BATIM: Memory's Twisted Lane

By Friendly1ntrovert

13.3K 267 144

Heather remembers when she was six. Her father left to visit his friend at a studio where he worked thirty ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

729 13 6
By Friendly1ntrovert

I'm still confused by Sammy's actions as I open the door to the closet. There I find another log. Again, it belongs to Sammy. Aside from Uncle Joey, everyone seems to think of Sammy as a cryptic person... well, aside from Susie.

"Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his, and I have mine. To enter, you need only know my favourite song.
The violin shudders with a piercing voice.
The drum thunders in triumph.
The piano delicately calls.
The banjo playfully plucks.
Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you."

I stand there in silence, thinking about the past statements I've listened to.

Sammy keeps interrupting the band's recording session and doesn't leave for hours; probably because of all the people going through his office to leave. Why did Joey have to have that pump in his office? First off, it's hard enough just writing songs, even without the distractions. Second, how am I going to get out of here?

Wait a minute. Sammy has a sanctuary because he needs to get away from the distractions. He goes into the recording booth for hours. He plays this song to open the door to it. This sanctuary must be in the recording booth! All the instruments he's mentioned are still here. That guy I keep seeing must be Sammy! Maybe he has something in his sanctuary to get into his office!

I begin to laugh as I run to the recording studio. I slow down as I remember that my ankle is injured. I quickly play one note of each instrument in the listed order. I wait in expectation, but nothing happens.

"Why didn't it work?"

I go through Sammy's recording, playing the instruments over and over again. Still nothing.

Maybe there's something I missed. I go through the other logs and stop at Norman's. Sammy turns on the projector before playing the instruments. I look up at the projector. Why is there a Bendy cutout leaning there? There was never a cutout there. Where do all these cutouts keep coming from? And why have I never had one?

I dismiss the seemingly paranormal activity going on here and run up to the projector booth. I turn on the projector and quickly observe the Bendy cutouts that somehow scurried downstairs and positioned themselves in front of the chairs in the studio.

I run/limp back into the studio and play the instruments again. I hear the projector click off and a gate opens in one of the walls. I literally squeal with glee and jump up and down like a little girl on christmas morning.

I hop into the hidden sanctuary and stop dead in my tracks. This looks more like a small bedless apartment than a sanctuary. There's a toilet in here with a desk and banjo. Man this guy really needed a break. Did he?

There's the same symbol from the room I passed out in on the floor. Sammy probably wrote this on the wall, but it's a poem that says:

Sing a happy song
Whistle a merry tune
Wait for his arrival
He's coming very soon.

So who is this saviour he keeps talking about? He's an ink figure. He comes from the shadows. He shines in the darkness... It's not Alice... Borisis a dog... Could Sammy be talking about.... Bendy?

I ponder Sammy's supposed entity as I turn a valve. I turn to leave the sanctuary, once again stunned by a Bendy cutout peeking around the corner. Sammy must be responsible for that. I leave the sanctuary and look up to the projector booth. I'm expecting to see those Bendy cutouts, but it's that man from earlier. I can clearly see his mask. As I've guessed, it's a Bendy mask. I'm surprised I didn't notice the man's black skin, almost like it's covered in ink.

He keeps staring at me. Maybe it's because he hasn't seen anyone else these past few decades. I'm so focused on the man that I barely notice more ink creatures rising from the floor.

I fight back with my axe, momentarily look up toward the man every few strikes. After I kill the final monster, I look up at the booth. The man is gone. I think he got scared when he saw me killing those... things.. Or he just decided to go on a stroll through the studio.

I walk to the stairwell, but it's still flooded. I remember the flooded infirmary and go there. Luckily, it's not flooded anymore. Maybe there's more than one valve to drain the stairwell. I enter the infirmary and find a switch. Next to it is a valve... or, a place where a valve should be. The valve is missing.

I pull the switch and turn around. There's another staircase. I follow the staircase until I see a sewer tunnel. On the wall, there's more graffiti, "Down here we're all sinners."

I look left and see more boards blocking the path. Just beyond the boards, I see another ink creature. Unlike the others I've seen, this one doesn't attack me. That and he's wearing a hat. On top of all of that, he's holding a valve. That must be the valve I need.

I approach the creature, only to watch it duck into the ink.

"Damn it!" I sigh.

I break the boards and chase after the ink creature. As I tread through the liquid, I notice a roomy place with a desk and a chair, and there's a violin leaning on the chair. There's another recording log. This one is labelled "Jack Fain."

"I love the quiet, and that's hard to come by these busy times."

He sounds like he's plugging his nose. Not that I blame him though. This place stinks.

"And yeah sure it may stink to high heaven down here. But it's just perfect for an old lyricist like me. Sammy's songs always got some bounce, but if I didn't get away once in a while,they'd never have any words to go with them.
So I'll keep my mind-a-singin' and my nose closed."

So, Jack wrote the lyrics to those songs. I mentally thank him. I always enjoyed singing along with Alice and all those other characters. Charley, Barley, Edgar, man those were the days.

