My Kryptonite

By AsunaRpg

2.1K 35 4

Still recovering from the devastation of Reign. Kara decides to take a small break from being Supergirl and d... More

2. Another One Gone
3. Confessions
4. Broken
5. A New Start

1. The Dream

436 8 0
By AsunaRpg

"Well Supergirl may have saved me but Kara Danvers, you are my hero"

Lena is face to face with Kara. She could feel her breath, a certain warmth that could only radiate from her. Looking into her eyes she was determined to let it happened, whatever it was, whatever it would become. As she closed her eyes Lena's lips lightly touch hers.

"Kara what the hell are you doing?! You said you'd be up early to go to the DEO with me" says Alex pulling the covers off Kara who was sound asleep and had snoozed her alarm 3 times. Kara sits up gasping for air as if life itself had left her. "What time is it?!" Looking at her clock she rushes to the closet ignoring her sister. Why in the hell would she dream of something like that, she felt this strange lingering feeling about it. "Alex have you ever had a... well weird dream about someone in your life?" Sitting on the sofa Alex looks at her sister confused. "Umm yeah, I once dreamt Winn brought a cake to work and didn't share." Kara looks at her and laughs, "I think that happened last month." Finally ready they both head out and ride Alex's motorcycle to the DEO. It wasn't the first time Kara rode on the bike, she even tried to convince her sister to let her borrow it to no avail. As they walk in Brainy greets them with a smile and hugs Kara. "Really I didn't get to say this but congratulations for defeating Reign. Your chances were slim but you were effective." Shaking her head Kara heads upstairs to the conference room where Alex was already debriefing her men. Deciding to wait outside she leans against the guard rail, her mind drifting back to the dream making her slightly blush. Waiting for Kara to respond she finally snaps her fingers which to Kara seemed to echoed all around her. "Hey are you okay? You've been weird since this morning. Is this about that dream you had?" Kara sighs and walks into the conference room. "Yes well, no. Okay I had a dream about Lena." Alex laughs and sighs, "for a second I thought it was bad like your dream about Reign. What's so weird about it? I dream about my friends too." Holding her breath Kara shakes her head. Realizing this was serious Alex takes a seat and pulls a chair for her. Taking a seat she finally breathes only to say, "I dreamt we kissed...". A silence fell over them, both processing what was said. "Like kiss kiss?" Asks Alex only to get a nod and concerned look from her sister. "I mean it's a dream it could have many meanings. Besides you, well Supergirl and her are having some issues maybe that's what it could be." Standing up Kara begins to pace. A couple of minutes pass and Kara takes a deep breath. "I need a break, not like completely off but no big bad guys who want to rule the world for a while." Alex smiles giving her sister a nod. "Now this doesn't mean that if anything big comes up you won't let me know." Hugging her sister Alex responds, "if you need to talk about what's going on, I'm here but I do have to get to work as well as you. I'm surprised James doesn't fire you." Kara rolls her eyes, "very funny, I'll see you tonight for dinner?" Giving her a thumbs up Alex heads downstairs.

-At Catco-

"Well you all know what to do, let's get to it." Says James coming around the front of his desk to see Lena walk in. "Have you seen Kara? I was busy with the whole situation with Samantha I haven't seen her in a couple of days." James nervously fixes his shirt, "oh you know she always tries to get a good story, she's probably- speak of the devil." Kara was looking through her bag for her badge as she got off the elevator. James never understood why Kara still took the bus and the elevator when she could fly. Looking into James office Kara sees Lena smile and wave at her. Giving James a quick kiss she meets Kara outside his office. "Lena what a surprise, umm, how's Samantha?" Giving her a big grin she places a hand on Kara's shoulder. "Well she's doing great running one of my offices out of town, also she says that she's into being a soccer mom now. Not sure what that means but they sound happy." Kara had only heard small bits of what she had said, she needed to distance herself, at least for today. "That's great, well I gotta get to work." Trying to slip away Lena asks her, "are you free this afternoon? I had this reservation for dinner but my business partner cancelled on me, I thought we could catch up." Nervously Kara looks back at her makes and nods. "Great! I'll text you the address and time." She rushes to her desk and looks at her computer in shock. Why did she agree? There goes her plan to stay away. Pulling her phone she texts Alex.

"Hey do you mind if we cancel dinner for tonight?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah just, Lena asked if we could catch up and I said yes."

"Yeah no problem, maybe you can tell her about your dream."

"Don't even joke about that!"

"Good luck!"

Looking through her e-mails she finds one from Clark. She hadn't talk to him in a while, he congratulated her on her win and told her she should go visit him sometime in Smallville. He had been such an inspiration to her, as she grew as a heroine she didn't want to follow in his footsteps, did not want to be known just as Superman's cousin but as Supergirl. That's one of the reasons that made her trust Lena, the fact she wanted to make a name for herself, to clean up the Luthor reputation. In a way Lena was like her, both wanting their own paths in history. Finally getting to work Kara's day goes by faster than what she hoped. Before she knew it her phone dinged, a message from Lena giving her a location and time. She had honestly hoped Lena had forgotten.
Looking over to James' office she could see them two talking. "These accusations against you, Guardian, I can help you." Said Lena grabbing on to his arm. "Lena I appreciate it, but this will settle on it's own, look Guardian did a lot of good, and for now that's what I hope they see. Besides with you by my side anything is possible." He says pulling her into a hug, Lena can't help but to feel pushed aside even when he held her so close. "I have to go, Kara and me are going to dinner. We'll talk later." Grabbing her purse she walks out looking for Kara who is pretending to be working on something. At her desk Lena can't help but smile. "Ready to go?" Taking Kara by surprise she jumps from her seat a little and laughs. "I'm not done here, would you want to maybe go a different day?" Crossing her arms and giving her a smirk Lena replies, "you're not trying to leave me hanging  are you? Come on it'll be fun, besides I'm your boss." Not being able to hold in her smile Kara gives in turning off her computer, grabbing her bag they head out to dinner.

