Prince Of My Heart

By rayson2017

866 334 27

Sophia buries her family in one week, she loses the only hope she had in her life, not only that but she has... More

|Chapter 1|•√
|Chapter 2|•√
|chapter 3|•√
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|chapter 6|
|chapter 7|
|chapter 8|
|chapter 9|
|chapter 10|
chapter 11
|chapter 12|
|chapter 13|
|chapter 14|
|chapter 15|
|chapter 16|
|chapter 17|
|chapter 18|
|chapter 19|
|chapter 20|
|chapter 21|
|chapter 22|
|chapter 23|
|chapter 24|
|chapter 25|
|chapter 26|
|chapter 27|
|chapter 28|
|chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|chapter 31|
|chapter 32|
|chapter 34|
|chapter 35|
|chapter 36|
|chapter 37|
|chapter 38|
|chapter 39|
|chapter 40|
|chapter 41|
|chapter 42|
|chapter 43|
|chapter 44|
|chapter 45|
|chapter 46|
|chapter 47|
|chapter 48|
|Chapter 49|
|chapter 50|
|Chapter 51|
|Chapter 52|
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60

|chapter 33|

8 7 0
By rayson2017

Sophia POV

I sigh its been 3 days since Elena came to the cafe yea I figured out her name, the cafe has been a buzz people have been filing in and out hanging around hoping to catch her again but I know she won't be back.

Tomorrow is the party we have with that company and that's the only thing that has managed to put a smile on my face.

Its Saturday morning and Lara and I are currently walking to the cafe.

The party starts later tonight and were supposed to to take the desserts by 6pm while the party starts by 8pm.

I enter the shop, of course we don't open up today.

We all get to work working around each other with glee probably happy were going to attend a high class party.

When were finally done, its a lot of dessert even though its meant to be just extras but we load everything into Simon's van, Andre following along.

I hug my jacket closer to my body when we reach the large and elegant hall, I find the manager and were directed to the kitchen, it takes a lot of time and energy but we finally finish setting up everything.

Finally I squeal walking down the steps where they are about to roll on a red carpet, I can't believe we are going to be in that hall soon enough, I twirl.

Andre shook his head at me a small smile on his face, at least this managed to put a smile back on your face.

I smile and if everything goes well today, we might get more work from other people which means more money baby, then this smile will be permanent

Simon laughs, at least I'll be the happy girl date he winks

I roll my eyes oh please they will be stunning girls in that place tonight we get into the van, you will be detaching yourself away from me faster than you can say food.

Oh please, trust me you're very beautiful soph any man will be lucky to have you

I shrug turning to the window with a sad smile turns out the lucky man to have me messed up.

Soph-" I hear Andre

Its okay, we need to get home I turn to Andre with my usual smile I have to transform Lara into your Queen

He laughs only you soph, only you.

We finally reach the apartment and I rush to the door which is already opened.

I enter and Lara looks like she just had a long bath, I smile, my turn.


You look gorgeous I say staring at Lara she's currently in a light blue dress tight at the top and flows to the floor with small hand straps, she cut her hair to shoulder length in beach waves made by me making her look like an Angel with the minimal makeup on her face, her heels make her look way taller.

My work is done I nod proudly with a smile.

Am glad you have that smile back on your face she grabs me in a hug.

Thanks to you guys I smile I turn back to the mirror to straighten my dark hair my heart is currently bleeding, still broken and yet to heal but no one will ever know, I'll be Sophia, am strong and I'll never cry especially over a man who does not care about me.

I apply my makeup taking my time since we don't have to be there exactly by 8pm.
I apply my pink lipstick finally finished, I help Lara clean up before stepping into my dress, the dress fits perfectly as before, I put my hair in a lose pony tail curling the ends I bring out some at the front the curls framing my face.

Way better, Lara nods in approval.

I grab our invitations, of course we were given to , Andre, Rosie, Johnny and I can bring a plus one so I decided to bring Simon, I was going to surprise Alex and take him with me but he ruined that.

We hear the door bell and I run to the door so to create a magical moment for Lara.

I open the door to Simon and Andrea in dark suits hey guys I smile, looking handsome

Looking beautiful, Simon nods

Where is Lara?

I roll my eyes playfully no compliments Andre, but anyway I give them a big smile, opening the door wider Lara steps outside and of course Andre jaw drops to the floor.

Am great I know I whip my pony tail with a smile, I grab Simons arm, my purse in the other.

Come one, you guys have all night to have sex, let's go, I say at the couple in front of me locking my door at the same time.

We all climb down and head to the town car river rented for us, yea am not gonna complain, he rented this for the night and he's going to take Rosie and Johnny with his car.

Free alcohol people I gush as we all try to fit in the car, I stay in the front.

We finally reach the same hall but now, its extremely beautiful with lights the red carpet rolled out cameras and paparazzi everywhere, I suck in a breath staring at the beautiful women in beautiful expensive dresses and expensive jewellery and handsome men in dashing suits.

