did. I've... started reading them over."

The sick doctor glared at the screen. "You have not. You are procrastinating."

"I've been binge watching House." Dr. Iplier admitted.

"Vhat is zat?" Dr. Schneeplestein groaned.

Dr. Iplier chuckled. "A medical drama. Don't worry about it. I should probably let you go... let you rest."

Dr. Scheenplstein sighed. "Yes." He shifted a little, squirming closer to the phone. "In a moment." He smiled. "I know I do not say it a lot... but I am glad ve are... friends, and I am excited you are coming to visit. It has been too long since ve last saw each ozher."

Dr. Iplier's eyes widened and he stared at the screen. "Say it a lot? You don't say it ever. Do you have a fever?"

"A small one." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

"Well, get some sleep... before you die." Dr. Iplier smiled. "But uh, I'm real excited to be coming out too. I think you know that. Are you sure you don't want me to come out early and-"

"I do not need you to take care of me." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered. "I am fine."

Slowly, Dr. Iplier nodded. "If you're sure. Alright, get some sleep now, okay?"

"Yes." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed, watching Dr. Iplier wave before the call disconnected. With a groan, Dr. Schneeplestein pulled the blankets closer to himself and rolling over, already starting to drift.

* * * * *

"Suh dude!" Chase grinned, as King appeared on his screen.

King smiled, waving excitedly at his camera. "Thirty four days!" He squealed.

Chase chuckled. "You're already counting down?"

"Duh!" King grinned, squirming in his chair. "Did you get the pictures I sent of Bean and Bro-Son playing?"

"I sure did, bro. Super cute!" Chase smiled, leaning back in his chair and adjusted his hat. "Did you get the pictures I sent?"

King nodded his head. "The ones of you playing basketball with your kids? I sure did! They seem nice." He shifted a little, clearing his throat. "Uh... maybe I'll get to meet them someday."

Chase smiled, slowly nodding. "Maybe, dude..." He chuckled, tilting his head down so his hat covered his face as he scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, I hope so."

Both Chase and King's monitors flickered and their speakers let out a blast of static. Chase's head shot up, eyes wide. "Anti?"

King shifted. "I don't think Anti can mess with me this far away..." He giggled then, shaking his head. "You know who can?"

"Google!" Chase half yelled, half laughed. "Don't pretend to be Anti! That's not cool bro!"

Without either inviting him, Google joined the video chat, Google Blue on screen. "Sometimes my systems stutter. No one said I was pretending to be that Darkiplier knock off."

"What about the static?!" Chase playfully glared at him.

Google Blue smirked. "What static?"

"Such a jerk." Chase laughed.

"Google!" King cried out. "Thirty four days!"

Google Blue tilted his head. "Until Chase arrives? No. Thirty three days, twenty one hours, and thirty six minutes... give or take depending on airport delays."

Chase laughed, shaking his head. "You bros are ridiculous! Honestly though dudes, I'm so excited to be coming back."

"We acquired an actual bed for you to sleep in when you stay here." Google Blue remarked.

"I helped pick out the sheets!" King cheered.

Google Blue slowly nodded. "They are... rather childish."

King shook his head, pouting a little. "They... they're little stars... in all different colours."

"They sound super awesome, bro." Chase smiled. "And thanks for getting me a bed, bro-bot! You know I woulda been fine crashing on your couch again."

"I prefer you with your spine in proper alignment." Google Blue smiled.

Chase chuckled. "Thanks man." Hearing a knock at his door, he leaned back. "Oh! Dudes! He's here. Hold on a sec." Chase jumped up and ran to get the door. After a few moments he returned with the timid man in a cat mask, urging him to sit down. "Okay bros, this is Marvin."

"I am aware." Google Blue stated.

King smiled, waving. "Nice to meet you Marvin!"

Marvin sat down in the chair, glancing up at Chase, who laughed. "Marvin, bro... say hi. They're..." He looked up at Google's expressionless face, and King in his crown and cloak waving frantically, then looked back to Marvin. "They're a little extra, but they're super good dudes!"

"Extra?" King stopped waving.

Chase smiled. "Extra awesome!"

