
By supersecretninja

219 7 1


Cracked Glasses
A Peek Into the Past

Friday Night Lights

47 2 1
By supersecretninja

"Do we have to go to the game," Jake whines from inside my bedroom.  

I blinked securing my contacts into place. I never wear contacts, they're too annoying to worry about in my opinion. "If you're going to whine you're staying home."

"But I don't wanna be alone." I can envision the pout on his face. 

Sighing I take one last glance in the mirror, I look like a different person without my bulky glasses. Opening my bathroom door the rest of the way I gesture to my outfit for Jake's opinion. He sits up on my bed his gaze looking over me. 

"That's it I'm going and I'm driving," Jake deadpans meaning I have no say in the matter. 

"What changed your mind mister I hate football and everything about it," I question grabbing my black zip up jacket off my chair. If he's driving I'm going to need it. 

Jake shrugs, "Thought I might give it a chance." 

"You're a terrible liar. Don't even try," I laugh heading down the stairs of my house. 

"I figured your dad would want someone to keep an eye on you tonight. Isn't that right Dale," Jake smirks as we pass my dad in his arm chair watching television. 

My dad glances over at the two of us. "Of course. Someone's got to keep my baby girl safe." 

"Daddy I'm not a baby anymore," I warn him. He simply laughs and returns his attention to the television. 

Jake grabs my hand dragging me out of the house and across the street to his. His motorcycle sits in the driveway with his helmet. He hands me the helmet and I know the drill. When I first rode it with him I was terrified not only because I had not been on one before but mostly for the fact he had no helmet because he forced me to wear his only one. I know there's no point in arguing, Jake makes a mule seem obedient. 

We make it to the school in no time and park near the front, his motorcycle easily sliding into a spot on the end. Kick off is in a few minutes. "Are we going to stay the entire time?" Jake gripes. 

"Try to enjoy yourself please," I plead giving him the puppy eyes. "For me."

"Alright just stop with the eyes," Jake shivers. "I'm not supposed to have a weakness Cass." 

"Right you're the 'resident bad boy'," I chuckle. Only I know Jake is everything from that. He resembles more of a giant teddy bear than anything.  

"You say that like I'm not."

I smile zipping up my jacket. We pay the lady for our tickets and head inside just as the ball is kicked off to our team. "Come on let's go," I grab Jake's hand impatiently dragging him towards the bleachers. The student section is at the far end and is already packed, if we want a decent seat we're going to have to book it. 

"Sorry Cass I need to duck away for a bit," My eyes follow his gaze. Macy, his ex, is walking hand in hand with another guy. Like I said he's a teddy bear, you just want to hug him and tell him everything's going to be alright, that she's a slut anyways. 

I nod giving him a small smile before heading in separate directions. The sun is going down and the temperature is quickly dropping. A part of me wishes I brought a sweatshirt instead. I pick up the pace making it to the student section. 

"Cassie," Payton yells from the front. Payton is my vice president and also known as my best girl friend. I jog up the steps making my way to her. "I didn't think you were coming. I take it Jake couldn't be convinced," She comments frowning a bit. 

"He's hiding from Macy and her new boyfriend right now." 

Payton nods and our attention turns to the field. I find myself watching for Garrett more than I ever have. He's our best wide receiver, already broke four of the school's records and is bound for an amazing college with a full ride. "Got our eyes for Strong do we," Payton nudges my side. 

I shake my head quickly, "No. Hell no. I'm just watching the game." 

"Yeah because the game is on the sidelines with the number eleven," She laughs. "I think you two would make a pretty couple."

I roll my eyes, "Not in a million years could I date that prick." 

"What if I told you him and Ashton broke up." 


But if that sentence included the names Jake and Olivia it'd be a completely different story. My heart would skip a beat, I'd get my hopes up of the possibility of there ever being an us between the two of us only for it to be crushed. 

"Cassie you need to get over this hopeless crush you have on Jake," Payton says. I shush her. "Please. It's not like the entire school knows you like him. You're not exactly an expert at hiding it." 

I glare at her before getting up. 

"Don't leave I didn't mean to upset you. It's just you've liked him this long do you really think you have a chance with him?" 

"I'll see you at school Monday." With that I walked back down the bleachers. I pulled out my cell phone to call Jake, the game was nearly over and he hadn't come found me yet. All I wanted was to go home. 

The phone rings a few times before he picks up. 

"I'm a little busy at the moment," He mumbles clearly aggrivated someone called. 

"Jake where are you? I want to go home." 

A moan escapes his lips and I'm horrified. 

"Are you with a girl?" I exclaim nearly dropping my phone. Several people glance at me as I make my way through the mass. 

"Hold on a sec Macy," My heart drops. "Sorry Cass I meant to text you to catch a ride with Payton. I bailed before the second quarter."

"Whatever Jake. I'll see you later," I slam my phone closed. Yes I still own an ancient flip phone that probably belongs in a museum. 

I walked over to the concessions stand buying a water. I'm going to need this for the walk I'm about to take home. The buzzer goes off signaling the end of the game. We won maintaining our undefeated record. I bet the players are having a great night, most of them probably going to a party to bang a girl as well. Those boys disgust me. But then again one of them is my best friend who I'm in love with, minus the football player aspect. 

My thin jacket is no match for the relentless fall wind. Strands of my curly blonde hair whip around and I tuck my hands under my arms trying to obtain any form of heat. My feet ache as I'm now half way home but still a far way to go. I've passed the main party house with the music blaring and red solo cups strewn across the lawn. A car hasn't passed for a while so when lights create a large shadow in front me I'm shocked. The car stops. 

"Need a ride Cassie," Garrett pops his head out the window of his car. 

I glance over before continuing to walk. 

"Hey! Just because bad boy hates me doesn't mean you have to as well." 

"Yes it does," I mumble. Garrett sighs and kills the engine of his car. I hear his car door open and close followed by footsteps. 

"Please let me give you lift," Garrett grabs my shoulder. I jump away like he's the bubonic plague and I'll become infected the instant he touches me. 

"I'm fine walking okay," I yell. "Just leave me alone." 

The beeping sound of his car locking makes me jump again. 

"Then I'm walking you home." 

I stop my eyes closed as I take a deep breath. "Do you not get it? I don't want to talk to you. Hell I don't even want to associate with you Garrett." 

"Cassie tell me what I ever did to you." 

"She was the sister I never had dammit," I screamed shivering. If I wasn't home soon I'll surely end up with a cold. With homecoming fast approaching that's the last thing I need. 

Garrett strips himself of his red varsity jacket leaving him in a simple white v-neck. He drapes it over my shoulders. "What if I told you I was trying to make things right? Jake's not the only one who misses her." 

I blink back the tears remembering the reason why this hatred even began. 

"Nothing you say could ever bring her back Garrett."

He bends over picking up a rock and tossing it several feet in front of us. "I'll carry the guilt forever don't you think that's punishment enough?" 

Who am I to decide what is enough? 

"I want to make it right Cassie. I truly do," The look in his golden eyes was genuine in that moment. I lost my ability to breathe for a moment. 

My eyes flick back to his car, "Is that ride offer still available?" 

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