Phantom and Night (A Vampire...

By 7ShadesOfMe

188K 8.4K 656

"Mamma. What's a mate?" "Liam, honey. Where did you heard that?" Five year old Liam said hugging a book half... More

Phantom and Night Chap 1
Phantom and Night Chap 2
Phantom and Night chap 3
Phantom and Night chap 4
Phantom and Night chap 6
Phantom and Night chap 7
Phantom and Night chap 8
Phantom and Night chap 9
Phantom and Night chap 10
Phantom and Night chap 11
Phantom and Night chap 12
Phantom and Night chap 13
Phantom and Night chap 14
Phantom and Night chap 15
Phantom and Night chap 16
Phantom and Night Chap 17
Phantom and Night Chap 18
Phantom and Night Chap 19
Phantom and Night Chap 20
Phantom and Night Chap 21
Phantom and Night Chap 22
Phantom and Night Chap 23
Phantom and Night Chap 24
Phantom and Night Chap 25
Phantom and Night Epilogue
Phantom and Night Extra.

Phantom and Night chap 5

11.1K 492 86
By 7ShadesOfMe


She says under her breath. Aren't they human too? Why do they kept saying I'm human as if it's a big deal?

"Well. You are him. Are you?" I eyed her confused as I pull my hand off her grip.

"Anyway. Those flowers are poisonous. Hidden in their preserved beauty and everlasting life is a toxin that can paralyze you, dear one."

What? I almost touched that!

"But not all poisonous things are harmful. Those flowers are only poisonous when they're frozen. During spring it can be the finest tea you'll ever taste." She says looking rather proud too. Why do I get the feeling that her first sentence has double meaning into it?

"Come, let's go back in. You must be cold." Cold? I look up when something melted on my cheek. Snow. I forgot. How did I? When the world seemed so beautiful.

The coldness was not a bother anymore.

She walked and I followed her. We went inside the house again and the maids bowed at us especially her.

"Marcus! My baby!" She suddenly yells out. Running with open arms at Marco. Quickly trapping him in her arms.

"Ack! Woman! Get off me!"

"Call me Mommy!" She whines loudly as she forces a hug onto Marco.

"Call me Marco before I call you that woman!"

"You're no fun Marcus." She whines again. She's Marco's and Liam's.. Mother? She looked so young.

"Good Afternoon Mrs. Night."

"Oh hello there Cros." She untangles her arms off Marco who looked like he was strangled half to death.

" Can you kindly fetch a meal for Warren and I." She knows my name?

"My pleasure, Mrs. Night." He bows. Making Marco cringed.

"Don't do that anymore. You're like a family now, Cros. Call me Auntie." She giggles like teenaged girl making Marco frowned.

"O-okay Aunt--"

"Don't you fucking dare, Cros." Marco warned and she just laughed.

"Now-now Marcus honey. Don't curse in front of Warren. C'mon Warren."

She walks towards the so called living room that's as huge as Liam's room. She set up the TV and DVD player.

"I bought a movie earlier. It's called.. Frozen." She laughs loudly like something was funny from what she said. Well I don't get it but I just go with the flow since I was forced to sit down with them. It was an animated movie. We ate while we watch the movie. Weirdly. Marco and Cros is watching with us.

"I knew you'll join us, Marcus." She giggles and Marco sush him, glaring at his Mother like she's annoying him. He likes this kind of stuff? Well. It is a good movie. I eyed the clock. It was still so early. When will Liam go back? Why am I here anyway?

I stood and thought they didn't mind. All three of them eyed me and Cros was first to ask.

"Where are you going? Comfort Room?" He asks me. I just nod and he nods at me. I walk away and instead of the bathroom. I went outside the huge doors. The maids were too busy to see me as I walk outside. The snow was falling slowly and blanket the whole place evenly. So perfect. It felt peaceful. Maybe I was cold or maybe not. I felt weird. This place felt odd. I walk out, leaving footprints in the snow. Where should I go? Why did I stayed in that place in the first place? Maybe because I felt needed? Like Liam would never harm me. Nor leave me. But.. I'm afraid. What the hell is this feeling? The feeling like I knew him before all of these? I walk and walk and didn't bother looking back when suddenly I felt a strong hand grip my arm.

It hurts! Wincing I look up at the tall muscular man.