Google Blue shook his head. "According to Urban Dictionary, extra means... over the top, excessive, dramatic behavior, way too much."

King frowned, shifting a little. "Oh."

"Googs, I didn't mean it like that, bro." Chase bit his lip. "I mean, I was kind of saying you're a lot King... but like, in a totally good way! I can be a lot too man. We kind of all can, honestly."

King slowly nodded, and Chase frowned. Marvin shifted a little, and Chase sighed, leaning down to stare at the camera. "King... come on bro. Don't be upset. You know I love you, man! We're bros!"

"Yeah." King smiled slightly.

"We're coming back there in like a month-" Chase started before Google cut him off.

"Thirty three days, twenty-" Google Blue began to point out.

"Yes! Thank you Google!" Chase laughed.

King suddenly smiled. "I guess... we are kind of extra."

Chase smiled. "In a good way though, bro! I promise, I meant it in a good way. And we're gonna have so much fun, right?"

"Mmhm." King grinned, glancing at Marvin. "Are you excited?"

"Oh..." Marvin nodded. "Yeah. I am. A bit nervous."

"Dude's never been on a plane before!" Chase explained, patting Marvin's shoulder. "But that's what he's got Chase around for, right bro?"

Marvin nodded and Google Blue shifted. "And Jack is putting him up in a hotel, correct?"

"Yeeeah. We all kind of decided it would be awkward to make him stay with any of you bros. I mean, he's never met you guys before." Chase grinned.

Google Blue nodded. "Agreed."

King giggled. "Google wants to introduce you to Bim while you're here."

"Bim?" Chase tilted his head.

Google Blue smiled. "Bim Trimmer. Statistically, he and Marvin have more things in common."

Marvin shifted. "Statistically?"

"He's a robot." King smiled.

"Android." Google Blue hummed. "Based on the statistics that I do have... you and Bim are both entertainers who base your identity on your showmanship. He is a game show host."

"Oh." Marvin smiled, nodding. "Alright, uh, well it sounds like fun."

Chase grinned. "It's gonna be so much fun, dude. You can hang with us a little, meet the other Ipliers... they can introduce you to this Bim guy and see if you guys get along!"

Marvin chuckled nervous, smiling at him, then at King and Google. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of you guys hanging out with Chase."

"No way!" King clapped his hands. "The more, the merrier! You can meet the squirrels!"

"Chase did mention the squirrels." Marvin nodded. "I saw them when they were babies..."

King smiled. "Yeah, they're adults again. Still pretty cute though!"

Marvin nodded. "I'm sure they are."

Chase patted Marvin's shoulder. "See bro? Aren't they the best?" Marvin gave a nervous, tight lipped smile and nodded.

"His body language suggests that he hates us." Google Blue pointed out.

King frowned. "You hate us?"

"What?" Marvin gasped, eyes wide. "No!"

Chase chuckled. "I think you're a little off there Google." He leaned down talking softly to Marvin. "He's still learning body language and appropriate human relations. Don't worry about it." He leaned back again, smiling at King. "He's just really nervous, and he doesn't know you guys real well yet. So his answer was a little forced. That's on me, bro. Don't worry, he doesn't hate you."

Marvin nodded. "I don't hate you, at all!"

King smiled. "Oh, good!"

"You probably should be nervous." Google Blue explained.

Chase chuckled. "Googs! Not helping, bro."

Google Blue tilted his head. "I was being empathetic."

"Not really how that works man, but it was a real good try." Chase grinned.

Google Blue narrowed his eyes. "I was confirming that his feelings were appropriate."

Chase smiled. "It sounded threatening, bro."

"It was kind of scary Google." King bit his lip, then smiled at Marvin. "Google would never hurt you. He wouldn't do that to Chase."

Marvin swallowed hard. "What if Chase didn't care?"

"Uh..." King shifted. "Well, I mean... he probably still wouldn't hurt you but... you know just take what you can get..."

"And King would never hurt anyone." Chase promised, patting Marvin's shoulders. "You're gonna be fine."

"More than fine!" King giggled. "We'll have so much fun!"

