Mr. CEO and Me

By newgirl244

174K 6.8K 2.2K

'Sometimes, the person you hate the most, is the person you can't live without' Meet Maddison Green, the 27 y... More

The Meeting [Edited]
A Night To Remember
A Different Side of the CEO
Seventy Watermelons
Like a Deer Caught in the Headlights
ET Had Sex With A Lizard
Hitler's Pet Chicken, Francis
Like a Skunk's Bottom
Kim Kardashian's Baby Koala
Fat Booty Inspector
All Men Are Dogs
Broken Promises... Broken Hearts
My Boss, the Rap God
Comparing Vegetables and Dessert
Why Am I Such A Noob?
The Most Beautiful Klutz
It Wasn't His Fault
His Little Secret
Just Let Go
I Don't Plan On Letting You Go Anytime Soon
Last Day In Italy
I Think My Niece Has A Crush On You
Like Sex On A Stick
Too Good To Be True
New Beginnings
Old Times
Getting Her Back
Staying Away From Her
She was Juliet... My Juliet
The Man You Deserve

I've Missed You

752 34 17
By newgirl244


"I'm so sorry" Tears filled her eyes, as she began to sob uncontrollably. "I tried Jake. I really really tried but I... I just can't do it. I can't force myself to love you and keeping you here and constantly giving you the hope that we could be something more... I'm just... I'm so so sorry Jake.

I tried, trust me I really really tired to love you. I tried to forget about Xavier. I really did. But I just can't help it... I'm carrying his baby, I miss him. Despite everything he did to me I still love him.

I... I know I'm a horrible person for doing this to you and making you stay with me, always giving you the hope that we could be something more but I just can't do it anymore. I hate the fact that you're still here and I'm the one who is constantly holding you back.

"I love you Jake..." she whispered as she shakily brought up her hand and caressed the side of my face. "But you deserve so so much more than me. You deserve so much better than me. You're a great guy... But I guess we're just not meant to be"

"Maybe we're meant to be together, but not right now. Maybe we'll run into each other in another life and fall in love again, and it'll be perfect timing" I whispered as I cupped her face in my hands.

"I love you Jake" she smiled at me one last time with tears in her eyes.

"Sleep well" I smiled at her as I pulled away and closed the door behind me.


Maddison's POV

"I haven't seen that young man come around for a while now" Ida said to me as she sipped her tea.

"Yeah... Jacob's a little... busy these days" I said slowly.

"I see... How's Xavier doing?"

"He's... good I guess? I haven't heard from him since I left the hospital but I guess he's doing okay" I sighed.

As much as I hoped he'd come for me after the night he spoke to me in the hospital a few weeks ago, he hadn't. I know I'd always told him to stay away but in my heart of hearts, I'd always hoped he would never listen and come after me.

She stayed silent for a while before speaking again.

"What are you planning on doing once this baby is born dear?"

The question came as a surprise to me.

"I... I don't know. I will give him or her all the love I can and never-"

"No dear I know that... But you need to accept the fact that this child will be growing up without a father figure in his or her life, if you don't sort things out with Xavier. I'm not saying you should forgive him for everything. I'm just telling you to think about your unborn child... You're close to your father, right? Imagine growing up without him. Would you be able to handle that?"

What would it be like growing up without dad?

I can't imagine it.


I was woken up from my afternoon-that-extended-into-late-night nap by the constant ringing of my phone.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Mads did you watch the news!?"

"Allison... It's like ten in the evening"

"Yeah so?"

"It's a Sunday"

"Yeah so?"

"No one wakes up that early from their afternoon naps" I groaned.

"Afternoon naps what even?? Just shut up and turn on the damn news Maddison!" She screeched.

"Geez okay give me five minutes!" I groaned as I slowly got up and made my way to the living room, where I turned on the television. A giant headline popped up on the screen that read:

Billionaire heiress Stella Volkov vouches revenge on Xavier Andrews after broken engagement!

"Stella Volkov, the only child of the Russian billionaire, Kirill Volkov promises to ruin her now ex-fiancé Xavier Andrews after he walked out on their engagement earlier today..."

"Are you listening to this!?" Allison screeched.

I didn't respond. I just kept listening.

"Sources close to Andrews reveal that he is still in love with his previous lady, Maddison Green. The two were spotted together last year for the first time in Italy when-"

"Mads? Are you still there?"

