Saurians - The day of the bea...

By CoNieto

182 24 1

The Chicxulub asteroid that killed the dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period never fell to earth and some specie... More

1-Arrive the Saurians
2-The day before
5 - Death comes from Heaven
7 - Alarm in the Clan - The flight of Lur
8 - The night of a hard day
9 - Defend the bast
10 - Care
11 - The Iron Clan
12 - Surviving the mountain
13 - The clan climbs the mountain
14 - Works
15 - Good News
16 - Fever's dreams
17 - Suspicions
18 - More saurians are coming
19 - The smell of fear
20 - Childhood traumas
21 - Relay
22 - Evil Light
23 - Hard decisions
24 - Too many enemies
25 - Revelations
26 - Doubts, myths, and fears
27 - Involuntary errors
28 - Good eyes
29 - Cleanliness and preparations

6 - A hostile World

10 1 0
By CoNieto

The Earth was warm and humid, a vast tropical forest covered almost in its totality all the continents of the planet, the reptiles in their biggest versions (dinosaurs), dominated indisputably on all habitable land, but in the polar regions, or in the mountainous chains that were regions more temperate and even cold, another class of animals had taken root that were not reptiles neither birds, but that had abundant hair covering their bodies, they did not lay eggs, the females gestated within themselves their young until they were born and took care of them while they adapted to live by themselves, in addition they had hot blood and other differentiating characteristics, they were mammals, that were better adapted to the cold than the other animals, in their majority they were small and weaker than the Saurians but many of them were ferocious and acted in herds, which made them very dangerous.

There were mammals of various types and sizes, some peaceful and easy to hunt, others were very aggressive and strong, such as wolves or big cats, there were others that were smaller and slippery, but within the whole variety, there was a somewhat strange and fascinating species that were monkeys, which had incipient social characteristics, because they coexisted in more stratified and organized herds than most animal species, some were very astute but small, others large and ferocious, some more intelligent than others, and within them all the dominant species were humans, who were a group of apes that possessed a series of very disturbing characteristics for the Saurians, who were the intelligent counterpart to humans from the reptile side. The Saurians were a variety of reptiles, relatively small in comparison with the big predators, but they surpassed in stature, strength and corpulence even the biggest and ferocious apes, the most relevant of this species was its great intelligence, which surpassed by far those of its closest congeners and that its social development had already transcended from the simple gregarious behavior, to a manifestation of communitarian type, They tended to group in large colonies, had advanced beyond the herd stage and remained linked to their horde by defining their own rules, customs and even had a structured language, somewhat rudimentary, but very effective in communicating and transmitting ideas, worked collectively segregated functions for certain tasks such as hunting and fishing, collecting fruits, insects and plants for the community, collecting water, vigilance and self-defense.

Food was abundant and living in communities had moved them to change the habit of feeding individually, although whenever they could hunt or fish for themselves, they had within a horde, groups of Saurians who were devoted exclusively to these activities, while others took care of other tasks of maintenance, defense, exploration or care of the offspring.

In these communal groupings there was no gender distinction for tasks or responsibilities and females, for example, only refrained from hunting if they were caring for their newborn offspring or during the spawning period. Saurians were being born from eggs, but their reproduction was ovoviviparous, the horde entered the period of zeal when the spring of the solar cycle started and the females selected their pairs and they could be fertilized then, when it was happen, the eggs were gestated and developed inside their mothers for a period of approximately a hand of full moons. While the female incubated their eggs inside her belly, the life of the horde passed at its normal rhythm, the gestation did not alter the physical functions of the mother. After that time came the time of spawning and the horde looked for a suitable place to settle temporarily, they tried that the selected place had abundant game and water for the final incubation period of eggs that was a hand of day cycles, plus the period after the hatching of the egg, in the centre of the camp, they dug one or several large shallow holes to lay and bury the eggs, the females spawned and in turn covered the eggs with a light layer of sand or dry earth, so that they could finish warming up to the sun and wait; naturally in response to an early memory, everyone in the horde took care of the communal nest until the small offspring were born, who broke the egg with a small thorn in their snouts, emerged from the earth and within a few minutes of birth they could walk and eat, but could barely fend for themselves, yet in a few hours they were able to move along with the Horde in such a way that in a matter of two hands of diurnal cycles after collective birth, the collective could set up the camp and looked for another place for the horde, the small member of the horde spent a few summers with the others of the same litter in a kind of kindergarten which, the oldest Saurians of the community were those who cared for, fed and educated the young, as spawning was not strictly simultaneous, not all the eggs matured at the same time and those who were left behind in their hatching were abandoned to their fate, Being prey of predators that swarmed around the camps waiting for them to move to take advantage of the opportunity to eat the tender newborn and helpless babies, very rarely a newborn in a camp already abandoned survived, but there were very few cases in which at birth, the little one was lucky enough to emerge without predators around him and managed to reach the nearby bushes, eat insects or plants and stay alive without being devoured in his first hours which were the most helpless, by instinct he followed the Horde's tracks, developed his survival instinct and took care not to be devoured by Saurians or larger mammals and in the end managed to reach the horde, being well received and put in special surveillance and control because they had demonstrated a capacity for survival beyond normal, these small survivors were marked for life and were extremely sexually attractive to the females of the Horde, as they guaranteed very strong and intelligent descendants.

