Neutral Zone (Jordan Baker) C...

By allynotallison

459K 6.6K 337

First Jordan Baker story has now been completed. Book 1 If an outsider looks at Christina 'Chrissy' Hendrick... More

Extended Details & Cast
Chapter One: New Kid
Chapter Two: Flinched
Chapter Three: So am I
Chapter Four: Home
Chapter Five: Call Me
Chapter Six: Jealousy
Chapter Seven: Truth
Chapter Nine: Forgiveness
Chapter Ten: Memories
Chapter Eleven: Looks
Chapter Twelve: Understand
Chapter Thirteen: Desperation
Chapter Fourteen: Answers
Chapter Fifteen: Complicated
Chapter Sixteen: Court
Chapter Seventeen: Glue
Chapter Eighteen: Love
Chapter Nineteen: Secrets.
Chapter Twenty: Ripley
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty One: Jealous
Chapter Twenty-Two: Interception.
Chapter Twenty-Three: New car
Chapter Twenty-Four: Smug
Chapter Twenty-Five: Here
Chapter Twenty-Six: I love you
Chapter Twenty-Seven: I'm okay
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Important
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Combine
Chapter Thirty: I plead the fifth
Chapter Thirty One: Its....
Chapter Thirty-Two: Killer Instinct
Chapter Thirty-Three: Good enough
Chapter Thirty Four: Reaction
Chapter Thirty-Five: Only Girl
Last Author's Note
Update 2
Bonus Chapter 1: I didnt know then.

