Worlds Colliding (Riverdale...

By katherinep97

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All rights go to the creators of Riverdale and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots. Hearto... More

Chapter 1 - The River's Edge
Chapter 2 - Touch of Evil
Chapter 3 - Body Double
Chapter 4 - The Last Picture Show
Chapter 5 - Heart of Darkness
Chapter 6 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
Chapter 7 - In a Lonely Place
Chapter 8 - The Outsiders
Chapter 10 - The Lost Weekend
Chapter 11 - To Riverdale and Back Again
Chapter 12 - Anatomy of a Murder
Chapter 13 - The Sweet Hereafter

Chapter 9 - La Grande Illusion

360 14 0
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 - The River's Edge: There were shots of the town.

Jessica: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Riverdale)"

From 1.06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!: In the school hallway, Veronica, Fred and Hermione were talking. "You know that SoDale contract? It was awarded to Andrews Construction."

From 1.08 - The Outsiders: In the Lodge apartment, they were talking.

"Mr. Andrews still doesn't know that Daddy is the buyer," Veronica told them.

From 1.08 - The Outsiders: At the construction site, the two men were destroying Fred's equipment, beating up Moose.

FP: (voice over from 1.08 - The Outsiders) "I asked around about those bruisers going after your crew."

From 1.08 - The Outsiders: At the construction site, Hermione and FP were talking.

"Pretty sure we both know who has business in Montreal," FP told her.

"Hiram?" Hermione asked. "Why would he even..."

From 1.06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!: In the construction site, Veronica saw Hermione and Fred kissing through the window.

FP: (voice over from 1.08 The Outsiders) "Maybe he got a whiff of your little romance with Freddy Andrews?"

From 1.01 - The River's Edge: On the school track, Betty, Veronica, Jessica, KP and Valentina were walking together, while Betty, Veronica and Valentina were in their Vixen uniforms.

"When my father got arrested, it was the worst thing ever," Veronica told them.

From 1.03 - Body Double: In the school hallway, Ethel, Josie, Cheryl, Valentina, KP, Betty, Jessica, Veronica and the other girls from the shame book were standing in the hallway, watching Weatherbee walk Chuck and his friends down the hallway smugly, some of them taking pictures on their phones. Bash stood at the side of the hall, waving bye sarcastically, smirking.

Veronica: (voice over from 1.01 - The River's Edge) "Bash and I made a pact with each other, to become better versions of ourselves."

"You're the bravest of them all, Ethel Muggs," Veronica told her.

From 1.06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!: In Betty's room, she was talking to her parents. "You hated Jason, and now Polly is pregnant with his baby."

From 1.08 - The Outsiders: In the Cooper House, Alice was arguing with Hal. "Polly is moving home."

From 1.08 - The Outsiders: Outside Thornhill Mansion, Polly walked up to the mansion's front door, toward where Penelope and Clifford were waiting at the open door.

Hal: (voice over from 1.08 - The Outsiders) "I will not be party to raising a child that has Blossom blood."

~-~ ~-~


Day - Blossom Maple Farms

The Blossoms, Valentina, Cheryl, Jason, Penelope and Clifford, were all standing in the building that contained barrels of maple syrup, as Clifford poured them each a glass. They each raised their glass, drinking it almost as if it was fine wine.

Jughead: (voice over) "Thicker than blood, more precious than oil. Riverdale's big business is maple syrup. Since the town's founding, one family has controlled its lucrative syrup trade, the Blossoms."


Day One

Morning - Pop's Chock-Lit Shoppe

Archie and KP were sitting at a table, eating pancakes with the maple syrup, looking at each other, smiling small smiles. Jughead and Jessica walked closer, sitting next to them, getting some themselves.

Jughead: (voice over) "They were a part of the fabric of our daily lives. Rich or poor, old or young."


Lodge Apartment - Living Room

Bash and Veronica were sitting at the table, pouring syrup over their pancakes, while Hermione was standing nearby, drinking coffee.

Jughead: (voice over) "We consumed Blossom syrup by the bucket. That sickly, sweet smell was inescapable."


Cooper House - Kitchen

Alice was throwing an empty bottle of syrup away.

Jughead: (voice over) "The death of Jason Blossom precipitated a crisis."


Blossom Maple Farms - Outside

Penelope, Clifford, Cheryl and Valentina were standing outside in the snow, holding umbrellas. Several cars pulled up through the snow.

Jughead: (voice over) "With the heir apparent gone, who would inherit the family business one day? Cheryl or Valentina?"

Everyone in the cars got out of the limos, each with their own umbrellas. Most of them were redheads as well.

Jughead: (voice over) "It was a question that brought the wolves to Riverdale. And now, the Blossoms were circling the wagons against possible attack, from within their own ranks."

Polly walked closer to stand on the other side of Valentina, holding her own umbrella.

Betty: (voice over) "Polly won't answer my calls or emails."


Cooper House - Betty's Room

Betty and Bash were sitting on her bed, talking.

"I mean, I get that she doesn't want to talk to my Dad, but what did I do wrong?" Betty asked.

"Nothing," Bash answered. "We'll figure it out. Come here."

Betty and Bash smiled, starting to kiss.

Alice opened the door, walking in, making them pull away awkwardly. "Up and at 'em, breakfast is ready."

Betty shook her head. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh, enough is enough, Elizabeth," Alice told her. "We have a big week ahead of us." Bash and Betty frowned in confusion. "The Blossoms have always been a thorn in our side, ever since, according to your milquetoast father, Great-Grandpappy Blossom killed Great-Grandpappy Cooper. Well, it's about time someone brings them to heel. I'm writing a searing, no holds barred takedown of their clan."

"And you think that's going to bring Polly home?" Betty asked skeptically.

Alice shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not, but it'll make me feel better. Word has it that the Blossom board of trustees has descended upon Riverdale like a cabal of vampires. Why? Now, that's a story. I just need to find a way in." Bash and Betty looked at her weirdly, exchanging a look. "Bash, don't you have to go home?"

Betty gave her a look. "Mom."

Bash sighed, standing. "No, she's right. My Mom wanted to talk to me and Veronica about our Dad. Something important."

"Okay," Betty told him.

Bash walked out of the room, leaving the house. Betty gave Alice an annoyed look for driving everyone away.


Lodge Apartment - Living Room

Bash walked into the apartment to talk to Hermione and Veronica.

"The lawyers are coming over this week to take our statements for your Dad's hearing," Hermione explained. "We're all gonna have to testify on your father's behalf."

"What if they ask about what he did?" Veronica asked. "Embezzling all that money? Are we going to have to lie?"

Hermione sighed. "Well, we might have to shade the truth a bit, Ronnie."

Bash scoffed incredulously. "Mom."

"Bash, I have just made a mess of things," Hermione told him. "Your father found out about Fred and me. Someone went to him before I got a chance to say anything."

"Oh, my God, Dad knows?" Veronica asked.