Chase grinned. "Totes. Well... I'm gonna spend a bit of time with Marvin. I'll call you bros, tomorrow, okay?"

King waved again. "Yeah! Sounds good, bro!"

"Tomorrow." Google Blue nodded. "Same time?"

"Uh, I dunno man. We'll see. You want me to text you when I know?" Chase smiled, and Google Blue nodded again. "Will do, man! Talk soon." He hung up the call and smiled at Marvin. "You need a debrief?"

Marvin nodded. "Yes please..."

"I'll make tea." Chase laughed, heading to the kitchen, Marvin slowly following so Chase could answer his questions about Googleplier, King of the Squirrels and their upcoming trip to LA.

* * * * *

Mark was stretched out on the couch, one hand hanging down and petting Chica who was laying beside the couch as he watched TV. Amy made her way into the room with a bowl of pretzels and smiled. "Are you going to let me sit with you?"

"I can't move." Mark smirked. "Body is too heavy. So. Much. Gravity." Shaking her head, Amy sat on his legs and Mark chuckled. "I mean... I guess that works."

"It sure does." Amy grinned, until Mark started to squirm his legs underneath her. "Stop! Here, have a pretzel."

"Ooo..." Mark half sat up, opening his mouth.

Amy narrowed her eyes. "You can use your hands." Mark just let out a whine until Amy eventually gave in and fed him a pretzel.

"Thank you, hun." Mark grinned triumphantly, laying back again. He groaned as his phone buzzed and he wriggled his legs excessively as he pulled it out of his pocket, drawing a laugh from Amy as she was almost tossed off the couch. Mark looked over the text, then laid the phone on his chest. "Pretzel?"

"Who is it?" Amy tilted her head.

"Pretzel?" Mark whined.

Amy grinned. "It wasn't a pretzel."

"It's Sean." Mark laughed.

Amy sighed. "Answer him!"

Shrugging, Mark sighed. "He's just working out details for the ego swap next month. I have lots of time to answer him."

"You know he likes to get this stuff sorted. You'll drive him nuts not answering. Respond to him. Then you can have a pretzel." Amy pointed at him.

Mark slowly nodded. "I guess." He bit his lip, picking his cell phone up and read the message again, typing out a response. As Henry trotted into the room, Amy tapped Mark's stomach, and he looked up at her over his phone. "Wh-ugh!" He was cut off mid sentence by Henry's paws digging into his stomach. "Pff... Henry. Hi. Could y-OH!" He groaned as Henry shifted and sat down. "I am uncomfortable."

"This is what you get for taking up the whole couch." Amy pointed out, kissing Henry's head. "Isn't that right Henry."

"Mm..." Mark sighed, finishing up his text and sent it off. "There. Answered. Pretzel?"

Amy leaned over Henry, dropping a pretzel into Mark's mouth. "So do you guys have it all worked out?"

Mark nodded, chewing. "Just about."

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Amy laughed.

"You asked!" Mark smirked.

"Finish the pretzel!" Amy shook her head.

Mark finished chewing, and swallowed, sticking his tongue out. "Aww!.... There." He closed his mouth again. "All done pretzel. Uh, so, just about. Dark and Dr. Iplier are going over there... and Chase and Marvin are coming here."

Amy bit her lip, speaking softly. "I don't remember Marvin."

"He's never been here." Mark laughed, then grunted. "Ugh. Henry, you have to get off, bub."

Amy chuckled, getting up. "Come on Henry." She called, guiding Henry off of Mark.

Mark let out a deep breath, then sat up, leaning against the arm rest as Amy sat down again and Henry jumped up between them. "Good boy." Mark purred, petting him.

"And Sean thinks he can handle Darkiplier?" Amy bit her lip.

Mark shrugged. "Yeah. I mean... Dark really only ever seems to want bad things for ME. I don't think he'll go after Sean, and he promised that he and Anti won't get too out of hand. I don't know... Sean's a big boy. He handles Anti. Dark's not that much worse."

Amy smiled. "Good... good." She held the bowl out and Mark took a handful of pretzels as they settled in to watch the movie.

* * * * *

Jack was sitting at his computer in a video call with Robin as he checked the text from Mark. "Good." He nodded.