Chapter Eight: Crenshaw

14.5K 222 4
By allynotallison

Chrissy's POV:
       I heard my father call from the bottom of the stairs. "Christina, please come here for a second,"
       I got up from my bed and started walking towards the steps. "Coming!"
     I walked into the living room and I saw Dad and Brittany sitting on the couch looking kinda concerned. I looked at the table and saw there was a present on the table. "What's up?"
      They shifted on the sofa, looked at each other then back at me. "We got two things to tell you. We know you'll love one of the things but the other, we don't know how you'll respond. So which one do you want us to tell you first?"
       I know what the news that I wasn't gonna react good was dealing with Grant. It was too obvious. "I suppose the news that you don't know how I'll react to,"  Dad sighed and grabbed my hands. "Grant is going to trial, but they need you to testify against him in court and tell them everything that's happened. Is there anything you haven't told us?"
My heart started racing, I didn't think I would have to testify against him in front of him. "Like what?"
     He was having trouble with coming out with it. "Like if he uhm,"
    I instantly knew what he was attempting to get at. "No, he never came to me in a sexual way, just physical,"
        I started to breathe heavy.  "Honey, calm down,"
       "Dad, you're a lawyer do I have to testify against him in court?"
      "Yes sweetpea, you do," He said. "It's all right, we'll be there to make sure you're safe,"
   I nodded.  I was terrified of testifying. I am absolutely terrified of him. I was terrified of everything. "What's the second thing?"
       My father and Brittany looked at each other smiled and then looked back at me. Brittany reached out for the present and handed it to me. I took out the present and unwrapped it. It was a plain cardboard box and then I opened it up and reached in there and it was a stuffed bear. "Press the left paw,"
I looked back down at the bear and pressed the left paw. "Hi sissy, I can't wait to see you soon,"
     I looked back up. "Are you?"
     "There's more in the box," Dad said.
     I looked into the box and found out that there was something at the bottom. I reached down into the box and drew it out. One time I got it into the light, I see that it was an ultrasound picture of a fetus. "You're pregnant?"
     I dropped the bear and ran over to there and hugged them both of the same time. "Congratulations!" I stated. "How far along?"
   I reached down to touch her stomach. "Two months,"
     "I get to be a big sister to a sibling I actually will love,"
     I was standing by my locker before school started while talking to Layla. "So you're gonna be a big sister again?"
      "Yes, I'm so excited!"
      "How far along is she?"
      I heard everyone's phone go off as I said she was two months along. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and discovered that it was a picture text message. By the time I unlocked my phone, everyone was laughing. It was a meme of Spencer fumbling the ball. I looked upward from my phone and saw Spencer walking in with Jordan. I think they fixed their problem. Everyone was pointing and laughing at Spencer which was making him look around confused. He walked up to me and asked for my phone before I could even respond he took my phone and saw the meme. "I don't know who created it, I just got it sent to me right before you showed up,"
     "He just dropped it,"
    I looked up and realized that it was Asher and his other friends. "Of course, it would be Asher,"
      Spencer drops his bag and takes off to walk over there. Jordan walked up to Spencer and held him back. "Spencer, Spencer, Spencer. One fight, Principal Landon kicks you out. Come on, you know that,"
     Spencer's nostrils flared. "So I ain't supposed to stand up for myself? Asher and his boys been talking smack and pulling crap like this all week, and I'm just supposed to keep turning the other cheek, huh?"
       Layla sighed and look at Spencer. "No, they're just being them,"
      Jordan nods in agreement. "They do this to everyone when they mess up a play, even me. It's not personal,"
      Spencer wasn't buying it "Not personal? They made a meme out of me fumbling a forty. But, yeah, that's not personal. I guess you would see it that way. That's your people,"
      "Spence, come on,"
       I sighed. "Jordan is speaking the truth, Spence. Trust me, Asher is an asshole. I've known him since we were in diapers. This is just him. That's why most of the time, people ignore him,"
       Spencer picked up his bag and walked to class. "Whatever,"
      Jordan started to speak to me, but I stopped him. "Just cause I agreed with you and you and Spence are cool doesn't mean we're cool. Why I'm mad has nothing to with what you did with Spencer. I mean at first it did but in reality, you lied to me and kept lying,"
      I sped walk to get up with Spencer. "Spencer, hey," I called out.
      He turns and stops so I can catch up to him. "I'm sorry for how Asher keeps doing you. It's just jealousy,"
        "Why would he be jealous of me? I mean he's got a fine ass girl. He's rich,"
       "Yeah, but that girl you're speaking about is paying your attention and you are with her too,"
       "I'm not trying to get in between no relationship, "
      "Not saying you are. All I'm stating is that Asher is probably just getting insecure, that's all,"
        "You know you're making excuses for Asher but not Jordan. What's the difference?"
       "The difference is Asher didn't lie to me and everyone already knows he's an ass,"
      "Do you know why Jordan did what he did?"
     I shook my head. "Does it matter?"
     Spencer shrugged. "Maybe, because when he hit the winning touchdown, instead of praising Jordan, Coach praised me and I guess he got jealous and reacted like he did. He apologized and we're straight. So fix it,"
