
By justlikefabi

76.5K 1K 182

Just a bunch of random Oneshots with: - Ziam as parents - Larry as 8 years old twins - Teenager Niall. More

Stomach Bug
Bad Friends (Niall)
Rough Day (Liam)
OCD Meltdown (Louis)
Migraine (Liam) Part 1
Bullied (Harry) Part 2
Too much candy (Louis)
Bad Fight/ Drunk Liam
Bladder Infection (Harry)
Food Poisoning (Niall)

Acid Reflux (Niall)

5.8K 81 9
By justlikefabi

2.800 words. This was a request from @Biocas_Universe . I wrote it together with @_OneDirection21 . Enjoy!

Niall was out with his friends at the evening. They were going in the cinema to watch a brand new action movie. Zayn and Liam both agreed with it, even though Liam hesitated first since it was pretty late. The movie started 9:30pm so Niall wouldn't be home before 11pm. Zayn and Liam used the time while Niall was out and the twins asleep to have some time for themselves. You know. Not just cuddling.

After the movie ended Niall and his friends decided to go and eat something before going home since they all were quite hungry. They went to an chinese takeaway place since everythingelse had closed. Niall wasn't a big fan of Chinese food since he hated spicy food but he was hungry. He ordered some noddles with a sauce that was labeled as 'not spicy'. While they ate Niall noticed that the sauce was pretty spicy anyway and it didn't taste good aswell. But he already knew that he would like it but he was too hungry to eat nothing.

While eating they drank some coke and chatted about the movie. Well mostly about the hot girls. After around 30 minutes everbody finished and they said goodbye. Niall went home and after 10 more minutes he arrived and hopped immediately into bed. He was somewhat tired. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

As Niall woke up in the middle of the night he felt a feeling in his chest that he never felt before. It felt like his chest was on fire. He coughed a little, hoping that it will make it stop but it didn't. It just caused him to hiccup and he felt something sour-bitter rising up his throat. He thought he was going to throw up so he quickly leaned over to edge of the bed. Nothing came up even though he felt acid backing up into his throat over and over again. Hoping that he just could sleep it off Niall laid back down just to notice that laying down made it worse. He hiccuped and this time some bile made his way up completely and he spit onto his pillow, followed by some harsh coughs due to the burning in his throat.

He decided to go and wake Zayn and tell him about it. While getting up he noticed how bloated his stomach looked and felt. Niall wanted to cry. He shuffled into his parents bedroom "Papa..." he mumbled. Zayn laid curled up in the little spoon position with Liam, both deeply asleep. "Papa.." Niall said again, shaking Zayn on his shoulder "Wake up...". Zayn groaned "too early. Just 5 minutes" he rolled over and cuddled into Liams chest. "Papa. Wake up.. I don't feel well" Niall whimpered. Zayn immediately sat up. Liam didn't like to abrupt movement groaned something inaudible and rolled over, falling back asleep. "Whats wrong Ni?" Zayn frowned. Niall had one arm wrapped around his chest "I have a weird burning feeling in my chest.. And I feel like throwing up, hiccuping or burping the whole time.. And I feel bloated.." Niall told him, tearing up. "Aww Ni. C'mere" Zayn opened his arms and Niall immediately crashed into them. Making sure that Niall was in an upright position Zayn asked "Does it feel like there is bile rising up your throat over and over again?". Zayn wasn't surprised as Niall nodded.

