Las Crónicas (The Chronicles...

By SiriusSaha

188 28 29

Set in the colossal medieval time, this book is a fiction written in "Lyric" style. It describes of a fiction... More

Before you read....
Part I-1 - "I'm known the Captain Verne"
Part I-2 - "United lands, United souls"
Part I-3 - "There's nothing left in this desert"
Part I-4 - "The Risk they took"
Part I-5 - "Capture them!"
Part I-6 - "When Earth tore us apart"
Part I-7 - "Strangers Clash"
Part I-8 - "Over the Generations"
Part I-9 - "Fate & Destiny"

Part I-10 - "In Fabled Realities"

6 1 0
By SiriusSaha


It's being long Captain Verne stayed in the Indies. Now, he will set sail back home. But, there were fables that are still uncovered,  are they true...?

"Aye Capitán! Just few moments to speak,
We spent here for a month and a week;
Our city of Madrid, had been awaiting for us,
This voyage to end here, so our conquests thus."

"Luíz! It strike me sudden as I realise,
I sailed here cause of royal treatise!
Battles and revelations caused much decay,
Now must we return as soon to the bay!"

"One day more," calmly the Headman pleaded,
"Give a chance to serve our saviour persuaded;
Come along with us, to the forests green and dark,
Let us show you, that'll cause your eyes to spark"

"Sure", agreed on the final proposal they served,
May be for some presents or gracing conserved;
Thus set on, a final expedition to forests deep,
Through unknown routes, causing a horrible creep.

Setting on the journey here, to the mysterious place,
Rattlesnakes, lemurs and piranhas we had to face;
"Don't fear, we inherit the powers of the Sun!
From dangers a true man shall never run!"

Fearless we went on the way and Ho!
Looking up, left, down, front and below!
Sudden realising, is this a dream? No, it's not!
Jesus, where on the world have we got!

Unmistaken this is something that glitters,
And so confirmed – Gold as it fully appears!
Mighty heavens! Fortunes are hidden in this treasure!
All this together can bring us lifelong pleasure!

Alabanzo dios! Is this the gift you gave,
For your sons facing challenges brave?
How's this place hidden such big wealth,
From all those who had earlier sailed?

El-Dorado, the fabled city rumored in East,
Not a tale or daydream, this place really exist!
Not in any map or any guide knows about it,
Cause kept safe by these humble natives.

It feels Heaven in shining Gold scattered,
So much wealth - the world ever heard!
And all these much could belong to me,
For aromatic leisure's life ahead, I see!

Enough of daydreams in Paradise,
Ho my men, open your blinded eyes!
Looting their Gold as Pirates to share?
Is this the lesson you got from here?

"No, it's not mine", I gave up and said,
"It belongs to them, and must keep it saved,"
Golden appears their bright days ahead,
They'll go far to eternity they'd ever met.

"Señorita, will you return to Spain with me?
It's long you missed your homeland been."
"No, Señor, I'm happy to live with them here,
And shall stay still my closing end is near."

"Adios!" I waved at them the last time,
I cherish how they brought a sweet chime;
Separation had lit up for a new dawn,
For me to keep the life's journey on.

On the vast sail I set in the Atlantic,
I wrote the memories to fantastic;
In front is the sea route to my home back,
Crossing the seven seas, rising high my flag.

"Ahoy abuelo! Why did ye left the west!
And sustained life there at the best?"
If thy hadn't then why myself not,
Fulfilled your dreams once you thought?"

Really strange are the ways of God,
Left you thirsty, not water He had brought;
But He leads you to unknown somewhere,
Where yourself you found glacial there.

"Home sweet home" dearly I cried,
"For your glance I nearly had died!"
"Cómo estás Madrid, tu pueblo? I've returned,
Listen to my story, you'll surely get stunned!"

"I, Captain Verne, crossed waters to the New World,
And with loads of lessons to learn I have returned;
But got something special – I met my new family,
Who lived there for there so happily and firmly."

Columbus, once been my greatest inspiration,
But now you're disintegrated for my sensation;
How rude were you to my large folk's kin!
Cruel, slavish and gammy you had been!

Graçias Dios! I'll never forget this valuable lesson,
Greatness is got not from building great mansion;
Life always has something more than we expect,
We live for others, and from others we earn respect.

This extraordinary adventure crossed above eternity,
And this rhyme shall live in memories of all posterity;
My tale will never perish – but will be always earned,
As I pen down I achieved – a New Home, in a New World.


Footnotes -

Headman: the Head of the indigenous folk

Alabanzo dios: Praise God

Adios: Goodbye

Abuelo: Grandfather

Cómo estás Madrid, tu pueblo?: How are you Madrid, and you people?

Graçias Dios: Thanking God

From the Author:

Readers, this part concludes the first story of the "Las Cronicas" series. "A New World, A New Home", the first Verse ends here. In this story, Captain Verne expedites to the New World, meets his family once separated, and completing his grandfather's life history. Meanwhile, Captain Cook arrived; had a clash, which resulted in his defeat.

These ten parts, thinking, modifying, connecting and writing them really took me much time. This Lyric expands over a century, counting a number of historical events, and this will even fascinate the plot in the upcoming Verses.

Next story, will have a different context, different timeline; posing greater challenges before Verne, and exciting adventures he'd be on. Just a teaser: Cook will return, with greater strength and both their lives would alter dramatically.

Hope, you loved it. I always and will appreciate your valuable feedback, so that I could improve with time. I will publish the next story soon, hope you are excited for it!

Cheers, have a nice day!

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