Unshackling the King (The Dra...

By CblaRae00

189K 8.2K 808

"Yes, I am!!!" Kaede leans down to her ear his hot breath tickling her cheek in a tantalizing way, as swoopin... More

Chapter One: Fire From Within
Chapter two: The golden eyed man
Chapter three: coffee and goodbyes
Chapter four: The blasted rock
Chapter Five: A new friend
Chapter six: surfing and burning flesh
Chapter Seven: A Lizard?
Chapter Eight: The Telepathic Dragon
Chapter Nine: Sweet Chocolate Delight
Chapter Ten: Mother of Four
Chapter Eleven: The Viman Princess
Chapter twelve: The School
Chapter thirteen: Petticoats, corsets, and dresses oh my
Chapter fourteen: One Arse-Headed Bodyguard
Chapter fifteen: oh gee, another relative
Chapter sixteen: Mr. Habla Mucho
Chapter seventeen: Lost in Airedale
Chapter Eighteen: Caught in the shadows
Chapter Nineteen: The massacre within the Leather Bag
Chapter twenty: A lady in trousers
Chapter Twenty-one: The not-so Innocent Captive
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Departed Fiery Tendrils
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Uninvited Party Guest
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sweet Salivating Steamed Pudding
Chapter Twenty-Five: Paddling over Flesh Eating Monsters
Chapter Twenty-Six: Swimming with the Crocs
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Intelligent Horned Beasts
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Attack of the Devilish Bugs
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Giants in Pampers
Chapter Thirty-One: Adar Shish Kebab
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Dancing Dragons
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Castle of Valen
Chapter Thirty-Four: Her Un-Welcomed Visitor
Chapter Thirty-Five: A Wretchedly Stunning New Relative
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Bloody Message
Chapter Thirty-Seven: In Search of a Guilty Culprit
Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Race out From the Gloom
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Persuasion at it's Finest
Chapter Forty: Missing in the Night
Chapter Forty-One: The Golden Scaled King
Chapter Forty-Two: A Battle of Spoons
Chapter Forty-Three: Living a Nightmare
Chapter Forty-Four: Ballroom Prance
Chapter Forty-Five: Fiery Passion
Chapter Forty-Six: Seized Within
Chapter Forty-Seven: Hasty Goodbyes
New UPDATE!! The Sequel!!
More News!!

Chapter Thirty: The Entrance to the Feathery Lair

2.9K 143 26
By CblaRae00

Please comment down below...and a vote would be nice too;)


"Don't mind him."

Emoriah scrunched her eyebrows in confusion her eyes following Kaede's erected powerful back, as he stormed his way towards the Dyrio horns. Emoriah felt a warm hand grasp her arm tightly diverting her attention away from the infuriating boy.

"Tell me, how did you two do that without any training?"

Shay's iridescent green eyes stared determinedly at her, as a tinge of warning in her melodic voice demanded for an answer. 

Emoriah pursed her lips and crossed her lanky arms over her waist "We just did. Why?"

"It's just unheard of. Two untrained fifteen-year-olds connecting fully with their element and working together as one. I must say I'm very impressed."

Emoriah glances over to Cole's puzzled face and smiles saucily. "We're a good team."

The golden-haired boy smirked and wrapped his thin arm around her shoulders. "That's because we're from Earth. We've got some connection Shirley temple."

Emoriah laughs and ruffles the silky golden locks protruding from his head. "I agree Goldilocks."

A resounding roar echoed from behind them, as the fiery winds above were losing their grip on the massive captors.

The blasted wall won't hold up much longer!

"I think we should go now."

Another hit vibrated the ground shaking Emoriah's spindling legs like a falling mass of pudding.

Steamed pudding did sound very appeasing. Sweet savory thickness dripping down.....

Another slam hit the wall causing Emoriah to break from her drooling thoughts, as she fell on her skinny arse.

"Ugh you buggers!" Emoriah yelled shaking her fist in the air.

She felt strong hands grab at her waist and pull her to her feet. "Watch your step Miss. Emoriah."

"Hands off wank...." Her voice ran dry as she met Thale's deep blue eyes. "Oh, it's just you."

An amused expression lit his strong handsome features as he stared down at her. "Expecting someone else?"

Someone with strong hands and a cold unwavering stare that froze your insides with a single glare?


"No." Emoriah pushed his bold chest away and jutted her nose in the air.

"Sure...." Another slam vibrated their feet. "Shall we depart your highness?"

"Yes. And don't call me that."

"Than what shall I call you."

What was this plonker's deal?

"Emoriah...what else?"

