Love in Distress

By iamundaunted

689 20 0

-SAVANNAH- Search rich kid, and you'd find me. Of course you would. I had the closet that could fit the whole... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

46 2 0
By iamundaunted

“Why why why why why why?” Levi bangs his head repeatedly at the steering wheel, and I can’t help but laugh a little. This is the Levi Parker that girls dream about every night, and drools at every day. I pity their ignorance.

“Lev, do you have your phone?” I ask him, “Because I probably threw it earlier at Jennifer’s face, and we have to call for help.”

“You threw your phone? Well that’s just stupid.”

“No. You’re stupid. Who doesn’t notice their car’s out of gas?”

“Stop breaking my heart.”

“Stop being so Levi”

“Stop being so Savannah.”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means exactly what it means.”

“Wha – Ugh whatever. Just text Taylor or something.”

“Yeah. Okay.”  Levi gets his iPhone out of his pocket, unlocks it, and starts tapping on the screen. “I’ll just tell her to save me because I’m stuck with a demanding heartless monster in a deserted road.”

“Demanding heartless pretty monster.” I corrected him again. “Where’s this deserted road exactly anyway?” I ask him, but he doesn’t seem to hear me.

“Lev?” I poke his arm.

But he doesn’t budge.

“Levi?” I poke his arm again. Again and again, but he’s stiffer than Jennifer’s hair.

I give up. “You know what Lev, fine. Be like that.” I faced the window and tried to convince him that I don’t want to talk to him.

Trivia about Levi: He hates silent treatment. So like what I just expected, he moved and faced me. I look at him in return, but he’s not saying anything. He’s just staring at me and it’s not the kind of stare that girls would melt for. It’s the type that would send little children running for their mommy.

Oh screw silent treatment.

“What?” I ask him hiding the discomfort in my tone.

 He ignores my question and just kept his gaze on me.

“Lev, I know I’m pretty, but you should really stop staring and start telling me where we are.”

“Sav…” he finally speaks and looks me in the eyes. “We’re not supposed to be here.” His voice is almost a whisper. And I don’t want to freak out, but the situation I am in had finally dawn upon me.

Besides that I’m not supposed to be where I am right now, I don’t really know where I am right now, and worse part is I don’t know how to go home. “Where’s here exactly Lev?” I ask him again trying to steady my voice.

He doesn’t answer. Instead, what I hear are the rattles of the leaves on the palm trees beside the road, the sound of the rain falling onto the hard cement, and the eerily quiet atmosphere in the car. I have to admit, this is kind of creepy.  And it doesn’t help that the only light that shines right now is the full blown moon up in the dark sky.

I think I felt the hairs behind my neck stand up.

 “Levi! Where are we?” I demand shaking his arm.

“We’re…” he breathes.

“We’re where Lev? WHERE?”

“We’re at…” he breathes again, as if the words he’s about to say is choking him.


He leans closer, and I’m trembling. My heart is picking up its pace. The suspense is killing me.

Levi’s mouth finds its way to my right ear and whispers, “We’re…” he pronounces the word with so much intensity. “At…”  And I can’t help but notice that his voice grew deeper and huskier than usual. I’m shaking.

 “Batman’s lair.”

I want to kill him.

“That’s not funny Lev!” I exclaim, “That is NOT funny!”

He bursts into laughter and I slap his arm over and over again.

“Ugh, I can’t believe I got fooled.”

“There’s a reason why I’m an actor.” he winks.

This boy. Ugh, I want to murder him and place his corpse on my trophy table. But unfortunately for me, I need a driver who knows these streets.

I slump down in my seat and murmur profanities under my breath.

“Would you relax! We’re perfectly safe here. I already texted Taylor, so we just have to wait for her.”

“Yes because waiting is in my nature.” I snap back.

“Then learn to…” Levi trails off as he stared past me with a horrified look on his face. “Sav, there’s a…” he gestures his head towards the window.

“There’s a what? There’s a bat? And let me guess it’s Batman in disguise?” I spat.

Levi shakes his head. “No. This is real. There’s a… uh, there’s a–”

“No.” I cut him off, “I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to trick me again, and this time I am not falling for it.”

“Sav! I’m serious this time. Just look be-”

“Just stop it! I don’t believe you. If you think that I’m going to fall for your acting again, I’m not. So you could drop the a–”

“Sav!  Just. Turn. Around.” Levi hisses cutting me off completely.

Fine, if turning around would shut him up; then turning around it is then.


He was serious.

There’s a man behind the window. And as much as I want to say that he’s my knight and shining armor who will save me from this tragedy and ride me off to the sunset with his white horse, I can’t. Because aside that I can’t quite clearly see his face beneath his hood, I don’t think my knight and shining armor would be bringing a gun.

He knocks harshly on the tinted glass with the gun on hand and I could almost hear Levi’s irritated groans and protests. I can’t blame him. If this was my car, I would have had the same reaction, or maybe even worst. Can this guy not see it’s a freaking brand new Bugatti?

Another guy appears on Levi’s side, but this time he doesn’t knock.

He breaks the glass.

I scream as broken shards of glass vehemently tumbles down on Levi, but thankfully he was able to look away before those sharp pieces cut through his face. When Levi looked up at the guy who broke the glass, my breath faltered a second as I saw his back reddened with running blood. I reached to help him, thinking that I actually can, but the guy who broke the glass leans in, opens the door from the inside, and shoves Levi out of the car.

