black roses | The Lost Boys (...

By 1987vampire

282K 6.1K 2.9K

"How do you keep a flower shop open in Santa Carla of all places?" "Easist gift for the grieving. Flower shop... More

hey, shawties (rewritten version time)


10K 218 56
By 1987vampire

The next night, I found myself on the boardwalk, staring at all the people with a new sort of fascination. I knew of their enhanced senses, but this was nothing like I could've imagined, and I knew it would get better when I was a full vampire. Yet, even staring around with this vision was something new entirely. I could see things in brighter colors and crisp image. It was beautiful. People were beautiful.

I was faintly aware of my new sense of hearing. I could pick out each person's heartbeat within a certain distance, and all I could smell was vanilla like the blood I drank from the bottle but so much better. I wanted it, but I knew I couldn't have it. Not yet, at least.

Dwayne's arm around my waist was a small reminder that they would stop me if I couldn't control myself, but I knew I was fine. I could control myself. My eyes fell on my shop, and I was reminded that I had completely forgotten about it for the past week. I could make out that some of the flowers were wilting, and I frowned at that.

I couldn't dwell long on the fact as I was almost knocked over by a soft body slamming into mine. I stiffened at the overpowering scent of vanilla and a heartbeat right beside me. I held my breath and pulled away quickly to meet the gaze of a grinning Marigold.

"I haven't seen you in forever," she screeched, and I winced at the loud sound. I finally understood why David and Dwayne were always annoyed when Marko and Paul yelled. "You haven't been in your shop or at your house, so I didn't know what had happened. Thought you might have died." I heard Paul snort at that from where he was with Marko. David was watching Star and Laddie as they navigated through the crowd toward us. "Glad to see you're okay, though. I wanted to tell you about this place I found down at the beach. It's like nobody's been there in like forever, y'know. It's really secluded. It's down there." She pointed to the opposite direction of the cave, and I let out a small nod of relief. "I wanted to show you, but I know you'd rather be with your boys." I nodded at that again and sent her a tight-lipped smile, hoping she would move soon. She didn't seem to get the memo, though, and I focused on Star's worried look as she finally made her way to us. Marigold blabbered in my ear, and I ignored her, focusing on what Star was telling David.

"There are some kids in that comic book shop over there that kicked me and Laddie out, said we were living with vampires or something. Laddie was almost in tears." I frowned and looked at Laddie who was clutching Star's skirt in one of his tiny hands, obvious tear streaks down his face. "Is there something I don't know? I know you guys all live together in that cave, but what's happening? What did I drink last night?"

I cut off Marigold as I stood and moved over to where they were standing. Laddie looked over at me and quickly ran over, launching himself into my arms as I bent down slightly. I held him up, and he wrapped his arms and legs around me the best he could as I supported him. I gave David a small nod as he gave me an appreciative look.

I then moved and sat beside Dwayne again who immediately took to making sure Laddie was okay. I was aware of Marigold watching us, but I couldn't care less at that moment. Star and David were talking in hushed whispers that I could still make out.

"Star, they're just dumb boys. Why are you worrying so much?"

"Because, something's wrong with me, and I don't know what it is. I never sleep that late. I can hear things I've never been able to hear before. Everyone smells like that fucking bottle, and I know it has something to do with what you guys gave me." She ran a hand through her hair, trying to keep her voice low.

"We didn't give it to you, Star. You took it. You agreed that you wanted a family, and you got one, but you knew there was a price."

"So, I'm, what, a fucking demon now? David, that doesn't make sense! Vampires aren't real."

David chuckled darkly, his expression slowly turning annoyed. "You knew there was a price, and we'll protect you. We'll be the family you never had. We're probably the best bet you've got here, but you need to realize that you asked for it. You took that bottle."

Star shook her head fiercely, and she moved to Dwayne and me, grabbing Laddie from my arms. I wanted to protest, but she gave me no room as she pulled him with her. "I'm going home, David. I'm going to think. Don't fucking come near me."

