A Gentleman's Prerogative (Un...

By TraceyStevens8

37.9K 3.1K 686

5th book in my Society's Orphans series ...Sean's Story.......Finished and the edited version is now availabl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
From the Author

Chapter 21

781 86 19
By TraceyStevens8

Marioselle sat by Sean's bedside running a cool cloth over his brow. The fever continued to rage on and the delirium progressed. Sean didn't seem to recognize anyone and at one point became so violent they had to strap him down to the cot. Although he was now resting peacefully, it only served to worry her more. It was if the fight had left his body. She prayed U Aung would get back soon with the supplies Chen Li requested.

Chen Li was beginning to worry her as well. Although, the girl tried to mask her emotions, and hide how she felt, Marioselle could tell she was distraught. She couldn't blame her. Anyone in her situation would be. After all her sister's life depended solely on her. That was a huge burden for one so young to bear.

The restraint and discipline she showed for someone her age was remarkable. Marioselle wasn't certain she would be able to do the same under such circumstances. Like now for instance. Her patience was waning. In fact, if Aung didn't hurry, she wasn't certain how much longer she could stay strong for Sean and the others.

Agitated, she stood and began pacing the small cabin, wringing the damp cloth between her hands. Where was Aung? What was taking the man so long? Had he been captured? It seemed as if he had been gone for hours now. Although, in reality she knew it had only been at the very least a half hour. Surely that was long enough to retrieve Li's supplies.

She started to check the passageway when the cabin door was suddenly flung open. Chen Li rushed in with doctor Williams fast on her heels. He was carrying a large basin of water, and a stack of towels.

"Dear God! Please, tell me Aung has returned, and you have what you need?" she cried, as she moved out of their path.

"Yes, he was successful in his mission. I have everything I will need. It shall take a few minutes however, to mix the ingredients into a syrup. Doctor William's, can you prop him up a bit?" She asked, as she began crushing leaves into a small bowl. "Marioselle, I will need your help getting the liquid down his throat."

"What do I need to do?"

"Sit behind him. Cradle his head in your arms and speak softly. Keep him calm with the sound of your voice. I will do the rest."

"Do you truly believe this will work?" She asked, as Chen Li grasped Sean's jaw with her fingers, and spooned the thick, sugary syrup between his lips.

"I wish I could say for certain mademoiselle. Unfortunately there are no guarantees when one is so ill," she said quietly, as she stood up from Sean's side. "There, it is done. All we can do now is pray for the best."


Lord Sémonville stood at the upstairs landing of his proudest achievement. His chateau. It was a masterpiece, a work of art. He had spared no expense when he commissioned the renovations. The Château de Malmaison had once belonged to the Emperor Napolean and his beloved wife Josephine. After the divorce and Josephines death the chateau was passed on to the French government. It had quickly fallen to disrepair in their hands due to neglect. A travesty for France, a boon for him.

It was the most magnificent mansion in Paris. He had paid a small fortune for the decaying chateau, but to him it was worth every franc. Those who had the honor of being invited were in envy, as were those who weren't. Even the king had remarked on its splendor. It was his, and no one would take that away from him, ever.

He watched as the young Asian maid carried a vase through to the dining room. Mei was a beautiful girl, maybe even more beautiful than her sister at that age. In another year or two, she would be exquisite. She would fetch him a handsome price were he to auction her off, however he didn't need the money, and honestly he wanted to keep her. She belonged to him, as did her traitorous sister Chen Li.

He would bring her back, and then he would show her what happened to those who betrayed him. When he was finished with her, she would beg him for mercy. He smiled at the thought. He would love nothing more than to watch the smug, ungrateful little bitch on her knee's, begging him to stop, but he wouldn't. He would continue until he broke her. Until her spirit was crushed beneath the heal of his boot and smashed to dust. Then he would get rid of her.

He could sell her to someone in the colonies. There were men who needed slaves to work their land, and clean their homes. There were even those whose bed she could warm. Though he pitied the man who tried. She was a trained assassin after all.

Then when she was gone, he would train Mei to take her place. Only this time he wouldn't make the same mistakes. Mei wasn't as strong willed as Li. Her mind would be easier for him to mold and control. Only this time, he would not allow the organization to stop him.

"The organization." He said aloud, and chuckled in disdain. He was the organization. Who did they think they were. He was the Keeper, the trainer, the mastermind behind the scheme. He was the one who built all of this, he thought arogantly as he looked around him. It was his insight and dealings that made them wealthy, powerful men. It would serve them all well to remember that. He looked back down towards the dining hall. The girl had moved on to other duties.

Then he spotted his wife. "Ahhh!!" He sighed aloud. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen when he met her. Even now, in her advanced age she could still capture a mans eye, his eye. However, looks could be deceptive to those who didn't know her. He knew her well. She was a shallow, vindictive, greedy little viper. That along with her beauty was why he loved her. She was his soulmate. They were the perfect match.

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