"Human prey!" He whistles loudly hurting my ears from the high pitch sound. Who..? He was shirtless and tanned. A muscled man with golden eyes. I wince again as he lifts me off my feet and my eyes widening further when I saw two wolves.

Wolves?! Huge ones!

No.. They'll eat me! I was so frightened that it didn't quickly register to me. That the man holding me transformed into a huge brown wolf.

This is a dream right?!

He threw me on the snow and I slid down. He pounced at me and I braised myself for my death that never came.

I felt nothing. What?

When I open my eyes. I heard screams of pain. I quickly got up and what I saw, left me speechless. I think blood left my face but it's as if what I saw was a normal thing. I wasn't disgusted as Liam lifted the brown wolf effortless and spun him by his tail. Throwing him by the tall trees. The wolf whimpered and screamed in agony as he hit the tree and shifted back into a human. The other two wolves were bloody as they shifted back as well. All three of them had bite marks on their neck making them squirm and cry out in agonizing pain. I stared at Liam who didn't face me. He has blood on his mouth that drips over his chin. It was not his blood. He spits it out and the scarlet color mixes with the white snow. He has fangs that turn back to his normal teeth in seconds.

He's.. a Vampire?

Those were real then? But.. Why am I not that shocked? Instead I steady myself and approach him slowly. He steps back and turn his back from me. Wiping the blood off his chin using his sleeve. I pull his hand and he faces me. I eyed him and saw him, unharmed and I was relieved. His eyes were red like the blood he tasted then it turned back to hazel after few seconds and he pulled me in his arms.

"Warren." He said my name quietly under his breath as he hug me tight. He was shaking as if he was cold but he was not. Rather. He looked scared to death.

"You're not disgusted by me right?" He mutters against my ear and I shake my head. He tightens his hold on me and speaks again.

"You're not afraid?" I shake my head and push away from him and he meet my eyes. Shaking my head again.

"Thank you." He said sounding relived as he kisses my head and I move away when he did. Cupping the place where he just kissed me. My cheeks blushed and I walk away fast hearing him chuckle.

"Warren wait!" He caught up on me.

"Why did you leave?" His voice came out serious but still quiet. I stop from walking and look down.

"Don't you want to stay with me? I want you to stay so please do. Even if you don't. The Vampire Council will look for you because no human can know about us or they'll behead you." He said with a mocking smirk. Tsk, this kind jerk. I glared at him and shake my head. I can't stay. I need to find my mother. As if I can tell him that.

"I apologize. I can't force you to stay if you don't want too but.. won't you? For me? It's only been two days but.. I really need you. I don't go under my pride. Especially not to a human but Warren." My eyes widen when he kneels before me. Taking my hands in his cold ones.

What the heck is he doing?

"Stay. Don't leave me. I promise to protect you with all my life. I need you. I need you with me please!" He doesn't really need to tell me. I can feel it. Sighing without a sound. I pull my hands off his hold and walk behind him. He looked puzzled but he laughs when I jump on his back and he carried me effortlessly. He then stands with me on his back. Adjusting my weight on him. It felt weird but I really feel comfortable with Liam.

"You'll regret jumping on me now you had known my little secret." He says and I gulped and quickly hold tightly on him as he zoom pass everything in so fast I can't keep my eyes open. It was amazing. I forced myself not to scream. Even if I allow myself, I doubt any sound would come out. He then suddenly jumps onto one large branch of tree and drop me on my butt. I glared at him. Laughing at me.

"Woops. Sorry about that." tsk! He did that on purpose! He help me up and I stumble on him. His back hit the trunk and in a second we switch places. I was now sandwich between him and the tree's trunk.

I look up to see his darkened eyes. His eyes going down on my lips. I grip onto his shirt. Once again feeling his icy skin underneath the material. Then his eyes drifted to the exposed skin on my shoulder and neck. Was he thirsty or what?

"Warren." His voice came out horsed as he licked his dried lips and swallowed in his dried throat. Maybe I was curious. But I wanted to feel him. He grips on my arms. His hand sliding the sweater, further off of my shoulder. Exposing more skin. I pulled him closer as my answer, tilting my head for access and that's all he needs to lean over the crook of my neck. His mouth opens and I felt his fangs poking my skin. I bit my lip and a slight sound escapes my mouth after so many years as he bites down on my skin, sucking my blood. What is this feeling? I was so weak and he supports my weight, literally carrying me. Wrapping my legs around his hips. I heard him whimpers as he suck more. But instead of pushing him away, I grab a handful of his hair pulling him closer. I wanted more and I was scared why I do. Yet I don't care. He licks my neck and blood drip over my collar bone. He trailed his tongue over the line of blood and he licks the holes that he made on my neck. The wound got clean up and closed up almost instantly. Our breathing were ragged but his was worst. He was panting and he groans inward as if he was controlling his self. Then I fall limp on him making him curse loudly.