      I didn't say anything and simply kept walking. He gently grabbed my arm to get me stop walking.  "Look, I know the people who are supposed to be close to you, keep hurting you, but I can guarantee Jordan wouldn't purposefully hurt you. He cares deeply about you. Like I told you the other day he's always gonna have your back,"
      "I know,"
      "You need to have some fun, look tonight my moms is having a get together at my place in Crenshaw. You should come,"
     "I don't know. I gotta ask my-"
     "Already asked him and he was you could as long as I made sure you stayed safe,"
     I raised an eyebrow questioningly. "He gave me his number on booster night,"
     I chuckled and nodded my head. "Then I obviously can't say no to that, can I?"
    He shoulder bumps me. "Nope,"
    Spencer and I share the final class of the day so we walked out of the class together. "Are you gonna carry that all the way to Crenshaw?"
      I shook my head as I unlocked my locker. "No, sir, I'm placing it in my locker,"
     I put my back pack in my locker and shut the door.  "I feel stupid,"
     "Coming to watch practice?"
      "Always do,"
      Coach was running tackle plays and he called Spencer to hold out the tackles as he called number by number. I looked at Asher and see that frustration was taking to him. Within a few seconds, Asher tackled him and attempted to start a fight. Jordan quickly went and pulled Asher off Spencer and pushed him back, which caused a fight between Asher and Jordan. Jordan is seriously standing up for Spencer and that's the Jordan I know. "Hey, hey! Ash, get off the field! Get off my field! I didn't call your number! You crossed the line Come on, you know better,"
       "You're supposed to be a team, a family! Right now you are nothing more than an embarrassment. Y'all feel like giving up this season? Y'all ready for that? I'm not and I refuse to let you give up on your futures. Figure it out fast, 'cause if y'all don't bond like glue by Monday, this last week of two-a-days is gonna feel like a goddamn vacation. Dismissed," Coach said towards me bench. "What's wrong with them?"
    I obviously knew what was going on but I only shrugged. "I have no idea, Coach,"
     I looked over and saw Jordan was talking to the boys. "Are you and Jordan okay?"
     I looked at Coach, not sure what I heard. "Huh?"
     "I haven't seen yall talk that much lately,"
     "Just been busy lately,"
    "Oh okay," He said.
      I saw Spencer start walking out and I jumped up and followed him. "Hey, are you okay?"
     Spencer looked down at your outfit. "Yeah, I'm all right. At least we only have to wait for one person to change," He said looking down at me.
     While they were rehearsing, I changed into the extra pair of clothes I keep in my locker for an emergency, aka if I bleed through. It was just a simple outfit. High waisted shorts and a black tank. "Eyes up here Spence,"
   He playfully pushes me which makes me stumble a little, but I caught myself. "Ass,"
       We got off the bus and I looked around Crenshaw and it was utterly different.
"First time being out of Beverley?"
     He nodded and placed his arm around my neck. "Come on, follow me,"
I nodded as I follow right behind him holding onto his sleeve. "Don't worry, I got you,"
       We walked up to this girl who was wearing a necklace with 'Coop' on it. She turns around and faces me. "Damn Spencer. Whose the pretty little lady holding on to your arm for life?"
     "Yo, this is Chris or you can call her Chrissy. She's a friend from Beverly. Chrissy, this right here is my best friend Coop,"
      "Hey, little mama,"
      It was almost ten minutes when Spencer started talking about how the team made him feel. "This seems personal, do you want me to go somewhere?"
      "Noah, you're good considering what I seen. It's only fair,"
     Coop looked at him like he was crazy. "So what, we've never made fun of each other when y'all messed up here?"
        "It ain't just the whack memes or the hazing. They don't accept me,"
       "I mean, man, acceptance goes both ways, though. You got to be honest. Ain't like you been all open arms,"
       "She's gotta point," I said.
      Spencer looked at Coop. "Yeah, OK, Iyanla,"
      Coop playfully shoved him. "Man, shut up,"
     "You know the fact you lecture me on honesty and acceptance is hilarious, right?"
      "What are you trying to say?"
      "You finally been honest with your parents and told them you gay?"
       Coop looked at me. "You're fine and I mean, listen, have they not met me? How can I be anything else? Seriously, I'm not responsible for their blindness. But nice try, though, bro," Coop said. "We ain't done talking about you"
       "Man, were you always this talkative?"
       "All I'm saying is, man, physically, you with Beverly, but in your heart, you're with a whole another team. You think them rich boys don't realize you still rocking your South Crenshaw football ring? Seriously, man and if Iyanla was here, she'd probably tell you, child, listen. Can't be accepted on one team till you let go of the other team," She said.
        "I don't know who this Iyanla person is but she's right,"
        "I haven't known her but ten minutes and I already like her,"
      Spencer took me to Crenshaw High's football field so he could see some of his old teammates. "Man, look who back slumming it in the 'hood,"
      Spencer did the bro shake with one of them. Do all guys have the same bro shake? "Hey, what up, fellas? Y'all miss me? Hey, you still coming to my mama's cookout later?"
      "She still making her famous Mac and cheese and she going?"
     "Then yeah,"
    The dude looked at me. "Whose this beauty?"
    I went and hid behind Spencer. Spencer chuckled. "This is Chrissy, Chrissy, this is Chris," 
     I nodded and said a soft hello. Spencer looked up and saw this guy who was obviously his replacement. "Hey, y'all called up Cameron Wilson to replace me, huh?"
      "Hey, at least brother's willing to rock a South Crenshaw Jersey,"
     "Oh, it's like that?"
     "It's like that,"

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