Run To You - Barry Allen/The...

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

58.4K 1.1K 145

Book (2) Sequel to my Flash x OC fan-fiction, Be You're Hero. Barry finally popped the question to Ella. They... More

Six Months
What's Changed?
Defining The Problem
The Truth
Take A Chance
Last Chance
Stone Cold
You Belong To Me
Coming Home
Killer Frost
Back To Our Normal
Never Stopped
Permanent Valentine
One Will Fall
With You
Learning The Truth
Never Lose Hope
Mrs. Kent
I Need To Know. . .
Trust and Fear
Back Into The Speed Force
Responsibility and Sacrifice
Love's Strength
Every Hour Every Minute
I Have To Know
Make It Right
Hope For New Beginings
"Not Fine. . ."
Our Last Night
You Lose
End of The Line
Authors Note! Please Read!!!
Going On With Life
Finally United

Constructing A Team Flash

1.9K 38 2
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Barry's POV.

Barry had discovered that Wally was the Flash. Wally took Barry to his 'base' and there Barry found out that Iris was involved. He told them that he would be happy to help, but they explained that the only person who could help them now was Cisco Ramone. Immediately Barry was excited to see his old friend, but before they left he called Ella to let her know everything was alright and that he would be home late.

"Hey, honey. I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna be home a little late."

"Oh no why?" She asked.

"I just have a lot of work." He lied.

"Okay, but when you do come home could you pick up some cookie dough ice cream? And maybe some root beer?"

Barry smiled as he walked down the hall of Wally's apartment building with the other two.

"Cravings again, huh?"

Iris glanced at him and grinned as she listened to one end of the conversation.

With the quiet Barry received on the other end, he knew she was biting her lip.
". . .Yeah. They're raging right now."

Barry chuckled. "When are they not."

"Oh hush."

He chuckled again. "It's okay. I'll get it, sweetheart. You know I think it's funny. You used to hate cookie dough ice cream when we were kids."

He could hear her smile over the phone. "And you loved it." She giggled. "Our kid must have inherited its love for cookie dough ice cream from you. Because it definitely did not inherit it from me."

Barry smiled widely at the thought of their child. "No. No it did not, but it's insomnia it did inherit from you."

Ella giggled. "I know! The kid won't settle down at night!"

"Just like it's mother."

"Hey, I only really had that problem in high school."

Barry smiled remembering nights from the other time line when she would call him to come over and hang out because she couldn't sleep. It was before they had admitted their feelings for one another. He remembered laughing and goofing off late at night while watching movies.

Just then a sharp pain erupted in the back of his head. His ears started to ring and everything went black.

Suddenly the moments Barry was thinking about between he and Ella vanished as if they had been painfully torn out of his mind. Memories of when they were kids eating ice cream at the park, the first night she stayed over at his house when he was nine. Nights she called him to her apartment, the night of Valentine's Day when he and she decided to be each other's temporary valentine. And they kissed each other's cheeks.
Other tiny moments of their friendship and their slowly realized feelings. And lastly memories of his many late night rendezvous with her as the Flash. They all disappeared from his mind as if they had never been there to start with.

Barry leaned against the hallway wall as the pain disappeared and everything returned to normal. Now other memories from the current time line filled the empty spaces.

"Barry?. . .Barry, honey? You there? Are you okay?" Ella asked over the phone in alarm.
Her voice sounded panicked.

Barry realized he had stopped talking and that his breathing had become extremely labored.

"Hey you okay?" He heard Iris ask, going over to him.

He nodded silently and stood up straight. "Yeah. Yeah, Ella. I'm here. I'm fine. I just. . .I was thinking of something and. . . I lost it."

Ella sighed in relief. "Oh okay. You scared me for a minute there Bare. I thought something had happened."

Barry chuckled nervously, secretly concerned as well at what had just happened. He tried to brush it off and not worry. He definitely didn't want her to worry.

"Yeah. No I'm completely fine. Nothings wrong. I'm probably just a little dehydrated. Look hon, I'll see you tonight. I've gotta go."

"Okay. See you later. And don't forget the ice cream and root bear."

He smiled. "I won't."

After hanging up he, Iris and Wally went to see Cisco. When they arrived at the fully functional STAR Labs, now called, Ramone Industries, Barry soon realized that his friend was not at all the same. He was a multi-billionaire and had bought STAR Labs making it a building for his company. He learned that Cisco had helped the two in the past by making his suit, but that they had made a deal. If he helped them that one time they would leave him out of it all.

Cisco was very different in this timeline. He wore a designer blue suit with a silk red tie and his hair was slicked back in a stylish ponytail. He was not happy that Wally and Iris had come to ask for his help.

"You know what happens when you mess with a speedster?" He asked, holding his hand up and shaking it.

Jabbing Iris's shoulder, he pointed at the spot. "That. You get a vibrating hand goin' right through your rib cage."

Barry got a weird feeling, remembering how that had happened to Cisco in one timeline.

"No thanks. My money needs me." He continued, now walking over to his fancy vegetable bar. Barry couldn't believe he wouldn't help them.

"Cisco, you're not gonna help us?"

He looked up and pointed at Barry. "That's another thing. Who the heck is this? Huh? You bright some stranger into my lab and told him I worked with the Flash!"