"Yes," Hermione answered. "And on top of that, the Blossoms are still after the drive in land, and Fred still doesn't know that we own it."

"Maybe it's time you tell Mr. Andrews the truth," Bash told her.

"And risk having him walk off the project?" Hermione asked. "We've bet everything we have on the SoDale construction."

"So did Mr. Andrews," Bash replied. "He needs the cash. Mom, this is a small, gossipy town. You need to tell Fred about the land before someone else does."


Riverdale High School - Music Room

KP and Archie were playing a song to show Jessica, Jughead and Valentina what they had wrote, all who were impressed.

Cheryl walked in. "KP and Archie, if music be the food of love, play on, play on. Jughead, Jessica, did Valentina tell you guys that this week's the official start of maple syrup season?"

"Uh, no, she didn't," Jessica answered.

Valentina sighed. "Just because I have to be there doesn't mean that I want to brag about it, Cheryl. It's boring enough to make me want to blow my head off."

Jughead, Jessica, KP and Archie chuckled.

"Every year, we host a tree-tapping ceremony, a tradition that honors the Blossom bloodline," Cheryl explained. "Our heritage."

"Sounds cool," Archie told them.

Valentina rolled her eyes. "It is beyond boring."

"It's also incredibly exclusive," Cheryl told them. "Family and inner circle only. Vallie, you should ask Jughead to be your date, and your best friends KP and Jessica to come, too. Archie, you would be welcome, also, if you came as KP's date. Jessica, you can invite Veronica as your own date."

"Veronica's busy with Bash and her mother lately," Jessica told her.

"What are you up to?" Valentina asked.

Cheryl chuckled. "I merely told Mommy and Daddy about what Veronica said about you and Jughead, and they agreed that it was time to meet your boyfriend, and get to know your best friends better. And knowing that this is not exactly their 'scene', I suggested that KP and Jessica both would be allowed to bring a date to make themselves a little less uncomfortable."

Jughead, Jessica, KP and Archie all looked at Valentina, a little confused on the seemingly nice gesture from Cheryl and their parents. Vallie was also confused, thinking that her parents were up to something.



Cheryl, Kevin, Jughead, Valentina, KP, Archie, Betty, Bash, Jessica and Veronica were sitting in class.

Ethel Muggs stood in front of the class, reading a poem. "'They put me in a wooden box as I desperately opposed. But all my screaming was for naught. My mouth has been sewn closed. Curled up in bed was just a girl, needing Daddy's arms to hold her'."


Student Lounge

Veronica took a seat next to Ethel. "Hey, Ethel. I just wanted to tell you how moved I was by your poem. It felt like you were tapping into something pretty dark, but also pretty real. And I don't want to overstep, but is everything all right, Ethel?"

Ethel hesitated for a long moment before finally speaking. "Things at home aren't great. My Mom and Dad are fighting, but they won't tell me about what. It's like this really bad thing is happening, and there's nothing that I can do to stop it."

Veronica nodded in understanding. "Like you're trapped in a slow motion car crash." Ethel nodded. "Yeah, I know the feeling. Listen, Ethel, it sounds like you need some cheering up. Which happens to be a Veronica Lodge specialty. So, if you're free after school, come over for lunch and pampering." She saw Jessica sitting on a nearby couch. "Jessica will be there." Jessica looked toward them. "Yeah, come on, it'll be fun." Veronica looked at Ethel. "Just please say yes."

Ethel smiled. "All right, sure."

"Yeah?" Veronica asked.

Ethel nodded. "Yeah."

"Great," Veronica told her. "I'll see you tomorrow."



Jessica and Veronica were walking together.

"So, what was that about?" Jessica asked.

Veronica sighed. "Ethel's poem was a cry for help if I ever heard one, the likes of which I vowed never to ignore, not after..."

Jessica raised her eyebrows. "Uh-oh. Do we need to sit down?"

"Okay, so, last year at Spence, my best friend Katy and I find of terrorized this girl, Paige," Veronica explained. "One time, we made her drink gutter water."

Jessica gave her an incredulous look. "Ew! Why?"

"Because she was there," Veronica answered. "Because she was a misfit and we were class-A brutal bitches. Anyway, by December, Paige couldn't take it anymore."

"Oh, my God, did you drive her to suicide?" Jessica asked.

"What?" Veronica asked. "No. But she did transfer schools. And went into therapy. Bash made me promise that I would never do something like that again, to be a better person."

"And so..." Jessica trailed off.

"If I can make Ethel Muggs' life a little better, even for one afternoon, I'm going to do it," Veronica answered.

Jessica nodded in understanding. "I get that, Ronnie. But Cheryl and her parents are up to something with Valentina, Jughead, Archie, KP and me. Cheryl seemed a little too nice, inviting us to the tree tapping ceremony on their parents' behalf, seeming like it's a way to get to Vallie, because their parents want to meet Jughead for being Vallie's boyfriend, and get to know me and KP better since we're her best friends, and they said KP and I could bring a date, as in Archie for KP and you for me, to 'make ourselves a little less uncomfortable'."

Veronica was in shock, laughing weirdly. "No way. Well, are you going?"

"I don't want to, but then again, I don't wanna leave Vallie, Jughead, Archie and KP going alone," Jessica explained. "And then you tell Ethel that I'll be with you guys, so..."

"So I'll have to make do," Veronica told her. "Jessie, if you wanna go with Valentina, Jughead, Archie and KP to make sure Cheryl and the other Blossoms don't get out of control, then go. I can handle Ethel."

"Are you sure?" Jessica asked.

"Way sure, more than sure," Veronica answered. "We have our own things to do, Jessica, but we can still deal with them together. I can take Bash, Betty and Kevin instead, if you're too busy."

Jessica smiled. "Thanks, Veronica."

Jessica and Veronica smiled, kissing slowly, sweetly and passionately, holding hands as they walked together down the hall.



Jughead, Valentina, KP and Archie were walking together.

Penelope walked up to them. "Jughead. Valentina. KP. Archibald." Vallie jumped slightly at her mother's sudden appearance. "I was going to get Principal Weatherbee to summon you and Jessica."

Jughead looked around. "Um, why?"

"Have a moment to chat?" Penelope asked. "About the tree-tapping ceremony. I believe Cheryl extended the invitation we told her to give to the three of you and Jessica."

"Yeah, she did," Valentina answered. "And like I told her, I might have to go, but I wouldn't want to force my friends to go."

Penelope looked at KP and Archie. "Cheryl mentioned you both have a keen interest in music, and that Jessica has a keen interest in art. Is that true? Valentina, did you tell any of them that your Great-Uncle Harrison sits on the board of the Brandenburg Arts Academy?" Valentina knew that she was trying to buy Jessica, KP and Archie, and Jughead, rolling her eyes, sighing. KP and Archie were both stunned. Jughead frowned in confusion. "They have an excellent summer program, I hear."