They had a varied diet, ate in addition to meat, vegetables and some leaves and fruits of certain trees, but had not developed agriculture, the instinct made them eat vegetables to lighten their stomachs of the excess of proteins of the meat and to level their intestinal flora in an unconscious way, but they did not constitute their feeding base, reason why they rarely exhausted the fruits of the earth of the place where they were temporarily established, their diet was based mainly on raw meat obtained by hunting all kinds of large and small animals who were attacked in very well coordinated groups, in addition to fishing, which practiced rudimentary, in the countless rivers, ponds, lakes and lagoons that the land had, waiting patients at the edge of rivers or ponds the right time to nail the claws of a careless fish, which became a succulent delicacy.

As the result of evolution, they had been able to adapt their bodies to the two models of regulation of ectothermal body temperature, so much so that they could regulate their temperature with heliothermia or heat capture from solar radiation, that is to say, exposing themselves directly to solar rays or with tigmothermia which is the capture of heat by conduction, coming into contact with hotter surfaces, acquiring the accumulated heat in stones or surfaces previously heated by the sun or another energy system such as the volcanic heat that emanated in certain regions around these geographical features, but since their food supply was varied and very abundant, to the point of almost seeming inexhaustible, they had managed with the running of the eons to develop some endothermic characteristics, with a relatively warm blood that allowed them to move with some freedom through the cold zones, as long as it was during the day, at night they had no place to obtain heat from and their endothermic capacity suffices them just to be able to hibernate, waking up with the first solar rays, which in any case was a disadvantage in case of being close to humans.

Within the species several races or sub-species had developed, some were stronger and more resistant, developed a hard bark or shell like turtles and were dedicated to surveillance, because the bark served as thermal insulation and did not suffer much from cold or heat, others developed mental skills such as memory management, fluid communication, environmental analysis and problem solving, agility, strength and ferocity to hunt as well as many other skills that according to the race, were segregated.

Since time immemorial men and Saurios had competed among themselves to achieve control of their territories within the planet, both species assumed the role predator or prey, according to the conditions and environmental environment of their confrontation, although in the humid warm lands that covered, as we said, almost the entire earth, humans were the prey by omission of the Hordes of Saurios, because first, reptiles were much more numerous in members, additionally in the individual also had an advantage because they were faster. In the period of this history, very few groups or tribes inhabited the plains and rarely did these small herds survive long.

In the highlands, mountain ranges, and the polar areas, history was a little different, the climate was more favorable to humans, who abounded in number, weathered the cold better, both day and night, and were more socially developed, largely because the Saurian Hordes refrained from visiting the cold lands because they were really inclement to their anatomy.

In both species, the evolution had run almost equally accelerated during the first stages of the development of intelligence, but as the reptiles were those who dominated the earth by the climatic conditions that favored them, did not have greater competition, nor did they go through great hardships or needs, they had very favorable conditions for their life and not having difficulties or fierce competition, the advance of certain aspects in the intelligence of the Saurians was delayed, on the contrary, the pre-hominids that in spite of having been controlled and almost annihilated from the face of the earth, had found a hard but effective refuge in the small cold zones of the planet, which were located as already mentioned, near the poles, where the climate was not tropical but very temperate, arriving at really cold zones covered with snow during good season of the year, which were really inhospitable for the great dinosaurs and difficult access for the intelligent Saurians, who, from time to time managed to incursionar looking for that human food, relatively difficult to obtain but that they liked so much.

Humanity lived in a state of permanent precariousness and its permanence on earth was always hanging by a thread so that survival was not limited to the strongest specimens but to those who were able to adapt to the harsh living conditions, both in the lowlands, as in the highlands, having to survive in the former to the constant attacks of large and small Saurians and in the others to the threat of other predatory mammals that individually or in herd attacked them seeking the same thing, eat and avoid being eaten.

