The Things I've Seen (A RWBY...

By MartinGraf98

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(DISCONTINUED) "Don't claim that you know me, 'cause you know very well that I have seen through it all." ... More

Welcome To Haven
Dread In The Air
Unforseen Complications
Lighting The Fire/ A necessary sacrifice
Rest and decisions
Bad Blood
Together Alone/ A Perfect Storm/ True Colors
The More, the Merrier / Vault Of The Spring Maiden/ Downfall
Haven's Destiny
Volume 6 Kain Character Short
Argus Limited
The Lost Fable
On Hiatus

Known By Its Song

91 1 0
By MartinGraf98

Ever since the last night, Kain didn't sleep well. He's looking pretty wrecked and the combination of lack of sleep and the shots of whiskey is taking a toll on him. The man gets up on this specific morning, looking at everyone sitting at the table in the kitchen, enjoying some breakfast. Just dressed in a black shirt and a pair of jeans, he stumbles towards them while holding his head because of the hangover. A lazy yawn is the first thing to greet his friends.

Qrow:" Oh look, Sleeping Beauty is finally awake. Had a good night?"

Kain:" Are you really asking that? You should know by now that I haven't slept well in the last few days. Why should I?"

Ruby:" Well, after you sa-"

She stops right in her tracks as Kain gives the young girl a stare that could end it all. Nobody ever really managed to break through the happy atmosphere like that, but he and the things he told everyone are a whole different thing to handle. Ruby is now just twiddling her thumbs nervously while Kain gives a short sigh and walks towards the fridge.

Ren:" Are you looking for anything specific?"

Kain:" No...just browsing through what's in here. Thanks for asking."

Jaune:" Maybe some coffee could help you get started."

Kain:" Yeah, no. I'm not drinking coffee at all. I'd rather punch an oncoming cannonball on my way to scare BooBoo The Clown."

Qrow:"...Alright. I think you should get something in your stomach and see that you get something to do around the city."

Kain:" Right...I'll look for something..."

All of them then give a small smile towards him and he takes a seat in between Nora and Qrow. Judging from the bags under his eyes, everyone can assume that he didn't sleep well, but they're not bragging about it again.


By the time everything is done, Qrow is already out in the city, asking a shopkeeper about someone. He hasn't heard from this person in along time, but he requires their assistance or as Qrow would say, he needs him for 'a gig'. Modern society surely uses a lot of weird words. Now standing in front of the shopkeeper, he asks the man straight on.

Shopkeeper:" Regular? Or the special?"

Qrow:" I'm actually looking for someone. Goes by the name Shiro Wan. Ever heard of him?"

The sound of a knife scraping wood can be heard as the cook is focussed on sharpening the knife's blade. The man himself doesn't give Qrow an answer though.

Qrow:" I heard he's a regular around here."

Shopkeeper:" Who's askin'?"

Qrow:" Hey, I'm not a cop if that's what you mean. I need Shiro for a gig. We go way back."

Shopkeeper:" Way back, huh? So, he's a friend of yours."

Qrow:" Hm, yeah I'd say so. He's a pretty alright guy."

Shopkeeper:" Well, in that case...You tell that jerk that he better not show his ugly face in here until he pays me the Lien he owes me!"

Qrow:" Uh, did I say friend? I, uh-I mean acquaintance.....Really, we're just colleagues. Anyways, thanks for your time, buddy. I'll just be taking off now."

After he gets out, Qrow takes out his scroll and looks at the list of huntsmen he needs to protect Haven. On top is Shiro, but that name gets crossed off just a second later.

Qrow:"*sigh* Great start."

And then the same knife the shopkeeper had in his hand before sticks through the door close to Qrow's head. A short shock and a moment later, Qrow makes his way through the city, trying to find the people he has on his list, asking around. But his efforts are mostly in vain as he sighs and struggles to find anyone. The last for now is a house that looks like it has seen some things over a certain amount of time. Qrow looks at his device again and repeats the name of one of his last acquaintances.