"It's amazing," KP told them. "Crazy hard to get into."

"Surely not for a talent like you and your friend," Penelope told them. "And especially not if I put in a word on your behalf."

"Mrs. Blossom..." Archie trailed off.

"KP, even when our family has been harsh to Valentina, you and Jessica have always been there to help her, even if it was against her own parents or sister," Penelope told her. "Jughead, you have also been helping her with the aftermath of Jason's death. Even you, Archibald, have been there for my daughter in ways that our family hasn't been, like when you defended her to the Sheriff when not even we did. You're all good and decent, unlike most people in this town."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Valentina asked.

"Maybe I'm extending an olive branch to you, Valentina, by inviting your closest friends to the tapping," Penelope told her. "It's just an afternoon." She looked at Jughead, KP and Archie. "As I'm sure you're aware, the tapping is not a favorite event of Valentina's. I'm sure it would mean the world to her if she didn't have to endure it alone."

"I mean, yeah," Archie told her. "I guess we could talk about it."

"I swear, Archibald, when the light hits you just right, you look just like Jason," Penelope told him. "Thank you for reconsidering. And I'll call Great-Uncle Harrison."

Penelope walked away. Valentina was in disbelief, putting a hand to her head. Jughead, KP and Archie turned to Vallie.

"What was that about?" Jughead asked.

"Other than her trying to buy off my friends?" Valentina asked.

"Yeah, but why?" KP asked.

Valentina sighed. "I have no idea. Yet."


Student Lounge

(Song) Home - Morgxn

Valentina, Jughead, KP and Archie joined Jessica, Veronica, Betty, Bash and Kevin in the student lounge.

"Just in time," Bash told them. "We're celebrating."

"KP, Archie, Jessica, you guys are seriously going to some super exclusive music program this summer?" Kevin asked.

"It's my Mom's way of buying them off," Valentina told them. "For what, I'm not sure yet, but I'll figure it out."

"We're not letting anyone buy us off," KP told them. "We're just trying to figure out what her Mom wants."

"But it might not be anything bad," Archie told them. "I mean, Mrs. Blossom could actually be just apologizing to Vallie about the raging bitch she's been to her for this long. If it happens, though, it would be huge for us."

Veronica said, "Terrifying," the same time Kevin said, "Amazing."

"Uh-huh, what's she getting out of it?" Bash asked.

"We don't know what's going on for sure, but we need connections outside of Riverdale," Jessica told them.

"It's just the way of the world," Veronica told them. "It's all about connections. But Bash's right. These kinds of favors always come with a price tag."

"Betty, back us up here," Bash told her.

Betty shrugged. "I think it's a great idea."

"Thank you, Betty," KP told her sarcastically.

"Yeah, and while you're all there, would you talk to Polly for me?" Betty asked. Valentina, Jessica and KP nodded. "I just want to make sure she's okay."

Valentina chuckled. "She's okay, but I'll ask her why she's not talking to you."

Betty smiled. "Thank you."

"And don't worry, Vallie," Jughead told her. "Whatever your family's up to, me, Jessica, KP and Archie can help you figure it out. And we can take care of themselves."

"Famous last words, Juggy," Valentina told him.

Jessica, KP and Archie chuckled.

(End of Song)


Worlds Colliding (Riverdale)



The Blossoms and the people who came into town were walking with Polly, Cheryl, Valentina, Jughead, KP, Archie and Jessica, in the snow.

"When Jason died, Vallie and I thought we'd tapped our last tree," Cheryl told them. "Now, don't be nervous, Vallie. All you have to do is hold the bucket study. I'll handle the rest."

"Who are all these people?" Archie asked.

"Entre nous [Between us], they're Dad's board of trustees," Valentina answered. "They smell blood in the water. They're worried Dad's losing his grip on the company and they're looking for a way to take it away from us."

"They can do that?" KP asked.

"If they all vote together, they can," Cheryl answered. "When Jason died, it was a PR debacle. And now, here's Polly, pregnant and unwed, it's no wonder they've descended upon us like some biblical plague."

Penelope and Clifford were standing in front of everyone.

Clifford read from a parchment. "'Nearly 100 years ago, Grandfather Blossom came to this sacred maple grove. The annual tapping ceremony portends each season's bounty.' Now, I've performed this ceremony many times in my life. My son Jason, when he came of age, performed it as well. In his place, I put forth my daughters Cheryl and Valentina."

Cheryl and Valentina walked through the crowd of trustees toward the tree. Cheryl handed the bucket to Vallie. Vallie held it steady underneath the tree.

Jessica nodded to Cheryl and Valentina. "Hey, you can do this in your sleep."

Cheryl sighed, nodding, using a hammer to tap the nozzle into the tree, making maple pour into the bucket that Valentina held ready. The crowd clapped. Cheryl smiled. Clifford and Penelope looked at each other knowingly, smirking slightly.


Lodge Apartment - Dining Room

The Lodges, Betty, Kevin and Ethel were sitting around the table, eating.

"Mrs. Lodge, this Quiche Lorraine is to die for," Kevin told her.

"Ethel, you haven't eaten at all," Veronica stated.

"Oh, sorry," Ethel told them. "I just... I'm not really hungry."

"Anything we can help with?" Bash asked.

Ethel sighed. "Um, my parents... all they do is yell at each other."

"My parents are fighting right now, too," Betty told them. "It's terrible."

"I think my Dad had some bad luck with our savings," Ethel explained. "Now my Mom says we're going to have to sell the house. My Dad is just so... crushed. I wish there was something I could do to help him."

"Girl, we have a lot more in common than I thought," Veronica told her. "We lost our place at the Dakota. Look, being ruined sucks. But you have your family, and you have us. You've got this, Ethel Muggs."

"Muggs?" Hermione repeated.

Ethel nodded. "Uh, it's Dutch. We lost the third 'G' when my Grandpa Manfred came over."

Bash noticed that Hermione was acting shady now, frowning in confusion.



The Blossoms, the trustees and Polly were gathered in front of a camera.

"KP, Jughead, Jessica, Archibald, come join us before the snow starts again," Clifford told them.

KP, Jughead, Jessica and Archie jogged up to stand next to Valentina, as everyone smiled for the picture. Everyone dispersed.

"Polly, Betty's worried about you," Valentina told her. "Why won't you call or email her? Betty and I both fought for you, Polly, and now you're treating her like she's the enemy."

Penelope overheard what they were talking about, cutting the conversation short. "Polly, Valentina, come along."

Polly looked at Vallie. "Tell Betty that she shouldn't worry, okay? Come on."

They walked along with the others.


Lodge Apartment - Living Room

Veronica, Bash and Hermione were talking alone.

"Veronica, Bash, there's something you need to know about that Muggs girl," Hermione told them.

"What?" Bash asked.

"Her father, Manfred Muggs, invested with your Dad," Hermione answered. "And it's probable that they lost a lot when your father was arrested. Maybe everything."