-At the restaurant-

"Table for two under Luthor, Lena Luthor." She says as they walk up to the hostess. "Of course right this way." As she leads them to the table Kara can't help but to notice how elegant and sophisticated it is. As they sit down Lena glanced at Kara who is still in awe. "Must of been an important meeting."

"Yeah it was, doubt anyone else will give him the offer I did."


"This man has a schematic for nanotechnology that could be used for the medical field."

"So then why did he cancel?"

"Not sure, he left a strange message telling me he wasn't gonna make it. Either way I'm glad that I get to spend some time with you, I suggest the fettuccine by the way."

"Does this place have potstickers?" Kara asks jokingly. The afternoon rolls on and before they knew it, it was dark out. Moving on they decide to go to Lena's office at Luthor Corp and drink some wine. Kara had forgotten about her dream, she was spending such a good time with Lena that nothing else mattered. Arriving at her office Lena takes out a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. "I've never seen you drunk Kara." Kara chuckles and fixes her glasses, "is that your goal tonight?" Lena smirks as she pours the wine. Taking a seat on the couch she just looks at Kara. "I'm sorry to hear Mon-El had to leave again."

"I've come to terms that we aren't meant to be. He... has other priorities."

"Well plenty of fish out there right?"

"None that are to my liking" says Kara fixing her glasses once more as she avoided eye contact. "Into happier news, how are you and James?"

Lena's expression turned sour, as if she had bitten a lime or grapefruit. "Its not all what it seems. Don't get me wrong he cares, I care. I might even say its love but.."


"Luthors don't feel love, when they do it's a cold day in hell." She says biting her lip.

They keep drinking for a couple of hours, taking it slow. Yet Kara can see Lena is more than tipsy. Grabbing the bottle she puts it back in the cabinet. Right behind her is Lena who is having difficulties keeping her balance falling toward Kara. "You cau-ght me." Says Lena looking into Kara's eyes. This feeling in her chest. Kara knew it, she had felt it before, in her dream. "Lena you're drunk, let me get you to your place." Placing a finger on Kara's lips she shushed her. "You are so cute Kara, ever since the day you walked in to my office." Taking her back to the couch Kara sits her down but Lena pulls her down. Being face to face she could feel her warmth, she could smell that perfume she always uses. "You and Supergirl keep playing with my heart, I thought James could fix that but he's not you or her." Kara blushes and if something had taken over her she leans in closer, almost touching her lips. "Kara kiss me..." Kara freezes, not a single muscle moves after hearing those words. Lena wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her. A kiss that lasts only seconds but feel like an eternity. Kara's mind races, her smell, her warmth, her lips that taste like cherry. Everything about her invited Kara for more, she wants more. She feels vulnerable, but strong at the same time. Pulling apart Lena seems to have fallen asleep, trying not to enter panic mode Kara pulls out her phone and calls Alex.

"Hello?...Kara I can't hear you give me a minute." The background noise was loud, sounding like a club or a bar it takes a minute for the sound to fade just enough. "Kara?"

"Alex... umm are you busy?"

"I'm on a date, what going on?"

"Long version or short?"


"I..we... we kissed.."

"Who kissed? Kara what's going on."

"Lena and me, she was drunk and then the things she said....I froze and she kissed me..."

"Did you kiss her back?"

"I...I don't remember, yes, I think. Alex what do I do?"

"Where are you?"

"At Lena's office but I can't just leave her here."

"Okay, look take her to her hotel room then meet me at your place. Okay?"

"Okay I'll see you there," hanging up the phone she looks at Lena. Picking her up gently she flies her to her hotel. She had only been there once to drop off some papers from James. At the front desk no questions were asked and Kara was given a key. It felt as if the elevator would never stop, they had surpassed 20 stories and it was still going. Looking at Lena who was peacefully asleep and had found a way to wrap her arms around Kara, she couldn't find an explanation to what happened. Stopping at one of the top floors she walks out to a massive room, looking like an apartment. Taking her to her bed Kara lays her down gently and covers her up. "Why Lena?... I hope you don't remember any of this" She whispered. Leaving a note that said, "Had so much fun catching up, you fell asleep at your office so I got some help to bring you here. I hope you'll feel well in the morning. I'll see you at work. -Kara". Leaving the note on the coffee table she headed back down to grab a cab home.

-Kara's Apartment-

"Explain to me again what happened." Said Alex who had been looking at Kara pacing back and forth for minutes. Unfolding her arms Kara takes a deep breath and tells her once more. Alex stays quiet for a moment. "Can you please say something?!"

"I know I couldn't be the only lesbian in the family, I knew it!"

"Dear Rao! Alex this is serious! I kissed my bestfriend who is dating my other best friend."

"Could be worse."


"Well she could of figured out you are Supergirl. Look she was drunk, let's hope she doesn't remember any of it."

"If she does?"

"Then you'll need to figure out what it is you're feeling or not. When I came out to you I expected a reaction, but you didn't have one. It was a sort of relief, now if you think you're actually feeling something for her then it's better to tell her now than to let it slide."


"You'll both end up hurt. The reaction you get from her will depend if you tell her or if she finds out by other means."

"Taking a break was the wrong plan."

"You're welcome to show up to work tomorrow."

-Later that Night-

Kara kept tossing and turning in her sleep. Dreaming and reliving that moment over and over. Finally getting up she sat in her bed until morning. Questioning herself over and over, and overthinking the situation she came to a conclusion. "Lena Luthor, you are my Kryptonite."

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