Game On | Lance x Reader(Harr...

By Calybear7

71K 2.5K 2.1K

You attend your first year at the new and improved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New teachers... More

Play Dirty | Prologue
I Am Not | Chpt 1
Blue | Chpt 2
Try Outs | Chpt 3
Kalteneker | Chpt 4
Enemy | Chpt 5
Are You Okay? | Chpt 6
Love Potion | Chpt 7
Family | Chpt 8
Tech Time | Chpt 9
Fair Enough | Chpt 10
Bludger | Chpt 11
Conquer, Not Admire | Chpt 12
Alone | Chpt 13
Mondays | Chpt 14
Bonding | Chpt 15
A-DAMN | Chpt 16
Date | Chpt 17
Stick It Out | Chpt 18
Headmaster | Chpt 19
Let Go | Chpt 20
Return | Chpt 21
Axca | Chpt 22
Annoying | Chpt 23
Milkshakes | Chpt 24
Home Wrecker | Chpt 26
Pick-Up Lines | Chpt 27
Happy | Chpt 28
5 Bucks | Chpt 29
Fantastic Beasts | Chpt 30
Complicated | Chpt 31
Hug | Chpt 32
Charlie | Chpt 33
The Very Best Something | Chpt 34
Laugh | Chpt 35
McClains | Chpt 36
Goblet of Fire | Chpt 37
Meant to Say | Chpt 38
Stupid, Perfect Girlfriend | Chpt 39
Help Me | Chpt 40
Keith | Chpt 41
Secret | Chpt 42
Trial 1 | Chpt 43
Trial 2 | Chpt 44
Trial 3 | Chpt 45
Cry | Chpt 46
Blind | Chpt 47
Guilt | Chpt 48
Desserts | Chpt 49
Talk | Chpt 50
Lucid Dreams | Chpt 51
Visit | Chpt 52
Direct Kiss | Chpt 53
You're Really Cute | Chpt 54
Merry Christmas | Chpt 55
Welcome Back | Chpt 56
Krolia | Chpt 57
In My Head | Chpt 58
Worried | Chpt 59
Caught | Chpt 60
Mystery Culprit | Chpt 61
Bad News? | Chpt 62
Ice | Chpt 63
Rainbow | Chpt 64
Dad Knows | Chpt 65
Sweet | Chpt 66
When Did You Love Me? | Chpt 67
Mrs. (l/n) | Chpt 68
Basically a McClain | Chpt 69
Abuela | Chpt 70
Awards | Chpt 71
Cuba | Chpt 72
Brody Stevens | Chpt 73
Comfortable | Chpt 74
Buenos Días | Chpt 75
Perfect Fit | Chpt 76
Great Boyfriend | Chpt 77
The Blue | Chpt 78
Going Home | Chpt 79
My Fault | Chpt 80
Summer | Chpt 81
How It Ends | Epilogue

The Yule Ball | Chpt 25

1.1K 46 95
By Calybear7


Here are outfits.





Shiro/Adam (they match <3)





I think that's it.


(Y/n)'s POV

I let out a shaky breath, clipping a necklace that used to be my mother's around my neck. Pidge shuffled around behind me, looking for her converse. She had insisted on wearing hers, and I was tempted to, but I just figured I'd kill my feet in heels to look nice for the next few hours. Normally, Allura would've done my make up, but considering we weren't exactly speaking, I had Shay do mine instead. She was rather good at it, and I looked really good.

"You're feet look like they're already bleeding," Pidge said.

"Wait really? I don't want blood on these!"

"Are you telling me you care more about the shoes than your feet?"

"Not necessarily, but I want to return these," I said, picking up my heel to show her the tape on the bottom. I wasn't about the scuff these up. What else would I use them for? I ran a hand down my dress and dropped it so it covered my feet.

"You take up half the room with that skirt."

"I do not!" I said and she gave me a look. "Whatever, the shop keeper was very convincing."

"That's their job!" She called back and I sighed.

"Whatever just help me down the stairs," I said. She sighed and held out a hand to me. I hobbled down the stairs, almost tripping on my dress several times. "Okay maybe this was a mistake."

