The Untitled Awards 2018 [CLO...

By TheUntitledAwards

15.4K 1.3K 2K

The Untitled Awards are annual awards for authors of every genre and level of fame. Whether you write for fun... More

Rules and Categories
Accepted Entries - Overview
Entry Forms - [CLOSED]
Accepted Judges
Judging Form - [CLOSED]
Judging Rewards
Judging Criteria
Action/Adventure Accepted Entries
ChickLit Accepted Entries
Fanfiction Accepted Entries
Fantasy Accepted Entries
General Fiction Accepted Entries
Historical Fiction Accepted Entries
Horror/Thriller Accepted Entries
Humor Accepted Entries
Non-Fiction Accepted Entries
Poetry Accepted Entries
Romance Accepted Entries
Science Fiction Accepted Entries
Short Story Accepted Entries
Supernatural Accepted Entries
Teen Fiction Accepted Entries
Message for all ROMANCE/CHICKLIT Entries
Message for POETRY/SHORT STORY Entries
Action/Adventure Results
ChickLit Results
Fanfiction Results
Fantasy Results
General Fiction Results
Historical Fiction Results
Horror/Thriller Results
Humor Results
Non-Fiction Results
Poetry Results
Romance Results
Science Fiction Results
Short Story Results
Supernatural Results
Teen Fiction Results

Judging Criteria - Poetry

88 13 0
By TheUntitledAwards

Hi guys,

This criteria was thrown together a little hastily so we're really sorry if it's not very cohesive. Keep in mind that we would love your feedback for our next contest for which we hope to make a decent criteria. Anyway, here is a quick rundown (we suggest that judges read through this once or twice and then start their judging):

Structure - Look for paragraphing, even stanza lengths, even line lengths (or the opposite depending on the poem). Basically, discern if the structure of the poem is effective in helping convey the theme of the poem (/25)

Meaning/theme - The poem doesn't need to have a super deep theme as long as it does have some theme or meaning and that the main focus of the poem is that theme. This means no random ranting or metaphors for no reason. (/30)

Language and imagery - This is everything your English teachers have drilled into your brain since primary school: metaphors, similes, alliterations, assonance, slant rhymes, onomatopoeia, etc. Pretty much anything that evokes an image as long as it is necessary to the poem and actually adds to the poem's meaning. (/20)

Tone/word choice - The tone is how the author writes or, more specifically, their words choice. This means you need to look for things like loaded words the poet has used and decide if they fit the theme of the poem well. (/10)

Title, cover and blurb - Aesthetics never hurt anyone (so long as they are relevant). (/15) → 5 for each

So judges will read 1-3 poems from each book and use the following to give them an overall score out of 100:

Structure (/25)

Meaning/theme (/30)

Language and imagery (/20)

Tone/word choice (/10)

Title, cover & blurb (/15)

Overall (/100)

Feedback: (this feedback doesn't have to be super detailed it can just be a sentence or two about what was good and what could use improvement)


The Untitled People :D

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