The Unknown Twin

By AbiLucyOwen

23.1K 463 73

What if Harry had a twin? Meet Harry and Emily Potter as they discover their family. But will Houses and a ce... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

1K 22 0
By AbiLucyOwen

***Emily's POV***

When I heard the clocks ring one o'clock, I quickly stood up, straightening my uniform. As I walked to the common room I wiped my eyes, accidentally walking into someone. "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I said, seeing it was "Uncle" Sev. Luckily he didn't know I called him this, I wasn't sure he'd appreciate it. "Emily? What's wrong?" he asked kindly, seeing my tears.

Normally, especially since I don't know him well, godfather or not, I'd just say nothing and walk away. I prefer bottling it up. But this time, more tears swelled up in my eyes, and I found myself falling into his arms as I cried, telling him what had happened, and how I'd ruined things with Draco. I knew I had. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. The professor hugged me in his arms, soothing me, telling me it'll all be okay, trying to calm me down. Once I had finally stopped crying, my godfather handed me a tissue. "Thank you, Uncle Sev," I mumbled, wiping my tears and not paying attention to what I had said.

"What did you say?" Snape asked curiously.

"Oh, I called you...uh...Uncle Sev. Because Sev is like Severus shortened you know?" I replied, hoping he wouldn't be mad. He wasn't mad luckily. Instead he said something that wouldn't have predicted in a million years. "You know, your mother used to call me Sev. Ever since we were children." I was shocked!

"You knew my mum?" I asked.

"Yes, since we were about 9 years old. We lived not far from each other. We were best friends, up until our 5th year..." he replied trailing off. I wanted to ask more about it, but he looked rather uncomfortable talking about it, so I dropped the subject. "Well I'd better go, I've got History of Magic." I said, walking off.

"Emily?" Professor Snape called after me, making me stop and turn around. "If you need to talk about anything, then come down to my office, okay?"

***Third Person***

As Emily walked into History of Magic, she saw the Ravenclaws all taking notes, Alex and Astoria nodding off, along with most of the other Slytherins, and Draco, sitting alone, writing, probably taking notes as well, though it wasn't like him. Since the seat next to Draco was the only one spare she went to sit next to him, while Professor Binns continued his lecture.

The two sat in silence, Draco still taking notes, and Emily doodling on a spare piece of parchment. After a while, Draco passed his parchment to Emily, and taking her doodle sheet while she read.


I'm so very sorry for earlier. For what I said about Longbottom Neville and Pott your brother. I am sorry for shouting at you. I hope you can forgive me. Especially if your brother is expelled. Though he was there at lunch, so I'm guessing he's not. I'm sorry I was an ass.



Emily smiled, and wrote underneath his message, and handing it back to him, stealing her parchment back. Draco, looked curiously at his own parchment, before smiling widely.


Of course I forgive you! I'm very sorry I shouted and said things. I shouldn't of. Thank you for trying with Harry and Neville, I was laughing in my head when I saw what you scored out. Can we forget this happened?


Emily x

Draco took Emily's hand and kissed it sweetly, letting her know wordlessly the whole thing was forgotten. When the bell rang signalling the end of class, they walked hand in hand to Herbology. When Emily saw Harry lined up outside she let go of her boyfriends hand and ran over to him, strangling him in a hug. "Harry! Oh my god. You're not expelled? I thought for sure you were. What did McGonagall want if she wasn't expelling you then? I'm so glad you're still here!"

Harry laughed, hugging her back, "Let me breath a minute will you? Of course I'm not expelled, you can't get rid of me that easily." He lowered his voice then added, "Professor McGonagall put me on the Quidditch team! Seeker. Only it's a secret, for the game next week, so don't tell anyone, like Alice or Draco okay?"

"Wow! Really? That's so cool! My lips are sealed." Emily whispered back, miming zipping her lips, as Draco walked over. Taking Emily's hand again, he turned to Harry. "I wanted to say sorry for earlier." He said, quietly. Harry so shocked that all he could do before he walked over to Ron and Hermione was nod, letting him know he was forgiven. "That was nice of you, Draco." Emily smiled, turning to her boyfriend.

"Yeah, well I remember what Alice said about you wanting us to try to get along and I want to check on your good side." He told her shrugging, before chuckling and adding, "You have a rather fiery temper you know? Rather scary at times." Emily rolled her eyes giggling. Alice ran into the greenhouse just before Professor Sprout walked in. "Hey guys." Alice said walking over to the couple. "Say Draco, mind giving me my partner back?" Draco sighed, and quickly stole a kiss from Emily's lips, before walking over to Avery. "So I see you lovebirds made up," Alice whispered as Professor Sprout started the lesson.

