Strangers (Solby au) {Complet...

By SavageStxrlight

14.4K 690 95

The zombie apocalypse began five years ago. Sam and Colby have never met but they soon will when their groups... More



1.6K 55 11
By SavageStxrlight

(This is sort of set in the walking dead universe where you turn into a zombie/ walker no matter how you die, unless your brain is destroyed. I'm gonna use the term walker instead of zombie just because I prefer saying walker. XP Also this is my first time writing a book in first person so sorry if it sucks.)

*Colby's POV*

I can't even remember the last time I ate. It feels like my stomach has started to eat itself because it's been so long. We've been on the road for weeks, maybe even months? I don't know. I kinda lost count when days turned into weeks. My group has been through quite a lot recently. We were actually doing quite good for the first four years of the apocalypse. We had a town with walls surrounding it, our group was forty people strong, we had plenty of food and water and our defences were quite good, well we thought the defences were good until we got into a fight with another group called the raiders. They destroyed everything we had built in a matter of minutes. It happened so fast that we didn't even know what hit us until it was too late. Our group went from forty to just five, well technically six because Joy is pregnant and what concerns me is she looks like she could give birth any day now. That scares me because we have no food, water or shelter. What if the dead hear her and her baby? What if something bad happens? Last time I checked, nobody in the group knows didilli squat about babies or anything medical. My group contains me (obviously), my mum, my dad (our leader), Joy and Eric (Joy's husband and the biggest douche you will ever meet). "Cole?... Cole... Cole!" My dad shouted, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah, dad?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"You ok Cole?" He asked and I groaned at my real name.

"Just tired and I've told you dad, I prefer Colby." I sighed, not mentioning how hungry I was because I know he already feel super bad for the situation we are in.

"Oh right, I forgot. Sorry." My dad apologised as he rubbed the back of his head and looked down.

"It's ok dad. We're all exhausted so it's easy to forget stuff. Don't worry." I weakly smiled, trying to make him feel better.

"I'll remember from now on." My dad smiled back at me.

"Guys! Stop!" My mum shouted from the back of the group, making us all jump and quickly turn around. My mum was stood there, supporting Joy, who was bent over. I ran over to help support Joy, she looked like she was in a lot of pain. I looked at my mum.

"Is she..." I didn't dare finish that sentence because I didn't want it to happen, not just yet. We aren't ready for this baby to come.

"No, I'm fine. Just a false alarm." She sighed in relief as she stood up straight but kept her arm around my mum so she could lean on her for balance. I looked over at Eric. Eric hadn't even noticed what had been going on, he had been too busy vainly looking at his reflection in a car window that was parked by the road we were walking on. I rolled my eyes.

"Eric!" I shouted but he was too busy looking at himself to notice. "Hey dickhead!" I shouted, which caught his attention.

"What did you just say to me you little shit?" Eric growled as he stomped over to me.

"I said hey dickhead. Are you going deaf in your old age?" I snapped as he raised his hand to strike me. I closed my eyes and got ready for the sting on my cheek which I felt way too often. I open my eyes after a few seconds to see my dad holding Eric's raised hand back.

"Don't you dare touch my son, ever." My dad threatened as he let go of Eric's hand and pushed him back.

"He's a disrespectful little shit that need to be taught a lesson." Eric yelled as he glared at me.

"Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?" My dad smirked as he crossed his arms and stared at Eric. Eric was about to say something until my mum stepped in-between them.

"Boys, that's enough." She said in her mum tone. Both of them huffed before they turned away from each other. "We should get moving." My mum sighed. I could see that supporting Joy was taking all her strength.

"Here mum. I'll take over." I smiled softly as I put Joy's arm around my neck and started walking.

"Thank you Colby." My mum smiled softly. I was really weak but I knew my mum was weaker and I wanted to help as much as I could.  

(A new book! Opinions? I'm not too sure about this book so it might be really short. I'm probably gonna be uploading another part in the next hour.)

Word count: 855

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