It starts with a little heart...

By WritersBlockItself

3.9K 97 73

(Muselk X LazarBeam) Lannan wanted to cry, to curl up in someones arms, bawl his eyes out and turn a blind ey... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

584 16 4
By WritersBlockItself

Muselk arrived at his friends house after a horrible three hour drive. He hopped out, stretching his legs angrily. He hadn't forgotten how scared and lonely his younger youtube friend had sounded, he had just merely calmed down more. However, seeing what used to be an amazing, lovely and sweet house now known for its horror made Elliot pissed. Lannan loved this house, and it was a shame that his friend was probably terrified of it now. 

He knocked on the door harshly, getting ready to size up LazarBeam's sorry excuse for a dad when he opened the door. Instead, what greeted him was the broken face of his friend, who stared up at him, eyes suddenly filled with tears. 

"You came." He softly said, rubbing at his left eye with his blue hoodie. "You actually came."

Muselk pushed himself forward, enveloping his friend in a soothing hug, mindful of where Lannan's bones jotted out in awkward places, or the bruises and cuts he saw littered over his uncovered body. "I'm getting you out of here." He said gently, pulling backwards from the hug to stare Lannan in the face, "Where is your da- housemate?"

"Out. He went with his friends." LazarBeams face grew into an angry look, something he was much more known for, and it seemed healthier to an extent. "That bastard. I fucking hate him."

"Come on. Lets pack your stuff and leave a shitty note for him." Elliot tried to smile gently. He was here - everything would be fine now. "I'll get the stuff for your dog?"

Lannan smiled at him: The first real, authentic smile he'd seen in days. "Yeah," He breathed, looking away. "Thanks. He's on the sofa."

While LazarBeam ran off to grab his things, Muselk trotted over to the living room, smiling brightly when he saw a ball of fur curled up on one of the large sofas they owned, now adorned with bottles of vodka and whisky, which made him drop the loose grin. "Willeh," He cooed softly, seeing the Scottish Dogs black fur coat whisk itself up, brown eyes meeting brown eyes, like a mirror of a sort. The dog gave a happy yelp, seeming to remember him, and leaped off the sofa, bundling into his arms. 

Elliot checked the dog to make sure he hadn't sustained any injuries too before scooping him up and carrying him to his travel crate. Placing him in, he gave the puppy a boop on the nose before moving off the collect Willeh's food, toys and blankets. packing it in the foot area under his and where he supposed Lannan would sit seats. 

As he went back in for the dog, he saw his friend struggling with the things he'd packed. Elliot frowned: Lannan was almost as strong as him. "I'll get that," He said, nudging the exhausted man away, "Get Willeh and go to the car."

His youtube friend gave a small nod, moving away and further into the house to collect his now whining pet. Muselk lifted the bags with ease, further concerning him why Lannan now found it difficult. He'd ask later. "You got your computer equipment?" He called into the house, seeing Lazar's face pop from behind a door.

"Yeah, its already in the car."



Muselk forced Lannan to wait in the car as he grabbed a piece of paper, along with a pen. He wanted to write the letter himself - Lannan shouldn't have to, he looked like he was going to collapse anyway. 

'Dear Mr. Eacott,' he began, writing formally at first. It didn't last long 'Hope your happy Lannan's leaving. I've notified the police about your behaviour and you will never be able to see him again. He's happy now and doesn't need your sorry ass sticking into his business. Goodbye. -Elliot.'

He smiled, taping the letter to the fridge door, knowing the alcoholic would immediately go there when he got home. His mouth locked firmly into place to think that this horrid thing helped create such an amazing friend of his. It disgusted him. 

When he got back to the car, he smiled softly. Lannan was dozing quietly, head leaning on the cool window as it began to pour outside. He dove gently into the vehicle, turning it on and placing the heater slightly up. No one needed the chills now. 

He began driving towards the motorway, keeping a wary eye on his broken friend. When he glanced at him occasionally, he'd notice something different. First it would be his bones, and how he seemed so thin under his blue hoodie. Another would be that when he male turned in his sleep, he seemed to avoid his right arm, which concerned Elliot greatly. He continued driving, looking through his rear mirror occasionally to see how Willeh was doing. The dog too was snoring soundly, curled up the the best part of his crate. Muselk thought for a second that the small puppy would love to explore his one million dollar home, and he smiled at the thought. 

When they arrived, Elliot gently shrugged Lannan into the world of living. His friend flinched when he touched his shoulder, and it made Muselk die a little inside. The man whom had done this still roamed, and it was starting to really piss him off. Calling Cray out, they all helped to move Lannan's things into Muselk's room, and the taller was pulled to the side by the moustached man. 

"I couldn't find anything to make a bed with." He began hopelessly, yet a grin formed on his face, "So until I go out and buy one -may I remind you the store is on strike- your sharing."

Muselk blushed deeply, but nodded, watching out of the corner of his eye as LazarBeam admired his room, looking out of the window at the amazing view he was not quite used to seeing in his old house. "Take good care of 'im, Elliot." Cray whispered, and the bigger youtuber saw a look he couldn't quite place, "He looks like he needs it."

Crayator left the room quickly, going upstairs to find Marcus and Kath, who where no doubt watching another marathon of some cheesy show. Elliot looked over at Lannan, who was sitting on the edge of his bed, eyes wide with amazement as he stared into the lake that they lived near. "I'll take you there someday if you'd like," Elliot said, laughing when Lannan jumped, looking up at him.

"Sure," He yawned, watching with his dark blue-brown eyes and Muselk unlocked Willeh's cage, allowing the dog to now roam free. "You sure that's safe?"

Elliot gave a hearty chuckle. "I'm rich," He stated, puffing out his chest, "I can replace anything he throws at me."

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