David simply raised his hand and waved her goodbye as she stomped down the boardwalk to wherever she was staying. I watched her disappear into the crowd, and I frowned a bit. Dwayne squeezed my side reassuringly, and Marigold was silent. I turned to see her frowning before she stood and walked away. I let her.

"I shouldn't have given her the bottle," I mumbled, rubbing my hands over my face in exasperation. "I'm a terrible friend. She's going to hate me now."

David's eyes snapped to me, and he shook his head, walking over so he could sit on the other side of me, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "No, we were going to have to do it either way. She'll trust you once she gets over it."

I nodded slowly and huffed, leaning my head on his shoulder. "How did you guys become vampires?"

David hummed and turned a bit, looking at me. "I was turned in the late 1800s. I was twenty-one, and I worked with my family on a farm. I had about seven siblings, so no one really noticed when I disappeared. I didn't belong there, but I really didn't know where I did belong. Max found me after I beat up these kids trying to take my things. I had 'run away' from my family the other night." He used air quotations at the 'run away' part. "I kind of just disappeared. Max took me in and helped me live. I didn't drink from the bottle, I drank from his wrist after I saw him kill someone. He explained everything, and I just joined. I checked in on my family a while after, and it was like I was never there in the first place, so I don't really feel that bad."

David then looked over to Dwayne as did I. He smiled a bit and talked quietly. "David found me when I was twenty-two, I believe. He had been a vampire for about ten years, and he stumbled into the shop I was running with my mother. He stumbled in and knocked over two of our stands. Mom immediately screamed about demons, said he was filled with them. She tried to throw him out of the store, and I was barely able to stop her. He was passed out, and the sun was rising, so I threw him in one of the backrooms and told her that I would watch him. She was mad, told her that I needed to obey her, but I knew I couldn't do that. There was something about him that made me want to save him. The next night, he woke up and thanked me, told me he was running from a group of boys, though I later learned that he actually just forgot the sun was rising soon and knew he couldn't make it back to his home. He was lucky I put him in the room with no windows." David huffed, and I knew he was rolling his eyes. "He befriended me over a year, and then, I drank from the bottle, though it looked different at that time. I don't regret it either, but I still send money to my family every month."

Marko was next, and he easily stepped in front of us, his arm thrown around Paul. "I was next! It was like 1917. I was seventeen, and I was running because I was drafted into the war. I ran from New York to Idaho, and I met David and Dwayne in a diner. They kind of persuaded me to come with them, and I just followed. I was supposed to be their dinner that night, but I guess they kind of grew attached to me that night, and I drank about a week later."

"Then, me," Paul dragged out the sentence, a grin on his lips. "I was turned twenty-two years ago! I was an orphan, and I had just got pushed out of the orphanage because I turned eighteen. I slept in the streets for like half a year when I ran into Marko over here. He was coming out of a bar with this guy, and he pulled him into the alley I was sleeping in, and then just killed him. I tried running, and then he caught me, and I was brought to them, and they gave me the option to live or die, and I chose to live, though I guess I technically died in the process. I have the most boring story out of all of you guys!" He huffed and crossed his arms, and the others laughed.

I chuckled a bit with them. "I guess that's why they call you guys The Lost Boys," I stated simply, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Do they now," David questioned. "I like that name."

"Well, we're not lost. We have each other. We just were lost!"

I chucked at Marko and rolled my eyes. "It's like the lost boys from Peter Pan! Does that make me Wendy?"

"I guess so," Dwayne murmured. I nodded firmly, and I stood up quickly.

I jumped onto Paul's back easily, and he caught my thighs. "Let's go window shopping," I cheered. Paul gasped and nodded. The boys followed as Paul began walking toward the stores, looking into each of them, when Marko let out a dramatic gasp. I turned to see him staring into a costume store with a massive grin on his face. He was staring at something in particular, but I couldn't make out what.