"My poor bubba." Zayn frowned as he rubbed his back and Niall sniffled and laid his head on Zayn's shoulder and kept an arm around his stomach as Liam woke up and Zayn told him what was going on and liam frowned and kissed niall's cheek before going and getting a bucket just in case Niall felt sick or anything as Zayn turned the tv on for him, hoping he wouldn't be too bad. Liam smiled sadly at him as he sat down beside them both and the three of them cuddled for a while. Niall was groaning and moaning which only got interrupted from a few sickly hiccups. Zayn rubbed Nialls chest a little bit, hoping it will make him a bit more comfortable. "when I was in your age I struggled with that too Buddy" Liam told Niall with an sympathetic smile. "I don't like it dad." Niall whined with a groan as Zayn carried on rubbing his chest. "I know love... it'll be over soon I promise." Liam said sadly as he kissed Niall's forehead and Niall sighed sadly. Niall changed his position so he sat on Zayn lap, chest to chest and rested his head on Zayn shoulder. Zayn had an idea "Liam could you get a towel please. One of the old ones?" Liam frowned but nodded. He left for a few moments and gave to Zayn after he returned. Zayn laid the towel over his shoulder and started patting Nialls back. "It works with babies so why wouldn't work it with teenagern" Zayn said. "I guess that's clever... fingers crossed it works." Liam said and Zayn nodded as he carried on patting Niall's back, hoping it would work since he hated seeing any of his kids in pain. Niall retched a little bit but swallowed it back down. "Hey.. Try not to swallow it okay? You need to get it out if your system.. I promise you will feel better after that" Zayn continued patting his back and after a few more minutes Nialls whole body tensed up, he retched and made a terrible choking noise before spitting out pure stomach acid, coughing harshly at the burning feeling in his throat. "Ssh, that's it. Just let it out Nialler." Zayn soothed as he carried on patting Niall's back and Liam came over and rubbed his arm soothingly as Niall spat out the stomach acid on the towel on Zayn's shoulder. Niall coughed and spit up multiple times between burping and hiccuping he had quite a lot of air in his stomach. "You doing so good" Zayn continued patting his back until the boy stopped after a while. "Better now?" Liam asked and Niall nodded "still burns pretty bad but I don't feel like puking or as bloated as before". "That's one step forward at least." Liam smiles softly and Niall nodded as he sniffled and snuggled back into Zayn's chest as Liam took the towel to wash and then handed Zayn another one just in case. "What did you eat at the cinema sweetie?" Zayn rubbed small circles over Nialls back while Niall told him about the Chinese takeaway. Zayn sighed "Thats probably the reason why it hurts so much baby.. You shouldn't eat spicy stuff directly before laying down or going to sleep" Niall just whined in response. Liam handed Niall a bottle of water and the boy took a few small sips before handing it back and laying his head back down, closing his eyes. Liam smiled as he kissed his head and Niall yawned and fell asleep, cuddled into Zayn's chest and Liam kissed both their cheeks before going to check on the twins. Louis was sleeping like a rock. Harry laid in his bed, moving around in his sleep. His nappy was already leaking a little. Liam smiled softly and kissed both their heads before gently changing Harry's nappy so he wouldn't wake up and then put the dirty one in the bin and kissed his cheek before tucking him back in. Harry nearly woke up during it but staid asleep and continued sleeping peacefully after the change. Liam left them and went to lay down with Zayn and Niall so they could catch some more sleep.

Louis woke up a little later and started crying, calling for Liam "Daddy!" Liam heard him crying and frowned before rushing upstairs. "What happened Lou?" He asked worriedly as he walked into the twins room. Louis cried and made grabby hands, he had a nightmare. "Daddyyyy". "Ssh... Hey. Daddy's got you." Liam whispered as he picked him up and took him out the room so Harry wouldn't wake up. As soon as Louis was in Liams arms he calmed down a little. "That's it... deep breathes." Liam whispered as he rubbed his back. Louis was soon calm again and giggled "Morning Daddy". "Morning baby.. you happy now?" Liam smiled. Louis nodded a bit and cuddled into Liam, who smiled and made Louis some breakfast . Harry soon woke up and he stumbled downstairs since he could hear Liam and Louis downstairs and Liam smiled. "Good morning baby." Liam smiled as he kissed Harry's cheek. Harry smiled at him still a bit sleepy and rubbed his eyes.

Niall was asleep but he was constantly moving and hiccuping in his sleep. After a while he woke up and groaned "Papa.." He sat up, rubbing his chest uncomfortably. "Hmm." Zayn mumbled with a yawn and Niall whimpered and rubbed his chest more. "Papa." Niall groaned as he squinted his eyes in discomfort and Zayn heard him and quickly woke up. "What's wrong baby?" He asked softly. "hurts.." Niall hiccuped, followed by a terrible retch and Zayn sighed. He took the towel and laid it over his shoulder, sitting up "C'mere Buddy.. Lets get that nasty stuff Out". Niall whimpered and Zayn got him into his lap and Niall laid his chin on Zayn's shoulder where the towel was and hiccuped and whimpered and Zayn started patting his back soothingly. The tenager was in so much pain. Niall made terrible noises. He was retching, choking, burping and coughing mixed up with painful cries. "Aww Ni.. If it doesn't get better we need to go the hospital.." Zayn was getting pretty worried since it shouldn't be that bad but he continued to pat his back. "Don't wanna." Niall whined as he gagged again and Zayn sighed since Niall's acid reflux did play up every once in a while but not this bad and he carried on patting his back. Niall held tightly on Zayn while his whole body tesnsed up and he retched forcefully, followed by harsh wet coughs, unable to breathe. Niall started shivering badly as his body wasn't giving him a break. He wasn't able to bring anything up aswell. Zayn was getting scared.