"Ya think?"

"Wow someone's salty today," I commented and she gave me a glare.

"I will leave you."

"Wait no!" I said, gripping onto her shoulders for the last few steps. Stairs done, there shouldn't be anymore issues. We both headed out and walked down the hall. There were tons of dresses and suits around, people waiting for them to open up the dining hall to dance.

"Where's Keith?" Pidge asked.

"We're meeting him in the open area near Gryffindor," I said, her following.

"Jeez for being in those heels you sure can walk fast as hell," she said, trying to keep up with me and I giggled. When we reached the open area, Keith was nowhere to be found.

"Woah!" I turned around to see Keith entering after us. "You look so pretty!" My face warmed.


"How did you even get in there?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys suck, really," I said. He gave a half smile. "Nice tie."

"You picked it out."

"Yeah I know, that's why it's nice."


"You look handsome, don't worry," I said, linking arms with him.

"Can we go now?" Pidge asked and I nodded, tugging Keith towards the dining hall. The teachers were waiting for Honerva to open the door. Once she did, kids started filing in. All years.

"You excited?" I asked Keith. He nodded, taking my hand instead to keep from stepping on my dress and keep from losing me as well.

I could see him debating punch, friends, or dancing, so I decided for him, tugging him to the side wall where I could see Shiro and Adam. As we approached, Shiro gave Adam a kiss.

"Excuse me! PDA is not allowed, foot apart at all times people," I mocked and Shiro flipped me off, kissing Adam again. "I have no choice but to arrest you both."

"Shut up."

"Nice to see you too."

"You guys look good," Adam interrupted, resting his head on Shiro's shoulder as he held onto his arm. Pidge had ducked for the food table as I expected.

"So do you, love the purple," I commented. I shuffled to lean up against the wall and survey the crowd of people forming.

"Punch?" I nodded at Keith and he dipped into the crowd, rolling up his sleeves. I sighed and shook my head at his fashion choice, but he looked nice either way. Adam went after him probably for punch as well.

"Well aren't you two cuties," Shiro said.

"Thanks grandma."

"Oh come on. When are you two going to start dating?" I choked slightly.

"What?! You know better than anyone, that we are just friends," I said.

"I know, I know, I'm just teasing," he said. "Seen Lance yet?"

"You're being one cheeky bitch tonight huh?"


"Hmm, but to answer your question, no. I don't plan on it," I sighed.

"Wait I'm confused, I thought you were like, annoying soulmates or something," he said, crossing his arms.

"I'm not saying I don't want to see him, I just don't want to see him with Nyma right there breathing down my neck."

"Ooo~ is someone jealous?"

"What? No! She's just a psychopath!"


"The fact you think I like him makes me sad," I scoffed. He laughed.


"You're a dick."


I sighed. It fell silent and we watched the crowd for a little while.

"I don't like him."


I let out a frustrated groan as Adam and Keith squeezed out of a clump of people, 2 drinks each. Keith handed me one, giving me a look.

"What's going on here?"

"She refuses to admit that she likes Lance," Shiro teased.

"I don't!! I'm just glad we're sort of friends, he's still an annoying little shit, just less of a horrible person!!"

"As someone who has to hear about him 24/7, I have to side with (y/n) here," Keith said.

"Thank you," I said, sticking my tongue out at Shiro.

"Whatever (y/n), just get back to me when you're not in denial," he said. I looked at Adam indignantly. He held up his hands, signaling he couldn't do anything about it.

"Keith. Dance."

"Uh, yeah, okay," he said. Shiro smirked at me as we walked away. Keith and I found a spot in the crowd and we danced for a while, bobbing back and forth to the music. He wore a smile for the most of it, spinning me a few times. It was nice to see him out of his shell for a while. Keith a few months ago would've never.

"Hey, I'm going to run and see if I can find Hunk and Shay," I said. "You want to come?"

He shook his head and I let him go to Shiro, Adam, and now Pidge, while I looked around. I edged around the room, reaching a corner, not yet finding the pair.