"Mom, they're being kicked out of their house, their home," Bash told her.

"Well, from what I've been told, the Muggs family is going to testify against your father," Hermione told them.

"They should," Veronica told her. "How many, Mom? How many families like Ethel's?"

Hermione sighed, rolling her eyes. "It's the risk of doing business with your father."

"Could Mr. Andrews lose everything, for doing business with you and Dad?" Veronica asked.

"I'm not sure," Hermione admitted.

Veronica rolled her eyes. "My God."

Veronica and Bash were both disgusted, walking away.



The Blossoms, trustees, Polly, KP, Archie, Jessica and Jughead were trudging through the snow. Cheryl, Valentina, Jughead, KP, Archie and Jessica overheard two of the trustees gossiping, a man and woman.

"I don't buy this dog and pony show for a second," the man told her. "Cliff can't control his own family, let alone the company."

"Agreed," the woman told him. "And if he tries to put Cheryl or Valentina forward as a successor... do you remember what they did at the funeral? Crocodile tears."

"Hey," Jughead told them.

"Jughead, you don't have to," Valentina told him.

Jughead looked at the man and woman. "No, Cheryl and Valentina loved Jason. What were they meant to do at his funeral, not cry? And yeah, Jason was on the football team, and Cheryl was a Vixen doing as much to help the Bulldogs win as he did, but Vallie was at every single game, too, and even become a Vixen herself."

"Also, 4.0," Cheryl told them.

KP nodded. "Also, they have 4.0 grade point averages. If there's one thing that Jessica and I've learned from being Vallie's best friends, it's don't underestimate her or her sister Cheryl. And don't bet against either of them."

Jessica nodded in agreement. "Cheryl and Vallie may have been fighting for so long now because of their parents, but they're trying to make amends and work together. And if they can destroy each other and everyone else while they're fighting against each other, imagine what they can do when they're working with each other."

Cheryl was surprised that Jughead, KP and Jessica had defended both her and Valentina, smirking a little, walking away. Vallie was not surprised in the least, smiling a small smile. Jughead, Valentina, KP, Archie and Jessica followed the others, while the man and woman were left behind.


Andrews Construction - Fred's Trailer

Hermione had come to the trailer to tell Fred the truth. "Fred, we need to talk. Oh, God." She sat down, sighing. "Hiram and I, we are the anonymous buyers. You're working for Lodge Industries."

Fred was angry. "How do you not tell me that?"

Hermione stood. "You never would have gotten involved."

Fred started to pace in frustration. "Yeah, you're damn straight. Because I didn't sign up to go into business with a criminal like Hiram Lodge."

Hermione walked closer, begging for him to understand. "I'm trying to turn Lodge Industries legitimate. That means partnering with people like you, good people."

"This is why Cliff Blossom bought out my crew?" Fred asked. "Sent thugs to beat up teenagers?"

"Clifford didn't send those thugs," Hermione admitted. "Hiram did. He was trying to stop us. He found out about you and me from Clifford."

"So you have dragged me into a war between Hiram and Clifford?" Fred asked. "That's great."

"I know you're angry," Hermione told him. "And I know that I have no right to ask this, but please stay on this project. If you jump ship, I can't start over with someone else."

Fred looked at her incredulously. "So, I do the grunt work while your husband's taking potshots at me and you're playing both sides? The whole time? I gotta take a walk."

Fred walked out of the trailer, slamming the door. Hermione tried to stop him but didn't know what to do to make it better.



The Blossoms, trustees, Polly, KP, Archie, Jessica and Jughead were still walking.

"Jughead, you know, when Cheryl told me about you and Valentina, I was a little taken aback," Clifford admitted. "Admittedly, I've had problems with your and KP's father. And Archibald and Jessica's. We haven't been seeing eye to eye lately."

"We came for Vallie, Mr. Blossom," Archie told him. "And because we're grateful for what Mrs. Blossom is doing for us."

"The arts academy, you mean?" Clifford asked. "Yeah, that would be quite a feather in your cap, now, wouldn't it? You know, we can be extremely generous, to the right people. Now later this week, we're hosting a banquet for the board at the Belmont Lodge. It's a simple thing, a little dinner, chitchat, dancing. I'm sure Valentina would be thrilled to have you there as well. I'm surprised to say this, Jughead, but you two make quite a pair."

"Dad, I agreed that they could come here even if they didn't want to to begin with," Valentina told him. She rolled her eyes sarcastically. "I'm sure they had a blast." Jughead chuckled at the sarcasm. KP, Archie and Jessica smiled. "But--"

"But nothing, Vallie," Cheryl told her. "They have to come. And before you ask, yes, I did pick your dress again. I'm sure that we can get KP and Jessica perfect dresses, too. And Jughead and Archie will need proper suits, don't you think, Daddy?"

"I'll have my tailors fit you," Clifford told them. "If that's not a problem."

Valentina sighed, hanging her head.

Jughead shook his head, though he was as suspicious of the seemingly kindness as Vallie was. "No. No, no, it's just... KP and I are Jones, Mr. Blossom, and Archie and Jessica are Andrews. like you said."

"Jughead's right," KP told them. "Our Dad, and Archie and Jessie's Dad, work construction. A fancy banquet's not really our thing."

"That's precisely why you should come," Clifford told them. "People like Jones and Andrews are the bedrock of our town. You're hard workers."

"Plus, Vallie's never invited friends or boyfriends to these events," Cheryl told them.

"Because these things are hardly even me," Valentina told them. "I just go because you guys make me."

"And if Vallie's not into it, you know sure as hell that KP and I won't be into it, or Archie and Jughead, for that matter," Jessica asked. "Dresses, makeup, hairdos, suits? Not our thing."

Cheryl chuckled. "Be that as it may... we won't take no for an answer."

Valentina, Jughead, KP, Archie and Jessica all exchanged a look, getting more and more suspicious.

~-~ ~-~

Night - Cooper House - Dining Room

Betty and Bash were sitting at the table.

Alice was cutting up pie for them. "Who would've predicted this? Archie and Jessica Andrews, and Jughead and KP Jones are our foxes in the henhouse."

Betty looked at Bash. "What did Valentina, Archie, Jessica, Jughead and KP say about Polly? How is she? Did they say she's okay?"

Bash nodded. "The Blossoms are treating her great. They're like, being super nice, to the point of being creepy-nice, not just to Polly, but to Vallie, KP, Jess, Jug and Archie. But, Betty, I don't think Polly's coming back. I don't think she wants to."

"That doesn't make any sense, Bash," Betty admitted. "That's not Polly."

Alice sat down. "She made her choice. We have to learn to live with that."

"No, I know my sister," Betty told them. "She wouldn't do that to us. Something else is going on."

"What else did they say, Bash?" Alice asked. "What did they see when they were in the stick, red thick of it? Did they say anything about the board?"

