Blood Moon

By carollinghearts

85 10 3

Terra Clark is a very adventurous girl, friendly to almost everyone, having a sweet but daring personality--s... More

Blood Moon
Blood Moon (A/N)
Blood Moon (Introduction)
Blood Moon (Dedication)
Blood Moon (Side-Title)

Blood Moon (Chapter#1)

13 2 3
By carollinghearts


A Bloody Guy with Fangs

Terra Clark

It was a rainy evening when I was driving back home, a little drunk from a bar that my friends went to. We were celebrating fun because we are now on senior high school. Two more years and were done! And also it was Jenny's birthday so we celebrated both. She paid for everything that we ordered, tequila, beer, wine and anything that is liquor and edible. She's actually rich because her parents have their own company and whatever it is. And they give her everything she wants. What a lucky girl huh? We drunk our hearts out but I didn't really drank too much because I know I still have to drive back home. But still I'm a little dizzy.

My friends were too drunk to drive so I got them in the backseat of the car and drove them home. I didn't care about how I place them, at least I took care of them and make sure that they'll be safe on going back to their homes. I'm usually that kind of friend that saves my friends butts from being kick by their parents. I mean that's what friends are for right? Helping each other out and not leaving them? And just have fun! You ain't living your junior high without having bad ass friends you know. Bad ass friends that won't leave you even if your in detention and will fight for you if somebody stole your stash of candies. Yupp, were like that.


They've been there for me when I was down and in sorrow. I'm just simply returning the favor they gave. Being alone in a house is the most loneliest, boring and dull moment in your life that could ever happen. And that's what I'm in right now. My parents are in Hawaii having the time of their lives and leaving their daughter behind to study. They're going to stay in Hawaii for about 6 months or more. But I'm still grateful that they're not here because I have the house for my self! I mean that is every teenagers wish! No chores! No parents yelling at you everyday you wake up! No hurrying up when its time for dinner! And most importantly, I won't be grounded! Even if I come back home at midnight with drunk friends! And play the with the x-box all night long!

Talk about freedom.

But still, it's lonely being alone and that's were my my friends come along. They always come at my house, having movie marathons and sleep overs. We party sometimes and invite every student at the school, even the nerds, the goths, and the whatevers. And they usually ended up sleeping in my front yard and backyard, when they wake up they thank me for giving them the most fun night of their lives. I mean you will not live your teenage life without a taste of tequila, vodka and beer in a party! And just drunk yourself with your crazy friends! After every party comes a very tiring tomorrow right? Wanna guess what we do? Well, we just skip school and relax at the beach at Riley's relaxation house. He's Jenny's cousin and well, he's also rich just like her.

So now I'm driving them all back to their homes or else their parents will ground them for dear life. And I don't want that cause I won't have fun time without them. And alone at the house plus no friends equals boring, you can still have fun yourself but I will be more fun if you have friends with you, joining your crazy ideas of avoiding boredom.

I thought about that but I gotta concentrate on driving them back home now.

I turn left and park in front of Mica's house. She's also my friend, the happy go lucky girl of the gang. She always smiles even if in despair and she's Riley's girlfriend. She never drinks but right now, we force her and boom! You got yourself a drunken knock-out Mica; that is snoring loudly at the back.

Small innocent girl plus liquor equals big snore.

I got out of the car and open the backseat and suddenly Mica slide down the car and hit her head on the road, lucky she didn't woke up but kept on snoring. Easy, now I don't get to hastily get her out of the car.

My luck might be here now..

I held her beside me, sliding her hand on my back and got it with my right hand then using my other hand to hold her waist so that she won't fall. Uhrg, her snoring is so annoying and loud! I swear I am not going to let her drink again! I walk right into the front door of their house, dragging her with me and rang the doorbell. After a moment someone open it and I was glad that it wasn't Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins, Mica's parents.

"What happen to her?" Cheery ask, Mica's 14 year old sister.

I smiled at her. "You already know. Get her to bed okay? And you know what to tell your parents right?" I say and carefully placing Mica on the floor.