I glanced around for the strangely audible noise, finding that it was Lance. Nyma clung to his arm, both of them slightly out of breath. I'd like to think it was from dancing, but from Lance's pink lips, I knew it was otherwise.

"Hey, oh, have you seen Hunk and/or Shay?" I asked. Lance opened his mouth to answer, but Nyma beat him to it.

"I don't think so!! I'd try over there!" She suggested, pointing at the opposite end of the room.


"Hah, yeah, thanks anyways," I said, turning and ducking further into the crowd. I had been walking for only a few seconds after disappearing when someone caught my arm.


I turned back to look at Lance. Nyma was nowhere in sight, he had probably sent her to get some food or something.

"Hey, I just wanted to say how good you looked," he said. My face flushed red underneath my make up, and he smiled.

"Thanks you too. You look dashing," I replied with a laugh. He smiled.

"Oh and Hunk and Shay are in the hall, sorry about her," he said.

"That's okay, thanks." He paused.

"We'll have to dance later," he said and I nodded."

"I'd like that."

"Your necklace is beautiful as well," he said, stepping slightly closer.

"Thanks, it was my mom's," I said, glancing down at it. We were both quiet for a moment before I cleared my throat lightly.

"I-I should get back to Nyma," he said.

"Yeah? Tell her I said thanks for the directions," I said and he smirked, dipping back into the crowd.

Now, time to find Hunk and Shay.

I hustled through the crowd, spouting meaningless excuse me's and sorrys, until I reached the door. I glanced around for Hunk and Shay, but I couldn't see them. I only ended up running into Allura, who seemed pissed to see me.

"Excuse you," she muttered, jabbing past me with her shoulder. I felt my heart leap up in my chest, watching her run off to find Lotor no doubt. Hunk and Shay were no where to be found, and I ended up heading back to Keith.

We went back to dancing and a slow song came on. I felt my stomach tighten as we awkwardly shuffled together, his hands on my waist. I soon realized this was just Keith, and I relaxed, resting my forehead against his. I was beginning to get fatigued by the festivities and the evening.

"Tired?" He asked softly and I nodded slightly.

"Only a tad."

We both went silent for a while. My eyes were shut for a while before opening them slightly. Keith had already been staring at me, and I felt my stomach knot with embarrassment again. We watched each other for a while before I felt the tip of his nose brush mine.

I watched his violet eyes, focused in on mine, before I felt him dip forward and press his lips against mine. My fingers curled slightly at the back of his collar. We both pulled away and let go of each other.

"That was--"


"Yeah." I listened to him clear his throat. I glanced to my left locking eyes with Lance who had been watching. He didn't look away, only blinking once before turning and leaving, shoving his hands in his pocket. I felt a panic arise in my chest. "Look (y/n), I didn't mean to do that, that was just, weird."

"I--yeah." I looked over at him and for a moment I felt the urge to laugh. I didn't know if it was the situation, or if it was my body telling me it was freaking out, but I let out a little snort. He looked over and almost immediately smiled. "Can we just--"

"Forget about that? Yes." He said chuckling. I laughed with him for a while. "I'm going to head over to Shiro now, I'm sorry, I did that."

"Yeah, it's cool," I said. The laughter subsided and I realized that Lance had seen. Shit. The moment passed and Keith and I went our separate ways, letting the moment pass. I ran out to the hall where I had seen Lance heading to. I looked around for him.

He must've thought I lied to him about Keith and I not liking each other, but if he cared so much, doesn't that mean he likes me? As crazy as that seemed, it didn't seem far off.

I wasn't going to do anything. That was rule number one. Just talk to him. I hurried down the hall, looking for him in the crowd. I headed down an empty hall, contemplating where to go next. Suddenly I felt my legs come out from underneath me, falling.

"Hmm funny," I glanced up, Lotor towering over me. I scrambled up, out of breath and fearful.

"I don't have time for this," I said, brushing myself off.

"Going after McClain? Hardly a priority," he sneered. "It's so fun to watch you scramble around, it's like you don't know how to be a person."