I continue through the sewer passed some more graffiti. It says "The sheep will come to slaughter." I go to a room where the waste must be filtered before it's released to the ocean... river... something like that. On the far wall one can read "sing with me" written on the wall. The creature is leaning out on the ink, still holding the valve. It's the same guy, with the same hat.

I begin to recall this moment from Uncle Joey's story. I kill the ink creature using the pulley system and the weighted platform.. thingy.

I take the valve and put it back in place.

I then return to Sammy's office door. Finally, the pipe's stopped leaking.

Once I go into the office, I pull the switch. As I turn to leave, I see an old radio on the desk. For old time's sake, I tune it in to reminisce on old times. The radio plays the secondary theme song for Bendy.

I begin to remember Joey's story. It's helped me get through this mess so far, so I might as well remember it now. What was it that happened at this point? Maybe more ink creatures attacked him.. or

I freeze at the blunt trauma that strikes me. I stand in shock for a moment, slowly realising that I've been hit in the back of the head. My vision fades in and out as I collapse on the floor. The last thing I remember is seeing that same man standing over me, holding a shovel. He repeats those words from earlier, "Rest your head, it's time for bed."


"There we go now, nice and tight."

I open my eyes to see that man in front of me. I feel something restraining my wrists to wood. It takes a moment to realise I'm tied up.

"We wouldn't want out sheep roaming away now, would we?"

I stare at him, shocked that he just called me a sheep.

"No, we wouldn't."

Noticing that there's no rag preventing me from talking, I decide to do so. "Who are you? Why am I tied up? What are you doing?"

Through the hole in the mask where Bendy's mouth would be, I can see a smile on the man's face, "Don't worry, little one. You're simply helping me."

The man sounds like Sammy, it must be him. "How is sitting here against my will helping you?"

"You aren't here against your will. You're the one who came all the way down here to visit us. It almost makes what we're about to do seem.... cruel."

"Sammy, what are you doing?"

Sammy pauses, most likely shocked that I know his name. "I'm simply doing what every prophet must do. The believers must honour their saviour."

"What saviour, Sammy? There is no saviour. This person you look up to, he's just a character in a cartoon."

"You dare speak in such a manner toward him? Surely my Lord will hear of this!"

"Oh for crying out loud! Whoever he is, he's not real! He's a fucking cartoon!"

"Quiet, you fool!" Sammy pulls out a rag.

I quickly spill out everything I think of, knowing my words are limited, "Oh come on! This is going too far! I didn't mean to do any damage! I just came here to find me dad! Henry Stein! He worked here with you fifty years ago-"

"Wait..." Sammy pauses, "You're the daughter of Henry Stein?"

I nod. "Uh.. my name's Heather.."

Sammy's arms begin to tremble. His behaviour shifts from strictly religious to cowardly. "No, no. This can't be happening. I'll suffer terribly for this!" He quickly reaches for the ropes holding my wrists.

He barely loosens the ropes before I head something stomping toward this room. Sammy begins to whimper. He screams as the door to the left is slammed open.

The figure from that vision enters the room, looking at Sammy. I recognise that grin. It must be Bendy! How is this possible?

"No! My Lord! Please! I didn't know! Forgive me, I beg you!"

The Bendy figure lunges and Sammy and lifts him off the ground, holding him by his neck. I flinch as he glances at me, making some distorted noise. Somehow I get the feeling that he's telling me to run while I still can. The devil then drags Sammy back out of the room. After the door slams shut, I can still hear Sammy whimpering.

I struggle against the ropes until they release me. I scramble to my feet and sprint across the room, eagerly waiting as a gate begins to open. I see more monsters crawling out of the puddles. I grab the axe I find leaning against a barrel and fight them off.

Once they're gone, I break through the hallway, cutting through the boards and planks. Why are all these hallways boarded off? Does someone want me to die? I break through what must be the eighty-seventh board when the axe suddenly breaks. I get it, it's an old axe, but why does it have to break now?

I look ahead of me and see an open room. It's half flooded with ink but I'll do anything to leave this place. The people here are crazy.

I've nearly set foot in the ink when that same Bendy figure rises from the ink. I can almost understand what it's saying now. I think he screamed something along the lines of "Run... hurt you."

I don't understand why I just heard to things that tell me he has trouble deciding what his intentions are, but I listen to the first statement. I bolt to the left, through a now-cleared hallway. I see an abstract pattern of ink sliding along the walls as I hear the figure trying to run after me.

I run down the hall until I enter a room at the end of the hallway. I close the door and place and prop a plank on it. I expect to hear Bendy banging on the doors, trying to break through to get ot me. But he doesn't. There's just silence.

I turn around and observe the shelf of Bendy plush toys. I walk further along the room and find more shelves. I stop when I see an empty Bacon Soup can rolling across the floor. I remember this moment. Yes, Joey mentioned it in his story.

I hesitate before I call out, "Boris? Is that... is that you?"

There is silence for a moment. Then, I see a cartoonish wolf stroll merily around the corner. I sigh. There's no doubting it's Boris. This means that Joey's story must somehow be true.

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