He actually did it.
He left her.
He left her... For me?

"Hello? Mads?"

"Yeah?" I coughed slightly.

"Are you okay honey?"

"Yeah... Just a little overwhelmed... I just don't know how to react... I don't even-"

"We now go to Wilma who's currently outside Andrews' office building. Hello Wilma!"

The camera switched to a ginger woman standing outside Xavier's building.

"Good evening Phillip! As of now, every news reporter from every channel is standing outside this building, waiting to get a glimpse of Xavier Andrews. What is the reason behind this mysterious break up? Just a few hours ago, Stella Volkov was escorted out of the building by Andrews' security team after she allegedly tried to attack Andrews and a few members of staff after he broke off the engagement"

"Psycho bitch" Ally muttered on the phone, causing a small smile to speak out on my face.

"Oh here he comes! Mr. Andrews!" She yelled out his name, trying to get his attention.

"Mr. Andrews!"

"Mr. Andrews!"

"Mr. Andrews!"

Reporters swarmed around him, yelling his name as he made his way out of the building, with two bodyguards at his side. No matter how hard they pushed the reporters away, they kept screaming his name, with their cameras flashing, hoarding him with questions.

"Move! Get the fuck out of my way!" Xavier yelled at them as he made his way though the crowd.

"Mr. Andrews is it true that you're not getting married to Ms. Volkov?" A reporter screamed.

"Mr. Andrews did Ms. Volkov attack your and your staff with a knife?" Another asked.

"Mr. Andrews do you still love your ex girlfriend?" The questions went on and on.

"Mr. Andrews why did you settle for a boring brunette when you could have a sexy blonde?" One reporter in particular yelled at him.

Xavier stopped on his tracks, and turned to face the man who had asked him the question. His expression furious, his eyes deadly, throwing daggers at the man.

"Mind your own damn business. And I'm warning you, if you ever speak about my woman or any woman like that again, I'll see to it that you never speak again" he spat.

He swiftly turned and made it to his black Maserati, and he slid into the drivers seat, slamming the door shut. Even as he drove off, a few reporters ran behind him car, screaming his name.

"Wow" Allison breathed into the phone.

"I know" I sighed.

"That was just... Wow" she sighed. "Well... It looks like he's totally single now"


"Get some sleep babe. You're going to need it" she sighed. "I'll see you on Wednesday for lunch?"

"Yup!" I smiled as we said bye and I ended the call.

I guess it's time for my current favourite food... Pickles dipped in mayonnaise.


It wasn't a very calm night. It had been drizzling all morning but since 11 o'clock it had been raining heavily.

Oh what I would give to go dance in it

I sat near the window, just watching the droplets of water hit the window and slowly trickle down.

People always asked me why I loved the rain so much, and I never knew how to answer them. It brought me peace. The steady tapping, the claps of thunder... It made me feel at ease. After all, without rain, there could never be rainbows.

I don't know how long I had spent just watching the rain, but I'd just finished washing the dishes when the doorbell rang.

That's weird... It's almost 1:30!

The wind howled loudly as I slowly made my way to the door. I tried to look through the keyhole but I could barely see anything.

I sighed as I unlocked it and it swung open, revealing a silhouette of a man.

He slowly approached me and I still looked at him oddly.


He was still in his suit. The same one I had seen him in on the news. Expect now, it was damp. His usually tousled hair was wet too... it stuck to his forehead and sides of his face.

"Hey" he said as he shot me a smile that had me weak in the knees.

He sounded... breathless.

"What're you doing here?"

"Well I was hoping you'd at least let me in... I'm kind of freezing right now" he chuckled.

"It's 1:30 in the morning..." I trailed off as I opened the door wider to let him in.

He smiled at me appreciatively as he entered.

"Sorry I took so long, love" he sighed as he sat down and removed his jacket and shoes.

I just stood by the door, watching him, my mouth agape with a small 'o'.

He looked up at me and chuckled when he looked at my face. He got up and in three quick strides he was in front of me.

I looked up at him with questioning eyes, wondering what he was going to do next.

"God damn it I've missed you so much" he muttered before grabbing my waist and smashing his lips onto mine.


Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry it's been super long but I had a lot going on!

I really hope y'all like this chapter!

So Xavier's finally back! What do you think kept him away for so long!???

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends!

Love you!

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