Qrow:" Heather Shields."

Then he knocks on the door as three kids run away and leave the man confused. He repeats the same things, only with stronger strikes and now the door opens to reveal a young man.

Qrow:" Uh, hey there. I'm looking for Heather. Look, pal. I've had a rough day. Do you know where she is or not?"

Small girl:" Daddy?"

The girl steps into view a moment after that and looks at Qrow who is a bit startled.

Small girl:" Does he know where mommy is?"

Qrow: I, uhm...I'm sorry to bother you."

The rain gets worse too as the girl and her father turn around and step back inside while Qrow is left on the front porch. A sorrowful look plasters his face as he decides to walk away and take out his flask. He finds himself in front of a request board for bounty missions, crossing off everyone on his list and looking on. 


In the same time Kain finds himself in the same place he was in before entering Mistral. He walks in the forrest, along with small animals. He finally has his weapon back from the blacksmith, so it's ready for use again. A black sheath is strapped to his hip and a holster is on the other side as well. 

 The look of the saber is practical because it combines two close-range weapons: the saber itself and the handle as brass knuckles. Kain likes to get close and personal with his enemies. The holster on the other hand is to dish out mid-range damage as the gun inside is a magnum. As huntsmen, everyone needs to be prepared for everything. The thing he seeks now is a big pack of Beowolves that seem to be responsible for decimating a herd of sheep. The shepherd asked for someone to eliminate the threat and Kain is the first one to take that offer, not caring about the money or other rewards. He just folows the man's directions and hopes to kill the beasts as quick as possible.

Kain:" Show your will and do your part or be blind right from the start. Take your time and do it well 'cause the fallout can be hell. Go and find...find the one 'till you find the will is gone. Hide in the shadows. Who would know? And the fire only grows."

He remembers bits and pieces of stories he heard as a child and yet, it fits his own situation much better. There is a fire growing inside him, but it's not a friendly one. No, it burns black and it feeds off the hate and anger he has inside himself. A disgusted look appears on his face as he spots the said Grimm.

Kain:" Save your stories for someone who cares. Leave your looks and your stares at the door. Grab a chair, this is gonna take a second to explain and I'm not repeating myself anymore. Look at all of the damage you've done. You crossed the line you've crossed with me. So game's over and reality's coming. Now I'm the boogeyman standing in front of you, now I'm gone. Dream time's over and the nightmare has begun. You broke the lock on Pandora's box and everything inside was lost. Even if you ran around picking up the pieces, even if you find them all, where's that gonna leave us? Right here dealing with a box, top wide open with a broken lock."

He smirks shortly and walks towards his new found enemies, waiting for them to attack. The big man unsheaths his saber and looks at every Beowolf individually before slicing the one behind him. His senses tingled and so he knew that at least one of them would try a sneak attack. The rest of the pack breaks out and they all howl at once. For normal people, it would hurt their ears, but Kain is used to such sounds. He takes a deep breath and makes a sound that is equally terrifying.

(Just listen to the part at 1:09. That's the growl Kain lets out.)

Making sure he has enough air in his lungs, he grips his weapon harder and storms into battle. Carnage, chaos and destruction is unleashed immediately, stabbing, cutting and slashing in every direction possible. Kain is smiling like a maniac while killing Grimm for Grimm, making it clear that his intent is a violent one. He sacrifices some things to get this fight over with, so tattered clothes aren't a problem for him at all.

Kain:" Perish, you filthy freaks. You were foolish enough to just disturb our world's peace."

While his saber is penetrating the bodies of countless Grimm, Kain spots a person not too far away from him. A hooded figure is studying his movements and takes notice of him when they shortly lock eyes with one another.

Kain(whispering):" Why is everyone wearing a damn hood these days? Is there some underground organisation, plotting something?"

