
By Asgardian_Kitty

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Heather had just moved into a new neighborhood, and by neighborhood, I mean she moved into a small area where... More



3 0 0
By Asgardian_Kitty

     I sighed as EJ walked over to me. What the fuck did he want now? Shouldn't he be bothering Heather right now? Or trying to get Slendy to change his mind so Heather can't go on missions alone? I mean, she's gone on two missions alone and the first one wasn't all that bad, but the second time? She tripped, broke three jars, then somehow managed to get the rake on her ass. It was actually pretty funny watching her run from the rake around the house as no one would open the door for her to run inside, so she ended up having to climb a tree and jump into one of the second story windows and shut it before the rake realized that she climbed up the tree.

     "What do you want EJ?" I questioned, "shouldn't you be bothering Heather?"

"That's who I came to talk about," he replied. I paused my game and looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. I could see him take a deep breath before letting out a sigh. "I uh... don't know how to... explain this...-"

"Let me guess," I started sarcastically, "you feel a bubbly sensation in your chest and your stomach knots whenever you're around her?" I gave him a smug smile, knowing that it couldn't possible be th-

"Yes..." he replied, making me nearly choke on my water. WHAT THE FUCK?! HE ACTUALLY LIKES HEATHER?! I DIDN'T ACTUALLY THINK HE WOULD FALL FOR HER!

"Wait wait wait- you actually like her? Like not as a complete fuck up for breaking three jars last month and getting chased by the rake last week?" I questioned, "because that's a first and you're like, the last person I would've expected to like her."

"So that's what I'm feeling..." he muttered to himself and started to walk off. He literally just came in here to ask me how he felt? EJ what the fuck, you're a god damn doctor. HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT SOMEONE?! Then again, I guess he is a dead, cannibalistic murderer, who lives with a bunch of murderer's and lost all of his memories when he died.... okay I guess it's fair enough he didn't realize his emotions.... I should probably make sure he doesn't fuck this up. Heather is probably the only crazy person on this Earth that would actually go out with him.

Setting my controller down and getting up, I followed EJ back to his room and into his lab, where he walked over to his fridge and started to eat a kidney, not realizing that I was there. Damn, if Heather has seen his face, he's not that bad looking. Not better than Dark, but still nice looking. Once he saw me though, he stopped mid-bite before quickly pulling his mask down.

      "How the hell do you and Heather just come out of no where?!" he questioned, putting the kidney back into the jar and into the fridge. "You and her have both seen my face now!"

      "Dude, calm down. It's not the end of the world if we see your face. It's the end of the world if Jeff, sees your face. Heather and I could care less what you look like, though I'm pretty sure Heather seeing your face just makes her like you more~" I teased. EJ just stared at me making me drop my smile, "Look EJ, I just wanna make sure that you don't fuck up asking Heather out."

      "What makes you think I'm going to ask her out?" He crossed his arms and walked over to me, towering over me. I crossed my arms and looked up at him, he doesn't scare me. Well, a little.

"Well, I mean, you came to me to ask what you were feeling," I started, "and I can also just get a vision and try and see if you do go out with her." With a smile I just put my hand on his arm, though I didn't get a vision. I narrowed my eyes and continued to pat his arm until I got a vision, which took a few minutes. This also annoyed the shit out of him, so that's a bonus for me. And for the vision? It was him awkwardly asking her out and then Jeff overhearing and screaming to everyone in the house, that they're dating. Oh boy...

"What did you see? You look like something hilarious just happened."

"You ask her. Jeff hears. Figure the rest out yourself," with that, I turned and started to make my way out. Though, I stopped and turned to him. "Also, Heather likes inexpensive dates and likes cuddles. Good luck." I shut the door behind me and made my way back to the living room and plopped myself down on the sofa, picking up the controller and continuing to play. Though, not even ten minutes later Jeff and Ben walked in and asked to play with me. I shrugged and finished the match before letting them join.

After about ten games of just pure rage, because the asshats we played with were hackers, we gave up and went to a different game. Jeff left to get us some snacks while Ben and I tried to figure out which game to play next. Once landing on Halo, we plopped the disk in and waited for Jeff to come back with our snacks. However, he just ran back in screaming that EJ and Heather are dating. Well... that was quick... I didn't think the vision would come true that fast. I mean, thank God the one where Jeff was fucking me didn't come true... THANK THE LORD!

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