Is This Called a LOVE?

By shakthipriya96

6.3K 487 80

A four shot story on Abhigya More

part 3
part 4

Part 1

2.4K 121 20
By shakthipriya96

Hey Guys

Happy New year to all!


A lavish Mercedes-Benz stopped at the small mud road which has palm trees on both sides.A boy and girl got down from the car.Removing his sunglass,the boy take a look at the view infront of him.he is mesmerized seeing the scenic beauty of the village.he stood feasting his eyes on the land filled with lush green crops, the dewdrops on the leaves which radiate in the morning sunlight .The sound of humming birds,the strong gush of wind hitting the branches of tree were felt like a music to his ears.This is why I love visiting my feels so peaceful here he thought.

He is a civil engineer and CEO of Mehra construction and group of companies.he always wish to see his dadi and stay with her but being the CEO of famous construction in the country he didn't even have time to talk with her.sometimes he is so engrossed in his work that he forgot to take care of himself as a result he go into a,his father had told him to spend sometime at his dadi's place ,along with his fiancee,forgetting all his work stress till then his father will handle the company.

"Abhi! Abhi! this is so beautiful" her screaming brought his trance back.he turned to see her jumping in excitement and smiled at her childishness.

"come na abhi.lets go near it".she dragged him to the middle of farmland walking on the unsown area.The fresh breeze give him a goosebumps.he closed his eyes inhaling the smell of a muddy farming land.

"Abhi! suno na.these all lands are  belongs to you" she asked showing the hands at the farming field. "Mmm"abhi said with closed eyes .Half of the land in village belongs to his family.

The sound of anklet had disturbed his relaxing mind.The intensity of sound has increased as the person was coming near to him."WHAT THE HELL" he turned suddenly collided with that person causing the individual to stumble.

His arm surrounds her waist preventing her from slipping down.she clutched his shirt tightly as their eyes meet each other. "Abhi" tanu muttered standing beside him,which broke their eyelock.tanu's father and abhi's father are friends.abhi's family likes tanu and also tanu has a feeling towards abhi .so,their family arranged for the  marriage.but abhi considers her as a friend.he agreed to this marriage thinking that A best Friend can be a best life partner and they got engaged.

Abhi make her to stand.the awkward silence spreads there . "Are you okay" tanu asked to break the silence.she nodded.abhi looks at her,who dressed up traditionally. His eyes started gazing her from her head.Her head is fully covered by shawl.A simple maang tika ( a forehead jewelry) enhances her beauty to her makeup-less face.her neck holds a plain chain.The long slim hands has glass bangles which cause a jingling sound due to the fidgeting of her fingers.

his eyes stopped at her fingers which is covered by mud . Realizing what had happened, he immediately looked at his shirt that has impression of mud hand.
"what have you done?" he shouted at her. "you spoiled my you know the value of this shirt" he scowled.
"abhi it's okay just leave it" tanu tried to cool him down. "I can't leave it tanu .she.." his words stopped when he saw her standing like a statue looking down.

When he showed anger at people,they will either apologize to him or  run away from him in fear but seeing her standing mum with a expressionless face has increased his anger and hit his ego.he chuckles "how will the servant know the price of valuable things" He remarked sarcastically at her, who is not even reacted for his callous words.

The another girl ran towards her hearing the commotion. "pragya what happened" the another girl,disha asked. "see! one servant comes to support the other" abhi mocked at them.

Hearing his remark,Disha furiously replied "Mister, If you are dadimaa's grandson, that doesn't mean you have right to insult the workers.give respect to do not know who she is.she is...".
"disha" pragya stopped her by holding her hand and nodded her head as No.
"Who she is ....tell me.... why have you stopped.tell me...OH!  she is Rani of this village,right!"  He said with sarcastic smile.pragya looked up at him. His smile vanished from his face,when he saw those intense eyes staring at him. He looked at her, who was numb before sometime but now her eyes are covered with tear layer.
"Chalo disha" pragya dragged her from that place leaving behind confused abhi.

"Tanu  don't go near the bush.there may be any insect" abhi said sitting on his knees focusing his camera to capture the beauty of a flower.
"Yeah abhi.... and don't take the picture of flowers only .do take some picture of beautiful village girls also Yaar" tanu  winked at him walking near the farmland.
"Chup Kar tanu " abhi said smilingly while standing up and dusted off his pants.

When he heard  the sound of anklet,he looked up to see the same girls,whom he had seen yesterday.pragya and Disha are coming opposite to him.he sees disha saying something to her in between her laughter. Pragya is quietly listening to her.
Why her face is always  expressionless abhi wondered.his thought come to halt,when he heard Tanu screaming .
Abhi ran towards her.pragya and disha also ran to see tanu ."what happened tanu" abhi asked tensedly .
"Abhi something bited me at the is paining..." he didn't let her to finish.he started scolding "tanu I clearly said not to go there.what is the need..." . before he continue,"Arey stop it" disha shouted to shut his mouth. She shushed to keep all of them silent.
"What!" Abhi barked  in anger.
"Listen to the sound coming from there" disha pointed her finger at the plant near to them. They shifted their gaze to the plant.they gasped in shock when they see the source of sound. The snake ,which is 4 feet in length,moves out from the plant.

