By shxnwu

191K 9.2K 5.5K

kim jongin and oh sehun , who doesn't know them? both of them are the most powerful mafia leaders , always f... More



4K 216 156
By shxnwu

Author's POV

Sehun sighed heavily in frustration. He ruffled his own brown hair. Releasing a deep sigh.

His car broke down again. Again.

"What is wrong with this damn car?," Sehun curses under his heavy breath. Why must now?

He just came back from his company meetings and suddenly his lovely expensive car broke down. For the recent times.

Sehun huffed, feeling regretted suddenly. He should have listened to Chanyeol to change his car.

"I swear this will be the last time I use you," he hissed. Kicking the car's boot.

He unbuttoned his coat and took out his cell phone. "Ugh, where is he?," he grunted as Chanyeol didn't pick up the call.

"Hello," he finally decided to just call his mechanic.

"Yes, Sir?."

Sehun snorted. "My car is broken down at the roadside, send someone to take it to the workshop," he uttered in frustration.

"Yes, Sir," and Sehun ended the phone call afterwards.

He tucked in the phone into the pocket, sighing for the thousand times today.

He finally decided to just use a cab, as that Park Chanyeol didn't answer his freaking call and his phone was out of battering for calling him.

"I seriously will teach him a lesson soon," he mumbled. Frowning.

Sehun walked along the roadside when suddenly it was raining. He snorted, as the rain became heavier.

His legs scuttled to find a place for shelter. He finally saw the bus stop nearby. Without thinking any longer, he sprinted towards the bus stop.

He sighed. "I'm so unlucky today," he muttered.

He plopped down at the bench there, taking his breath from running just now.

His eyes didn't stop from looking around. "Where is the damn taxi?!." he howled in anger.

He grunted.

Sehun realised he cursed too much in one day and it was today. Because of his own unlucky self.

His shirt was already soaked wet and it was really uncomfortable for him.

"Sehun?," he startled before lifting his face to see the person who just called his name.

He widened his eyes in shock. "Kai?."

He quickly looked away, furrowing his eyebrows in a really deep confusion.

"What is he doing here?," he murmured audibly. Kai heard that, he chuckled silently.

He plopped down right beside Sehun, sliding closer to the younger.

"Why are you here?," Sehun finally questioned after the long awkward silence.

Kai grinned. "I had...works to do and I saw you here, what are you doing here?," Sehun looked at him weirdly.

"My car broke down and yeah here I am, waiting for the cab," he replied and snorted to see Kai was holding his laughter.

"Oh Sehun waiting for a cab?," he uttered, trying to hold himself from laughing.

Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Whatever, just laugh out if you want," he grunted.

Kai chuckled lightly. Sehun was back with his sassy-ness.

His eyes was admiring Sehun from aside and seriously he regretted doing that.

He gulped to see Sehun in his soaked wet clothes, water was dripping down from his neck and it looked really seducing.

"What are you looking at?," Sehun questioned sassily.

Kai startled and shook his head furiously. Getting rid of those dirty thoughts inside his head.

"If you don't mind, I can give you a lift?," the elder asked, staring deeply into Sehun's eyes.

Sehun gasped as Kai was staring deeply at him. He touched his own chest as it was beating so abnormally.

"Y-yeah, sure," he quickly responded and looked away. Before anything happened.

He suddenly realised it was getting late and dark.

Kai stood up from his seat, walking towards his black expensive car.

"Come on."

Sehun awkwardly nodded. Standing up and walking towards Kai. He blushed as the elder suddenly opened the car door for him.

Kai scuttled to get into the other side. He frowned to see Sehun was sneezing and rubbing his reddened nose.

Sehun grunted after sneezing fit the recent times. He hated this kind of him. His body could not hold the cold weather.

He would easily fell sick.

"Sehun, are you okay?," Kai asked, and Sehun was confused to see the obvious worried inside those eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he answered.

Kai huffed, turning on his car's engine. "You can sleep over at my place tonight, it's nearer than your place."

Kai stated. Turning off the air conditioning inside his car.

Sehun frowned. "But why? I'm fine, Kai," he uttered.

"No, you dont and I don't wanna hear any protest anymore," Sehun snorted as he heard the firm tone from Kai.

Kai's lips slowly curled up.

"Sorry Sehun, I need to plan this with them to protect you, I want to protect you."

The car was in silence along the way, with the still sulking Sehun. They finally reached after few minutes.

"Come in," Kai uttered.

Sehun stepped into the large house, looking around it.

"You can use this room for tonight," Kai stated, as he opened the door for Sehun.

Sehun nodded, eyes still admiring the room. "Okay, thanks."

Kai grinned. "Call me if you need anything," he uttered before leaving the room. Closing the door.

Sehun sighed of relief as Kai finally got out of the room. He didn't know why he was really nervous near Kai.

He huffed, taking off his coat and put it on the bed before laying himself on it.

"I'm so tired," he muttered.

He felt really uncomfortable, he got up and walked to the bathroom in the room.

Looking around before went in. He hold the tap to turn it on and without he expected the water came out and sprayed towards him.

He yelled in shock. Quickly turning off the tap.

"Damn, what a day!," he grunted as his white shirt was soaked wet again.

"What is going on?," Sehun gasped and turned around as he heard Kai's voice and soon he regretted it.

Kai without any shirt, was looking at him. "Why?."

Sehun looked away, hiding his redden faced. "N-no, nothing."

Kai frowned before his eyes stopped at Sehun's shirt which had already soaked wet.

He gasped to see it. Sehun was wearing a white shirt and it was see through as the shirt was wet.

He could see Sehun's body from outside. His fair skin and his clean body.

"K-Kai?," Sehun stammered as he saw Kai was staring at him.

He walked closer towards him before his legs suddenly slipped the water and fell onto the guy.

Their body was really near each other and their face was really near.

"S-sorry, I didnt mean to-

Sehun stiffened as he saw the lust inside Kai's deep eyes. He tried to move his body but the things hit worse.

Kai hissed, shutting his eyes tight as Sehun's accidentally touch his crotch.

"Sehun, you really have woken me up," he uttered before their lips crushed.

Sehun widened his eyes.

Their lips crashed into each other. Sehun let out a slight moan as Kai deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into Sehun's mouth.

The kiss was getting wet and passionate. Kai wrapped his hand around Sehun's waist, pulling him closer.

"Kai." Sehun moaned.

Kai stared at him for few seconds before crashing their lips again. Licking Sehun's tongue, deepened their kiss.

Sehun, without realising, stroked over Kai's bronze abs up until his broad chest and up, encircled around his neck.

Kai smirked slightly before lifting up Sehun and carried him inside his arm.
He slowly laid Sehun onto the bed, before overlapping him.

The lips met again, while Kai's hand was busy unbuttoning Sehun's shirt.


Hi people! Soooo how's this chapter? Do you like ittt? 💕

Im starting to write a new story now! Should I make it? 💖

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