"Papa I-" Niall started but got cut from wet harsh choking coughs which caused a thick heavy stream of puke splashing on the towel. "Jesus..." Zayn patted his back, he wasn't expecting this. "Papa! I taste blood!" Niall choked out in panic. He lifted his head up from Zayn shoulder and Zayn saw blood dripping from his lip. Niall let out loud painful cries due to the pain in his throat. Zayn panicked and yelled since he didn't know where Liam was "Liam! C'mere! Now!" Liam was downstairs with the twins and once he heard Zayn he turned the tv on for them and rushed upstairs to his and Zayn's room. "What happened?" He asked worriedly. "Niall is puking blood" Zayn said, while Niall cried loudly, and the next round of bile mixed with blood landed on the towel. "Crap... what shall we do?" Liam asked even though he was nurse his brain wouldn't really work in the situation. "hospital I guess.. Can you call your parents so they take care of the twins?" Zayn patted Nialls back as the teenager retched hardly, spitting out more bile. "Yeah... okay." Liam said quickly as he rang his parents and they agreed and came over to watch the twins as Liam put Niall's coat and shoes and Zayn quickly got dressed too and Karen and Geoff came and Niall, Zayn and Liam left for the hospital.

Zayn sat with Niall in the back while Liam was driving. Niall was crying badly and constantly spit out saliva mixed with blood since he couldn't swallow. Zayn rubbed his back and Liam parked and they went inside and Liam told the receptionist and she got a doctor to see Niall instantly. Niall was scared as the doctor checked over him. "What's wrong with him?" Zayn asked worriedly once the doctor finished. "His throat is really irritated due to the reflux. Thats why it's bleeding. It's not as dangerous as it looks like. Once we stopped the reflux his throat will be still sore but it will get better" the doctor told him and Liam and Zayn both sighed relieved. Liam kissed Niall's cheek softly and Niall leaned into Liam as Liam wrapped an arm around him. "So now what are we gonna do? Does he have to stay or what?" Zayn asked. "I will give him medicine and then I would like that he stays here for at least three more hours" the doctor told them. Niall was tired and still in a lot of pain. "Okay." Liam sighed as the doctor took them to a room and they laid Niall down as the nurse brought in the medicine . Niall wasn't feeling good at all. He could barely swallow due to the pain. Luckily, after some pain he did manage to swallow the pill and Liam and Zayn sighed in relief. Liam called his parents to let them know that they will be home in a couple of hours.

After around 15 minutes of Niall still crying in pain he slowly calmed down since the bile stopped rising up over and over again.Zayn sighed in relief as he rubbed his arm soothingly. "Try and get some sleep Ni... you need to rest." Zayn whispered as he kissed his forehead. "Dont leave.. Okay..?" Niall said with a raspy voice, due to his irritated troat. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Zayn said with a smile as he kissed his cheek and Niall sniffled and nodded as he fell asleep.

"Zayn love? Can I go home? Louis is close to a panicattack since we aren't there" Liam frowned a bit as he hung up. "Yeah okay sure." Zayn said and Liam kissed his lips and Niall's forehead before rushing out to the car and then driving home.

Louis laid on the couch, shaking badly "Daddy daddy daddy" he said over and over again. Liam got in and took his shoes off and put the key away before running inside and sitting beside Louis, who was having a full blown panicattack.Liam pulled the boy in his lap and placed his hand over Louis heart, feeling his racing. "Its alright monkey. Its just in your head you know that.. Take big deep breaths with daddy.. You can do it.. I'm here.." Liam spoke to him and could feel Louis heart slowing down a bit together with his breath. "That's it... deep breathes.... in...... out..... in..... out." Liam soothed for a while until Louis calmed down and he buried his face in Liam's neck and Liam kissed his head and rubbed his back soothingly.

"Thanks for telling me mum.. That could have been worse.." Liam whisperd and smiled at her while Louis was drifting slowly asleep. "Yeah." Karen smiled and Liam smiled and kissed Louis' cheek as he draped a blanket over Louis as he fell asleep. Liam smiled "do you want to stay for a bit? You haven't seen the twins in a while" . Liam looked at her smiling. "Yeah sure, I promised Harry I'd play with him once your back." Karen said and Liam chuckled and nodded as Karen went to the play/game room where Harry was waiting for her.

Liam smiled and chatted a little bit with Geoff since the last time they saw each other was a few months ago. They talked for a bit and he updated them on how Niall was doing at the hospital and he messaged Zayn asking how he was doing. Zayn messaged back that Niall was fine. His reflux had calmed down and he was just really tired and had a sore throat. Liam sighed in relief since he took that as a good sign and that Niall could hopefully be home soon. "You are such a wonderful father" Geoff told him with a smile. Liam chuckled and blushed softly. "Thanks Dad... got if off you." Liam laughed and Geoff chuckled.

The day went on, Karen made lunch for all of them. After a few hours Zayn called, wanting to be picked up. "I will get them. I don't want to Louis to have another panicattack." Geoff voluntaried and left. A couple minutes later he came back and Zayn and Niall entered the livingroom. Liam smiled as he got up as Zayn and Niall came inside and sat down. "You feeling better love?" Liam asked as he kissed Niall's forehead. Niall nodded "that was terrifying.. I will never eat chinese again". Liam and Zayn chuckled softly as the twins came in and both cuddled into Niall.

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