The puzzling boy said nothing, as he winked his god given eyelashes and turned on his heel. "You will see in time."


Emoriah felt her eyelids droop heavily over her weary eyes, as she slowly nodded on and off to sleep. The aching burn in her scrawny arse had nothing on the diminutive red marks on her face from hard crunchy bugs slamming into her skin.

Oh, the joy.

Emoriah rubbed her tender face on Altair's soft fur his labored breaths moving her thin figure. 

"We're almost there boy." She whispered, her voice carried away by the howling wind.

The buzzing by her ears and the solid smacks on her covered head would haunt her forever.

They finally slowed to a gallop then to a brisk walking pace, as they neared the snowy peak. Emoriah raised her head and breathed in the crisp chilly air in satisfaction.

Oh, how she missed the cold weather.

Snow fell silently from the sky like kisses from the heavens above. Emoriah held her hand out in wonder as her skin was lightly dusted in white. The towering evergreen trees above were coated in icy banks of snow dripping wet drops on the new comers.

Emoriah glanced over to the rigid and unyielding back of Kaede, as a sly thought slithered in her head. Grabbing some fallen snow from Altair's coat she fisted it in a tightly packed ball.

This will knock the insufferable arse off his high horse.

"Don't you even dare." An icy voice retorted.

Emoriah froze with a snowball highly raised over her curly locks.

Blast! She was caught!

An icy wind blew down from the coated trees sending cold shivers down Emoriah's back, as Kaede carried on facing the biting wind head on.

If only she could push him down from his proud perch. That blasted chav!

The snowball fell from her hand, as she wrapped her arms in the cloak her skin covered in shivering goosebumps.

For the next few minutes Emoriah imagined ten unimaginable different ways she could strangle the arrogant, and unbearable boy in front of her.

She just needed rope.... her belt would do....... and a sharpened plastic knife wouldn't hurt.

"Princess Emoriah will you stop frolicking in unnecessary clouds. We have important matters on our hands that I will not be late for."

Emoriah glanced down and met Kaede's hardened gaze.


"We wouldn't be here talking if we were late. Now if you will excuse me." Emoriah slid down from Altair's furry back and glanced over the dark opened void in the rocks.

Seems harmless enough.

"Respect Miss Emoriah. Respect."

Respect my arse!

"And language!"

Emoriah rolls her eyes and glances over to Tris's strong stance. "Are we leaving the Dyrio horns here?"

Tris looks up his dark blue eyes assessing her firm grip on Altair's coat. "Yes, we need our rides out of here alive. Tell Altair to bring them around this bend."

Tris points to the shady snow coated trees on the right hidden by bulky boulders. "And that we will be out soon."

Emoriah meets Altair's steady gaze watching him nod his massive head. "Good boy." With another last rub on his furry neck he bounds behind the boulders with his herd following behind his lengthy tail. Emoriah steps after Kaede in the gloomy entrance her figure being swallowed up in the ebbing darkness.

Unnerving fear bit hard on her growling stomach, as her feet scraped against the rock flooring beneath her.

Bloody hell! Why is it so flipping dark!!

The silence was only disturbed by the scratching scuffs of their boots, as they hurried through the rock passage way.

Though Emoriah hated to admit her actions: but she was indeed clutching the back of Kaede's cloak like a deprived frightened girl. It would remain in the dark. Her actions would be long forgotten and insignificant after they went through this. But she knew she was only saying this to appease her yapping feminist side.

Kaede stopped abruptly causing Emoriah to slam harshly into his warm firm back.

Blimey, is he made of steel?

Rubbing her sore nose, she smacked his cloak lightly with her other hand "Why you stop?"

"There's two Adar around this next turn. Stay." Kaede turned and reached over Emoriah's small thin frame to grab Tris from behind her. "Come with me."

Stay? What was she...a dog?

What was it she read? That a dog on a tight lease would bite back...... or was it obedience?..... oh, what the hells!!

She was going.

Emoriah crept behind their soft footsteps a sly determined grin at her lips. Light emanated further up the stone way displaying the two silent creeping shadows in front of her completely unaware of their innocent stowaway.

She could have some fun with this......

Emoriah reached down and snatched a small chipped stone from the ground and tossed it recklessly at the nearest sneaking figure.

"Oi! Why you hit me?" Tris whispered in pain, his shadowed arm rubbing at his neck.

Emoriah snorted silently in her hand, as her laughs bubbled from beneath her lips.

Kaede's dark figure stayed silent for a moment his head tall and high. "You would know if I were to hit you."

Emoriah mashed herself against the hard-cold rock wall as they turned around in question.

"There's no one there. It seems to be just something in that foolish head of yours."