"Valentina said that they're worried that after all the scandal with Jason and Polly, that they might try and steal the company from Mr. Blossom," Bash answered.

Alice smirked smugly. "Well, do you hear that, Betty? This is our story. A hostile takeover. No wonder the trustees are in town. The Blossom empire is crumbling."

"Okay, but Mom, if you write a story attacking them, while Polly's still in Thornhill..." Betty trailed off.

"Enough about Polly," Alice told her. "I mean it. She's the one that betrayed us, not the other way around."

Bash sighed. "Valentina said that Polly wanted to tell her something, but Mrs. Blossom cut the conversation short."

"What did she want to say?" Betty asked.

"I'm not sure," Bash admitted. "You could ask Vallie, but I don't think she knows, either."


Day Two

Morning - Riverdale High School - Student Lounge

Valentina, Jughead, KP, Archie, Jessica, Veronica, Betty and Bash were sitting in the lounge again.

"Betty, what's wrong?" Bash asked.

"Polly," Betty answered. "Look, Vallie, I don't know what your parents or Cheryl are up to, but they're being creepy nice to you, Jessica, Jughead, KP and Archie, and especially Polly. And I want to talk to my sister."

"Well, she wanted me to tell you something," Valentina told her. "Dr. Patel just confirmed it this morning. Polly is having twins. Nana Rose was right."

"And she didn't call to tell Betty?" KP asked.

"Hostages aren't normally allowed to make outgoing calls," Bash told them.

Valentina sighed, rolling her eyes. "Say what you want about my parents, Bash, but I'm making sure that Polly is safe and that she can do whatever she wants."

"Can you please just give her a message for me?" Betty asked. Valentina nodded. "Tell her she should call our Mom. She's trying really hard to hide it, but I can tell she's really, really hurt and upset."

Jughead nodded. "We'll tell her."

"Thank you," Bash told them.

They nodded.

Jessica sighed. "Look, Ronnie, the Blossoms are making us go to this banquet thing, and I was wondering..."

Veronica smiled brightly. "Jessica Andrews, I would be honored to help you get ready for a banquet in all I have to offer. I thought you'd never ask."

The others smiled in amusement.


Lodge Apartment - Veronica's Room

Veronica was surprising Jessica with a lot of girly things, as promised pampering. "All right, Jessie, open your eyes."

Jessica looked over everything, smiling. "What is happening?"

"I was purging my closet, thinking how you would look magnificent in some of these for this banquet," Veronica answered. She handed a black fur coat to Jessica. "Here, try this on."

Jessica put the jacket on. "This is... this is so nice. But it's not for me."

Veronica put a headband with a miniature hat on Jessica's head. "It might not be for you, but you're going to a banquet because the Blossoms are making you, KP, Archie and Jughead go with Vallie, so you have to dress the part. And I love this. It is so you, Jessie."

Jessica chuckled. "Ronnie, I can't take all this."

"I want you to have it," Veronica told her. "These things, my Dad gave them to me. He always brought home gifts whenever he did something wrong. As a way to make up for it, I guess."

"Did it work?" Jessica asked.

"What girl is immune to the charms of a Givenchy bag?" Veronica replied. They both smiled. Veronica held her pearl necklace. "And I still wear these pearls he gave me."

"Okay, but you don't have to do anything," Jessica told her. "Give me anything. I just want to be with you, Veronica."

Veronica nodded. "I wanna be with you, too, Jessica."

Veronica and Jessica smiled, starting to make out.


Andrews House - Foyer

Cheryl knocked on the door, smiling when Fred opened the door. "Mr. Andrews. Nice haircut. You're looking extremely DILF-y today. Is Valentina here?"

"Cheryl, yes," Fred answered, looking toward the kitchen. Cheryl walked in with a guitar case. "Um, come on in."

Fred closed the door.



Archie, Jughead, KP and Valentina were sitting at the table, eating and drinking soda.

Jessica had just gotten home.

"Did Veronica get you what you needed?" Valentina asked.

"Yes, she did," Jessica answered.

KP smirked. "And then some, I'm guessing."

"Shut up, KP," Jessica replied.

Cheryl walked toward them with the case.

Jughead whispered to Vallie. "The fire princess comes for the ice queen."

Valentina chuckled, sighing, looking at her sister in boredom. "Hey, Cheryl."

Cheryl put the case on the counter, opening it to reveal a red guitar inside. "As a maj thank you for coming to the maple banquet with us tomorrow, my parents asked me to give you this. This is for you, KP." KP stood to look at the guitar. "An '84 Les Paul, in our signature color. You're welcome. Okay, that's all. I'm going now. My claustrophobia acts up in small houses. Vallie, our parents are expecting you home soon. As for the rest of you, see you tomorrow."

Cheryl walked out of the house.

KP picked up the guitar.

"I'd give that back, if I were you," Jughead told her.

"Jughead, come on," Archie told him. "The Blossoms, they're helping me and KP and Jess get into that summer arts program. Like, the best in the country."

"And your parents are doing this out of the kindness of your heart, Valentina?" Fred asked skeptically.

"I'm not sure why, but I'm pretty sure that the answer to your question is a 'hell no'," Valentina answered.

Jughead chuckled.

"Maybe your parents feel sorry for trying to run my Dad's business into the ground, and that's why they're helping me and Jessie," Archie told her.

"Yeah, then why are they suddenly giving a damn about me and Jughead?" KP asked.

"Don't think for a second that my parents are looking out for you," Valentina told them. "I know them better than most people, and everyone knows they're devil incarnate."

"You know it's the harsh truth when it comes from their own daughter," Jughead told them. "I say that we go to the banquet, but just to keep an eye on Polly, and to find out what the other Blossoms are really up to. Deal?"

KP put the guitar in the case, closing the case, nodding. "Deal."


The Register

In the newspaper office that Hal and Alice worked at, Alice and Betty were talking to Hal, giving him a flash drive.

"What's this?" Hal asked.

Alice smirked. "The biggest story we've ever broken. The tell-all expose on the Blossom clan and all of their glorious corruption."

Hal looked at Betty. "Um, would you mind telling me what your mother is talking about?"

"It's time that Clifford and Penelope Blossom finally answer to everything that they've done to us, including taking Polly, and everything they've done to Valentina, too," Betty told him.

"By the way, Polly's living with the Blossoms now, so congratulations, you've finally got what you wanted," Alice told him. "She's officially out of our lives."

"I'm not publishing your personal vendetta," Hal told her.

Alice put her bag on the desk. "Well, it's a good thing I don't need your permission." She pushed Hal aside, trying to log in into the computer, but the computer said that she had the wrong password. "What did you do, Hal?"

"Well, you kicked me out," Hal told her. "So, now, I'm kicking you out."

Alice gave him a look, stepping closer. "If we expose the Blossoms, maybe... just maybe, we might have a chance in hell to get our daughter back."

"You are done here, Alice," Hal told her. "You're fired."

Betty looked down..