Suddenly a feeling of familiarity washes over him as he gets a glimpse of the persons' eyes. They are the same color as the eyes of his ex-wife. Now thousands of questions run through his mind and everything feels like time slowed down. This isn't a usual thing to happen and he knows this all too well. His eye is still focussed on most of his still standing enemies, but a moment later they're all gone. The Grim diappear into nothingness, just by the flick of the wrist.

Kain:" Call me crazy, but that's not something I can do...Hey Lady, why don't you show yourself? I've had enough of people hiding from me, so face me!"

An amused giggle is echoing and Kain's request is fulfilled as well. The hooded woman comes out from between the trees and openly reveals herself to the big man, who can not believe who is standing right in front of him. Just a while ago he spoke about his family and now there stands his ex-wife, Sapphire. She looks slightly older, but still maintains the same hairstyle from before. Her eyes met the gaze of Kain who is already on his knees with tears streaming down his face.

Kain:" Is this really you, Sapphire?"

Sapphire:" So we meet again, Kain...I didn't think I would find you out here."

Kain:" Where have you been? Is Reina alright? Have y-"

Sapphire:" Oh my, you are full of questions. I can tell you that the two of us are safe. Reina is practicing to become a huntress...She got the precision of her strikes from you..."

Kain:" Why di-"

Sapphire:" You wanna know why I left you and the remains of the tribe behind, right?"

Kain:" Yes! I need to know."

Sapphire takes one more step towards Kain and cups his cheek with one of her hands, looking directly into his eyes. It is a friendly expression in her yes though, so she tells him exactly what her reasons for leaving were.

Sapphire:" The tribe crumbled within itself and judging from that, I saw no future in trying to reincarnate what once has been lost. We both know the tribe was strong, we know we had the knowledge and strength. But we also know that we were too comfortable for our own good. Leader Turisas always said to keep your mind clean from the filth that lies within this world. Yet he was wrong...It is not filth what lies within Remnant...It is beauty. The beauty of life, peace, understanding, commitment...I always see you as an important soldier in this war...but this a war you can not win..."


Sapphire:" A far greater evil awaits you at the end of your journey. It is me who tells you to not trust the boy or...the second man who inherits his body. Just like you shouldn't trust this...thing. It chose you, but it won't stay with you until the end...It will leave when its purpose is fulfilled...And you will not...have a semblance anymore."

Kain:" Then how will I survive without a semblance?"

But there is no answer. Instead the woman just laughs and walks away from Kain, who tries to grab her, but he falls flat as time ressumes. Sapphire is gone and Kain is left with more questions than answers. The things he heard from her are surprising, but also worrying at the same time. He has a lot to talk about once he returns and reunites with the rest. Especially Qrow would like to know what went down. Before he gets up, he checks the area around himself and finds something rather odd: a small glass violin.

Kain:"...Thank love..."


Qrow on the other hand isn't done with asking around as he goes back to the place where he started and is greeted by the same man. They don't need to look at each ther to know that their talk will be tense.

Shopkeeper:" You've got a lot of nerves showing up back here, unless you've brought that idiot with you."

Qrow:" How much did Shiro owe you?"

Shopkeeper:" Well, I'd say about 16.000 Lien."

Qrow then puts the money on the table without saying a word, but his ees give away the sorrow of te news he has. The shopkeeper is as surprised as everyone else would be.

Shopkeeper:" Wait, what? Man, you must be in some serious trouble with him if you're paying me off."

Qrow:" His name is clear."

Shopkeeper:" Yeah...........that idiot."

A while later Qrow is at the house again. The teens seem to be inside while he is outside on the balcone, thinking to himself. The sun isn't down yet and dinner time isn't around yet either. 

Qrow:" This isn't right. I get one or two of them, but...all of them?"

He lets out a heavy sigh, but the next thing that happens is something he didn't expect at all. Behind him opens a portal, one that could only mean that his sister needs to meet with him. But that isn't what happens. It's his niece, Yang Xiao Long, and her friend and teammate, Weiss Schnee, on Yangs motorcycle, Bumblebee.


