Heroic Acts

By xSilenced_Spiritsx

43.4K 2.5K 1K

What if the love of your life turned out to be your arch nemesis? Darien moves away from home to enroll in a... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine

Twenty One

601 32 15
By xSilenced_Spiritsx

Her eyes fluttered open gently, and she squinted as the light from the window seeped through the blinds. She slowly began to recognize and remember her surroundings as she realized she was still snuggled into Seth. She watched his chest rise and fall with heavy breaths as he snoozed in, not once phased by the light of the morning. Careful not to wake him, she gently sat up and slid off the bed, her bare feet hitting the floor. She put on an over-sized cardigan over her tank top and shorts before slipping on some shoes to head to the bathroom.

She opened the door to find the place empty, happily realizing she could hog the whole locker room to herself. She undressed out in the open, slowly peeling off each article of clothing and setting them neatly on a bench beside the shower of her choice. She stepped inside and started up her water, as hot as her skin could stand. She waited briefly for the temperature to perfect itself before stepping into the glorious cascade that was a morning cleansing.

Her red hair darkened as it began to soak, turning brunette and growing heavier with the weight of the water. She began to lather up, washing her strawberry locks with delicate suds, allowing them to trickle down her incredible figure. She was gorgeous. She didn't really know it, either. She was never a "girly girl" or a prep, never the type to focus on boys, always the kind of girl to chase success and live care free. She was messy, clumsy, a total pushover, but somehow so gentle, kind, determined, and irresistible.

She finished up her shower, shut off the water and dried off, wrapping one towel around her body and another around her hair. She grabbed her clothes and slipped her flip flops on before scurrying down the hallway in her towels, opening the door to Seth's room and dashed inside. She closed the door quietly behind her, barely making a sound, when she heard a voice from the bed.

"Wow," Seth mumbled groggily. "If I were into chicks, I'm sure I'd be all over you."

"Haha, very funny, Seth," Caroline said and rolled her eyes, smiling. She walked over to her little bag of things that she had brought with her yesterday afternoon, searching for her clean clothes. She started to let the towel slip from her body.

"Wait, you're just going to change in front of me?" Seth asked, his eyes widened.

"You're gay, aren't you?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know anymore," Seth said jokingly and chuckled.

"I wouldn't care even if you weren't, dummy. You're my best friend."

Seth smiled at her and turned away to let her get dressed out of respect. He wasn't into ladies that way and he didn't want to feel weird by disrespecting his friend, despite her insane beauty.

"You should come around more often," he finally said.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, your company is amazing. I feel so happy around you, Caroline."

"That's sweet of you to say! Of course I'll be around."

"Ugh, I don't even want to leave you today. We have to go to classes though, don't we?"

"Yeah.. yeah, we do."


"Yes, Seth?"

"Will you help me look my best today? In case... I see him?"

Caroline's face brightened with the biggest, most mischievous smile she had ever smiled.

"You got it."

Seth turned around to look at his friend now that she was dressed. She was rummaging through his closet, trying to find something cute for him to wear.

"This is mostly band t-shirts. What the hell, Seth?" she laughed.

"It's cool, okay?!" Seth blushed.

"Yeah, yeah. You're too much of a lil' kitten to show off so much edge. I know you too well," she said and smirked. She dug deeper, finally pulling out a casual, short-sleeved button up. It was a deep burgundy color with black buttons and a collar.

"This is so cute!" she exclaimed. "Why have I never seen this on you?"

"I don't wear shit like that anymore," Seth groaned. "I'll look like a weirdo, I can't change my style like that over night."

"Sure you can, and you will!" Caroline said and tossed it to him. She gave him dark wash jeans to match, along with his socks and classic black and white Converse. Seth changed into it right then and there, adjusting his buttons and pulling at his sleeves, fitting his pants right and tightening his shoes. Caroline stood back and looked at him, smiling the whole way through.

"Damn, Seth, if you were into girls, I'm sure I'd be all over you," she joked and laughed.