"Tanu show me your leg" abhi asked panickingly. "Oh my god ....snake has bited you" he immediately ran to the car .he took the belt from it and tied the belt very tightly above the snake bited area.
"I will call the just wait here tanu" he said while running towards the car. "Oh shit! There is no network...what I will do..... what I will do now" he started walking like a manic infront of the car.In the meantime ,pragya make tanu to sit down.
Disha goes near to abhi."is there any hospital or clinic near" abhi asked disha with anxiety.
"Haan but..."
"Then I will take tanu to the hospital...." his words stopped when he saw pragya removing the belt.
"Hey girl.....what are you doing..." He screamed,running towards them.
"Look .it will take 15 minutes to reach the clinic.within that time,venom may mix in her blood let me do the first aid to her to prevent the raise of venom" pragya said hurriedly yet clearly to make him understand.
Hearing this, tanu started sweating in fear. "hey relax ...." Pragya seeing her getting tense. "tanu ....hey na .your name?" Pragya asked .she nodded. "relax tanu only 25% of snakes are venomous.The one,which bited you, can be harmless then you are safe .so, don't panic" pragya told tanu to calm down her while saying this,pragya take the cotton shawl from her head and wrapped it around the leg till her mid thigh.
"Girl why you removed the belt ? What are you doing now?" Abhi asked pragya annoyingly because for him,she is wasting time in the name of First Aid.
Ignoring his questions,she took the small wood stick . keeping the stick along with tanu's leg, tied a knot with the handkerchief .
pragya looked up at abhi and said "help me to take her to the car".soon three of them shifted tanu to the backseat of car.
Tanu held abhi's hand not letting him to go. "I need to drive tanu" abhi said,removing his hand from her hold.
"Abhi.... please stay .....beside.... me...." tanu said with drowsy eyes,trying hard to open her eyelids due to the dizziness.
Looking at this pragya and disha got into the car."hey girl do you know to drive?" abhi asked seeing pragya on driver seat.she started the car neglecting his I even exist for her he thought.

"Does anyone know which snake has bited her so that I can give an appropriate anti venom injection"  asked the old doctor in the clinic.

"I know the snake name" disha said . immediately they started the treatment.

After sometime

Seeing the doctor coming out from the treatment room "is she fine doctor?" abhi asked impatiently with a worried face. Even though he did not love her,he truly care for her as she is his best friend.
"Yeah.. she is fine but I want to know who gave the first aid to her" doctor asked.
"I..." before pragya say anything ,abhi interrupts "she only (pointing at pragya) ...she said that it will help tanu in saving her life.she even removed the belt that I tied rigidly to prevent the raise  of venom in her body.She did the first aid as if she knew all these.....bloody illiterate" abhi said rudely.
"Hello mister you will  insult the one,who helped you in a critical situation" pragya said feeling offended.
" me sir .you are worker in my land. first learn to give respect... mannerless people (turning towards the doctor) is  there any complications because of her stupid first aid" abhi asked getting hyper.
"Relax Mr.Mehra . don't be so rude to that girl in fact  she only saved tanu's life  by doing the proper first aid at right should thank her" he smiled at pragya.while leaving,the doctor said "by the way Mr.Mehra,the belt you had tied can cause the shutting of blood circulation which may leads to amputation of her leg" abhi gasped in knowing the result of his act .he rooted at the place due to the shock.feeling lump in his throat because of guilt ,he turned to find no one is present in the room except him.she already left.

"Haan....Haan ...abhi .I will take all the medicine in time and will not skip the meal" she said before he starts the same 'take care' lecture again.
"Tanu ,can I also stay with you" he asked thinking that he is responsible for her state.
"abhi I am completely fine.mommy wants me to do some check up that's why I am staying back here and  you have only one month time  to spend with dadi after that you will again go to your office, enjoy this month fully. enjoyment means not your type of enjoyment roaming around the village , taking pictures ( abhi chuckled).see some beautiful girls (his eyes widens) ,flirt with them ,even you  can also make her as your friend but do not fall in love ( abhi raised an eyebrows) because you are engaged remember that" Tanu said with teasing smile.
"I will leave" abhi said to Tanu ignoring her precious advice.
"Haan abhi say my thanks to pragya" hearing her name,his face shrinks in guilt.

when coming back, he took the other route to village due to the blocked main road. As he is driving,he saw the beautiful is modernly constructed and designed .why someone will build this beautiful house far away from village he wondered.he suddenly halted his car,when he saw pragya in  lawn of mansion....that too in modern attire.


Who is she?whose house is that?what is she doing in that house? and she looked completely different.oh my god! that girl is complete mystery to me abhi thought while flipping his position on bed unable to sleep.


Please share your views about the update.


Shakthipriya ☺️

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