Inside, everyone else is already preparing for dinner. Cooking, preparing the table, Nora, of course, is the one who is snacking a few things while the rest works. Ren and Ruby are cooking something in a giant pot.

Ren:" Alright, the first batch is just about done."

Ruby:" Awesome. Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set."

Nora:" Do you really think he will bring that many people? This is a lot of food."

Ruby:" Uh, I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get."

A moment later Ruby gets called.

Ruby:" Be right there!"

Ren:" You're goign to overcook that."

Ruby:" No I'm not, shut up."

Qrow:" Hey, uh, Ruby?"

Ruby:" I'm coming...Fine, you'll take over."

Then Ruby leaves the cooking to Ren and walks towards the living room to find Yang and Weiss waiting for her. The young huntress is startled by it as she lets a tray of tea fall and shatter on the ground. Yang walks a bit closer to her while Ruby tries to find  the right words.

Ruby:" Y-yang, I...I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd- I just...I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and -"

Then there is a short silence as Yang envelopes her sister in a loving hug while Ruby is crying.

Yang:" I love you."

Ruby:" I love you too."

Now that the two are reunited, the tears start to flow as the remains of the group come out from the kitchen to see what's going on. Spotting the scene, an aray of smiles goes around and a moment later, Oscar walks onto the scene.

Oscar:" Uh..."

Weiss is happy as well that the majority of Team RWBY. And she hasn't been forgotten as Ruby and Yang open their arms wide, so the ex-heiress of the Schnee Dust Company can join in. All three of them are back together and a lot of weight is lifted from all of their chests. It is a moment to remember for everyone around, but there is still no trace of Kain.

Jaune:"...Qrow, have you heard anything from your friend? Kain?"

Qrow:" He said he would be back for dinner. I don't know where he is or what he's doing."

Weiss:" Excuse me, but who are you talking about?"

Yang:" You mean the big guy you always talked about when we were younger?"

Qrow:" Yes...that man. I met him again just a while ago and he decided to join forces with us...Just don't get too personal with questions towards him. He tends to get a bit...out of the ordinary to say the least."

Yang:" So he's a thrill seeker?"

Ruby:" No, that's not it. His past is just...very tragic."

Weiss:" Oh please, what could be so tragic that he overreacts?"

Kain:" Do you really wanna know the whole story or just what happened today?"

Jaune:" There he is, girls. I think it's best to talk about it while eating dinner, isn't it?"

Kain:" Right...You heard the man. Into the kitchen and get yourselves some grub."

Qrow:" What about you? Are you gonna join us?"

Kain:" I will...I just need to put some stuff away."

So the big man goes upstairs and the others walk into the kitchen to get ready to eat. Qrow stays behind, taking a good look at his best friend and the way he behaves. Something is up with him and that doesn't sit well with the birdman. He walks up after Kain who just closed the door behind him, but Qrw still decides to eavsdrop.

Kain:" It will not stay forever...I heard that correctly. But not trusting Ozpin? I don't know. The years of contact between me and a few of the headmasters were quite interesting...There are only a few people in Remnant that I really trust with everything I have. That includes Qrow...and these kids ain't half-bad either...My team was trustworthy, so there is that.......I don't know when I will see her again, I know she and Reina are safe."

Qrow can't believe the last part he hears before rushing downstairs. He'd rather not get caught by Kain or else he'll end up in a worse state than he ever was in. He wonders if he heard that right or it just slipped, but there is definately a lot to explain for everyone. All of these thoughts vanish as he walks back to the others and sits down with them.


A/N: As you can see, I used a few lyrics from some of my favorite songs. The first song I used was 'Tore My Heart Out' by Tremonti:

And the second one was 'Pandora's Box' by Nonpoint:

The meeting between Kain and Sapphire definately was an experience I didn't think I would write like that, but the way it is and how I think it is presented fit well.

I hope you enjoy the story and continue reading.


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