The guy then reached to get me, and I screamed as I tried to back away as far as I could. And to my luck, he was hauled away with none other than Levi, the person who once told me that violence is never the answer. He said that after I slapped him for stealing my crayons when we were kids, but gone was that Levi now because he had already efficiently punched the guy in the jaw. The guy however has somehow managed to keep his balance, and before I know it, both of them has erupted into a full on fight, while I’m just sitting here with my mouth agape.

I hate that I can’t possibly help right now because for one, I know nothing about fighting. Two, I don’t have a phone to call for help. Three and lastly, my feet don’t have a built-in GPS. So I’m just helplessly sitting here, just watching two men fight because my brain has no idea of what exact thing to do.

My mind is too overwhelmed on what’s happening that I don’t realize Levi has already been sent on the wet cement, and I take in a sharp breathe because I know that hurts a whole awful lot, especially when his back is bleeding right now.

“Leeeevi!” I scream and went out through the door at my side of the car, too eager to keep him alive. But as soon as my bare foot touches the ground, my arm was yanked upwards by the guy who was wearing a hood.

Stupid, I forgot him.

“Kev! Let’s go! I’ve got the girl!” hood guy calls out.

What does he mean I’ve got the girl? Are they going to kidnap me? Seriously, only me? Levi’s the one with a Bugatti, and they choose me? Idiots. Unless – oh no.


 I scream out hitting hood guy on the chest with my clenched fists, but my punches don’t seem to affect him. Well I didn’t think so anyways. My arms are muscle-less. That’s why I have no choice. I did the only effective self defense at this moment.

I knee his productive organ.

With that, hood guy lets go of my arm and holds the said organ. “Fuck! My future babies!” he winces now lying on the wet ground.

I took that as my cue to run, so I turned around to go back to Levi because I have to admit, I care about him, but my face hits flat into a stone. No, I mean a hard chest. And within a second I’m enveloped side by side in two strong arms packed with hard biceps. And it’s not even romantic. In fact, it’s gross because the guy is wet with rain, sweat, and blood all mixed together, and now I am too.

I feel so dirty with my short dress soaked with rainwater, my hair so damp that it’s sticking on my face and neck, and my mascara now smudged on all the wrong places.

I want to bolt down to the nearest shower.

More specifically a shower in my house, in my bathroom. I just want to go home and end this day so I struggle my way out, but the guy’s hold is impossibly tight. I can barely move. And that’s when I scream and scream and scream.

 “Bloody hell! Woman! Will you shut your goddamn mouth?” the guy violently hugging me exclaimed.  

Huh, British. How do they still sound so proper even when what’s going out of their mouth are just a bunch of filthy words? I envy them. Not too much though. I love myself.

“No! Let me go!” I shout back, but my voice turned out muffled because he buried my face deeper in his soaked shirt. Still, I’m not giving up yet. To get molested is never part of a teenage girl’s wish list. So I tried my best to wriggle myself away, yet my luck has already worn out as my efforts are ignored.

“Oi, Ty!” British guy calls hood guy, “Stop being a pussy, and let’s go!”

“Shut up!” Hood guy yells back, “If I were a pussy, this thing hanging below me shouldn’t hurt at all.” He says a little more calm now, so I’m guessing he’s already standing up because his voice doesn’t sound so distant and hurt anymore.

“Come on! Get you arse moving!” British guy shouts again. And I swear if I ever hear him shout one more time, I’m going to be deaf. And as if hearing my thoughts, he didn’t shout anymore. Instead he did something so much worse.

He placed me on his shoulders with one swift lift, and carries me towards wherever they’re going to – gulp – harass me. And I feel panicked and mad and scared all at the same time as British guy jogs away from the Bugatti, away from Levi who’s still lying unconscious, and away from the only hope I’ve got left. I feel like crying. So I did.

I cried and cried, feeling so tired and out of hope as my tears fall down, as my arms flails aimlessly, trying to hit the guy’s back, and as my head throbs from being upside down. I want to go home.

And I need help.

Thankfully, after almost giving up and accepting my possible horrific fate, someone just heard the silent cries in my mind.

I hear tires screech to a stop nearby. Finally! I feel hope coursing to every pore of my skin as I saw the silhouette of what I hoped was Taylor’s car and a tow truck. And within a few seconds, I hear rushed footsteps everywhere, but I hear none going towards our direction.

“Over here! Help me!” I scream, and I thank God for putting ears on people because now I hear several people running and jogging towards me and the two guys.

“Oh fuck fuck fuck!” hood guy cusses “Kev, just leave the girl! We’re not supposed to get caught!”

“But we’re so close!” British guy yells.

“Just. Leave. Her. Now!” hood guy tells him sternly.

With that, British guy complies and puts me down rather harshly. “You got lucky.” He mutters and jogs further away with hood guy into the darkness, until I don’t see them anymore.

I mean I can’t see them anymore. In fact, I can’t see anything anymore.

The road, the trees, the moon – it’s all a blur. I think I’m spinning, or everything else is spinning all around me. I don’t know. I wouldn’t know. How could I? Everything’s dark, cold, and extraordinarily quiet. All I hear is the blood pounding in my ears. And I think my lungs are shutting close. I can’t breathe. My throat is tightening. My chest is heaving. I think someone’s calling my name, but I’m not sure anymore. My eyes are slowly slipping down.

I hear a loud thud.

I feel a shocking pain on my head.

And everything goes black.

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