Alice picked up her bag. "Fine, Hal."



Alice and Betty walked out of the Register. Alice paused, turning to look at the building.

"What?" Betty asked.

Alice picked up a large rock from the ground. "I want my daughter back, you bastard!"

Alice threw the rock through the glass of the door of the Register, making it shatter, shocking both Betty and Hal.

Betty pulled Alice away toward the car, in shock. "Mom!"

Alice walked away.

~-~ ~-~

Day Three

Morning - Tailor

As promised, Clifford had taken Archie and Jughead to the local tailor for fitting for red tuxes.

"Black piping for the velvet, of course," the tailor told them. "I'll take measurements for the pants."

In the other room, KP was getting fitted for a dress, while Jessica was having the dress Veronica had given her fitted to shape her.

Valentina was also getting fitted for the dress that Cheryl had picked out for her, in blue, instead of red, to signify what people called them, fire for Cheryl and ice for Vallie. Vallie was a little annoyed, walking toward her father. "Can I talk to you?"

Clifford nodded. "We've already called the academy, and they're very excited to meet Archibald, Jessica and KP, by the way. What is KP's real name, anyway? It would be more comfortable to know her real name."

"She likes KP better," Valentina replied. "Why are you doing all this?"

"Let's just get through this banquet, all right?" Clifford asked. "We can discuss this later."

Valentina sighed, rolling her eyes.


Riverdale High School - Blue and Gold Office

Betty was pacing, talking to Bash. "My parents are unbelievable, Bash. Vallie doesn't know what's going on with Polly even though they live in the same house, but Valentina knows that something is up with her, and what are our parents doing? Changing each other's login accounts and throwing bricks through windows."

"I wish I had seen that," Bash admitted. Betty tilted her head at him. "Okay, I'm sorry, that's not funny."

"It's like, you know how, in a time of crisis, people either come together or fall apart?" Betty asked, starting to cry. "It feels like we're falling apart. And the way things are going, pretty soon, the Coopers, we're not gonna exist anymore. And there's nothing I can do to stop that."

Bash stood. "Betty, don't do that. Don't give up." He placed his hands on her shoulders to help her calm down. "Your family is definitely splintering right now, but it won't fall apart, because of you." Betty sighed, relieved to have him there for her. "Because you're holding them together. You're so much stronger than all of the white noise. You're stronger than your mother, you're stronger than your father. You're holding this family together. So don't. Don't let go."

Betty managed a small smile. "I won't. You should take your own advice, too, you know. Your own family's not doing too well right now. And you've already stopped your Mom and sister from fighting a lot, too. You're holding your family together, too."

"Quite the pair, aren't we?" Bash asked, managing to get Betty to smile and chuckle.

Betty and Bash embraced.



Betty and Bash walked up to Veronica and Kevin.

"Oh, my God, did you hear?" Kevin asked. "Remember when we went swooping in to save Ethel, 'cause we thought she might be suicidal?"

Veronica was worried. "Oh, no. She didn't..."

"No, but her Dad did," Kevin answered. "He 'accidentally' swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills. He's going to be okay, but that's why Ethel's been so sad lately."

Veronica was so in shock that she couldn't listen anymore, feeling like she was going to fall apart because she knew that this was because of Hiram, walking away down the hall, starting to cry.


Empty Classroom

Veronica walked into the empty classroom, crying, ripping her pearl necklace off of her neck, making all the pearls fall to the floor and bounce over the tile. She knelt to the floor, crying. Bash walked quickly into the class to see his sister falling apart, walking closer quickly, kneeling next to her. Veronica didn't have to look to know that it was her brother, turning to cry in his arms. Bash was just was stunned as she was, but was more angry at their father than he was sad. He looked toward the doorway to see Betty standing in the doorway. Betty was watching in sadness and sympathy, knowing that Bash was doing his best to try to keep his family together just like she was, but it was an impossible job with everything that Hiram and Hermione had done.

~-~ ~-~

Night - Belmont Lodge - Banquet

Everyone was sitting around the table for the banquet.

Clifford was delivering a toast. "We were tested this year. As a town, as a company, mainly as a family. And it may not have been Jason's hand that staked the maple this year." He nodded to Cheryl. "But it was the hand of hope."

Everyone clapped.

Cheryl whispered to Valentina. "Don't think they're being nice or genuine. They wanted me to fail at the tree-tapping. But you're going to help with all that."

"What are you talking about?" Valentina asked.

Clifford walked by them, patting Archie on the shoulder. "Jughead, KP, Jessica, may I have a word?"

KP looked at Archie. "We'll be right back."

Archie nodded.

Clifford walked with Jessica, Jughead and KP. "I know the five of you are suspicious with the kindness that we've shown the three of you and Archibald, and you are right to be. Valentina has made a case about the way we've handled the rivalry with your families. She said that if I really wanted to make amends for past mistakes, that I should be willing to help. And the three of you have helped my family immensely. Valentina, especially. And given the close ties the three of you have to my daughter, I suppose I should be getting used to the three of you, shouldn't I? You fit in so well. I think you have a very bright future with us."

"Thank you, Mr. Blossom," Jughead told him suspiciously.

Clifford shook their hands. "Oh, 'Clifford', please. So tell me about the business both of your fathers are in."

"Is that why you really invited us here?" Jessica asked. "So you could get intel on our fathers and the land that you're rivaling over them for?"

"I think you'll soon realize that I invited the four of you here for numerous reasons," Clifford answered.

"Let me guess, all of them self-serving, and not having anything to do with Valentina at all?" Jughead asked.

"And just so you know, you don't have to keep doing us favors," KP told him. "Jess and I became best friends with Vallie when we were so young, and Jughead has liked her for a while now, before all of this happened. Without all of this. We're all happy to be here for her."

"You know, I'm going to be honest with you," Clifford told them. "Cheryl and Valentina are both bright girls, but the Blossom board, they're very skeptical of having them play active roles in the company. Now, people with your stock and character by their sides, tempering Valentina's more erratic behavior..." Jughead scoffed. KP and Jessica exchanged a look knowingly. KP looked down, biting her lip. Jessica looked away awkwardly. "You know, it's about creating a picture. The right picture. Having you with us, with Valentina, it tells a very appealing story. Which is something I think we could all use right about now. You'll help us, won't you?"

They didn't know what to say.

Archie walked up to them, rescuing them from having to answer. "Excuse me, Mr. Blossom, may I have this first dance with KP?"

Jughead nodded. "I think that's a good idea. I'm gonna go find Vallie."

"I should go and call Veronica," Jessica told them. "Bash was texting me, saying that I should talk to her."

(Song) String Quartet No. 2 in E flat Major, Op. 1, No. 2, Hob. III:2:2: II. Minuet - Petersen Quartet

Archie and KP started to dance to the classical song.

"Thank you so much for the save," KP told him.

"Not used to being the damsel in distress, huh?" Archie asked.

