RWBY: Part Time Hero (Volume...

By Brave_Vesperia

752 49 43

OK, so since this is my first story (that's not a story line for a school project) I decided to make it a mal... More

OC/Reader info.
Chapter 1: A Change of Plans

Chapter 2: New School, New Friends.

138 15 8
By Brave_Vesperia

A/n: Yang will be acting somewhat differently in this story in the sense that I'm gonna have her act like big sister/mom for Josh and Ruby since Summer is dead and it's not exactly known when Raven left.

Josh's POV

After I had taken Ruby over to Juniors bar which is where our big sister Yang is usually at because she just won't stop trying to find our Mom which makes me wonder why anybody would actually want to find her considering she disappeared a few days after I was born and brought home from the hospital. We arrived at Junior's bar and not really all that surprised to see that Yang had trashed the place. Ruby and I headed over to talk to her and I made sure to tell Ruby to keep it a surprise until we had gotten onto the bullhead that would take us to beacon in the morning.

Yang:"Hey you two, I actually wasn't expecting you guys to be here so soon."

Josh:" What are you talking about? This is the time that we had agreed upon when you dropped Ruby off at my place."

Yang:" Oh right, I had honestly forgotten that. Oh well no harm done. Anyways, Ruby did you have fun spending time with Josh again?"

Ruby:"Yep, we had so much fun. I almost forgot how good Josh was at baking cookies. We also played this crossover fighting game that had to do with these four different franchises which kinda felt oddly familiar. And Josh also got some new books to add to his collection though he still wont let me read that book about Ninjas."

Josh:"I already told you that you can read that when your older."

Ruby:"Your a year older than I am. I don't see why I can't but your allowed to."

Yang:"Alright, you two that's enough. Ruby if Josh doesn't want you reading it then you shouldn't be reading it, and Josh you know how Ruby is if you didn't want her reading it then you should have put it somewhere she wouldn't be able to find it especially if that book is in your collection. Now, it's getting pretty late and Dad's gonna be mad that Ruby and I are out a little later than usual especially since I'm going to beacon tomorrow."

After that I say goodnight to them and that I'll see them tomorrow. Yang and Ruby get on her bike bumblebee and head back home for the evening and I decided to do the same and head back home to get ready for tomorrow. But as I get to where my apartment is the same Raven that I've seen every night is sitting there on a lamppost and whenever I enter my apartment I can see it fly off from the window which is oddly creepy how it waits to leave until after I've entered by apartment. Oh, well I'm probably just overthinking this since I've got other stuff on my mind especially considering what happened tonight and how I now have to close my shop for the time since it can't be open tomorrow which is also a good thing since some of them are almost ready but not quite since they still have a few things left that need to be worked on. I should probably try and get some sleep since I have to be up extra early to pack and gather my supplies if I'm gonna be going to beacon with Ruby and Yang tomorrow. But knowing my luck I won't get any sleep tonight much like the last few nights.

(Time Skip)