I smile we can do this!! I say staring at the three at the back since they look like they about to turn back.

We look great I send them my cheery smile my dimples digging into my cheeks.

Your smile will take them away, the old driver by my side says, crinkles at the side of his eyes

I laugh, well thank you Sir, if you  three don't come down now, I swear I'll take this dashing young man with me I say referring to the driver who just shook his head with me with a smile.

Am not young anymore he says

Oh please you look young enough for me, I smile

Okay, okay let's go Simon finally says or she'll keep on flirting with him Simon turns to the couple.

I smile and nod, stepping out, Simon does the same, I grab his hand as we walk the red carpet with a large smile on my face, some photographers stop me to take a picture complimenting me with smiles on their faces

They probably think am some billionaire daughter, I see Lara and Andrea from my side view glad they finally had the courage to come out of the car.

We finally enter the hall after handing our invitation cards to the men at the door.

I look around the hall in wonder, there are round tables beautiful designed and a dance floor of course the hall is big enough for everyone to stand and talk also and there are some chairs and beautifully designed tables near the stage.

I grip Simon's hand tightly when I spot different celebrities, some people look my way sending me a smile.

Told you your smile would knock people of their feet Simon says from beside.

I laugh, covering my mouth with my hands when some people stare my way at my craziness, we finally find Lara and Andre, we stand drinking champagne when Rosie and Johnny finally spots us unfortunately along with river.

He just stands off to the side staring intently at me making me squirm.

Excuse me I say to the group turning around I grab the ends of my dress walking forward in my heels my usual smile on my face when I bump into Mr Bill the man who hired the cafe.

Mr Bill I smile

Sophia he stares at me, you look great, I can see you put the money into good use he nods with a smile

I laugh with a nod, all thanks to your generosity sir

He nods, everything taste great by the way he nods to the passing waiters

I nod all thanks to the team Mr Bill

Let me introduce you to some people am sure you will appreciate that he raises a brow

I nod, that will be great

He nods placing his hand on the small of my back we walk forward I can see some people eyeing us, I would to.

We finally reach a group of men, they are all handsome and look to be in their 20's and 30's

Everyone meet Sophia Castillo, she was in charge of the desserts.

I smile at them, it works wonders I tell you and plus I don't think employers are meant to do this for their employees but I'll take it.

They all appreciate the desserts but one man he stares at me not saying anything as I laugh and discuss with the rest men putting a smile on their faces the give me their cards walking away to another discussion.

This is the Duke, James.  Mr bill introduces me, personally.

My eyes go wide, that's why he looks so familiar, he's Alex's brother.

I nod turning to him, I think Rosie will be looking for me excuse me Mr Bill I mumble

Sophia. Mr Bill stops me

I turn to him

Would you like a dance? he sends me a sly wink.

I laugh lowly I think he knows I want to be out of here, I nod grabbing his hand, the music changes to a slower song when we finally reach the dance floor, we dance as my heart beats widely against my chest.

if James is here does that mean Alex/ Eric is here also?

So have you met the duke before?

I turn to Mr Bill and shook my head, no I was not comfortable that's all

He nods, humming the tune of the classical music, we continue to dance and it seems like Mr Bill is a professional with the way he takes his steps, I try to follow along as best as I can.

Soon it ends and I hear applause, I turn back to the crowd and realise we were the only one on the dance floor, I blush a smile still permanent on my face I don't remember the last time I had this much fun.

My eyes meet with a certain pair of hazel eyes, his light brown hair far different from Alex's but looks like Alex anyway this people really have good genes

I gulp as James stares at me, I walk forward ignoring him, if he thinks he can have his chance with me when Alex is done then he has to be dreaming, I find Lara.

That was beautiful soph, you both looked great out there.

I laugh I was just trying to avoid Alex brother I whisper in her ear

Her eyes go wide, I was wondering when you would notice he's here she turns to me

You've met him? I ask

She shook her head, I saw him with someone.

The music gets slower and I watch as some people face the door, I turn to the door confused why everyone is seriously watching the door with whispers.

My smile slowly slips of my face when my eyes meet with a certain pair of brown eyes in a dashing suit.

Prince Eric I hear Lara whisper by my side staring at me

All I see is a stranger, I don't see Alex, my Alex-- all I see is a man I have nothing to do with along with a dashing beautiful woman by his side, the same woman he's supposed to get married to.

I turn away from them, the hall turns back to normal when Bill walks up to them, Alex sends him a smile, but it's not the same smile alex sends me, is this his real smile? Is that what his smile is supposed to look like? Have I been receiving a fake smile all this while?

His smirks fake!!
His name fake!!
His life fake!!
Everything about him was fake!!
Its so sad I fell for that, its so sad I fell for a man that never existed.