"How'd you know something happened?" Emily asked quietly, raising her eyebrows.

"Ah, that would be telling wouldn't it? Anyway I know everything that goes on," Alice muttered back, stifling a giggle.

After Herbology, Draco and Emily, walked up to dinner together, walking slowly behind everyone else. "Hey Em!" two voices behind her, made her jump, causing her two scowl at the boys.

"Fred, George. I swear, you do that again and I'll curse you into oblivion. God, you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack! She said, menacingly, causing Draco to laugh, which he craftily turned into a half-believable cough.

"Well, I do apologise my young friend, we shall try not to scare you again..." George started.

"However, we can't promise. And anyway you can't curse us, one because we're too lovable, and two, we know more spells than you." Fred finished grinning widely. Emily rolled her eyes, laughing. "Fine, what do the two of you want anyway?"

"Just to invite you and Alice over to the Gryffindor table for dinner this evening," Fred stated, bowing.

"Yeah, we've not seen you in the longest time over our way. About two weeks! It's terrible. And Alice already agreed." George added, offering Emily him arm. Emily giggled a little more and agreed, turning to say goodbye to Draco, who crashed his lips to hers. After a few moments, the twins cleared their throats, making the couple break apart, Draco walking off as Emily took George's arm. She and the twins, skipped happily past Draco, Emily laughing hard. As Draco walked into the Great Hall, and over to the Slytherin table, he saw that Emily was already there, surrounded by her Gryffindor friends. Draco, felt jealous, as she sat smiling widely as she spoke to her friends and family, laughing, having fun. It's not that it never happened like that over at the Slytherin table, but it looked like she felt more at home. After just 5 minutes of sitting down, he left the Great Hall, unable to watch Emily enjoying her time with the Gryffindors.

"Hey Em, we're going down to see Hagrid tonight, want to join us?" Harry asked his sister. Emily smiled, "Of course, I've not seen him in days! Who's all going?"

"Just us, Ron and Hermione." Harry replied.

"Aww, come on guys join us! Alice? Fred? George?" Emily said pouting a little, causing everyone to laugh, kindly and weaken slightly.

"Well, my brother and I would, but we've got detention. We'll see if we can join you after though Emily." George told her, as she giggled, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye.

"And I promised I'd help Astoria with the defence homework." Alice giggled, along with her friend.

Emily sighed, jokingly, "Fine, I guess I'll just be stuck with my brother and his Gryffindor friends."

Harry laughed and elbowed her gently, "Hey, that's not fair. We've got to spend our evening with a Slytherin." Ron and Hermione, made faces, pretending to be disgusted at the thought.

"Ah, but I'm the Slytherin that you all love, whether you admit it or not," Emily smiled angelically, causing everyone to agree.

Later that night on their way back from Hagrid's, Harry, Ron and Hermione, (Emily having already returned to her common room in the dungeons) found themselves running from Filch, as they were a tad late in. "Come on in here," Ron whispered, pointing to a door. Harry tried to open it but found it locked. "Alohomora!" Hermione, muttered at the same time. This time when Harry tried to open the door he succeeded, and the three friends quickly scrambled into the room, quietly closing the door behind them. "We should be okay in here, Filch thinks it's locked." Ron said happily.

"Well it was locked," said Harry.

"And for good reason," Hermione said shakily. The boys turned around to see what she was talking about and saw a huge, three headed dog towering over them. The three screamed, and raced to get out of the room, as the dog went in for an attack, luckily missing the three. Once outside, they noticed Filch had gone, so they hurriedly ran to the seventh floor, where they panted the password out to the Fat Lady, who allowed them in. "What are doing, leaving a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron exclaimed.

"It was standing on a trap door, Ron, it's not there by accident its guarding something. Anyway I'm going to bed before we nearly get expelled or killed again." Hermione said sighing, then walked off to her dormitory without another word.

"Well, tomorrow will be fun," Harry sighed.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked, looking at his friend strangely, as they walked up to their dormitory.

"You know what Emily's like, she'll be complaining at us because she missed out on all the 'fun' of seeing a three headed dog!" Harry exclaimed, as Ron laughed.

"Ha, true. Good luck with that one mate." Ron said as they changed and slide into their cool bed, and almost instantly fell asleep.

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