"Uhuh. I don't know you string bean."

Barry looked up, taken back at Cisco's nickname for him. "String-? Mr. Ramone."

"Oh! Yes?" He answered sarcastically.

"I do know what kind of person you are. Deep down you care about helping other people."

Cisco crossed his arms. He looked at Barry incredulously. "Please tell me more."

"I heard a story about how when you were fifteen, your brother Dantè owed a book and he couldn't pay back what he owed so you gave him all the money you earned that summer delivering pizzas to help him."

Cisco's face turned to one of melancholy and shock. He looked to Iris and Wally and then back at Barry. He walked towards him. "How do you know about that?"

Barry hesitated watching his words carefully, but in the end got lost in his momeories. "I have a feeling that. . .we'd work really well as partners. Taking down meta-humans together is what we're supposed to do. We're a team. We're friends."

Suddenly the memories Barry was thinking about: He and Cisco on the first day his speed was tested, the time Cisco introduced the Flash suit to him, the night Barry and Cisco went out, their picture on Earth 2 and other small memories, disappeared from his mind as if they had been violently sucked out.

He leaned over on the long conference table as he felt the returning sharp pain in the back of his head. His ears rang and everything went black as the memories were torn out of his mind. As soon as the pain reached it's peek, it vanished like before. His ears stopped ringing and his sight returned. He looked up, breathing heavily.

"Hey." He heard Cisco say in concern as Iris came over to him.

Barry sat down in one of the chairs at the table. "I'm okay. . .what was I. . .what was I just saying?"

Iris looked at him in worry. "What is going on with you?"

Now he knew it was time to worry. "I don't know."

Barry raced to where Thawn was held. He slapped the door shut after entering.

"And here I started to think you'd forgotten all about me."

"But I am forgetting. What's happening to me?" Barry asked desperate to get answers.

"I was wondering when you'd notice." Thawn muttered.

Barry stood in front of his cell. "It's like I'll be thinking of a moment from my past and then it-it vanishes. I can't get it back. Why?"

Thawn grinned from his sitting position on the floor. "Flashpoint. It's a side effect. See I told you before you don't know what you're doing. This new reality you've created is staring to override the reality that you and I know."
He began to explain casually. "So your original life: your friends, your family. . .Soon all of that will just fade away."

"So why isn't it happening to you?" Barry asked.

"Not sure." He answered bluntly, but then a thought occurred to him. "Unless. . ."

"What?" Barry asked. He watched as a pleasant look of realization washed over Thawns face.


Thawn looked at his cell and started to laugh harder and harder. Barry was tired of Thawns sick and twisted mind. He grabbed the iron bars and glared at his sworn enemy. "What the heck's so funny?!"

"It's your speed!" Thawn laughed. "The more you use it the faster you lose your memories!"

Barry stepped back as if wounded. His eyes widened realizing the horror of the situation, but then he shook his head. It couldn't be possible.

"No. No, you're lying. You just want me to let you out of here and that's never gonna happen."

"See the you I know from the future, he's not this stupid." Thawn began, standing up. "You won't even remember you're the Flash and when that happens this world will become permanent. Time will set like concrete and nothing will be able to change it back to the way it was."

Barry looked down soaking in his words. What did he really have to lose? He had everything he had ever dreamed of. Why would he care if he forgot his past.

"Fine by me." He shrugged, walking away.

"You know what you have to do! You have to take me back to that night and let me finish what I started!"

Barry turned back angrily and hissed. "You will never touch her again!"

Turning back he ignored Thawns shouting and and walked out.

"You're going to destroy us and everyone you love. Everyone! Now who's the villain Flash?! Now who's the villain?!"
Barry went home after picking up the ice cream and root bear for Ella. He walked in to find the first floor empty.  

"Ella?" He called.

"Up here!" She yelled back.

He sat the food on the kitchen counter and jogged up stairs to find her in the baby's room.

She had just finished hanging some cute pictures. The room was finally finished and it looked perfect. They had wanted a theme that would be gender neutral since they didn't know the gender of the baby so they chose Winnie The Pooh.

"It looks great!"

Ella turned to him happily. "Really?"

He nodded and walked to her. "Really."

Wrapping his arms around her, as well as he could since her bump was now quite big, he smiled. He leaned down kissed her lips savoring every moment. Pulling back he looked at her as his heart felt overwhelmed with love.

"You're gonna be a wonderful mother." Ella smiled back.

"And you're gonna be a great father."

"I hope so."

"You will."

He looked into her eyes as they shown brightly. She always had so much faith in him. The last six months had been so wonderful. Over the last few months memories from this time line and gradually been turning up, making things a lot easier.

"Ella there's something I need to tell you-" Before Barry could tell her the truth about it all his phone buzzed. It was a report. Rival had just caused a fire down town and the Flash had saved everyone. That was it. He had to help.

"I-I gotta go. Emergency at work." He lied.

Barry pecked her lips quickly.

"Oh! Okay. Well be careful. Love you!"

"Okay I will! Oh and your ice cream and root bear is down in the kitchen." He said poking his head back inside the room.

She gasped. "Thank you! I love you so much!" She exclaimed running to him and kissing him hard.

After releasing him she ran down the stairs and to the kitchen, faster than he had ever seen her run. Barry laughed and raced off without her seeing him.

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