"I call it imagination my friend." Tris quips softly, back at Kaede.

An amused snort leaves Kaede's lips shocking Emoriah in place.

Was...that.... no...

Emoriah felt their lingering gazes leave the black void that hid her small figure, as they started their quick pace again with her not to far behind.

Kaede's powerful strides took him quickly to where the Adar's stood guard. Emoriah watched in fascination as they slid their weapons silently from their sides and slit the Adar's bared necks.

Bloody hell......

Kaede flipped open a cloth from his cloak to clean the blood from his blade, as he turned back Emoriah dodged back in the shadows but not before she met his cold eyes.



Emoriah froze at his single yet icy demand and turned slowly back around.

She was such an alf!

Kaede's deep stormy blue eyes drilled in her with such furiousity her breath froze in her lungs.

"Why did you follow us?"

"I wanted....... a change of scenery."

"I see. And that is why you disobeyed my demands?"

Emoriah stepped back as his daunting powerful frame stepped closer towards her.

"Yes." Emoriah squeaked frighteningly.

Buggers! Now she was acting like a frightened meddle minded woman.

"Hmmmm. And what is it that I need to do to get you to obey?" He took another authoritative step towards her nervous body. "Perhaps I will just tie you up next time."

That crag-headed dumpnibbler! He would tie her up like some stalemate!!

Emoriah pursed her lips in anger and pushed at his un-moving steel chest. "You wouldn't!"

Kaede pushed her thin arms to the side and grabbed firmly onto her chin. "Ah, be careful. You should remember the last time you used such words."

The actual nerve of him!

"As amusing as it is watching you two argue. Emoriah we are quite busy at the moment." Tris intervened, by grabbing Kaede's taunt shoulder.

"Very well. Give me a weapon." Emoriah demanded, with her palm outstretched.

Kaede broke loose from Tris's control and slammed Emoriah harshly into the stone-cold wall behind her. Emoriah grunted as her bony derriere thumped against it painfully.

What was his deal?

"You'll just be in the way. Let the males do the dirty work I'll let you know when we find your father."

How could she forget his devilish chauvinist ways?

Emoriah squared her eyes up at him and pressed her lips together tightly. "Listen here chav I'm coming. So, don't even try to stop me."

Kaede tensed his jaw and turned his penetrating gaze away from her. "If you die it will not be my fault."


Kaede dropped his masculine hands from her shoulders and stepped back sharply. "Tris give this idiotic child a dagger."

Tris looked bewilderingly between them with his lips loosely gaped. "Are you sure? I mean she is a woman and..."

"Just give it to her."

Tris rolled his eyes and grabbed a small hilt from his side. A sleek devilishly sharp dagger was pulled from his leather belt gleaming brightly in the light around them. Emoriah quickly snatched the appealing weapon from his hands and looped it through her own, before either one of them changed their minds.

"What about the others?"

"And you say you're bright? I sent for them the moment I spotted your ghastly face." Kaede said stonily, as he glanced down on her with detest swirling in his icy gaze.

Stupid revolting pea-brained arsehole!


Emoriah gripped the slick metal hilt of her dagger in her hands tightly, as they made their way down the plush carpet adorned staircase. She followed Kaede's powerful dominant back, as the rest of her comrades followed behind silently.

The staircase led to a luxurious room filled with elaborate furnishings, and plushy cushions. The flooring was covered in many printed designs, as numerous candles hung from above. A fireplace laid stacked in the center crackling with scorching hot fire.

Emoriah stepped down from the last stair and walked over to an extensive painting hung over an ancient wooden desk. The painter had favored many different hues of red on their brush for this painting.

Many shades of gleaming scaly dragons with bloody gashes torn in their stomachs pained Emoriah's gut the longer she stared. Some dragons laid on the blood-stained grass their heads detached from their bodies, as long feathery wings with golden eyes hovered above their fallen bodies.

Emoriah moved herself away from the sickening painting and hurried over to Cole's side. She kept her head down, as a thin trail of tears ran down her clammy skin. When she glanced up it was to late to stop her hassled pace, as she bumped harshly into Cole's slender back.

Cole flew forwards his feet tangling easily with each other, as he fell towards a substantial ceramic jar displayed on a wooden table.

Emoriah felt her breath tighten in her lungs, as the jar toppled over and fell to the floor with an ear-splitting crash. Cole stood to his feet slowly, as his face brightened a dark shade of red.

A hurried number of heavy steps followed the deafening crash, as doors opened from all sides. Emoriah gripped her blade tightly, as she met numerous angered golden eyes.



Thoughts down below!

till next time!

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