"No, I'm used to saving your ass," KP answered.

They both chuckled, continuing to dance.

Valentina was talking to Polly alone. "Polly, can we talk about what's going on here? Betty keeps asking me about you."

"Well, she needs to stop," Polly told her.

"As long as she's worried about you, Polly, she'll never stop," Valentina told her.

"Yes, she will, if I tell you the real reason I'm at Thornhill," Polly told her. They saw that Clifford, Penelope and Cheryl were talking alone. "One of them had something to do with Jason's death, I'm sure of it. They threatened him and I'm gonna prove it."

Valentina looked at her in surprise. "Is that why you keep blowing Betty off?"

Polly nodded. "It has to be believable. And I don't want her trying to rescue me. I'm telling you this because I know you couldn't have hurt Jason. You tried to help him get away. And I think you, more than anyone, know the wrath of your parents."

"That's why they're being so nice to me and my friends?" Valentina asked. "Because they think we're onto them and trying to throw us off the trail?"

"One of the reasons, yeah, I think so," Polly answered. "Can you please tell Betty this for me?"

Valentina nodded.

They saw Cheryl arguing with Clifford.

"No, I'm so done with this," Cheryl told him. "No, I'm done."

Cheryl walked out of the banquet.

Valentina sighed. "Polly, will you excuse me?"

Polly nodded. Valentina walked past Clifford without a look, following Cheryl.

(End of Song)


Riverdale Hospital - Hallway

Betty, Bash and Veronica brought flowers for Ethel's Dad, finding Ethel in the hallway with her mother.

"Betty, Bash," Ethel told them. "Veronica, hey. Mom, these are my friends. This is Betty, that is Bash, and this is Veronica."

Bash nodded, nervous. "Mrs. Muggs. Ethel. We heard what happened, and we wanted to leave these flowers with you."

Veronica handed the flowers to Ethel.

"That's very kind," Mrs. Muggs told them. "Thank you."

"Please... don't thank us," Bash told them.

"We're just so glad Mr. Muggs is going to be okay," Betty told them. "And we'll see you at school, Ethel?" Ethel nodded. Veronica, Bash and Betty turned to leave, but Veronica and Bash hesitated. "Veronica. Bash. You don't need to do this."

They turned back.

"Ethel?" Veronica asked. "Mrs. Muggs? There's something we need to tell you. My name is Veronica Lodge. Bash's full name is Sebastian Lodge. Our father is..."

"Hiram Lodge," Mrs. Muggs finished, looking at them coldly. "And you're showing your faces here?"

"Mom, they're my friends," Ethel told her.

"They're not your friends, honey," Mrs. Muggs told her. "Their father is a criminal. He's the reason Dad did this to himself."

"Bash?" Ethel asked. "Ronnie? Is that true?"

Veronica was close to crying again, nodding. "Yes." Bash looked down in guilt. "And we are so sorry. I wish we could do something."

"'Sorry' isn't good enough," Mrs. Muggs told them. "You want to do something? Tell the truth. Your father is ruining lives. He deserves to sit behind bars for the rest of his miserable life." She pulled Ethel away. "Come on."

Betty looked at Bash and Veronica sympathetically, leading them out of the hallway.

Jessica walked up to them, still dressed for the banquet. "Veronica?"

Veronica looked at her in surprise. "Jessica? What are you doing here?"

"Bash called me," Jessica answered. "He said you needed me."

Veronica nodded, starting to cry. Jessica walked closer to embrace her, while Veronica cried in her arms. Betty and Bash looked at them sadly in sympathy, looking at each other, wrapping an arm around the other.


Belmont Lodge - Outside

Cheryl was standing outside by the pool.

Valentina walked toward her. "Cheryl? Are you okay? What did Dad say to you?"

"That everyone thinks we're train wrecks," Cheryl answered. "Jason was the golden boy, but the two of us.... we're crazy like our parents. And now Dad's trying to pit us against each other again."

"What do you mean?" Valentina asked.

"The company, Vallie," Cheryl answered. "He's being nice to you and your friends so that you'll be willing to take it. Even though he knows that I want it. He says it'll be good competition."

"You want to fight and compete for the company?" Valentina asked. "Go for it. I don't want it."

Cheryl chuckled without humor. "That's exactly what he said you would say."

"Don't let him do this to us again, Cheryl," Valentina told her. "We just got to a place where we're not at each other's throats."

"I want to prove to them that they're wrong about me, Vallie," Cheryl told her. "But to do that, I have to prove to them that I want it, more than anything."

"Even if it means that we're fighting again?" Valentina asked. Cheryl shrugged. Vallie sighed, rolling her eyes. "Whatever. Do whatever the hell you want. You obviously care way more about getting what you want and the approval of our parents."

Valentina walked away.



Valentina was walking down a snowy trail.

Jughead walked up to her. "Vallie, hey. You may be dressed in blue, Cinderella, but you're missing the glass slippers, and you don't have to disappear at midnight." Valentina turned to face him, trying to calm down. Jughead walked closer, concerned. "What's wrong?"

Valentina sighed, turning to face him. "Polly's at Thornhill because she thinks that one of my parents had something to do with Jason's death, and Cheryl just told me that our Dad is trying to pit me and my sister against each other again to get Cheryl motivated enough to prove to the board that she can control the company, more than I can. That's why my parents have been so nice to me and you guys, Jughead. Because, if Polly's right, then they know we're onto them and trying to throw us off the trail, and if Cheryl's right, because they thought if they showed favoritism to me for a change, that Cheryl would be more motivated to take everything from me again."

"Your parents hate you two that much?" Jughead asked. "Killing people with kindness?"

"Or just plain killing them," Valentina told him.

"You think Polly's right?" Jughead asked.

Valentina fought back tears, sighing heavily. "I don't know what to think anymore. I know that this is the second time that they've gotten Cheryl to turn against me because of something to do with the family. I know that Jason was trying to run from them. They hate us, Juggy. This is my family. And one of them could've killed Jason."

Valentina was trying not to be angry or sad, overwhelmed, confused.

Jughead stepped closer worriedly. "If it's not true, if Polly's wrong and they're just doing this to cause trouble, forget them, Valentina. Forget what they think. You're awesome. Vallie, you say that you're crazy like them. But you're the only decent one out of them." Valentina managed a chuckle at that. "And if Polly's right... then we'll figure it out. But you two and Cheryl should not be in that house if we're even suspecting this."

Valentina sighed, shaking her head. "We have to be in that house if we're going to prove them innocent or guilty. We just have to make sure that they don't know about this."

Jughead was worried about them living with Penelope and Clifford if they thought that one of them, or both of them, could have been involved in the murder. "Vallie..."

"Polly said that they threatened Jason," Valentina told him. "If she's right, then I have to find out, and the only way I can do that is if I'm in that house. You said that you, Jess, KP and Archie could take care of yourselves before this started."

"Yeah, and you said famous last words," Jughead replied. "Situation's reversed."