"Fuck! Warren! Warren, I'm sorry! Are you okay? Tell me. Warren!"

He lifts my head cupping my cheeks. I nod tiredly and end up holding onto him like a child. He wraps his arms around me and he carried me. Few seconds later I was placed on his bed. He was that fast. He can be so incredible. Well he is a vampire after all. That I find hard to register even though he already bitten me.

"Warren. Tell me if you're okay. Do you feel cold? Hurt? Tell me. Shit! Did I get my venom in you?" He panics and I ended up grabbing his hand when he was about to practically run off.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I was.." How can someone so calm and controlled, be in distress. Was it because of me? Really Liam.

I lift up his cold hand over my lips and blow on 'em. He stills and watch me and slowly his shaky hands calms down. He was afraid to hurt me but I was not hurt. I rub my hands on his hand and I hold it. I stir in the bed with his hand against my face. His hand didn't felt cold anymore. I look up to see his the surprise on his face. His eyes widen and his mouth opened slightly. Still holding his hand, I reach out to his cold cheek. I held his hand on his cheek and a slight gasp escape his mouth as he felt his own hand. Warm. Like mine. I pulled him wanting him close. He obliged and slowly, carefully get under the sheets next to me. Snuggling next to him, I saw his smile again. He let me get into a comfortable position first and he wrap his arms around me after that.

"You just made me feel so warm, my dear Warren." He says softly against my hair as he pulls me closer against him.


I'll post the republish/edited/somehow better quality chapters here but only 'till Chapter 5.
"The Phantom and Night"
2018 version.

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to view the rest of the chapters. You can still read it on If you wish to support me, 😢 it'll warm my heart so much.

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Chapter 6


*Flash back to when Liam was called by the Vampire Council*

Liam wore his black robe with the crest of the vampire council delicately embroidered on the fabric across his back. He didn't want to leave Warren alone. Everything seemed to happen so fast, even he didn't knew what to do. He knew Warren was his Mate the moment he saw him. He felt him. He knew. Closing his eyes he remembers how his Mate was brought to him in the most unceremonious manner.

"Brother! We brought you a prey!" Marco called out with a cheeky grin. Liam was busy at that time. Having, literally mountains of paper works in his desk.

"Don't bother me Marco, I'm.." His breath hitch up as he look up to stare at the boy Cros was holding. In a blink of an eye he was already in front of Cros.

"Give him to me." He didn't wait for Cros to hand him over. He took him away from him. Carrying him in his arms. He was so small. Liam thought of how he felt him so long ago. A human. His Mate was a human? And now he is here in his arms. Holding him. He felt like he was dreaming. He couldn't even believe his own eyes.

"Get out. Leave us."

"But brother." Marco grumbles and Cros was just left confused.

"I said. Leave." His voice came out with force and power that made both Marco and Cros flinch and finally go out without a word.

Liam still couldn't believe it. He was searching for his mate for more than 50 years. Now he's here. Deliberately brought to his manor.

"I long for you, for so long." He hugs him and was surprised by the warmth he felt. He never felt warmth on his skin. Even though his skin is icy cold. He didn't felt that cold. He just wanted to feel warm that he never ever felt before. Only now. His Mate brought him warmth. He smiles as he held his Mate in his arms. Ever since he felt his mate when he young. He already felt it. Longing. Pain. His Mate's pain. He wanted to ask why his mate was in pain and wanted to comfort him and kill anyone who hurts him. He loves him. He love him so deeply even if he just saw him just now. He always felt so close with his mate. He longed wish to just see him but it was more than that. He eyed him as he lay him on his couch. He has pale skin but not like his that's dull and cold. His has color and warmth. His hair was light blonde. That fells delicately across his face in a slightly wavy strands. He looks like an angel and Liam felt like touching him would spoil his purity. That, he can't do. His mate is his and only his. If he had a God, he'll thank him forever for bringing an angel for someone who can be mistaken as a devil.

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Lots of Love <3

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