This continuous struggling not to be annihilated and wiped from the face of the earth, added to community life as a necessity of survival, changed everything in human beings accelerating exponentially their mental and corporal development, for example, they discovered and perfected over time the use of their upper extremities to wield blunt objects with which they managed to defend themselves effectively from smaller predators and the specialization of this extremity, for the use of activities other than walking or standing, the upper limb focused on diverse uses, especially in the manipulation of objects, which allowed it, with the passage of time, to acquire the capacity to evolve until it became the human hand, which had the opposition of the thumbs and other anatomical characteristics, with the evolutionary implications that this modification of the functions of the upper limb gave the human brain.

From that moment things changed for them, men evolved mentally more quickly than the Saurians, but although they were to the saga in a certain type of intelligence, had the advantage of numbers and the environment in their favor so they were gradually improving evolutionarily to the point that the Saurians already had developed some incipient capabilities of manipulation of objects with their upper limbs, which were adapting and evolving in a similar way to human hands, giving them, in an incipient way, the ability to perform increasingly complex tasks, acquiring among others, the ability to wield blunt objects and perform other specialized activities in a way somewhat similar to those of men, even with many anatomical limitations for fine psychomotricity, but with some advantages such as greater range, strength and speed, which compensated for their lack of intelligence when hunting or defending themselves.

The mammals had managed to acclimatize perfectly to the cold zones better than the reptiles, developing a cover of thick and abundant limb in their skin that protected them from the cold, in addition to a layer of natural fat under the skin, which served as thermal insulator, besides that internally at metabolic level, thanks to their warm blood, they were able to acquire the control of the endothermic corporal temperature; All this helped them to survive better in the low temperature zones, unlike the reptiles who preferred the humid and exuberant warm zones, which maintained similar and homogeneous temperature conditions in almost all the planet.

Men had made quite great evolutionary leaps in intelligence, while the Saurians kept to the saga, competing against other reptiles that had also organized themselves into hordes and presented some social behaviors that could be considered intelligent, not instinctive, as is the case of ants or beehives.

Thanks to the accelerated evolution of their brains enhanced especially by transformation of the hand into a flexible limb with opposable thumb, humans managed to develop many other cognitive skills that went far beyond the simple manipulation of objects, eye-hand coordination or focusing, these were more abstract skills such as oral communication of ideas and concepts, from grunts and gestures to identifiable sounds and differentiated to name objects, which later gave rise to words to form an authentic and complex language with which they communicated with each other, transmitting ideas and knowledge to each other, socializing and collaborating with each other, especially since the common enemy was immensely numerous, strong, dangerous and cunning, the Saurians on the other hand, had a primitive language of croaking and croaking that they had acquired and perfected little by little to communicate basic ideas among themselves as danger alerts, discovery, sexual requirements and a good number of actions that had to do with survival, however in some groups of Saurians, this language was already well advanced and could transmit certain types of ideas or feelings.

The social structure of the horde and the tribe were different, the Saurians were one of the few reptiles that behaved like a herd, with an alpha male at the head, who was not always so because of his strength and ferocity but because of his intelligence and ability to keep the Horde united, among his main functions were mating and leadership but without special privileges for being the leader, The supremacy remained subject to the survival of the same, survival that was not assured, because it participated as equal in the activities of hunting or defense of the territory, was even under the constant threat of emerging males that at any time claimed their right to rule over the horde.

It should be noted that unlike other herds of inferior animals, in the Saurians the ability to lead the herd was based more on intelligence than on brute force, which was highly respected and recognized among all Saurians, to such an extent that the females of the species preferred to mate with the more intelligent males instinctively, However, they did not reject stronger and less brilliant males, the latter being much more fertile than the intelligent, thus achieving a proper balance between the physical and mental qualities necessary for the survival of the horde.

The planetary tendency was towards warming and the cold zones were giving way more and more to torrid climates, which endangered the existence of the human race that moved inexorably more and more towards the poles of the planet in search of lands with a constant colder climate or towards elevated mountains that maintained very low temperatures in their peaks, Such was the case of the mountain range investigated by the Saurians, which was far to the north and was part of a large conglomerate of sierras quite isolated from the surrounding lands, with a part that flowed directly into the ocean of icy waters by the currents of the poles that passed through there.

The land, in almost all its extension, was a world that, by its tropical climate conditions, vegetation and humidity, were propitious for reptiles, but these characteristics made it frankly hostile for human beings, but these mountains and other cold zones consolidated as they approached the poles, The problem was that some Saurians were already beginning to suspect this and looked with suspicion at the distant and cold mountain ranges, which, contrary to the extensive and warm valleys, constituted regions not very suitable for reptilian life.

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