My sweet heart mafia // BTS...

By Minnin756

73.1K 1.5K 243

"Roses are red Valet is blue Is a dream come true To being with you....." In my childhood everything is no... More

Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16

Part 04

4.7K 122 10
By Minnin756

He looking at my direction.

'OMG please don't let him see me' I pray in my mind.

Then he walks slowly to my direction.

"Don't try to hide from me, little girl...." He whispers into my ear

I jump a bit then my brother yell.

"Please leave her alone!!" He runs to me but can't.
"What do you think you going? Come back here!"

The man which I don't know grab my brother by his neck and pull him back and he looks at me, he smirks.
I run down the stairs quickly toward my brother.

"Please don't hurt my brother!" I yell than yak his hand out of my brother's neck.

I hug him tightly and close my eyes.

"How about......... You don't have to give the money but..... I'll take this little girl instead of it. What do you think?"
"No I never going to give my sister to you I mean NEVER AND EVEN I DIE!!!" My brother yells.
*smirk*" I let you choose 1. Give her to me and everything is clear no more money to pay and I will give you money, too. But if 2. You will be in jail and by the time you're in jail your mom will be no more in this world and about your cute little sister I'll ......"

When it was me he stop and look at me I open my eyes and hug my brother more and more tightly.

"I'll rape her and make her pregnant. Choose one" he put his hand in his pocket and smirk looking at me.
"Oppa......" I look up at him and he is so sad he almost cries but he pullback.
"I choose one....." I look up at him and yell
"Oppaaaa!!!!!!!" I already crying at this point.

"I'm sorry but I have no choice and take care I don't want you to be rape it's terrible.....I don't want my hobi to cry ok be strong..."

He put both of his hands on my shoulder. Pat them he also cries. I don't know what to say.

"Good baby girl you going with me," Jungkook says sweetly to me.
"NNNOOOOO!!!!!" I yell at him
"NOW!!!" He looks at me and he looks angry.
"Please no I need my opppa please!!!" I yell

Jungkook looks at me then pulls me by my hand and carries me up from the ground bride style. Hit his chest and it's no effect on him. He looks at the man behind my brother and nod.

"Suga do your job."

When Jungkook says that Suga begging to walk slowly to my brother standing looking down. Suga's hand had a big wood in his hand.

"Oppa!! Be careful the ma-" I try to yell but Jungkook put his hand over my mouth.

I jump out of his hand but when I feet hit the ground Jungkook pull me by my waist he was so much stronger than me and I start to cry.

"Ophaaa bee carefully!!" I mumble and try to get out of his hand to help my brother but no use.


The sound of my brother falls to the ground. I look at my brother in horror I cry and yell his name but not Jungkook pulls his hand back but still holds me.

"You said you not going to hurt my Oppa why you did THAT?!!!!" I yell
"Not your business baby doll doesn't talk too much....." He whispered I cry even more.
"Take him to the hospital please..." I bag him.
"Okay, anything for you princess.." He says and nods at the other person than they take my brother to the hospital.
" I hope my brother was ok...." I cry and sob
"Don't cry baby your tear is so expensive to see...." He wept it off my face.

He then pulls me into the car. And it's starting to take off. You put yourself on the back seat and look out of the car thinking about your brother.

'Is my brother going to be okay?'
'What should I do?'
'Should I escape?'
'Why am I in this car just get out omg get out of here!'

I slowly lift my hand up and put it on the lock to open the car door. I close my eyes and pull it down little by little.

'WHAT?? IT'S LOCKED!!!! What am I going to do??'

"Stay away from that door kitten....." Jungkook says lightly to me.
"Mmmmm.......No please let me go..." I turn to him and look at him cutely.
"No sit still or smart enough to know it." * smirks *

By that sentence, I immediately knew what he talking about. I put myself down and close my eyes before I know it I was already a night of sleep.

End of your POV's

Jungkook POV's
I see her sleeping as the car goes up and down. I look at her her head already on my shoulder.

"So cute...." I pull aside the hair that in her face to get a good view of her face.

'Wait Wait what just happened what did I say I hope nobody hears it's.'

"Love-hate story huh?"RM said from the driver seat.
"Maybe Hyung I don't know...."
"Hehe....." I hear a giggling voice than I look down.

'Sh*t she hears it.'

When I look down just to see her looking at me with big but cute poppy eyes and smile at me, I careless her cheeks. She changes her expression to an angry little cat which is going to kill me with a blink of an eye.

To be continued
What do you guys think what's going to happen next?
I hope you all like reading it as much as I do like to write it for you guys.
Please help support me...
I love you all you are amazing. :)
By: Minnin

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