Valentina sighed, stepping closer. "Juggy, I have to do this. We'll be okay. I promise."

Jughead hesitated for a long moment, sighing. "I know that I'm not going to be able to change your mind." Valentina shook her head in agreement. "So... okay. I'm with you. But if anything remotely suspicious happens in that house... we get you guys out. Okay?"

Valentina nodded, relieved to have him on her side in times like this, still completely overwhelmed. Jughead pulled her into his arms, so they could embrace, both worried but determined to figure this out.



KP and Archie were walking together, laughing quietly, until they heard Penelope and Clifford, staying quiet and in hiding.

"They seem satisfied, but Uncle Bedford keeps asking about the drive in land," Penelope explained.

"I am so close to getting that land back," Clifford told her. "Hermione Lodge will crumble."

"Who would have thought she would prove so resourceful?" Penelope asked. "Maybe you should've sent her to jail instead of Hiram. Fred Andrews and FP Jones are making grave mistakes working with her, and inviting their children to learn what they know was a stroke of genius."

Penelope and Clifford looked around to make sure no one was listening, and Archie and KP walked away into hiding before they could be caught.


Lodge Apartment - Living Room

Veronica and Bash had just returned home, still in shock.

"Hey," Hermione told them. "How was your night?"

Bash and Veronica sat down with their mother.

"We just got back from the hospital where Ethel's Dad is," Veronica answered. "Because he tried to kill himself." Hermione looked at them in shock. "Because of what Daddy did."

Bash scoffed. "And, for all we know, continues to do. I am done lying for Dad."


Belmont Lodge - Outside

Jughead and Valentina were walking alongside the pool, looking at each other for a moment, kissing slowly and sweetly.

KP and Archie walked up to them quickly.

KP looked at them worriedly. "Where's Jessica? Jughead, Valentina."

"Jess left because Bash told her that Veronica needed her," Valentina answered.

"What's up, KP?" Jughead asked.

"We're done here," Archie answered. "Vallie, you were right about your parents. They weren't doing this for us."

"Well, I do like hearing that I'm right, but what are you talking about?" Valentina asked.

"We just heard your parents talking, but we had to leave before they caught us listening to them," KP answered. "You're not gonna believe what we found out."

~-~ ~-~

Cooper House - Kitchen

Alice was sitting at the table, drinking wine, having tears in her eyes.

Betty walked toward her. "Mom, Valentina just called. She talked to Polly. She's safe. She's okay, Mom. She didn't choose the Blossoms over us, she's actually there to help Valentina spy on her parents."

Alice looked at Betty in relief, wiping her tears away. "You know, when I went after this story, I thought, in the back of my mind, that, 'What if this is it? What if this is finally the time that she doesn't come back?'"

Betty walked toward her, sitting next to her. "She will, Mom. And right now, Vallie and Polly are our women on the inside. We're going to write this story. Come write with us at 'The Blue and Gold'."

Alice chuckled. "The school newspaper?"

"Yeah, that's what we are," Betty answered. "But I'm pretty sure that our annual operating budget is bigger than the 'Register's."

Alice smiled a little, nodding.


Day Four

Morning - Andrews Construction - Fred's Trailer

Hermione had come to talk to Fred again. "Just listen. So many families have been hurt by the Lodges. Now, I don't want yours to be another one. I've decided to sell to Clifford, before it gets any worse."

Fred shook his head. "No, you're not. I'm going to stay with the project."

Hermione smiled in relief. "That's great. Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Fred told her. "I'm not doing it for you. See, from now on, everything we do around here is going to be legal. A hundred perfect above board."

"Agreed," Hermione told him. "Of course."

"Also, my stake is 20%," Fred added. "If I'm gonna put myself on the line, then I need some skin in the game."

Hermione hesitated. "That's a really big share."

"I'm sick of you people using me and my family as pawns," Fred told her.

"Sure," Hermione told him. "Anything else?"

"Yes," Fred answered. "You and me, whatever was going on there is over. Now, we're just business partners." Hermione looked a little hurt. "That's it."

Hermione nodded, walking away. "Right."


Riverdale High School - Classroom

Veronica walked into class, seeing Ethel sitting at her desk. "Ethel, Bash and I meant what we said. I'm sorry, Ethel, for everything our family did to yours."

Ethel nodded in understanding. "It's not your fault what your Dad did. It's not Bash's fault, either. And you were there for me when no one else was. More than once." She nodded to the seat next to her. "Seat's not taken, if you want it."

Veronica smiled, sitting down.

Valentina: (voice over) "It seemed that, for Veronica and Sebastian Lodge, the sins of the rather would remain simply that."


Blue and Gold Office

Valentina, Jughead, KP and Archie were explaining to Jessica, Betty and Bash.

Valentina: (voice over) "While we returned from the brink with one more bit of news."

"At the banquet, KP and I heard Mr. and Mrs. Blossom talking," Archie told them.

KP looked at Bash. "It sounded like Clifford Blossom was responsible for sending your Dad to jail."

Jessica was in shock. "Oh, my God, Bash. If Clifford sent Hiram Lodge to jail, tore apart your family, then maybe Hiram was trying to do the same thing to him?"

Jughead wrote Hiram Lodge on a post it note. "Yeah, by going after what the Blossoms value most, their family, their legacy. That's a motive." He looked at Valentina. "More of a motive than a sketchy one we have for your parents."

"Are you just saying that because you hope that my parents aren't the killers so that Polly and I won't be risking getting hurt if we try to prove them guilty or innocent?" Valentina asked. "Because you want us to be safe?"

Jughead shrugged. "Maybe."

Jessica, Valentina and KP chuckled a little, though Valentina was still completely overwhelmed with everything going on with her family. Jughead put the post it on the board. Bash was nervous that they could be right, but Valentina was sure that the killer was closer to her own home.


Blossom Maple Farms - Outside

The trustees were getting into their cars to drive away while Clifford, Penelope and Cheryl were watching in the snow.

Valentina: (voice over) "Winter had come early to Riverdale. Brutal and unforgiving."

Penelope looked at Clifford. "Did it work? Are the vultures appeased?"

Clifford sighed. "We're not out of the woods yet."

They walked away.

Valentina: (voice over) "But it would be nothing compared to the storm that was gathering."


Night - Thornhill Mansion - Cheryl's Room

Cheryl was sitting on her bed, holding a copy of the group picture they had taken, using a red marker scribble out Valentina, Jughead, KP, Archie and Jessica's faces.

Valentina: (voice over) "A storm of chaos named Cheryl Blossom."

There was a knock on the door.

Cheryl looked up. "Yes?"

Polly peaked inside. "Good night, Cheryl."

Cheryl faked a smile. "Goodnight, Pollykins."

Polly closed the door. Cheryl glared at the door, using the red marker to scribble out Polly's face as well as Valentina, Jughead, KP, Archie and Jessica's.

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