Seeing as how I couldn't fall asleep again I decided to turn off my alarm and get out of bed and usually I would do my normal routine which is get up, shower, eat, brush my teeth then head to my workshop and make sure that my most recent project is still sitting on my desk which is a better alarm system for hunters and regular civilians that will alert them if Grimm are nearby so that said hunter can come in and take them out or to tell civilians that they need to either evacuate or hide. But I have to put that on hold for now until after beacon unless I can somehow get Oz to kick me out by failing his initiation which knowing him he'll probably have it rigged so that I can't fail so I guess that means I'll have to try. After I'm finished packing and getting everything I'll need for beacon including my failed project which I'm only taking in case I actually find a suitable power source. I put my working sword in its sheath and attach it to my lower back and attach my prototype sword to my back with the handle facing my left shoulder so that I can grab when I need to and head out the door, making sure I lock it behind me, and walking towards the bullhead that's heading towards beacon. While waiting for the bullhead I hear a loud squawk from behind me and when I turn my head to look at it I see the same Raven from last night looking at me but I hear the bullhead in the background land and I lean down and gather my things but when I look to see where the Raven is I notice that it's gone I guess the bullhead must have scared it off. As the bull head is leaving the pick up zone I go to the window and look out it which gives a great view of it. But as I'm looking at the forest I see what looks like a woman that has Black hair looking at me but I can't really tell if she is so I put my goggles over my eyes and try and magnify the lenses so that I can see her and I was right she is looking at me but she has a weird smile on her face like she knows that I'm looking at her but then I hear what sounds like Ruby calling my name so I push my goggles above my eyes and turn my head towards the voice and yeah it's Ruby and Yang is just behind her but I lower my goggles over my eyes once more and look back to the area I saw the woman at and she's gone, that couldn't have been who I thought it was, nobody has seen her since she disappeared 16 years ago and even if it was how would she have known that Yang and I were going to beacon, and how would she have known that I would look out the window and notice her down there. Before I can hurt my head even more from thinking about this I feel someone jump on me and hug me, and I already know who that is.

Ruby:"Yay, Josh you actually decided to come to beacon with us!"

Josh:"You make it seem like I wasn't going to."

Ruby:"Well, it's just that you wanted to open up your shop and it's why you didn't accept Ozpin's offer last year."

Josh:"Yeah that's true but if I didn't come with you guys Yang would have busted down my front door and dragged my unconscious body to beacon."

Ruby:(Giggles) "Yeah, that does seem like something that she would do."

Yang:"You guys what know what else I would do. This!" Yang says as she grabs me and Ruby into a hug that kinda hurts, is caring, and shows her excitement all at the sametime.

Yang:"Oh, I can't believe my baby siblings are coming with me to beacon."

Ruby and I manage to push ourselves out of Yang's hug before she decided to put anymore pressure to it.

Ruby:"Really sis, it was nothing."

Yang:"Aw, come on. Everyone's gonna think your the bees knees."

Ruby:"But I don't want to be the bees knees. I wanna be a normal girl with normal knees."

Josh:"Ruby, regardless of what you think. Everyone is going to know that you got moved 2 years ahead of a lot of other people. There's nothing to be ashamed about what you did. You should embrace the fact that you stood up to someone like that bowler hat criminal, and recognized for your hard work and dedication." I said as I tried to reassure Ruby which kinda seems to work though by not much since it's easy to tell that she's going to be missing a lot of her friends.

Yang:"He's right Ruby, I mean look at Josh he's being moved up along with you and you don't see him entirely upset about it. Even though he had to leave his shop behind. Speaking of did remember to lock your door before you left?"

Josh:"Yes, mom. I remembered to lock my door and leave the alarm on in case someone tried to break into it."

Yang:"Did you also remember to refill your pill bottle, and bring it with you? And did you also make sure that you didn't bring your flask with you since your supposed to be going straight."

Josh: (Sighs)"Yes, I remembered to refill yesterday before you dropped off Ruby. You know you don't have to ask me about that everytime you see me. And you know I don't have it on me." Which isn't technically a lie since I stored it away in my suitcase because I knew that she would ask that.

Yang:"Actually I do, it's my duty as your big sister to make sure that your taking care of yourself since your no longer living at home with me and Ruby."

As Yang and I are arguing about my life choices we hear the tv in the background talking about the bowler hat criminal whose name was apparently Roman Torchwick and is supposedly responsible for a lot of the dust stores being robbed these past few months which begs the real question why would anyone need that much dust. Then the tv turns off and we see the blonde huntress that Ruby and I had met last night and her name is Glynda Goodwitch and I have to say that her name suits her since she kinda looks like a witch especially with that cape of hers and how she waves her riding crop around like it's a magic wand. After her little speech about how we're in a world in a time of peace but it's our job to as young huntsman and huntresses to protect that peace in case something should happen which I really hope she's not foreshadowing. We then head over to the window and I have to admit it that view is pretty amazing.