"I feel weird," Seth admitted.

"That's okay, you look great! Don't feel weird. You should wear tighter fitting stuff! You have amazing arms and a really cute butt. Your baggy shit hides all that, you know!" She said and smiled. He smiled back at her, regaining some of that confidence that he lost long ago.

"Thank you, Caroline."

His green eyes met her brown ones. They reminded him of Darien's.

"I should get going," Seth said.

"Go get 'em, Tiger!" Caroline yelled and smacked his ass. Seth laughed at her.

"I'm going, I'm going," he said.

"Awesome. I'm gonna take a nap for an hour until I need to go to my own class," she said.

"Just lock my door behind you," Seth said.

"I will! I promise!"

Seth smiled and left the room, making his way to his first class of the day.


He felt awkward, nervous, and scared. He didn't know how he could ever face Darien. It would be the first time he saw him since before his accident. The accident that HE himself caused with his carelessness. Was it possible for a super villain to not be careless in the first place?

By the time he made it to class, all the seats were taken except for his own and the one beside it, and Darien hadn't shown up yet. Seth sat down in his seat and pulled out his notebooks and pens, anxiously tapping his foot. Class started in three minutes, so maybe Darien was just running a little behind?

Those were the longest three minutes of Seth's life. He could feel his soul trying to escape his body when the professor started her lecture and closed the door. He tried his best to pay attention and take notes, but he couldn't get over the anxiety of wondering where Darien was. He almost gave up hope until he heard the jiggle of the door handle.

Darien quietly made his way into the room, fashionably late. He nodded respectfully at his professor who smiled at him, clearly happy he could join them. He made his way over to his seat, spotting Seth and feeling his heart skip a beat. He wasn't sure if he wanted his blood to boil or if he wanted to hug him tight.

He noticed Seth's different outfit, his normally cute self even cuter when he was all done up nice. He wanted to speak to him, wanted to smile at him with such a genuine smile that everything would feel like the way it was before. Darien wasn't letting that happen, though. He would not be put down by Seth again.

The lecture was awkward. Neither one of the boys were taking notes, sitting still, or listening. They would just fidget, try to glance at each other without the other knowing, and block out their professor's voice. Seth began to grow very desperate and decided to make the first move. He quietly pulled a piece of paper out of his notebook and wrote Darien a little message.

-Hi, Darien. How are you feeling?

Darien glanced at the little piece of paper and looked over at Seth before grabbing it and writing a response.

-I could be better, but I've healed a lot.

Seth read the message and passed him a new one, the boys continuing this pattern for the rest of the class.

-I'm really glad to hear that. Where have you been? You haven't come home.

-I live with Andy, now.

-I wish you would have said something.

-Why would I?

-I thought we were friends..

-Me too.

Seth thought long and hard about his response before he could finally put it into words.

-I'm sorry about the hospital. I tried to come see you, I really, really did. I should have come as soon as I found out, I was just so shocked, Darien.

-I don't need your excuses, Seth.

-You don't understand. Someone slashed my tires before I could get out to come see you, and I ran the whole way, and I didn't get there until after visiting hours. I tried so hard..

-I hate it when you make up stories like that. Especially at a time like this, with such a sensitive situation. You really hurt my feelings, Seth.

Seth felt his heart sink. He was telling nothing but the truth and the fact that Darien didn't believe him was heartbreaking.

-Darien, I want you to come home...

-I'm not coming home, Seth. I'll be by at some point to get my belongings, but that's it.

-You really don't believe me?

-No, no I don't. I know your huge ego believes you can get away with lying to me, but I won't let you.

-I miss you, Darien. You're my friend.

Darien sat for a moment, staring at the page before scratching a rebuttal.

-We are not friends, Seth. As much as I'd like us to be, we are not.

-Darien, I love you.

But he didn't pass that note. He kept it to himself, and he let Darien leave the classroom when their class was over. A tear fell from his cheek and dotted his paper.

But he wouldn't stop trying. Never.

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