Cupid's Bow [Completed]

Von Tae_does_not_approve

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"What are you, a ghost that haunts the girl's bathroom or something?" He burst out laughing. It was a unique... Mehr



85 5 32
Von Tae_does_not_approve


I checked my backpack once more, just to be sure that had everything I needed to stay the night at Namjoon's. It was kind of weird, having a group sleepover with a bunch of dudes, but I guess there's a first time for everything. Yeah..

My phone buzzed while I was rummaging through my bag, it was a text from Jungkook say he's here. I escaped downstairs to the basement, just to see if Jin was ready to go. He sure enough was.

"Jungkook's here." I grabbed his packed bag from off the floor. "Jin, you've already been to Namjoon's house before, what's it like."

"Oh, it's very nice. He lives in a penthouse in the city." He picked up a few things before retrieving his bag from my hand. "Also Jiyeon, about last night, I couldn't help but over hear a few things. What happened?"

I gave Jin a reassuring smile. "Just my step mom being a bitch, nothing to worry about." I whisked my back over my shoulder, marching with Jin upstairs. "Bye everyone!" I yelled before leaving the house.



"What the hell." I stared up at the tall building, barely able to even gaze that far up. I wasn't sure if I was even at the right place until I saw Taehyung outside, nervously waiting on someone else to arrive so he wouldn't have to go up alone. "Why the fuck is his place so big?"

"We didn't even see the inside yet." Taehyung stood up from the outside bench. "What are we supposed to do when we get inside?"

"Ah, I'm not sure."

"We don't need keys, do we?"

I shook my head, knowing Namjoon probably wouldn't send us over if we had no way of getting inside. "Have you ever watched that one Disney channel show, with that one nanny chick, and those kids?"

Taehyung gave me an odd glare before answering back. "Are you talking about Jessie? You, Min Yoongi, watched that show?"

"No!" I stepped inside the lobby, Taehyung trailing behind me. "I'm pretty sure you have to call in to get to the floor you want."

Taehyung's mouth gapped into an 'O' shape as he followed me to the front desk. The woman smiled, asking who we were visiting, I answered back using Namjoon's full name and she quickly rang him up.

As we wait for him to pick up, more of our group arrived. Jiyeon, Jungkook, and Jin made their way into the build, Jiyeon taking notice of me before anything else.

"Yoongi!" She ran over, her bag sagging over her shoulder. "Jimin and Hoseok just got here, they're out side bringing talking to Jimin's mom about safety and rule." She gagged at the restrictive rules. "Anyways, did you two just get here?"

I nodded but Tae shook his head no. "I've been here for quite some time already." Taehyung smiled. "Maybe fifteen minutes, I didn't want to go up alone so that why."

Every soon emerged into the lobby, Jimin looked tired and annoyed while Hoseok was evidently nervous. Jin approached the counter, smiling cockily at the woman. "Is Joonie not answering? I can just call him on his cellphone."

The woman well enough recognized Jin, and she was tried of seeing seven people wait around in the lobby. So, although it was against protocol, the woman still decided to send us up to Namjoon's apartment think what harm could come.



We all entered the vast penthouse. The home was huge and incredibly nice, it was something I wouldn't even dream of affording. The view was amazing too, everything was just so nice.

"Huh? That's new." Jin hiked around the living room, two blow up mattresses laying flatly by his couch. "I guess we're sleeping in the living room."

Jungkook was already snooping around the refrigerator, I decided to join him, also concerned with what I'm going to eat while being here.

"Dude!" Taehyung screeched, we all snapped towards him. "Namjoon is stashed with alcohol!" Taehyung pulled out the most expensive bottle of wine, it slipping through his hand the second he held it up. Luckily, Taehyung had fast reflexes and caught the rich bottle of wine before it hit the ground. He giggled out of astonishment, "wow, we would've been screwed if I dropped that."

"You would've been screwed, leave us out of it." Yoongi turned away, going to the coaches to lay down rest, Jimin quickly following his actions.

"Taehyung, put that back." Jin was ready to scold the younger. Jin sat at one of the kitchen stools, watching the kids from behind the counter. "That one bottle probably cost more than everything in your closet combined."

There was no hesitation when it came to putting back the drink. Once the bottle was out of sight, it was out of mind. I returned to the fridge, it was packed. Namjoon must've stocked up on food knowing we'd be here. My heart nearly jumped out my chest at the beautiful sight of French vanilla ice cream drizzled in caramel. "Bless!" I stole the tub out, placing it on the counter hungrily.

"Child! This is not your house!" Jin snapped at me like an irritated mother struggling with keeping her children in check.