Ruby:"Look you guys you can see signal from here. I guess home really is far away now. "

Yang:"Beacon is our home now. Don't worry I know it'll take some getting used too. I mean what could go wrong."

And as soon as she finishes saying that some blonde kid runs by with his hand over his mouth making gagging noises which can only mean that he has motion sickness that poor bastard and that's not usually a good sign.

Ruby:"EW, Yang. You have puke on your shoe."

Yang:"Gross, Gross, Gross, Gross."

Josh:"Ok, while you deal with Yangs shoe. I'm gonna go find a place to sit and read until we land." I say much to the dismay of my sisters with the look of betrayal written all over their faces.

While looking for a spot to sit which isn't easy since every spot seems to have been taken, I do find one spot though that doesn't seem like it's been taken by anyone, and it doesn't have a whole lot of people by it so that makes it even better. So, I sit down and pull out my book which is called "The Lord of Calamity" and it's one of my favorite stories it's too bad it's not really all that popular. While I'm in the middle of reading I feel a tap on my shoulder and I'm guessing it's either Ruby or Yang since they always seem to bug while I'm in the middle of reading but when I look up expecting to see them I instead see this black haired girl with amber eyes and a bow on top of her head which I'm honestly surprised by considering most people tend to stay away from me based on my looks.

Josh:"Is there something you needed?" I say to the black haired girl.

Black haired girl:"I was just wondering if I could sit next to you and read since it seems that you picked a good spot with a minimal amount of noise nearby." She says as she points to the spot next to me.

Josh:"Sure, go right ahead. I have no problem with it." I scooch over to make sure that she has enough room.

Black haired girl:"Thank you for letting me sit next to you." She says as she sits next to me and pulling out her book.

(Small Time Skip)

After awhile of reading I hear people start moving around and I guess that must mean we've finally landed at beacon. I close my book and get up and I can see the black haired girl still sitting and reading but also looking at me as I get up but it also looks like her bow is moving from all the noise which either means she's a faunus and she's keeping her ears hidden because of what humans will say or it's just a fashion statement. But whether it's a fashion statement or not cat ears definitely suit her.

Josh:"Sorry I wasn't trying to distract you from your book but it looks we've landed at beacon."

Black haired girl:"Oh, thank you for letting me know but I'll probably wait til most of the other students have left ."

Josh:"That's understandable, but unfortunately for me I don't have that luxury since I can see my younger sister frantically looking for me. Anyways it was nice meeting you and reading with you." I extend my hand to her to see if she'll accept my gesture."I'm Josh Branwen."

Blake:"Blake Belladonna."She says as she extends her hand and we shake.

Josh:"Well Blake it was nice reading with you, I hope I see you again sometime." I say as I walk away towards Ruby and Yang so that we can walk around beacon.

After making my towards Ruby we then find Yang amongst the crowd of students, we exit the bullhead, and make our way towards the center of beacon so that we can get an idea as to where we're supposed to actually go since nobody actually told us where to go when we got off the airship. But someone is a too excited because of all the weapons she sees.

Ruby:"Guys, look at all the weapons that people have. Look, he's got a collapsible staff, *Gasps* and look she's got a fire sword!"

Yang:"Woah, calm down their little sis, they're just weapons."

Josh:"She does have a point Ruby."

Ruby:"JUST weapons, how can you say both stand there and say that when you both have both have put so much effort into your weapons. Josh you even brought your prototype sword. Weapons are like an extension of ourselves."

Yang:"Well, you see Ruby, it's just that.... Oh, hey look my friends are here got go catch up with them, see you two later, Bye!

Josh:"And the winner for the best big sister of the year goes to. Someone who clearly just leaves us here without knowing where to go. I tell you what Ruby, I'm gonna find out where we're supposed to go so don't worry I'll be right back okay." I tell Ruby as I begin to walk away.