I watched as he sprinted into the store, and Paul squeezed my thighs before running as well. I laughed loudly and threw back my head as he sprinted and skidded to a stop, almost running straight into Marko. "What are you doing," I asked Marko in between giggles. He grinned at me and held up a package. I leaned forward and read the words printed across. 'Leather Cowboy Chaps' was printed in big letters, and I raised an eyebrow, a grin growing across my face. "I'm guessing you want those?"

"Are you kidding me," he yelled out. "I've been looking for something like this forever! I have the perfect boots to go with it!"

I laughed as he bounded over to the counter, grinning at the lady behind it who obviously looked uncomfortable. She told him the total, and he turned to David who rolled his eyes, sighed, and pulled out the correct amount of money.

Marko's face lit up again, and he grabbed the package before running out again, yelling about how we needed to get home so he could put them on. Paul easily followed him, and I simply laughed the whole time, clinging tighter to him. I knew David and Dwayne would take their time, so Paul sat me on his bike and sat in front of me, taking off onto the beach. I shook my head at how excited they were, enjoying the short ride.

Soon, we found ourselves in the cave. David and Dwayne showed up a few minutes after us to find Marko trying to figure out where he last put his cowboy boots. I was sitting in Paul's lap, both of us watching as he fumbled through his boxes. Dwayne had easily fallen onto the couch, and David sat in his chair after handing me two boxes of pizza. He told me it was for the three of us to share as Dwayne and David weren't hungry. I could smell blood on him, but I ignored it, grabbing a slice of pizza and handing one to Paul.

Marko let out an excited yell, and he held up a pair of beaten-up, old, cowboy boots. I watched him pull off his black boots and throw them to his section of the room before opening the package with his teeth. He pulled out the pair of leather chaps and slid them up his baggy pants easily. They were obviously tighter than the pants, so his jeans puffed out of the holes a bit. He then slid on the dirty boots and looked at me with a bright grin. He did a small spin before posing. "How do I look?"

I laughed and nodded my head. "You look beautiful."

"Really," he questioned in a high-pitched voice, clasping his hands together and tilting his head to the side.

"Now, you're gonna make me regret my decision." Marko gasped and clutched at his heart before falling down on the couch beside Dwayne. I shook my head and stood up, handing him a slice of pizza as I grabbed another one for myself. I then went to go sit on Paul again only to get pulled into David's grasp.

I huffed but relaxed into his hold, taking a bite of my pizza. He let out a soft hum and pressed his lips against my throat. I rolled my eyes and continued eating as he placed marks on my neck. I finished the slice easily before turning, pressing a kiss to his lips. He hummed again and pulled me against him. I moved so I was straddling him, and his hands rested on my ass as his tongue ran across my lower lip. I sighed quietly and opened my mouth, my hands resting on his shoulders as bliss filled my body. David took control easily, and I gripped his shoulder tightly as I moved my hips on his lap. He let out a quiet growl and gripped me tighter, grinning as I let out a satisfied moan.

He moved from my mouth slowly and moved down, nipping at my chin. I felt his fangs press against my skin as he moved to my neck, biting softly. I groaned, tilting my head to give him better access. I ground against him again as he reached the juncture between my neck and shoulder. My eyes fluttered open and then close again as he sucked another hickey into my neck. "David," I whined quietly, panting heavily. I moved my hands to his chest. He growled at the sound and nipped at me again. "David," I whined again.

David pulled away, and I opened my eyes, letting out a small whine. "I gotta stop now, sweetheart, or I'm not gonna be able to stop myself from taking you right here," he growled into my ear. I whimpered but nodded, setting my head on his shoulder as I tried to catch my breath. I felt myself grow tired, and I made out Dwayne stating that the sun was rising.

I lifted my head and pulled myself from David's lap, taking a moment to make sure I was steady. I made my way through the cave and to the bedroom, following Paul who was talking to Dwayne about something I didn't make out. David fell in step with me, and Marko made sure that everything was put out before following us.

I tore off my clothing easily and fell onto the bed into Dwayne's arms. He chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips before I snuggled into him, falling asleep. 

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