"No Jin, it's fine." Namjoon walked in from the entrance with a tan coat draped over his shoulder. He held a grocery bag is his hand, placing it on the kitchen counter and opening it up. "I stopped by the store to buy more snack, I didn't know what you guys liked so I decided to get all my favorites." He pulled out Twizzlers and Hershey's chocolate an plenty more, it looked like a stash of Halloween candy.

"Namjoon, you didn't have to do that." Although saying that, Jin was still happy Namjoon went out of his way for his friends.

Namjoon's face lit up at the sight of his boyfriend, it even warmed my heart as he leaned in to give a peck at his lips. "I wanted to. Jin Hyung, do you wanna go pick a movie while we all settle in."

Jin hopped down from the stool, heading over to a shelf literally overflowing with books, movies, and video games. "I see that you have all the seasons of Friends."


We all sat together at the blanket covered floor, ignoring the couches behind us, laughing and enjoying our many, many snack while watching Friends. I enjoyed each scoop of ice cream, Jungkook stealing a few bites from me. It was already sunset, and the mood was set. Late night deep conversations were soon to irrupt.

"Namjoon, how come you have a bunch of alcohol in here?" Taehyung finally questioned, really tempted by the drinks.

Namjoon chomped down a piece of his ham sandwich, staring innocently at Taehyung. "It's my parent's, this is still technically their house a lot of their stuff is here for when they visit, which they never do."

"Okay, that makes since."

"Well." Namjoon's eyes wandered towards the kitchen. "My parents wouldn't notice if a little was gone."

Taehyung was nearly jumping up in joy, he loved the feeling of being rebellious and denying the rules. It's not like we have anywhere important to be, so why not? That's probably what Taehyung thought because, of course, I promised myself to never drink again.

"I'm down, I'm always up for a little rule breaking." Jimin sat up, his attention fully grabbed.

Namjoon stood up. "I'll get everyone a little to drink, I'm not sure how strong this stuff is only a little bit." That doesn't sound good.

Namjoon left quickly, pouring eight glasses for each of us and returning back to his spot. He handed each of us our own cup, Taehyung was quickly to start gulping down the drink, oblivious to the burning sensation it would cause. He nearly spat it back out. "Aaughh! What the hell am I drinking, gasoline!?"

Namjoon chuckled. "This alcohol is a little different than the one that was at the party, it's gonna burn a little."

"I feel like my chest is gonna cave in!" Tae gripped at his shirt, like he was on the verge of death.

Jungkook stared at the drink with a stone-faced expression. I was a little worried. "Fuck it." He threw the cup back as he chugged down the drink, clearly riling everyone else up. Once the whole liquid vanished into his throat, he pulled the glass away with a few coughs and teary eyes. "Oh fuck that burns."

Hoseok took a few sips of his drink, hoping to loosen himself up before taking the chance to form his planned deep discussion. He took one last gulp, not able to finish the beverage without emitting a hiss. We all turned towards him, the second person able to finish their portion of the mysterious beverage.

"Hoseok?" Jimin put his hand at his friends shoulder, kneading into the tense muscle to hopefully soothe Hobi.

"I have something important to say, I hope you all will be able to get something off your chest as well." Hoseok gritted through his teeth, still adjusting to the burning sensation in his core. "My mother, she's in prison." A new type of silence dawned over us, one that nearly whisked our breaths away and left us all in a compassionate shock. "She's been gone for ten years, arrested for child abandonment. She left me at an amusement and told me she'd come back when I was only eight years old. She never came." He spoke bitterly, recalling terrible memories. "My father was a drug addict so he couldn't get custody of me or my half sister Dawon, but my sister still had her mother to look after her. I was in foster care up until the middle of sixth grade year, some homes were good, some were bad, and some were very very bad."

No one knew at all what to say. It was too much information to take in and not enough time to process it. Jimin's eyes flashed with tears that threatened to escape. Things were finally adding up. "She's who you visit her every Sunday, like the day you had to leave while we were at the fair. And her release date!" Jimin gasped, throwing his hand over his mouth to stop himself from speaking. He already knew what was coming next.

"She gets out in a few days. At first I only new she'd be out soon, so I wanted to tell you guys last weekend, but then I found out her exact release date and-" He choked up on his words, rubbing painfully at his eyes. "She gets out next Sunday."

No words were spoken, only actions made to comfort our friend. Warm hugs and easing acts of empathy. These are the types of confessions Hoseok was implying?

"Who's next?" Everyone seemed to stiffen up at the question. We weren't being force to spill our deepest troubles, but with Hoseok's confessions, we all felt obligated to say at least something.