"What's good?" Robin laughed.

"Mark and I are just finalizing some things for the ego exchange... it usually takes him a lot longer than this to reply." Jack hummed.

Robin smiled. "I kind of miss them."

Jack shrugged. "Then come visit!" His face dropped then. "Hey! You miss THEM. Not ME?!"

"Well I mean..." Robin smirked. "Jameson is a quieter, sweeter of version of you... so..."

Jack laughed. "ARE YOU SAYING I'M TOO LOUD!" He screamed.

Robin smiled. "This is just a call. I can turn you down right now... just like when I'm editing."

"Wow." Jack gasped. "How dare you, sir!"

"Speaking of editing..." Robin shifted, looking at something on his desktop.

"Noooo..." Jack whined. "No work. This was a social call."

Robin smiled. "It's for tomorrow's video Sean. Do you want it done?"

"No." Jack smirked, then sighed. "Yes. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, you goof." Robin grinned. "I just wanted to know if you wanted this bit in the middle. It seems like you were talking more to yourself than-"

"Is it funny?" Jack tilted his head.

Robin bit his lip. "Uh... well..."

Jack shook his head. "Gonna assume no then. Then, nah. Leave it out. I probably was just talking to myself." He laughed.

Robin nodded. "Okay, great. Also do you want that false start for the blooper reel?"

Jack leaned his head back. "Yeeeeeah. I guess they'll get a kick out of top of the morning dudes..."

"My favourite part was you adding on, that's not what I say! " Robin grinned.

Jack chuckled. "I don't know how I did that honestly..."

Robin shook his head. "Alright. No more work. Promise."

"Good." Jack grinned. "Let's play Fortnite!"

"Say it now, once, to get it out of your system." Robin smiled.

Jack squirmed a little in his chair. "I really need to stop saying that."

"Yes!" Robin laughed. "As your friend and editor, yes."

Jack nodded, then smirked and threw his arms in the air. "WHERE WE DROPPIN' GAMERS?!"

Shaking his head, Robin chuckled. "Are we ready to play now?"

"Hell yeah!" Jack laughed, nodding his head.

* * * * *

Wilford Warfstache was dancing his way through a crowd when he felt a vibration in his pocket. "Ooh." He grinned, then pulled out his phone. As soon as he saw the name, he wiggled his way through the crowd to the bar. "Give me whatever's good." He winked to the bartender as he sat on the stool and read his message.

{ Jack said 3 months! How's that tickle your fancy, good chap? }

Sighing softly, Wilford flashed a smile the bartender as his drink was set in front of him. He took a sip before responding. { Not soon enough. }

{ I don't know what you'd want to hear, Will. } Jameson sighed, turning on some music before sitting down on his bed.

Wilford stared at his phone until the response came, then quickly replied. { You know what I want. } He sent. They'd had this conversation a few times since Jameson had left.

The mute laid down, stretching out and yawned. He heard the ding of the response and read it over, shaking his head. { You know I can't move to LA. Not on my own. }

Wilford sighed. { 3 months huh? }

Jameson smiled. { That's the ticket! Just 3 little months, chap. Then we'll be jiving together once more! }

"For a couple weeks." Wilford muttered to himself, taking a sip of his drink. He set his phone down, lifting his head and noticed that a woman had sat down beside him. It was a woman he'd spoken to earlier in the night and she gave him a big grin.

"Wilford, wasn't it?" She ran a hand through her hair. "You said to find you when I was ready to leave?"

Wilford looked down at his phone, and sighed, taking a sip of his drink. "I'm... in the middle of something."

She smiled, patting his arm. "You wanna talk about it?"

"No." Wilford shifted. "You go ahead home darling. I'll catch up with you another night, I'm sure." His phone vibrated again, and he held it close, watching her.

"You gonna get that?" She motioned to the phone.

Wilford nodded. "In a moment. Run along now..." The woman seemed mildly irritated, but headed off, Wilford quickly checking the text.

{ I woulda thought you'd be out swingin' all over the town tonight! } Jameson had sent.