I turn back to my friends watching me with concerned faces, am okay guys I send them a small smile, I just have to use the restroom okay?

They nod and I try to pass through the crowd without bawling my eyes out.

Am almost there when Mr Bill stops me again, I need you to introduce you to someone he grabs my hand surprising me.

I don't argue I can hold off my tears, I send him a small smile, he's taken aback.

Are you okay?

I nod, everything is okay Mr Bill

Its Bill he smiles you're always calling me Mr Bill makes me feel old.

I laugh as he places his hand on my back guiding me through the crowd, okay Bill

Good, he nods with a smile.

We finally reach my destination and I regret not running to the toilets when I had the chance

Sophia this is the duchess of Spain Eleanor and Prince Eric he introduces me

Sophia Castillo made the desserts for the party Bill continues
But my eyes are on one person Eric he stares at me I can read the guilt displayed in his eyes.

Immediately my smile is gone and is replaced with anger but I won't let my hurt show, he will never see it, I've protected my heart from Playboy's like him, I can do it all over again.

Everything taste exquisite I hear Eleanor voice, she seems nice and I suddenly feel sad, her fiancé cheated on her with me.

I nod with a small smile ignoring his stare. Thank you

She manages a cafe in the city, Rosie's cafe, maybe she can even make some things for your wedding Bill says making her give a dashing shy smile, they look perfect together.

That would be great, Sophia? She turns to me realising my attention is no longer on them.

Excuse me-" I say my voice cracks I know am going to cry soon, but of course a single tear betrays me, I wipe it off but the dam breaks I immediately turn and start the walk out of this place.


I hear him call my name but I ignore him, I'm almost at the doors when a hand stops me, I hear Simon voice.

What's wrong?

I turn to him looking over his shoulder at Alex who's is trying his best to reach me but keep getting stopped by people.

I'm going home, I'll get a taxi, I say grabbing my clutch in my hand

I'll go with you, he turns his head staring at Alex, he says something to me which I don't comprehend when we walk out quietly ignoring the cameras we reach the quiet parking lot, trying to find the car that got us here.

A voice stops us, soph-"

I furrow my brows turning to the British accent, the only man that can make my heart beat as fast as a cheetah the only man who can render me speechless and can make me talk like my life depends on it.

What do you want? your Highness I say brows raised.


What the fuck do you want?!!!! I scream, get the hell away from me Eric I say his name with much bitterness, my anger taking control

He stares at me waiting for me to finish

Your fiancée is waiting patiently for you, its so sad that you cheated on her Eric, really.
Stop being a dirty liar and tell her the truth maybe she will forgive you I continue

He's face morphs into anger, am a liar Sophia!!!!!  You're the one who kept your jail reports away from me, even after you found your way to delete them from the system I found them!!

What does he mean delete? I stare at him confused.

Finally shut the high and mighty Sophia up uh? what did you do to get off the hook for all those crimes, opened up your legs!!!

I cover my hands with my mouth, tears slowly trailing down my eyes, I think he just realised the words he used when he's expression takes one of guilt.

But he has no time when Simon lands a punch on him, he stumbles back shocked but says nothing like he deserved the blow

Soph am sorry-"

Save it Eric, you're the one who lied to me all this while about your whole life, i believed you Eric, I was going to tell you about my records but no you hired someone to do it right? I went to jail so? Never knew you were so judgemental!!!

You kept your whole life from me, I fell in love with you I wipe away a tear, you made me fall in love with Alex the person you clearly aren't Eric, you're fake, I hate you so much Eric I say with much bitterness Even though my heart says a different thing

Were you ever going to tell me uh? I step back leaning on a car as Simon breath's heavily walking towards the car probably realising he just punched the man who is going to rule this country one day.

He looks down at me, soph-"

That's the answer I was looking for I say cleaning of my tears walking to simon who looks angry by the door of the car we came with, the drive home is silent but am aware of the tears trailing down my face like a waterfall

Finally shut the high and mighty Sophia up, what did you do to get off the hook for all those crimes, opened up your legs!!!

He's words echo in my head, is that all he saw me as?
A whore? Is that all I was to him even after everything.

That man told me he loved me!!

Wow Sophia, you've been through worse, even your ex boyfriend had a secret wife that was not even close to this.

But what does he mean by delete? Am pretty sure all my jail records are still intact or did chuck do something? Emily? One of the policemen?

I sigh to myself, I'll just call him up when I get home since I left my phone at home or I could just fly back I do need a break

We finally reach our apartment, am sorry you had to leave early I hug Simon

No worries the punch I gave that bastard made up for it.

I laugh into his shoulder as my laughter turns to sobs, he hugs me closer to his chest


I'll be okay Simon I pull back, I just need to cry it all away

He nods, you look like a raccoon soph

Hey-" I punch his arm, am a pretty raccoon

Of course you are, goodnight soph

I nod hugging him again, goodnight as I walk into solitude.

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