"Back off!" I had never been this forward with him, or outgoing. His eyebrows shifted and his icy eyes bored into my head.

"Wrong choice," he muttered, grabbing a hold of my necklace and ripping it from my neck. I let out a gasp.


"What? Holding on to your mommy?" He mocked.

He must've heard earlier.

"Give it back!" I said, reaching for it. He held it up so I couldn't reach it, taking the chance to roughly shove me to the floor again.

"She's dead, you shouldn't need this," he said, and I felt my eyes water. He let it clatter to the floor, hovering his foot over it. "So weak." Tears dropped down my cheeks now and I reached out to grab the necklace, not caring if he broke my hand.


I glanced up and he spun around. Allura stood at the end of the hall amongst a few that had begun to crowd around. Including Lance.


"Don't-- I heard what you said," she said. "Step away." He did as she said and I snatched the necklace from the floor. I glanced up at the crowd staring at me. I felt my stomach knot up again, a sickness washing over me. My breath was heavy and I scrambled up off the floor, wiping at my face.

I took off, pushing through the crowd and down the hall, leaving a shoe behind. I ripped the other off, carrying it as I ran. My lungs burned by the time I reached the outdoor area, away from people. My heart pounded in my chest and tears continued pouring down my face. I collapsed on the edge of the fountain.

I sobbed, not caring about the make up that was probably down my face now. I only cradled the torn necklace chain and its gem in my cupped hands. I let out a shaky breath, the chilly air out causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

"You forgot something, Cinderella," I glanced up, Lance holding out a neat shoe. He gave me a sad smile, walking over to sit beside me. He was silent and only let me cry beside him. He set the shoe on the ground and placed a hand on my back. I sobbed until I couldn't anymore, miserably sniffling beside him.

"He's wrong."

"Wha--?" I wiped at my face with the back of my hand. He paused and gazed out at the sky.

"When mi abuela died, my mama told me that when a person dies, they're not really gone, and that mi abuela was probably watching over my shoulder as we spoke. I still believe that." I glanced to him, but he kept his cool, cerulean eyes fixated on the stars. "It's just crazy how lucky your mom is, to get to watch over someone as awesome as you."

I felt my eyes water slightly, and I smiled, taking in a shaky breath. He looked down from the stars to look at me, wiping away a tear with his thumb. I leaned my cheek into his hand and he watched me.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," I murmured and he smiled softly. He sat there with me until I was calm, all the tears dried on my cheeks and under my eyes.

"So, he's a brother huh?" Lance asked quietly, once everything had settled. He seemed solemn and refused to look at me as he spoke.

"He is. What you saw was a mistake, and we both cleared that up immediately," I said. He glanced up at the sky again.

"You like him, don't you?"

"No! I don't!! Even if I did, it shouldn't matter to you," I said.

"Well it does," he said, bluntly.

"Why? I've said before I don't like him."

"It's just hard to believe you, when you do things like that."

"Well, whether you believe me or not, I don't like him okay? Why do you even care?" I trailed off, keeping to myself. He turned to look at me and for a moment everything stopped. Everything from the crickets to us had stopped making noise, everything froze as if to encapsulate the moment.

Our eyes locked and for a moment I felt calm. My mouth parted slightly and I felt an electric buzz through my body, even to my fingertips. His hand quickly cupped my jaw and he connected our lips. I felt all the air sucked from my lungs and a warm feeling replaced it, my whole chest on fire. He pulled away for a moment before kissing me again, his other hand coming up to hold the other side of my face. I gripped onto his vest lightly, pulling him towards me.


He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. I trailed my fingertips down his jaw and we stayed there eyes closed. I felt him take my hand as we sat there.

"That's why I care."

My stomach churned still, but was now accompanied by a warm calming feeling. My worrisome side saw this as his chance to comfort me, and that's all this was, and it was making me nervous.

I opened my eyes and met his, both of us watching each other. He leaned forward to kiss me one more time, before standing up. He smiled at me, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning away. I watched him walk away, my heart pounding in my ears.

I glanced back at the sky, letting a curl set itself on my lips.


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