Ruby(in the distance):"WAIT, DON'T LEAVE ME!"

I feel bad for leaving her even if it is just for a 10 minutes until I find someone or something that can tell us where we're supposed to go. But after a few minutes of walking around or trying to get someone's attention I'm not really having all that great of luck.

????:"Excuse me, but you look like something is troubling you?"

I look at the person who's trying to talk to me and I see a rather tall, and beautiful red haired girl that is wearing some rather interesting choices in her armour like the golden armour on her legs or the rather lack thereof actual protection which means she'll probably rely too much on her semblance or long range combat that can quickly change to close combat to throw off her opponent.

Josh:"Oh, I'm sorry it's just that I was kinda looking for where me and my sister are supposed to go."

????:"That makes sense, but if you don't mind me asking where is your sister?"

Josh:"I had asked to wait for me by the entrance to the school until I knew where we're supposed to go since knowing her she'll probably get lost."

????:"Well if you'd like I can help you where you and your sister find out where you need to."

Josh:"Really? If you could, that would certainly help."

????:"It's no problem, you looked lost so I thought I could help in some way. Anyways from where we're standing you just head down this path and then take a left and you'll see a building where bunch of other students are entering."

Josh:"Alright, cool thank you so much for your help, I really-"

But before I can continue what I'm trying to say I hear an explosion coming from behind me towards the direction I left Ruby at and that can only mean one thing. Something happened and Ruby's probably gotten herself in trouble or worse.

????:"What was that explosion just now?"

Josh:"It was probably my sister getting herself in trouble, I should head back to where she was, and see if she's okay. Anyways thanks for helping figure out where I need to go, I'm Josh Branwen by the way." I say as I extend my hand as a friendly greeting but she kinda just looks at me with a weird look on her face. Did I say something wrong.

Josh:"Um are you alright?"

Pyrrha: (With a shocked but a relieved face)"Sorry, I just zoned out for a second. I'm Pyrrha Nikos, and it was pleasure to help you Josh. I hope I get to see you again." As she shakes my hand and then we turn around and go our separate ways. I would certainly like meeting her again and she was kind enough to help me.

As soon as I made my way back to where I left Ruby, I saw what looked like a small explosion go off and my guess was right which meant my hunch was right and Ruby was at the center of it. Though judging by the fact that she is no longer here that must mean someone saw what happened, helped her, and then they made their way over to where we're supposed to go, and since she isn't here I can head over there myself.

As soon I entered the what looks to be an auditorium I see Pyrrha standing by the entrance, but with a sad look on her face like she's all alone. I can hear Ruby and Yang somewhere in this crowd of people and that must mean that they've found each other so they should be fine without me while I go talk to Pyrrha for a bit.

Josh:"I guess It's my turn to say it this time, But are you alright, you look like your a little lost."

Pyrrha:"Oh, hello again Josh. It's just I don't really know anyone in particular here since my friends from my last school didn't want to go to beacon with me. So, I'm a little friendless at the moment."

Josh:"I wouldn't say that your friendless." I say to her which makes her give me a confused look.

Josh:"You were willing to help someone like me that you had never met before figure out where they were supposed to go, I mean for all you know I could have been a jerk and decided to tell you off for trying to help me. So, in my book that makes you my friend."

Pyrrha (With a shocked but happy face):"Thank you Josh, you don't know how much that mean to me that you said you would be my first friend here."

Josh:"Your welcome, and think nothing of it."

As we continued talking Ozpin showed up with that Goodwitch lady and since she's here as well that must mean that she's also one of the teachers here. For some reason I felt like there was something wrong Ozpin's speech because it felt a little off because he said it like he was bored out of his mind, and that all he saw was wasted energy. I mean with a speech like that anyone would be a little bored listening to this and feel a little underwhelmed.

Pyrrha:"Doesn't it seem like something seemed off about him during his speech?"