"Yeah sure, but where's my reward?" She replied, crossing her arms.

I reach out on my pocket and give her about five to seven bucks.

"Is that enough?"

She raise her eyebrows, looks like demanding for more.

I sigh and got my lip balm from my back pocket.

"How about this then? That's Victoria Secret. So five more parties to go, is it a deal?"

She look at the lip balm, examining if it's real. And then looked at me, smiling and raising her hands out for a shake.


"Good. Now get your sister to bed. Bye Cheery!" I respond, running back to the car.

"Bye Terra!"

Now, 4 more to go. God and wow, this is really exhausting.

I got onto the car and drive to the next block of the neighborhood and park in front of Jonathan and Jericho's house.

It wasn't their parents house, they decided to live away from their parents and live by themselves but still having the supports of them. They're twins and the cool, but idiots in the school and don't forget, total heart breakers. Yep, heart breakers, like every girl they date ends up heartbroken and we don't know why either. We don't really mind their business with girls. They're also rich, yeah they are. I call them as the spoiled High-smith brothers. Because everything they demand, their parents give it to them.

They better thank me for this! I thought to myself.

I went to the backseat again and got the two outside and because of my clumsiness, I drop them both on their lawn. God they're so heavy! As expected for two guys who eat much but still have abs! Yes, they are so proud of their body. Talk about work out huh? And that's another thing girls fall over heels for them, except for their charming God-like faces.

I was lucky Gordon got out of the house when he heard the car horn and saw me carrying this two polar-absolutely-heavy bears. He's the butler of their house and he's pretty much a helpful person. He approach me and grab Jericho while I carry Jonathan.

"They drunk their heart outs again?" Gordon suddenly spoke.

I just nodded at him.

"They're lucky their parents aren't visiting them now or else they'd be--

''Dead meat."

"Oh. they will be."

We both laugh sarcastically while gasping for air because of the loads we got.

I remember that one time that I delivered them in their house while their parents were still there. They weren't grounded but their Dad got both of their mustangs and didn't return it for about a month. They were absolutely furious that time, and what's more embarrassing is that each day they both walk to school bare foot. That was total--I mean major minus points for them. I laugh back at that memory. We finally reach the front door and both enter the house and I dropped Jonathan on their big couch.

Oh, I love dropping him off!

My arms are so sore right now, Jonathan is one heavy guy.

"I'll be going now Gordon, bye! I still have two people here to deliver." I say running back to the car again.

"Bye Era!" He replied while placing Jericho on the other big couch.

I enter the car and drove again with two snoring siblings on the back. This time I'm driving to a bigger house. I decided not to go over to Riley's house but just to leave him on Jenny's house. They both live on an another neighborhood but Riley lives maybe seven blocks from Jenny's. I drove about fifteen minutes, and it was already midnight. I'm lucky that I leave my motor in Jenny's house or else I'd be walking on this cold windy night. I'm actually driving Riley's car. It's a ford ranger and it was his favorite one, I'm the only one who he gave agreement to drive it.

Finally I reach the Auerbach's house and looks like her parents are on date night because I can't see their car on the garage. I stop the car in front of the gate and beep the horn. Their maid recognize it was Riley's car and opened the gate immediately. I park it on the garage and hop out.

"Oh, I thought it was young Riley Snitcher driving it. Where are they Miss Clark?" The maid ask.

I chuckled. "Oh they're here," I say while opening the backseat.

She gasp. "What happen?! Senior and Madam are surely gonna be mad about this!"

"Oh, don't panic. Just get those two on bed so that they won't be grounded." I replied calmly.

She placed her hands to her hips and gave me a 'what look' before saying.

''Well then--help me!"

I made a boring sound. "Fine, I'll carry Riley."

We both carry the two to the mansion and then went upstairs. The maid got Jenny to her room and I went to other side and put Riley to the guest room. He snored loudly and I just laughed. He really is funny even in his sleep. I glance at him once again before closing the door and immediately went to Jenny's room.

"Hey, I'm gonna go now." I whispered to the maid.

She smiled. "Okay, take care Miss Clark and your motor is on the garage."