"Welp, I might as well go next." Yoongi took another sip of his drink, he was already beginning to sense the familiar buzzing as an effect. "If you guys want to know why I am the way I am, then here it is. As some of you may have heard, seventh grade year my mother passed away, she died in a car accident on her way to pick me up from school." Yoongi's face was stoic, it wasn't hard to tell, this memory has tormented him so much to the point that he can actually hide the numbing pain. "Anyways, after she passed I shut everyone out. I went through so many negative emotions and pitied myself during most of it. I was angry at the world and myself. It even got as bad to say that I didn't want to go on with living anymore. At some point life got better, calmer, smoother, it was beginning to brighten up.. and yet... I was still sad..... Fuck, this is getting depressing." He let out choked chuckles, his pained emotions were evident. "Who's next?"

No one spoke up, we all just gazed aimlessly at each other, not knowing what to say, everyone afraid of the secrets left untold. I raised my hand up, anxiety greeting me at just the thought, making my stomach turn. "Most people don't know this, but the home I live in is pretty much broken. My step mother is a fucking bitch who's always drunk, she does things that are just terrible, she love to torment kids. She's the reason my youngest brother has such bad anxiety, which sucks because it makes his Tourette's worse, Jisung was supposed to grow out of most of his tics by now, but he's only gotten worse because of that woman." I paused for a moment, taking a glance at Jungkook, he was visibly distressed at what he was finding out. I never another soul about my home life, even if Jungkook is my second half. "My mother lost custody of her kids when she left my dad for another man, but she somehow bounced back and now has her own business, is happily married, and has a five year old daughter named Seunghee. Well, my mother just came back into my life a few days ago after trying for years. She asked me if I wanted to live with her."

"Where does she live?" Jin beat Jungkook to the question, he was clearly just worried and concerned.

"Far, in Seoul, but still far."

"And what did you tell her?" Jungkook questioned with a stern tone.

"I told her no." I looked down at my hands, nervously fiddling with my thumbs. I told her no. "Who's next?"


We learned a lot about each other all in one night. Jungkook talked about his parent's problems, Jimin told us the full story of his break up with Soojung and his stressful, busy life, Taehyung talked about his drunk uncle and how he got that way, and Namjoon spoke of his absent parents. The only one who spoke of nothing whatsoever was Jin, and I new exactly why. It would be much too problematic to even reveal a small portion of his story.

"Jin Hyung." Jungkook pipped up curiously. "Why haven't you said anything."

Jin shrugged, immediately wanting to avoid the subject. "There's nothing to say."

Yoongi scoffed. "There's so much to say, we know literally nothing about you if you haven't noticed." Yoongi, again, showed much interest in the topic of Jin's untold life. He was suspicious about everything surrounding Jin's sudden arrival and it's secrecy.

"I don't have to speak if I don't want to."

Yoongi cocked up a brow, he already knew Jin would try to sneak his way out of the personal questions, but it still was a let down. "It's hard to trust a stranger, you know that."

"If you're really that curious, I'll tell you bits and pieces. I came from a very rich family, we lived like royalty in the modern times.. I hated it. It was so restricting, it's like you couldn't even act human, my parents chose everything for me, even who I'd date and marry, what I'd live out to become, where I go every second of the day. I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted a chance to live." He rubbed at his face. "I'm not sure what more I can say, it's too early."

Only more questions rose in Yoongi's mind. "Do you guys remember that missing person's case just last year, everyone in Seoul was talking about it? A young rich boy, heir to the throne of his parents international trade company, went missing, many thought he ran away. I'm starting to think so too." Yoongi eyed Jin, figuring things out much quicker than he should've. "You're from that stupid rich Kim family, aren't you?"

Jin wasted no time in chugging down his drink. He proved to have quite a tolerance to alcohol when all he did was wince. "Let's change the subject."

"Well." Yoongi's eyes wandered off towards Taehyung. "We can always talk about Taehyung and the slut."

Taehyung visibly stiffened. "I told you not to call her that."

Jimin was now intrigued by the topic as well. "What is he talking about, Taehyung?"

"I asked Yeonwoo to homecoming, no biggie."

Jimin brows furrowed, he surely didn't like the sound of that. "Why, after everything she's done?"

"Because she changed."

"People don't just change."

"She did."

Jimin's face retorted to a scowl, he looked mad, very mad. "You're so naive, I hope you prove me wrong, I really do, because if she hurts you-" Jimin zipped his lips shut, diverting his attention back to the alcohol. "People just don't change, Taehyung. They just don't."

Taehyung sat silently, he didn't want to retaliate any further, maybe it's because he knew nothing would change Jimin's mind, or maybe it's because he knew there was some truth to Jimin's words.

The silence was worrying, there was nothing calming in it.



I'm gonna get some new glasses y'all, it sucks tho because my vision keeps getting worse, lmaoooo!

Yeyeyeyye, was this a good chapter?

Idk what to ask so how was your day? Favorite food?


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