Josh:"It does seem that way though it could probably just be the fact that he's done this for a very long time."

Pyrrha:"That does seem like a probable choice. It looks like everyone is heading towards the lockers to store their gear for tomorrow we should probably follow them and then head to the ballroom to turn in for the night."

Putting our gear away Pyrrha and I said goodnight to each other as we went into the bathrooms to change. When I finished changing I headed to the ballroom and as soon as I arrived I could see how crowded it was there was a ton of people everywhere. Though I do notice that there in't a whole lot of people over by the window which means that's a perfect place to continue reading my book some more though I am getting this feeling that I won't be reading much. After sitting down and reading for a bit I feel someone tap on my shoulder again I doubt it's Blake again which mean it's most likely Yang which might also mean I'm gonna get a punch to the face for leaving Ruby behind or it could be Pyrrha wanting to talk some more. But when I look up I see Blake staring at me with a book of her own while also holding a candle and I move over a bit so that she can sit down beside me.

Blake:"Thanks, I wasn't sure if you would say Yes or not." She says as she sits down and sets the candle between us that we can both read our books.

Josh:"It's no trouble really. I understand wanting to get away from everyone else and wanting to read."

Blake:"Yeah, I wasn't honestly expecting this many people to be here or for everyone to talk before they decided to head to bed to be ready for tomorrow. So, what book are you reading?"

Josh:"Hm, oh it's called the Lord of Calamity. It's about this woman who lived in a village with her little brother, and her brother in-law. But one night after rather peaceful day her brother in-law massacred their entire village for power and she goes on a journey of revenge, and along the way she learns to live for something other than revenge."

Blake:"That's a rather complex story but also a bit relatable and some people have that motivation even in our world if only people learned the same lesson that she did." She said that with a look on her face like she knew someone who wants revenge but it's none of my business.

Josh:"Yeah, it's a good story unfortunately it's not quite as popular some other stories like Ninjas of love but it's still a good story. Anyways enough about my book what's yours about?"

Blake:"It's called a man with two souls, it's as you can tell about a man with two souls and each soul is fighting over for control of the man's body."

Josh:"It kinda sounds like real life if you think about it."

Blake:"How so?" She says as she gives me a rather interesting look.

Josh:"Well, I mean that in the sense that the man's body is like Remnant, and the two souls are humans and faunus fighting over control of the planet." As soon as I finish saying that she gives me a surprised look like she wasn't expecting me to say that at all.

Blake:"Wow, I hadn't thought of it like that before. I guess you gave me an all new way of looking at this book. Thank you for that."

Josh:"There's no need to thank me, I was just giving you my honest opinion of what I thought the book was like. But, I'm glad I was able to help look at the book a different way."

But before we could continue our conversation Ruby and Yang decided to come over, and Yang tried to get Ruby and Blake to become friends but it doesn't seem like it's going all that well and I can tell that Blake seems rather annoyed that they interrupted her while she was reading. That is until Ruby brings up her book and how Yang and I used to read her stories so that she could go to bed and how they were all stories with happy endings and how she wished that we all get our happy endings. Then this conversation gets interrupted by rather loud and obnoxious girl with long white hair and an attitude which almost causes a fight but I give Blake a look and she seems to understand what I'm trying to say and nods her head as she blows out the candle. But before I can lower my goggles and turn on its night vision mode Yang takes my book out of my hand.

Yang:"Josh, go to bed."

Josh:"Can I at least finish that chapter?"

Yang:"No, you've read this book a dozen times, and I know you haven't slept in three days so for the last time. Go. To. Bed."

Josh:"Alright fine, I'm going I'm going." I said as I took my book back and made my way over to my sleeping bag. But I wanna try something before I go to sleep for the night.

Josh:"Goodnight Blake." I say barely above a whisper and hoping she'll hear me.

Blake:"Goodnight Josh."

'What do ya know? My theory was right, she is faunus after all.' I think to myself as I finally drift off to sleep.

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