"Thanks." I say then went downstairs then to the garage.

I saw my motor beside Jenny's mustang. I hop on my ride, got my keys and started the engine. This is going to be a cold ride, lucky I bought my traveling jacket. The road back home was peaceful, I could hardly see any cars passing by. It's midnight, what should I expect! I laugh on my mind with that thought. I pass by the twins house, then turn right carefully. The tequila really did get me, and I felt more dizziness in my head. I focused on driving and adjusted my light to high so that I could see the road more clearly.

Oh God, please don't let me crash.

I knew I shouldn't have drunk six shots of tequila, but they were teasing me that I couldn't do it. After drinking those shot, I immediately got out if their sight so that they won't tease me about drinking it again, or else we would have fallen asleep on the bar. And then they'd be grounded at the morning, well except for me of course. They are so lucky to have me as their friend. And I'm lucky to have them too.

Yeah, talk about it..

I've been driving for about twenty minutes and I finally reach my house. I stop at the front, hop out of my ride then went to open the garage and then went back to park my baby. After parking, I went to open the garage door that leads to the living room. I turn to open the lights and I saw a bloody guy in my couch and he was sleeping? I thought I was just seeing things so I laugh--loudly.

He flinched a little and that kept me frozen on my spot. He stood up and looked at me, his eyes were blood shot red, he was wearing a bloody teared t-shirt, his pants were a little loose with blood too, and he has--fangs?! And what's more scarier is that he has something on his chest! Its something like a dagger?!

Oh shit, I know I shouldn't have drink much.

"Hey, I don't mean any harm to you but I really need some first aid."

He talks!

I look at him intensely and I felt the adrenaline rushing on me and I was like totally frozen on the spot with my mouth slightly parted. Emotions were flooding my mind and body. I felt fear, happiness, confusion, and a little drunk. What the heck is happening to me?! My mind is swirling and swirling like I was in a roller coaster ride. And my head was pounding really hard. I came back to my senses and I laughed sarcastically after hearing his voice and seeing his appearance, now I got more drunk to my self.

So much for that luck I'm talking about..

"What is this twilight?!" I laughed more and my voice was a little shaky, I sounded like a really really drunk man.

He looked at me probably confused. "Are you drunk?"

"What? Who? Me! You! Drunk?! No way! I was just driving here back home and I saw you! You bloody guy!"

What the heck am I talking about!?

He was about to speak but I spoke first and talking a small step, closer to him.

"So?! What's your name bloody guy? You Dracula or Edward or Frankenstein, something? You know for a bloody guy like you entering my house is illegal! You deaf or something?"

He didn't say anything. He just stood there, dumbfounded maybe, at how I act in front of him.

"Hey brother!!?" I said, waving both of my hands at him.

He sighed. "You are drunk. Look, I'm sorry I broke into your house and--

"No no no, It's okay Edward Cullen! Yeah, I'll call you that since you won't tell me your name! You can stay here and get cozy, and get drunk so the Vulture will kill us both and I'll be your Bella Swan! So where's Jacob Black? You know he has to be here and--

It was a sudden moment and I immediately knew that I black out and there's a bloody guy with fangs on my house.

What a night.


Hey, how was the first chapter? Was it awesome? Just good? Hummm, needs a little more specific verses? Come on and tell me about it on the comment section just below your screen! :D I would really love you if you leave a comment behind :)Lol. Sorry, I'm just really like this haha so maybe you'll get used to it :P This is also my second book on Wattpad. *Don't see any first book?* Well, I kinda deleted it.


Please do leave a comment! (Lols, I already said it twice?) And also, don't forget to vote! (Oh yes, now that, I said only once! xDHaha I'm kinda shy to tell you to vote guyssss. I think that you might hate me for that T-T Hoho)

(Weirdness overload...)

Okay okay! Thank you for reading! And I hope you enjoy it! Did you like the cover? Cause I've been staring at it for about 3 minutes! *Stares back* Feel free to stare at it for 5 more minutes! *Gotcha!*

Okay! Till next time! ^_^


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