A small smile cracked Wilford's lips as he responded. { Oh, I am. }

Jameson frowned. { What are you doing jibber jabbing with me? Go catch yourself a dame! }

{ I will. It's early here, late there. I assume you're getting ready for bed? } Wilford ran a hand through his hair, sipping his drink again.

{ I'm just about ready to turn in, I sure am! Still. Go have a good time, Will. } Jameson chewed on his lip.

Wilford chuckled softly, shaking his head. { THIS is a good time. Stop worrying about me. Ready for bed huh, what are you wearing? }

Jameson's chest bounced as he laughed shaking his head. { Stop that! }

{ Whatever are you accusing me of now, old boy? } Wilford smirked, finished his drink and snapped his fingers at the bartender. "One more?"

Jameson sighed, pulling the blankets around himself and snuggled down into the bed. { You're trying to change the subject with your antics! I'm on to you, you rascal. }

When the drink got to him, Wilford downed it, handed the man some money and got up, heading to the parking lot. { Facetime? } He sent as he sat down in his car, leaning back to turn on the light.

{ You're out! And ain't this easier for you? No interpretation here. } Jameson sent back.

Wilford didn't answer, just sent the face time. Shaking his head Jameson, leaned over and turned on a light, accepting the call. "This is easier, because I can talk all I want, and you have to sit there and listen." Wilford smirked, wiggling his mustache. Jameson sat up, yawning as he nodded. Wilford frowned. "What time... is it there exactly?"

Jameson shrugged, then turned his phone to show off the digital clock which read 3:24. "Aw James! Go ahead to sleep." Wilford sighed. Turning the camera back towards himself, Jameson shook his head, motioning for Wilford to keep talking. "I hate this time difference. Maybe I should just come there... " Wilford smirked. Jameson smiled, pointing to himself, then Wilford and held up three fingers. "I know you're coming in 3 months... are you opposed to me showing up there... tomorrow?" Jameson started to laugh until he noticed Wilford wasn't laughing. He bit his lip, then nodded. "You are opposed?" Wilford chuckled, letting his jaw hang open.

With a smile, Jameson waggled a finger 'no' at him. "Alright... what about the end of the week?" Wilford offered. "Jamie... I'm so bored, you have no idea. You know... this is your fault really." Jameson's eyes widened and he held his free arm out and up. "How? Simple... I was happy. Wilford Warfstache was living on top! Then you show up, we have a blast... and you left me here to realize how lonely I am."

Jameson frowned, fidgeting around a little. "You don't know how to say what you want to, huh?" Jameson nodded, and Wilford pushed a small smile. "That's alright. You're supposed to be sleeping."

Sighing, Jameson shook his head, and grabbed a note pad off the nightstand. He wrote out, 'What about the dames?' and showed the camera, one word at a time. Wilford laughed, wiggling his mustache. "They don't really mean anything to me. I don't let them-" He inhaled sharply, then forced a large smile. "I don't get close with them. I don't talk to them much. Not like we do."

With a smirk, Jameson wrote, 'I don't talk.', showing the camera. Wilford laughed. "You tease."

Jameson quickly wrote out, 'What about Dark? The others?' and he showed Wilford.

"Yeah..." Wilford shrugged. "They don't get me the way you do. You know that. You said it yourself that there's no one there you're real pals with! You're... you're my best friend. I haven't had one of those... for a long time. And last time... didn't end so well." He sighed.

'I'm always a text away.' Jameson wrote out, showing it, then panned the camera up to his face, giving a sad smile.

"Just... don't be surprised if I do show up." Wilford winked. Jameson took a deep breath, deciding if he should make it clear that, that was a bad idea. Eventually, he simply nodded, giving Wilford a smile. "Good." Wilford grinned. "Now, good night old boy. Have a good rest!"

Jameson gave him a thumbs up, nodding and Wilford disconnected the call. Getting out of his car, the mad man headed back inside to find some kind of comfort and Jameson turned off the light and settled into bed, just hoping Wilford didn't do something crazy. Again.

Though he had to admit, he didn't hate how their last adventure had gone, and in the end, they had all gotten more of the connection they had wanted. Perhaps there was something to Wilford's madness.

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